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Sett Build Guide by SagesMelody

Top [12.21] Mathematically Correct Sett guide by growing Sett main SagesMelody

Top [12.21] Mathematically Correct Sett guide by growing Sett main SagesMelody

Updated on February 8, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SagesMelody Build Guide By SagesMelody 15 1 61,966 Views 0 Comments
15 1 61,966 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SagesMelody Sett Build Guide By SagesMelody Updated on February 8, 2023
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Runes: Standard Sett runes

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Last Stand

Second Wind

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

[12.21] Mathematically Correct Sett guide by growing Sett main SagesMelody

By SagesMelody
About the runes

For the runes it'll be your standard Conqueror runes with the secondary set as Resolve for the durability. Sett is a juggarnaut well classified as one, and Sett does really well building a mixture of AD and Tank items. And Sett can also go with assassin builds which I'll make a seperate guide for that later.

Sett is a fighter juggarnaut and you wanna always get into your enemies face and attack them. So conqueror is a great rune on Sett as you'll stack up pretty fast with his autos and abilities.

And for the other runes set.

Grasp with Domination as the secondary runes, I can explain that.

Instead of making Grasp with the Precision secondary runes, Grasp of the undying as well with the other resolve runes. It already makes Sett really tanky while reducing his overall damage output. But if you're playing as a tank with this build, your main source of damage would be coming from your W so it's important to make sure you're as tanky and has as much HP you can get from this build. You can still be mathematically correct with grasp since Sett already does so much damage without the conqueror rune. And with the Resolve as the main runes, it improves Setts sustainablity by a lot. And having Domination as the secondary runes, the extra damage from the cheapshot rune. Sett has 2 ways to immobilize the enemy. And the immobilizing effects are his E and R and you'll be using your E more than you would think. When playing Sett you wanna keep fighting and using your E to pull enemies towards you if they're running away or if you're doing a combo.

My preferred choice.
- My preferred choice in runes is conqueror instead of Grasp. Because with this build you want to do tons of damage while being really tanky. And with Setts abilities, stacking conqueror should stack up pretty quickly and conqueror would also give you the extra damage when your W is on cooldown. Before I used to always go Grasp but now I prefer conqueror since it's a good fit for Sett. Tank meta is a thing as I've seen a lot of Grasp users going heartsteel. I find that building heartsteel first isntead of Titanic would lower your chances of carrying your team as a top laner. And heartsteel gives no AD to help Sett with his kit and if you're going grasp with it. It'll only make you durable instead of being a fighter and doing damage while being a tank. So it's best to rush Titanic hydra first before buying heartsteel since titanic gives you pretty much all the stats you would need in Sett. Titanic gives you AD and HP as its passive will convert bonus HP into AD. It's a really good item on Sett and I believe that going Titanic first would grant you good power spike in terms of early game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SagesMelody
SagesMelody Sett Guide
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