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Soraka Build Guide by Pixel Pocket

Support [11.3] Pixel Pocket's Guide to Soraka

Support [11.3] Pixel Pocket's Guide to Soraka

Updated on February 18, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pixel Pocket Build Guide By Pixel Pocket 27 2 93,953 Views 2 Comments
27 2 93,953 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Pixel Pocket Soraka Build Guide By Pixel Pocket Updated on February 18, 2021
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2
Summon Aery
Manaflow Band
Gathering Storm

Bone Plating

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


I am updating this guide, and all my others, as soon as Mobafire allows. Some icons and items are not yet available. I'm sorry if this makes it feel incomplete and I'll be working as quickly as I can to make sure it's up to scratch for you guys!

1. Video
And in-depth video guide to Soraka covering everything here and more! Check it out on youtube.
2. Soraka!
Who is Soraka?
What can she do?
Why should I play her?
3. Runes
A in-depth look at rune choices to help you decide what to play, when to play it and how to use it best
4. Builds
A look at your build choices, why each item works and how you can itemise according to matchup and gamestate
5. Tips and Tricks
Some helpful little tips and tricks that will get you well on your way to mastering Soraka Support!
6. Thanks
A big thank you!
To everyone who visits my stream and watches or reads my guides!
This guide comes with an In-Depth video!
In it we go over some of the more abstract concepts that are harder to convey over text to really help you master Soraka and I suggest giving it a watch!
Currently, the BUILDS section of the video is out-dated due to item changes, but the rest is still current.
It will be updated ASAP so consider subscribing if you want to catch that!

Hi guys! My name's Pocket and I'm a League of Legends guide creator. I make video guides on YouTube as well as doing VOD reviews with an assortment of high ELO co-hosts on Twitch, and sometimes I even get chance to play the game myself. If you want to check out my YouTube, Twitch or come hang out in Discord click the links below!

P - Salvation
Soraka's Passive grants her 70% bonus movement speed when moving toward allied champions with less than 40% of their maximum health. It also grants an arrow indicator at Soraka's feet showing the direction in which these champions are.
Champions must be within 2500 range for Salvation to activate.

Q - Starcall
Soraka calls a star down on a target location that takes 0.25-1second to land (based on it's range from you). If it hit's an enemy it deals magic damage and grants Soraka Rejuvenation for 2.5 seconds. Rejuvenation heals Soraka over time and grants her bonus movement speed that decays over this time.

W - Astral Infusion
Soraka heals a target ally at the cost of 10% of her maximum health (as well as a typical mana cost). This means she cannot cast Astral Infusion on herself! If Soraka heals and ally while she is under the effects of Rejuvenation from Starcall, she will also grant Rejuvenation to her allies, healing them and speeding them up for 2.5seconds (regardless of how long your own Rejuvenation has left)

E - Equinox
Soraka creates a circular zone on the ground, dealing magic damage to enemies.
Enemies only take damage if they are hit by the creation of the zone. However all enemies in the zone, regardless of if and when they were damaged, are silenced, until the leave the zone or it times out.

If an enemy is in the zone when it times out, the zone detonates, dealing the same magic damage as upon creation and rooting all enemies inside it for 1-2 seconds based on ability level.

R - Wish
Soraka instantly heals all allied champions (including herself!). The healing from Wish is increased by 50% on targets with less than 40% of their maximum health.


Sorcery is a fantastic tree for Soraka and Summon Aery is a fantastic keystone. It offers you better in-lane poke with both abilities and auto-attacks and it also grants your a shield to allies that you heal (this can only be granted to one ally at a time!). It also gives you access to some fantastic runes in the Sorcery tree, as we will see.
Manaflow Band is a great rune on Soraka. Your consistent Q usage for sustain and poke will stack it very easily and it is very helpful into the midgame when fully stacked. As a support you will almost certainly max your cooldown reduction very early on, as we shall see in the builds section so the extra maximum mana and mana regen that this rune offers are put to great use!
A must have on Soraka right now for me. It gives you a nice, and consistent, ability spike and also has a passive (at level 11 onwards) that gives great basic ability cooldown reduction on takedowns, helping you use your Q and E more in teamfights later on! While Absolute Focus can be viable, especially in lanes that scale well, where you must get ahead early, I personally feel transcendence is very strong due to how much Soraka loves ability haste!
In this line you can choose between Gathering Storm and Scorch. My typical choice is Gathering Storm, only picking Scorch when I absolutely must win laning phase, such as into Taric who hyperscales. Do not pick Scorch in to lanes that you don't think you can trade well with, such as Zyra, as you simply won't proc it often enough during lane!


For our secondaries we will always choose the Resolve tree. This is to access Revitalize, which is a must have on Soraka. Firstly, you do a lot of healing (via your W - Astral Infusion and self-healing via your Q - Starcall, so it is very useful for both of these runes. Secondly though, it has a specific synergy with your R - Wish. Wish does 50% more healing to allied champions that are below 40% HP. Revitalize's effect (5% bonus healing and shielding) is doubled to 10% bonus healing on champions below 40% HP. Therefore playing around your Ult on low HP champs is even more effective! Lastly, a minor benefit, it works on the Summon Aery shield from your keystone, for bigger Aery shields too!

Our second rune in this tree will be either Second Wind or Bone Plating.
Choosing between these two is easy, if the enemy has lots of poke then Second Wind is better, if the enemy has hard engage then Bone Plating is better.
If the enemy has neither than usually you will pick Bone Plating. On the rare occasions the enemy is full AP, you can choose Conditioning, but this is not common.

Finally we will take double Adaptive Force and a defensive resist to suit the matchup. Do not take the scaling HP rune as supports need to be more valuable in lane than other roles and also the health cost on your W is Percentage Max Health, not a flat health cost, so it doesn't help with that either!

Moonstone Renewer

Imperial Mandate
The true enchanter item, this item offers healing and ability haste. It scales well into the late-game, with it's super low 2s cooldown and the fact that it auto-targets the lowest HP ally to heal, it becomes a monster in teamfights (while being very easy to use!) The lane dominant item, this damage mythic offers a damage-based passive and grants ability power with it's mythic passive. It doesn't scale as well into the late game, especially if you are teamfighting a lot, but it's great in lane with your easy to hit Q slow. Soraka also has great AP scaling, so the extra AP from the mythic passive really helps and keeps this item relevant as you build legendaries!

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Also known as Cooldown Boots, these are the core boot choice on Soraka and the boots I will take in almost every game! They are the cheapest boots on offer at just 900 gold and give you a great early game ability haste spike to help with poking and sustain in lane!

Plated Steelcaps
The first and most common defensive choice. Personally I only build these into full AD comps but I always build these into full AD comps. Even when ahead these are just a fantastic build when the enemy are all physical damage auto-attackers and bringing your own damage and healing down a little to absolutely nuke their kill potential on you is an awesome trade, so don't be afraid of this even when you're ahead!

Mercury's Treads
Honestly, I find myself building these very rarely in this meta. While they do give you the only buyable tenacity for a ranged champion, full or even heavy AP comps are becoming more and more rare. For that reason I find little use for them and often Ionian Boots of Lucidity are the better pick. That said if they do have a double AP botlane, then just like with Tabis, pick yourself up some Merc Treads!

Core Items

Vigilant Wardstone
Vigilant Wardstone is the key item for supports. It is upgraded easily due to your warding support item and the passive ability to not only hold 3 control wards, but to place an extra control AND stealth ward is huge. Vision control should not be underestimated, especially by newer players, and this allows you to really take advantage of vision and map control. Build this every game!

Ardent Censer
Another very good item, offering AP, mana regen, movement speed and 10% increased heals and shields! The bread and butter of this item however, is it's passive that buffs you and your ally! Both of you gain attack speed for 6 seconds after you heal them, and it gives on-hit damage too! Usually I build this second or third item, after our mythic item and potentially after Redemption which is our next core item. However, in games where I have an auto-reliant hyper carry such as Vayne, Twitch or Kog'Maw, I will build Ardent Censer right away. While a mythic item may be a bigger powerspike for you, Ardent Censer is a huge power spike for these ADCs due to the increased attack speed and is worth getting fast!

It offers ability haste, health, and mana regen. It also offers 20% increased heal and shield power!

Situational Items

Mikael's Blessing
Mikael's Blessing is a great defensive item for enchanters, offering heal and shield power, mana regen, ability haste and 50 magic resist! It also has a powerful active that allows you to cleanse CC from yourself or an ally. Note that Mikael's cannot cleanse Airborne, Grounded, Blinded, Disarmed, Nearsighted or Suppressed champions! This makes it situational, for when the enemy have certain key CC abilities that you wish to cleanse from your carry! Into the right teams this is a very powerful item.

Staff of Flowing Water
The AP Ardent! Staff of Flowing Water is a new item, but it fits an almost identical role to Ardent, except it focuses on buffing AP spellcasters! Whenever you heal an ally it grants both you and them bonus AP and movement speed for 3 seconds. Fantastic if you have an APC on botlane, which is becoming more common, or even if you just have fed APCs in other lanes.

Chemtech Putrifier (Or Oblivion Orb!)
Hopefully, you won't need to build this item on Soraka. It's a last ditch attempt to counter enemy teams with oppressive sustain and when your team is being stubborn. You can build Oblivion Orb instead and hold it in your inventory as your hard-to-hit, unreliable hard CC you will be unable to proc the buffed 60% anti-heals of the full item. Oblivion orb is just 800 gold but losing an inventory slot for it is not ideal, so try to ping your allies and ask them to build anti-heals first!

Use your Ult to swing fights in other lanes!
It's important to realise you're Ult - Wish - is global, instant and applies to all allies!
Make sure to keep an eye on fights in other lanes, especially if you can save 2 or more of your team, it may be worth using your Ult despite not being in danger yourself!

Using your Q for vision
Your Q - Starcall - grants vision of the area you target. This can be helpful for seeing over walls, brushes or into objective pits! Make sure you keep this in mind when using it.

Do not use Redemption to try and steal objectives! Redemption does NOT damage Baron or Drake. It can be useful to use it for vision if your team is able to steal the objective, or to try and kill low HP enemies that are doing an objective, but if they are all healthy and the team cannot steal themselves, don't waste your Redemption, as it cannot steal any objectives!
Thanks for reading!
I really hope this has been helpful to you and if you've got any questions come hop into my twitch stream or my discord server and I'm sure I can help you out!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Pixel Pocket
Pixel Pocket Soraka Guide
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[11.3] Pixel Pocket's Guide to Soraka

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