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Runes: Lane Domination (My favorite)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Skaarl the Cowardly Lizard (PASSIVE)
Kled Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
Introduction to Kled

You can find some of these perks in this video:
Strengths and Weaknesses
PROS+ Good Early & Mid Game+ High Mobility+ Roaming Ultimate+ Good at 1v1s |
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CONS- Weak Late Game- Hard to recover if behind- Bad Wave Clear- Hard to master |
Early Game

Usually you would want to not all in from the first Q landed, you should poke a bit first, get them to around 70% health and then look for an all in with ignite, landing your Q and all the W auto attacks +

Mid Game

When choosing the lane to roam to you can simply just look at the wave state in Mid or Bot, for roaming Mid you can just walk down the river and use your Ultimate to run the enemy mid down but for roaming bot you will have to be more patient, if you see the enemy bot slow pushing the wave or you predict that your bot will get ganked, you first shove your wave, reset and walk down their lane to then ult when you are in range.
Late Game
Playing late game as
Kled is all about pushing side lanes, denying vision and teamfighting or creating a player advantage for your team, forcing the enemy top/mid to take the side lane wave and while you can stay with your team and secure objectives.
Based on how strong you and your team mates are you should chose between engaging with your ultimate or protecting your carry from enemy threats such as a fed assassin or figther.

Based on how strong you and your team mates are you should chose between engaging with your ultimate or protecting your carry from enemy threats such as a fed assassin or figther.
Playing teamfights is all about small micro decisions, when you are ahead you should be looking to always kill the enemy backline and after doing so try to stall as much as possible for your team or even kill other members of the enemy team, if you do not succeed in doing so you can still stall, wait your cooldowns and give it another shot to kill that backline.
If you know from the start of the fight that you won't be able to do so and maybe you are even a bit behind you should look not to engage with your ultimate ability but to save it to protect your own backline from assassins or fighters that will try to kill your carries.
If you know from the start of the fight that you won't be able to do so and maybe you are even a bit behind you should look not to engage with your ultimate ability but to save it to protect your own backline from assassins or fighters that will try to kill your carries.

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