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+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Threats & Synergies
Poppy is one of the most annoying matchups, although it's melee which should be good for Nidalee. The reason why is, is because she his kit allows to stop our burst damage and is able to trade better in the end. An option is to play it slow, play mirror against him. If he starts red you start red. If he ganks bot you gank top or counterjungle top.
Talon is really good with a Nidalee. Nidalee´s should try to play aggressive early on and since talon often have prio in lane he can moves first.
Talon is really good with a Nidalee. Nidalee´s should try to play aggressive early on and since talon often have prio in lane he can moves first.
Champion Build Guide
I hope to hit next season a little higher than Grandmaster but we'll see. Aside from League, Itwitch.
For Nidalee you will need Smite The blue one,for sure, it gives this extra burst damage what will allow you to execute enemy jungler with Q - R - W - E - Q on lvl 3.
Flash will be needed to have an escape or some outplay potential if needed, there's gonna be moments someone will be really low and you'll have to Flash Q after them to secure the kill. It is also a great engage with your ultimate to surprise the enemy.
Electrocute/Dark Harvest buildBoth runes are really good with nidalee. Dark Harvest has a bigger impact into the lategame because the rune proc with Nidalees spear/Q. Electrocute is better for you if you are new to the champion. The better you get with nidalee youu will see why Dark Harvest is stronger. |
Night harvester This is the mythical item you should go on Nidalee both for Electrocute, Conqueror and Dark Harvest. |
Void Staff Void Staff is a really important item on Nidalee, as an assasin you want to 1 shot the enemies. This item really help you out with that. I like to buy it even though the enemies have no magic restisance. |
Zhonya's hourglass Zhonya's Hourglass will be used as our defensive item.It can also be a second item rush. Instead of the Void Staff, it could also give you a way out of a fight. I love when you engage as Nidalee and you jump into 5 people by yourself and you 1 shot on of thier carrys, then you press zhonyas and your team follows up. |
Lich bane Lich Bane is perfect for when you wanna focus on all 3 lanes while focusing on farming. The movement works very well with Nidalee and it alwos you to rotate fast around the map which then allow you to put more preassure onto the enemies. |
Rabadon's deathcap Rabadon's Deathcap The last item we go is to really one shot people.It will let you take on fights against stronger champions since the heal is insane. The best thing about is that the spear/Q does too much damage. |
- Shes a hypercarry if you manage to get a lead with her.
- Adaptability to play from behind when all lanes are losing.
Nidalee is kinda hard to play, but once you start to get a hang of her she is on of the easiest champions to climd the elo ladder with. You only need 2-3 items on her to completly oneshotting enemies from 100 to 0 in 1 second.
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