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Gwen Build Guide by MutsukiS2

Top 「11.9」◈ PONPONPON GweN🐇

Top 「11.9」◈ PONPONPON GweN🐇

Updated on June 15, 2021
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MutsukiS2 Build Guide By MutsukiS2 11 1 30,206 Views 4 Comments
11 1 30,206 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MutsukiS2 Gwen Build Guide By MutsukiS2 Updated on June 15, 2021
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  • LoL Champion: Gwen
  • LoL Champion: Gwen
  • LoL Champion: Gwen


1 2 3
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

「11.9」◈ PONPONPON GweN🐇

By MutsukiS2

Hi Everyone!

My name is "Usagi"🐇, but you can call me kiyio, I was master during se***on 6 in league of legends, currently play on the BR server, but also play in NA / EU, came to show through this guide what I learned and what I can spread to you about the new champion Gwen.


Since Gwen’s kit is relatively flexible and can be taken into either
the jungle or a solo lane, there are a few keystone runes that you can
consider selecting. Press the Attack is the most ubiquitous of the runes
since it allows for a strong dueling presence and gives any allies
around you a damage boost on your focused target. If you’re laning,
Conqueror is the most synergistic keystone due to the constant
trading you’ll be doing with Gwen’s Q Snip Snip! and E Skip 'n Slash.

If you’re going into the jungle, then you’ll probably want
to pick either Dark Harvest or Electrocute to boost your
damage for any ganks you perform.


If you’re laning with Gwen, understanding the power
points of your opposing laner is a key to success.
Your main goal is to trade when you have maximum
stacks for your Q Snip Snip! since that’s a notable damage spike.
If your opponent tries to run from you when you have a
health advantage, you can match their escape with your
E and perform more auto attacks while they flee.

When laning against a ranged opponent, understanding
which abilities are most dangerous to you will aid you
immensely in lane thanks to your W Hallowed Mist. If you can react to
your opponent’s skills and make your Hallowed Mist render
their ranged attacks useless, you can threaten your opponent
with a long trade.

If you take Gwen into the jungle, know when you can clear multiple
camps at once due to your Q Snip Snip!’s AoE ability. This is risky
if the enemy jungler invades you while you perform a double
camp clear at the same time. To avoid this, good vision control
will allow you to optimize your clear. In addition, you should
practice kiting between your auto attacks since forcing
the jungle monsters to move between their basic attacks
will have them deal less damage, giving you extra effective health.



The doll would be called Gwen, a very noble name in the opinion of the young creator. Sewn with love, her dress would match the elaborate designs of Camavoran warships in the port. Everything about her would have been created by a girl who dreamed of, one day, getting to know the castle.


Once the laning phase ends, how you adapt your game plan will depend on the items and runes you built. If you’re ahead, you can either keep bullying your opponent and prevent them from having an impact on the game or roam around the map and spread your influence to help your teammates accrue advantages.

If you’re building like a duelist, then constantly splitting and drawing attention on opposite sides of the map will benefit your team. A major weakness to this playstyle is that you must be aware of what objectives will be on the map soon. If you fail to position correctly on the map, you risk losing important objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald.

When the late game arrives and if you were a laner, you need to figure out if you bring more value to your team by being in teamfights or by constantly splitpushing and drawing attention from the enemy team. When you’re in a teamfight, proper use of your W will be imperative since you’re not as bulky as other duelists are usually without the Hallowed Mist. If you’re the jungler, you should always look toward keeping vision and being on the side of the map where important objectives like Dragon and Baron are.


Gwen's basic attacks deal bonus on-hit magic damage based on a percentage of her enemies' maximum health. Basic attacks against champions will heal her for some of the damage dealt.


Snip Snip! is a short-range skill shot that deals damage in an immediate area in front of you, dealing true damage in the center. It’s your main tool for dueling. To get the most efficiency out of it, you should aim to perform four auto attacks before activating it. This is due to the fact that you perform extra cuts for each auto attack you make before Snip Snip’s activation. Aside from the true damage dealt in the center of your Q’s hitbox, you’ll also activate Thousand Cut’s damage passive, dealing bonus damage.

Since Gwen’s Q has a cast time, you can flash during the small window, as shown in the clips below, to surprise your opponent with a quick burst from a moderate range. Since the cast time is incredibly quick, this is more advisable to perform when you have six cuts primed to activate.


Gwen’s W is similar Xin Zhao’s R and Poppy’s old ultimate. Gwen creates a quick zone around her for five seconds, gaining bonus resistances while she’s in it. Enemies outside of the area can’t target or harm her with any abilities. If Gwen tries to leave the area, the mist will follow you one time. But trying to leave a second time will make it dissipate prematurely.

Due to the pseudo-invincibility this ability provides, you can use it like a parry against ranged attacks in a pinch to avoid devastating burst or crowd control. While the zone seems useless against melee opponents, you can use it during skirmishes to gain bonus armor and magic resistance when the battle gets going to get extra stats and keep the fight in your favor.


Gwen’s E has her dash a short distance and empowers your basic attacks with increased range, speed, and on-hit magic damage for four seconds. If you can perform a basic attack against an enemy during Skip ‘n Slash’s bonus, then you refund 50 percent of the ability’s cooldown.

While you can use Skip ‘n Slash defensively to run away, Gwen’s E rewards you for aggression since halving the cooldown allows you to keep tempo in any matchup. If you’re in an extended escape scenario where you’re running a long distance, try performing an auto attack during Skip ‘n Slash’s duration. This allows for a potential second dash that can be used to go over thin walls.


Gwen’s R is similar to Irelia’s old ultimate in that it’s a long-range skill shot with many ammo uses that deal notable damage. While Gwen can activate her Needlework up to three times, she needs to hit an enemy] within eight seconds to perform each subsequent cast afterward. Aside from dealing damage,[[Needlework applies a slow and activates her Thousand Cuts passive.

In addition, every cast of Gwen’s R Needlework fires a different amount each time. The first cast will fire one needle, the second fires three, and the final cast will shoot five. This means to gain the most optimal use out of your ultimate, you need to remain in combat.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MutsukiS2
MutsukiS2 Gwen Guide
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「11.9」◈ PONPONPON GweN🐇

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