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Annie Build Guide by WeedTray

Support [11.18] Tank Annie Support

Support [11.18] Tank Annie Support

Updated on September 6, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WeedTray Build Guide By WeedTray 13 4 57,846 Views 0 Comments
13 4 57,846 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WeedTray Annie Build Guide By WeedTray Updated on September 6, 2021
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Runes: Poke/CC Heavy Enemies

1 2 3
Font of Life

Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3
Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Barrier


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[11.18] Tank Annie Support

By WeedTray
Hello! I am WeedTray, and this is my guide for Tank Annie!

Annie is a very simple champion. She consists of a point and click Q Disintegrate, an A.O.E. W Incinerate, a shield and movement speed buff for her E Molten Shield, and her ultimate is Summon: Tibbers!

The point of building Annie as a tank is to be a flexible pick whenever your team doesn't have any other tanks. This may not be your style of play, as it requires you to make risky plays with your low base stats. Communication with your team, and most importantly, your ADC, is key with this build.
[*] Hard CC every four stacks
[*] Controllable ultimate
[*] Decent Shield

[*] Low Damage Output
[*] Weak if behind
[*] Squishy early on

Early Game

I prefer to be very aggressive with my auto attacks. The more the merrier. Whittle away at your enemies with your really long basic attack range. Make sure to use your E Molten Shield to stack your passive as much as possible. Make sure to stun whichever enemy you can, but don't forget to stun with Pyromania if you need to escape a bad situation.

Mid Game

Now that you reached 15-20 minutes, your vision score should be at least 20, if not higher. You will always want to be next to someone strong, whether it be your ADC, jungler, mid laner, or top laner. Participate in every teamfight. Be the engage. Your teammates won't know when a good time to fight is unless their tank is tanking damage for them. The best way to engage a teamfight is with Pyromania, best paired with Summon: Tibbers.

Late Game

Congratulations! You made it to the late game. Hopefully, you are winning. Hiding in bushes with proper vision control can lead your team to victory from here. Play for Baron, have (hopefully) Mountain Soul or Infernal soul.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WeedTray
WeedTray Annie Guide
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[11.18] Tank Annie Support

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