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This champion was designed to piss players off, his extreme poke and mobility (if he has phase rush) is insanely bullshit. Try to fight him early levels, after 9 you basically can't stay in the lane.
Zed is a tough match-up for Graves since he is much more mobile and hard to keep up with, and does stupid amounts of damage. Take defensive runes and probably exhaust.
Fizz is super annoying and especially against Graves. If you try to W or Q him, he just E's and E's again next to you to take away a third of your health and instantly proc his Electrocute with an auto + auto reset on W, take exhaust and defensive runes.
Twisted Fate
Payback time, Fate.
The Saltwater scourge himself isn't that bad of a match-up for Graves, just try to dodge his barrels (or disarm them by shooting at them when the second tick is about to end, you can see this by the white circle going around it), then try to shoot him down. Once he gets sheen though that's a whole different story, if he hits a barrel on you with Sheen your best bet is to W him and try to run away.
Talon can just jump you and instantly take all of your health away just with W Q auto, how stupid is that? Take defensive runes and exhaust.
Aurelion Sol
Just run him down the second he does anything really.
Graves destroys Yasuo, his only way to protect himself from you is his windwall which he gets on level 3, so the smartest thing to do is to just fight him pre-3 since he's basically free at that moment, then try to bait out his windwall after 3 to continue bullying him, late game you still win.
Yone is similiar to Yasuo but a little harder of a match-up, he has no windwall though so levels pre-6 he's freelo.
Katarina is a MANAGABLE match-up, not very easy though. You have to play smart and try to stay away from her daggers and poke her early, since that's probably her weakest phase. After a few items you HAVE TO have Shieldbow, or she just one shots you immediately and you can't do anything.
Malphite straight up counters Graves, if you go Kraken, he one shots you, if you build Shieldbow, you don't do damage to him, and if you build Galeforce you don't heal OR do damage to him, so really your best bet is to just either beg for swap or dodge the game vs this guy.
Early game you can get easily fed off of him, in late he becomes a monster but if you play it smart and have Shieldbow, it's still a fair fight.
Why are you not banning Vladimir though?
Sylas is another tumorous champion for mid lane, he outdamages, outsustains, outdashes you and can steal your ultimate, so he will take your only real dash and use it against you lol, probably dodge the game.
You beat Galio early, since he's strong only against AP champions. Late game he becomes a bit more tanky and does quite a lot of damage but he's still very killable.
Malzahar is unfun to play against, he summons his void things, you just run or you're dead. The only thing you can really do against a Malzahar is either hard push the wave and roam or just freeze for your jungler to come and gank, get rid of his shield first though.
She's weak early now so you can try and fight her, but after 6 you'll be screaming out loud: "Why the fuck is this even legal".
Just Syndra things.
Twisted Fate
Partners in crime.
Miss Fortune
She can ult when you W multiple people in a tight alley.
Nautilus is gonna knock 'em up, and drag them dooooown...
Barrel bros?
Tahm Kench
He is useful, he can stun lock an enemy and slow them as well.
If he hits maximum range ult then it's quite POG.
Pyke has actually much more utility than one would think, if he hits a hook on someone important and then stuns them they're an easy pick.
Twisted Fate
Partners in crime.
Miss Fortune
She can ult when you W multiple people in a tight alley.
Nautilus is gonna knock 'em up, and drag them dooooown...
Barrel bros?
Tahm Kench
He is useful, he can stun lock an enemy and slow them as well.
If he hits maximum range ult then it's quite POG.
Pyke has actually much more utility than one would think, if he hits a hook on someone important and then stuns them they're an easy pick.
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