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Ornn Build Guide by Heansuh

Top [11.19] TOP ORNN w FAERIE CHARM?!?

Top [11.19] TOP ORNN w FAERIE CHARM?!?

Updated on September 30, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heansuh Build Guide By Heansuh 8 0 8,866 Views 4 Comments
8 0 8,866 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Heansuh Ornn Build Guide By Heansuh Updated on September 30, 2021
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Runes: Runes

1 2 3 4 5
Grasp of the Undying

Presence of Mind
Legend: Tenacity

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide


By Heansuh
Is Ornn back in meta again?


I managed to climb to Diamond in EUW with Ornn, and it's been really satisfying to see how my last season champion is still working in current season as well.

I'm now Platinum LOL

Ornn has always been that tank champion that wins almost all of the tank champions with his Brittle state; however, Ornn had a few nerfs last season, like + 1 level upgrade, increased mana on W, and its damage. It's not as OP as last time, but it can still be wonderfully used, if you can play him properly.
Faerie Charm?


1. Why do you build Faerie Charm on Ornn?

Remember: Ornn can build items outside base, which is a unique passive skill that only Ornn can perform in League of Legends. You should be able to manipulate this in order to play him properly.

2. How do you play this Faerie Charm Ornn?

    UPDATED PROCEDURE (11.19 Patch)
    1. Buy Doran Shield and 1 Health Potion.
    2. Build Faerie Charm in lane.
NOTE: DO NOT upgrade to Forbidden Idol.
It's forbidden for Ornn, because it Ornn has no heal (only minimal amount from Grasp of the Undying). Mana regeneration rate remains the same, so there's no reason to upgrade it.

3. Why are you playing Ornn this way?

Problem with Ornn was that, his early laning phase is hard due to his mana consumption. I wanted to find a way to counteract to this by purchasing Sapphire Crystal at Level 1 and upgrading it to Glcial Buckler for Frozen Heart or Zeke's Convergence, without the intervention of runes, like Manaflow Band, as Biscuits are too good for Ornn.

However, this item build path had issues:
- You're not regenerating Mana, so you'll run out of it later.
- Frozen Heart or Zeke's Convergence are situational items, and they're not that good on Ornn.
- Glacial Buckler takes 900G, and that's expensive!

In the end, I decided not to take this route, and while playing Ornn with mana running out, I was watching this previous season KR Challenger Maokai OTP, building Faerie Charm as first item.

Then, I got inspired and tried building it TODAY as my first item, and realised this is a super HOT item for Ornn, since Ornn can build items outside!

You can also upgrade it to a support item as they suit really well in current meta, because tanks in this season are not as OP as last season.

Therefore, building cheap support items for your ADC are really considerable (and that's how you should play Ornn too, not just a mere tank). Redemption or Mikael's Blessing are good support items, and they can be upgraded from Faerie Charm.

Both items give 100% base mana regeneration, which are exceptionally suitable for Ornn! They're also only 2500G, and this really is something.

4. Mikael or Redemption?

Personally, I find Redemption better, although it doesn't give any good for Ornn, other than 200 Health. This isn't an attractive element, but the fact that you can heal allies and deal damage to enemies is something. It's really powerful during teamfight!

Mikael's Blessing gives 50 Magic Resist, and this is useful for Ornn's passive and extra damage for E. 50 Magic Resist might sound small, but even Abyssal Mask/Force of the Nature/Gargoyle Stoneplate only give 60 Magic Resist each. Together with Ornn's passive that increases Armor/Magic Resist and Conditioning rune, this item is really good to go.

Use it on your ADC when he/she is somehow out of position! You can also use it on yourself like QSS, but remember that it is like Cleanse spell, so it won't remove CCs like Suppress.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heansuh
Heansuh Ornn Guide
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