I find the reworked Aatrox to be easier to fight than the old one. Pay attention when he uses his passive on minions and then try your best to dodge the outter part of his 2 Q's and the center of his 3rd Q. If he has his passive ready, he will do a Q > W > Q > AA > Q combo which at early levels should leave you at 25-30% hp max. (Your windwall can block his W)
Akali is a very annoying matchup. Before 6, she can play fairly safe, trade you with her Q into W and AA and then go back invisible and after level 6, she becomes close to impossible to kill unless you're ahead in the lane. Either try kill her before 6 or farm safe under tower and ask your jungler for a gank.
Camille can be either really hard or super easy. If you can predict his jump and avoid it, you can most likely win a trade on lane. Be careful not to be too far up on the lane if you suspect the enemy jungler to be close, because if she ults you, there's no escape. You can either build to try to survive her or outplay and kill her, so I suggest you do the second one and go Berserkers > Shieldbow > IE > DD > BT > Randuins. With that build, you should have time and HP to outplay and kill her!
Chogath is not really a hard lane unless you get hard camped. Try to avoid getting slowed by his autos with the spikes activated and trade often with him after he uses that ability. BORK > Rageblade is the way to go vs this one.
If you're facing Darius, rush Kraken Slayer and BORK and be careful with the trades you take. At the end of the day, it's still a Darius so one mistake can be fatal.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo is nothing too special for a matchup. Just try to avoid getting perma slowed by his Q and fight him a lot pre-6. After level 6, it gets rougher to kill him, but if you harass him enough and bait out his ult, he should be a free kill after that.
Fiora is a challenging matchup. There's a lot of outplay potential on both sides and it can make this matchup fun. Try to avoid getting hit by her Q on the weak spot and also do not use EQ for the knockup on her because she can either dash away or W to damage and stun you. Before going all in for the kill, always try to bait out her parry! Rush Tabis first item.
Gangplank is not that hard if you know how to dodge his barrels. Trade with him only if he uses his auto attack on a minion. Before going all in on him, try to make it look as if you want to ult him and once he uses his W, on the next engage, he's yours!
Start with doran's shield to avoid a lot of his early poke damage.
Garen is a tricky one, because he has a high base damage on his abilities so you have to avoid getting hit by his Q > E at all costs early game, unless he's around 50-60% HP, because then you can simply do your combos and AA him to death by the time his abilities come back. Make sure before you go in for a serious trade to bait out his W. It will make a huge difference in the trade!
Gnar is easy, but dont underestimate his power.
Get a vampiric scepter and then rush Shieldbow (or Kraken if there's another tank in the enemy team) and you'll pretty much dominate the matchup as long as you dont do bad trades with him.
BORK > Kraken Slayer rush vs Illaoi.
As per usual, she's very annoying to face, so avoid being hit by her E at all cost before going in for the trade.
Irelia could be a challenging matchup.
Early game, avoid trading with her AT ALL COST if she stacks up her passive.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan's Q poke on lane can be pretty annoying and his base dmg is also quite high. Be aware of the EQ engages onto you bc he will definitely outtrade you early. Shieldbow rush will probably be the best choice if his team has no other tanks.
Jax is not particularly easy. Your Q can stack a nado through his counter-strike *hashinshin intensifies* but it doesnt deal damage and you can still lose the trade if he times it correctly and stuns you before it actually procs. Play this lane really careful or you risk getting destroyed throught the entire game.
If you see him buy sheen as a first item, just wait for the minions to come under the tower , farm and wait for him to do a mistake. Shieldbow rush is probably the best choice here.
Annoying poke, long range harass, a lot of burst melee dmg + disengage abilty... Just rush tabis and try hitting as many nados as possible. If you go in for a trade, you will most likely lose it hard.
Shieldbow rush will help you survive his burst and kill him!
A Kennen that knows what he's doing will never let you get close to him and that makes the match up extremely annoying. You better grab fleet here and try to hit him with nados as often as possible followed up by short 1-2 sec. trades and go back behind your minion wave.
Since his overall base damage is just nuts, I would say rush shieldbow into IE and you'll have a chance to survive the burst dmg and lifesteal enough to kill him afterwards!
Relatively easy matchup. Poke a lot with your Q and avoid fighting him if he manages to hit you with his E because your Q cooldown goes up and your attack speed gets really low.
Rush Kraken Slayer against him and you will dominate him pretty much all game long.
This guy has quite a lot of self sustain and high base damage and in about 7-8 min, he can get pretty tanky. Kraken Slayer + BORK will leave Maokai no chance of survival.
Nasus is an easy lane, but if you wanna kill him, you have to zone him from stacking. Otherwise after the 15 min. mark, he could become a problem for you to deal with.
Another heavy tank with a lot of CC. Try to bait out his W shield and trade him after that. If you see that you're losing the trades, just farm safe and scale up.
Olaf is extremely powerful, so I suggest you grab a bramble vest first and then rush Shieldbow after. If you survive his ult, you should be able to kill him.
Ornn is tricky, but easy to play around. Avoid getting clapped after his W damage (try to avoid that damage too if possible) and be careful not to get knocked up by his Q > E combo. Rush BORK > Kraken Slayer and you'll dominate him entirely! You can also build Shieldbow > IE > Lord Dominiks if the enemy team doesnt have more than 2 tanks, because that makes Kraken a bit useless.
Very VERY annoying matchup. Shieldbow rush and good trades is the only way you'll have a chance of killing this guy! Play the laning phase very safe!
Poppy could be a pain in the ass, but you can shut her down quickly by getting BORK > Kraken Slayer. Just avoid standing near walls so that she cant burst you down. Shieldbow rush if the enemy team has no more tanks.
This is one of those matchups where you just sit back and farm and wait for your jungler to come. Doesnt matter what you rush, he'll probably outtrade and kill you anyway.
Riven has become a hilariously one sided matchup. You have to got to play it beyond perfect to survive her damage. Rush Berserkers and Shieldbow and pray she fucks up her "incredibly hard" combo so you can punish her.
Rumble is quite annoying, but easily beatable if you time your trades. You can go with either Fleet or Conqueror, it will work just fine.
When he's close to overheat, try to bait him to use 2-3 abilities and when he does overheat, you go hard on him for 3-4 sec. and completely out trade him! Berserkers > Shieldbow > BT > IE to be able to outsustain his damage and just whoop his ass easy!
Not much to say here. Avoid getting hit by his Q (don't trade with him if that happens) and if he misses a taunt, you can punish him hard for that. Go Kraken if there are more tanks on the enemy team. If not, just build Shieldbow.
Singed is very easy to deal with. You can beat him with both Shieldbow and Kraken Slayer, but I'd recommend Kraken if they have 1 more tank in their team.
Sion with comet is quite hard to deal with. If you get hit by the comet, try to reach his minions to dash around, otherwise he'll hit you with his Q knockup for sure.
BORK into Kraken Slayer = easy win.
Avoid taking too much damage early game. If you have to, let him push and only go for a short trade when you have windwall available.
Rush Berserkers > Shieldbow and dominate him for the rest of the game.
Trundle is a dangerous laner, but if you grab a brable vest early and then rush Kraken Slayer, you should be winning the trades with him. Just avoid trading with him if he uses his W even while you have the bramble vest.
Care for the level 1 spin onto you and RNG crit. Those can screw you up pretty bad. I've had no issues going BORK rush against him, but if you wanna be absolutely safe, go shieldbow first.
Urgot could be quite annoying to lane against and even if you're winning, make sure you dont get hit by his E or he will just burst you down very quickly!
Shieldbow rush if there arent any tanks, otherwise go for Kraken and careful trades should be your winning strategy here!
After the rework, Voli is quite hard to deal with especially if he's using PTA. Respect his engage and burst damage and only try to poke him with nados. You can sort of win the trades on lvl 1 and 2, but after lvl 3, you gotta play back if you dont wanna get oneshot!
If there are no other tanks, rush Shieldbow.
For some reason, you cant block his E with your windwall anymore and this makes the matchup really annoying.
If you want to rush Kraken Slayer, make sure you have some life steal as well before you go in for a long trade.
Sett is another one of those unwinnable match ups if the player knows what he's doing. If you want to trade with him, do it level 2 (if he didnt take W second). You wont really have another chance to do that, because it's simply impossible to outdamage him early game. Sit under tower and farm as much as possible and try to freeze the wave to be close to your tower always. After you get Shieldbow > IE > DD, perhaps you can outplay him, but it will still be really hard!
If you time your ult with Aatrox's second Q knock up, you can easily help him burst down a target, since his 3rd Q deals quite a lot of damage.
Having this guy as a support is always really good because the way he can engage on the enemy team is perfect for to go in and clean everyone up.
The only way Anivia can somehow help you proc your Ult is if she manages to push someone aside with her wall for a split second, but you have to react fast (similar to Trundle pillar).
Aurelion Sol
The knock back from his Ult is the only thing that can help you use yours. Aside from that, not much more to say about any synergy.
A good Azir will always push back at least 2-3 people with his Ult during a team fight and combined with your Ultimate and him bursting them down with his soldiers, I'd say it's a pretty strong combo.
Pull and knock up help you Ult. Not much more to say.
His Q and autos and help you stun a target and then using the knock up from his Ult to proc yours is a pretty powerful combo.
You can Ult off of her E small knock back and when she pushes back enemies while using her Ult. Make you point at the right target though, because sometimes it can teleport you to the one you least want to Ult!
If he uses his package in the middle of the enemy team, you might be able to get 2 or 3 man Ult because of the small knockback.
Only her E can help you Ult, but you have less than half a second to do it.
Dr. Mundo
Ult can be done from the knock back from his E.
A good Fizz Ult combined with yours in the middle of a teamfight can obliterate the enemy team in a few seconds.
His E and R knock ups are more than perfect for an engage and combined with your Ult, that's a deadly combo!
Mega Gnar Ult + yours (especially if he manages to stun a few people against a wall) wins you the team fight automatically.
Very strong engage with a couple of knock backs (E and R) that can help you Ult easily more than 2 people in a team fight.
The overall combo of his E knock back into your Ult into his Ult is pretty strong.
You can ult from the knock up for Daisy's 3rd auto on a champion but the overall synergy is not that great.
Q knock up and R knock back can be useful for your Ult. Especially her Q, because the knock up time is a bit longer than the one from your nados.
Jarvan IV
His EQ combo is a very good way to engage and helo you ult, but sometimes it could be hard to hit and it's not 100% reliable.
Only his E knock back in melee form helps you Ult. Nothing too special otherwise.
Her ult is a perfect way to engage in team fights, especially if she is binded with a tank to throw in.
Rhaast form of Kayn is really good for Yasuo. If you miss to ult on one knock up, you will probably get a second chance in 4-5 sec. again.
At the of his Q, there is a small pull back that you can use to proc your Ult. Also when he charges with his Ult, you can use that as well, but in either case, you only get to Ult 1 target.
Lee Sin
Lee sin R into Yasuo R is one of the most powerful burst combos in the game. The damage from both Ults is super high!
Leona doesnt have any knock ups or knock backs, but she can easily hold someone in one place long enough for you to do your entire combo uninterrupted.
More or less the same as Leona, but dealing more dmg in the process of CC-ing someone.
Speed, shield and knock up from her Ult if casted on top of a champion that is close to the enemy champions. She just provides some extra stats for you to do your job (hp, shield and movement speed + a slow from her ult)
The Malphite / Yasuo combination in a team is one of the strongest synergies in the game!
Only the knock back from his Q is helpful for you to Ult. The rest of his kit is mostly to hold them steady for you.
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Her blackshield can be quite useful especially if the enemy team have a lot of ways to CC you down during your after you Ult someone.
Bubble + Ult + heals and movements speed? She synergises pretty well with Yasuo.
Naut is a CC machine. His R can knock up multiple people if they get in the way of his main target so sometimes you can choose to jump on someone else and not on the person he's Ult-ing.
Nunu & Willump
The knock up from the snowball is pretty good, but it can only knock up 1 target so it's not something spectacular.
Ori is another champion that you would love having in your team. A perfect Orianna Ult would mean that you can 2v5 and still end up winning the team fight.
That guy is another version of Nautilus. His Ult is really good to pick a precise target that you want to Ult.
Her push back and short Ult cast can provide opportunites for you to engage, but both abilities can only target 1 champion. (Not a 100% sure if she can only knock up 1 champion with the quick cast of her ult)
If you combine your Ult with his Q pull, You can help him execute that target within a couple of seconds.
E knock back but it's not recommended to engage with your Ult in team fights from that ability.
Rakan's engage is really good for a Yasuo to follow. And if something doesnt go too good, he can shield you a couple of times and help you escape.
Rammus' synergy is... OK.
Very strong engage with her knock up! Multiple targets can be Ulted from it and she deals quite a bit of dmg herself.
Riven and Yasuo might be fierce enemies but in the same team, they can do wonders! So much dmg output from both of them. You can use the knock up from her 3rd Q to Ult.
She has the kit to provide you with a kill for sure. It's good for a single target kill, but not the best synergy when it comes to team fights.
Her ult briefly knocks enemies back so you can use that split second to cast Ult and engage with her.
If you have a hard time getting past the front line to reach that juicy ADC and kill it, this guy can easily provide you with a FLING to do that.
Another great source of countless possible knock ups in a team fight. If you are targetting just 1 champion, you can easily kill him with your full combo.
Scarner is another case like Liss and Leona. He can stun targets long enough for you to do your thing.
His E is the only source you can use to Ult somebody. Unfortunately for you, he can only pull a single target for you to ult.
Syndra's knock back is quite a powerful tool for you to use to Ult. Both of you combining abilities can easily delete a single target.
Tahm Kench
For a split second before and after his Devour, you can cast Ult.
Her knock up is alright for you to engage on a single target, but care how you use that for teamfights.
He cant help you with your Ult, but can provide some good shields, heals and a stun for you to do the rest of the job.
You can choose to ult on a single target (in the moment that he hooks someone) or to wait for him to get in the middle of thier team and flay a couple or more champions for you to engage on.
If she manages to hit 1 enemy champion into the rest of his team, then you can potentially ult multiple targets, but that's highly unlikely to happen since most tristana players use their ult to either finish off a single target or to disengage and save themselfs from someone.
Pillar knock up or knock back can provide you with a chance to engage.
Twisted Fate
You can definitely help him execute a single target (much like Pyke) when you Ult after he uses his E, but in teamfights, he's not really gonna be of much use unless he knocks up the right target for you.
E knock back... nothing else.
If his E hits multiple champions, you can follow with Ult while he blasts them with his laser > ACE.
She's great for blowing a single champion to pieces and, much like Singed, she can engage on that 1 target that you need to kill but you cant reach on your own.
His empowered W provides a small knock up which you can use to engage, but rarely more than 1 champion gets trapped in it.
His Q engage is good, but in teamfights he can be CC-ed and not be able to help you at all.
This is the 3rd champion that is perfect for a team clean up (along with Malph and Ori).
Xin Zhao
He's great for a single target kill and also to push back multiple enemies with his ult in teamfights which you can follow up with your Ult.
Zac is a little bit like Malphite but his jump in is slower and can be avoided sometimes. Nevertheless, a good engage from him could mean an ACE for your team!
You can use his W to engage but most of the time, he would save it to either get a tower quicker or as an escape tool.
Get revived and a second chance at what you failed to do the first time.
Her Ult combine with yours can be MASSIVE in a teamfight, but very rarely, she will knock up more than 2 people.
Her Ult dmg combined with yours could be a MASSIVE BURST! The best thing is that it's an AoE knock back so she can potentially use it on an entire team and you can practically 2v5 them in a couple of sec.
If you time your ult with Aatrox's second Q knock up, you can easily help him burst down a target, since his 3rd Q deals quite a lot of damage.
Having this guy as a support is always really good because the way he can engage on the enemy team is perfect for to go in and clean everyone up.
The only way Anivia can somehow help you proc your Ult is if she manages to push someone aside with her wall for a split second, but you have to react fast (similar to Trundle pillar).
Aurelion Sol
The knock back from his Ult is the only thing that can help you use yours. Aside from that, not much more to say about any synergy.
A good Azir will always push back at least 2-3 people with his Ult during a team fight and combined with your Ultimate and him bursting them down with his soldiers, I'd say it's a pretty strong combo.
Pull and knock up help you Ult. Not much more to say.
His Q and autos and help you stun a target and then using the knock up from his Ult to proc yours is a pretty powerful combo.
You can Ult off of her E small knock back and when she pushes back enemies while using her Ult. Make you point at the right target though, because sometimes it can teleport you to the one you least want to Ult!
If he uses his package in the middle of the enemy team, you might be able to get 2 or 3 man Ult because of the small knockback.
Only her E can help you Ult, but you have less than half a second to do it.
Dr. Mundo
Ult can be done from the knock back from his E.
A good Fizz Ult combined with yours in the middle of a teamfight can obliterate the enemy team in a few seconds.
His E and R knock ups are more than perfect for an engage and combined with your Ult, that's a deadly combo!
Mega Gnar Ult + yours (especially if he manages to stun a few people against a wall) wins you the team fight automatically.
Very strong engage with a couple of knock backs (E and R) that can help you Ult easily more than 2 people in a team fight.
The overall combo of his E knock back into your Ult into his Ult is pretty strong.
You can ult from the knock up for Daisy's 3rd auto on a champion but the overall synergy is not that great.
Q knock up and R knock back can be useful for your Ult. Especially her Q, because the knock up time is a bit longer than the one from your nados.
Jarvan IV
His EQ combo is a very good way to engage and helo you ult, but sometimes it could be hard to hit and it's not 100% reliable.
Only his E knock back in melee form helps you Ult. Nothing too special otherwise.
Her ult is a perfect way to engage in team fights, especially if she is binded with a tank to throw in.
Rhaast form of Kayn is really good for Yasuo. If you miss to ult on one knock up, you will probably get a second chance in 4-5 sec. again.
At the of his Q, there is a small pull back that you can use to proc your Ult. Also when he charges with his Ult, you can use that as well, but in either case, you only get to Ult 1 target.
Lee Sin
Lee sin R into Yasuo R is one of the most powerful burst combos in the game. The damage from both Ults is super high!
Leona doesnt have any knock ups or knock backs, but she can easily hold someone in one place long enough for you to do your entire combo uninterrupted.
More or less the same as Leona, but dealing more dmg in the process of CC-ing someone.
Speed, shield and knock up from her Ult if casted on top of a champion that is close to the enemy champions. She just provides some extra stats for you to do your job (hp, shield and movement speed + a slow from her ult)
The Malphite / Yasuo combination in a team is one of the strongest synergies in the game!
Only the knock back from his Q is helpful for you to Ult. The rest of his kit is mostly to hold them steady for you.
Master Yi
Miss Fortune
Her blackshield can be quite useful especially if the enemy team have a lot of ways to CC you down during your after you Ult someone.
Bubble + Ult + heals and movements speed? She synergises pretty well with Yasuo.
Naut is a CC machine. His R can knock up multiple people if they get in the way of his main target so sometimes you can choose to jump on someone else and not on the person he's Ult-ing.
Nunu & Willump
The knock up from the snowball is pretty good, but it can only knock up 1 target so it's not something spectacular.
Ori is another champion that you would love having in your team. A perfect Orianna Ult would mean that you can 2v5 and still end up winning the team fight.
That guy is another version of Nautilus. His Ult is really good to pick a precise target that you want to Ult.
Her push back and short Ult cast can provide opportunites for you to engage, but both abilities can only target 1 champion. (Not a 100% sure if she can only knock up 1 champion with the quick cast of her ult)
If you combine your Ult with his Q pull, You can help him execute that target within a couple of seconds.
E knock back but it's not recommended to engage with your Ult in team fights from that ability.
Rakan's engage is really good for a Yasuo to follow. And if something doesnt go too good, he can shield you a couple of times and help you escape.
Rammus' synergy is... OK.
Very strong engage with her knock up! Multiple targets can be Ulted from it and she deals quite a bit of dmg herself.
Riven and Yasuo might be fierce enemies but in the same team, they can do wonders! So much dmg output from both of them. You can use the knock up from her 3rd Q to Ult.
She has the kit to provide you with a kill for sure. It's good for a single target kill, but not the best synergy when it comes to team fights.
Her ult briefly knocks enemies back so you can use that split second to cast Ult and engage with her.
If you have a hard time getting past the front line to reach that juicy ADC and kill it, this guy can easily provide you with a FLING to do that.
Another great source of countless possible knock ups in a team fight. If you are targetting just 1 champion, you can easily kill him with your full combo.
Scarner is another case like Liss and Leona. He can stun targets long enough for you to do your thing.
His E is the only source you can use to Ult somebody. Unfortunately for you, he can only pull a single target for you to ult.
Syndra's knock back is quite a powerful tool for you to use to Ult. Both of you combining abilities can easily delete a single target.
Tahm Kench
For a split second before and after his Devour, you can cast Ult.
Her knock up is alright for you to engage on a single target, but care how you use that for teamfights.
He cant help you with your Ult, but can provide some good shields, heals and a stun for you to do the rest of the job.
You can choose to ult on a single target (in the moment that he hooks someone) or to wait for him to get in the middle of thier team and flay a couple or more champions for you to engage on.
If she manages to hit 1 enemy champion into the rest of his team, then you can potentially ult multiple targets, but that's highly unlikely to happen since most tristana players use their ult to either finish off a single target or to disengage and save themselfs from someone.
Pillar knock up or knock back can provide you with a chance to engage.
Twisted Fate
You can definitely help him execute a single target (much like Pyke) when you Ult after he uses his E, but in teamfights, he's not really gonna be of much use unless he knocks up the right target for you.
E knock back... nothing else.
If his E hits multiple champions, you can follow with Ult while he blasts them with his laser > ACE.
She's great for blowing a single champion to pieces and, much like Singed, she can engage on that 1 target that you need to kill but you cant reach on your own.
His empowered W provides a small knock up which you can use to engage, but rarely more than 1 champion gets trapped in it.
His Q engage is good, but in teamfights he can be CC-ed and not be able to help you at all.
This is the 3rd champion that is perfect for a team clean up (along with Malph and Ori).
Xin Zhao
He's great for a single target kill and also to push back multiple enemies with his ult in teamfights which you can follow up with your Ult.
Zac is a little bit like Malphite but his jump in is slower and can be avoided sometimes. Nevertheless, a good engage from him could mean an ACE for your team!
You can use his W to engage but most of the time, he would save it to either get a tower quicker or as an escape tool.
Get revived and a second chance at what you failed to do the first time.
Her Ult combine with yours can be MASSIVE in a teamfight, but very rarely, she will knock up more than 2 people.
Her Ult dmg combined with yours could be a MASSIVE BURST! The best thing is that it's an AoE knock back so she can potentially use it on an entire team and you can practically 2v5 them in a couple of sec.
Ahri is quite an easy matchup. She doesnt necessarily need to hit her charm on you to do damage, so early game if she comes close, she's about to W > AA > Q you. Make sure to use your windwall wisely. After 6, make sure you dodge the charm and use the windwall entirely for her ult + W damage.
Aniva is quite hard to deal with becuase you will almost never get close to her if the player knows what he's doing with the champ. If she uses Q to farm, instantly go for a trade and you win it 100%. After 6, it could be quite hard to outdamage her if you happen to be in the middle of her ult.
Annie is usually a pain in the ass, but you have to be picky when fighting her. You can hard go in level 2 if she hasnt attacked you at all lvl 1. Then after lvl 6, you have to be really careful and ONLY FIGHT HER when she has 1 or 2 stacks max. and rush shieldbow!
Aurelion Sol
Not an easy matchup but not a hard one too. He will probably be pushing you hard all the time so every time he goes missing, warn your teammates because he moves really fast between lanes.
Now that his soldier's range is lower it's a bit easier to lane vs him. Only go in for a trade if he misses his Q on you or he uses it to farm. Your windwall can block his Ult damage and knockback if you time it correctly.
Try to free the wave under your turret and always go in for a trade when he comes close to farm. His only way of harassing you is by either hitting W on you or W the minions + E to spread his passive. If you get hit by his Q, he will most probably outdamage you, unless you have a minion wave coming to chase him down after his full combo.
It's a tricky match up, but no too hard.
This matchup will either be very easy or very hard. Avoid her Q's when you go in for trades and at level 6, try not to use EQ to knock her up for your ult (unless she's at like 20% hp) because you will need to use E to dash through her and avoid getting stunned right after your ult. Just rush shieldbow as fast as possible!
Early game, you can win most of the fights but be careful at level 6. Getting shieldbow is just a MUST against her if you want to survive that massive burst at level 6.
The only reason this match up is harder than it should be is because of the extra damage that electrocute gives him... Go in for trades only after he has used his Q and doing take more than 1 auto attack from him. Short trades every 5-6 sec. should help you win this lane.
He's usually weaker pre-6 but electrocute gives him some exta damage so be aware of that when you fight him. Avoid letting him to walk around the map and get kills! Once he has 2-3 kills, he will dive and kill you every time even if you have shieldbow.
Full AP Galio mid is pretty strong, but not so much early game. Killing him a few times pre-6 should give you enough lead to not lose that lane. Always avoid being knocked up and try blocking his Q.
AP Gragas is a very hard champ to deal with. He will play safe early and then after 6, start making thos OS plays on you. You can block his Ult to fall behind you and knock you forward, but apparently there is a bug where even when blocked, it still knocks you back and deals the full damage. That makes it nearly impossible to kill him unless you have flash.
Avoid fighting him while he has 2-3 turretns around him. Blocking his stun doesnt mean winning the trade because his turrets deal A LOT of dmg early game. At level 6, dont fight him if he spawns the big turret! Wait for it to expire and go back in for the kill.
Always make sure to eliminate his turrets first before you trade him!
A lot of poke, high base dmg on her Q and a kilometer long snare... Just farm and maybe go for a fight if she uses Q often to farm.
Very easy matchup. Avoid getting hit by his Q's and if he run exhaust, only fight him after he has used it.
The worse thing that Kassa can do to you is to spam Q's to deal damage so treat him like a pantheon (read the panth matchup). If he uses Q to farm (which eventually he will) instantly go in for a trade. He's very easy to kill until he gets his level 16 Ult.
Be very careful for her all in at level 2! Her blade on the ground has a bigger range than what it shows so she will use that against you and try to kill you in the first 3 levels. Usually after that, if she doesnt succeed, she will just farm safe till level 6. You can buy a hexdrinker just to be sure that you can survive her full dmg. Your W can block her entire Ult and also the bouncing blade.
Leblanc has always been a cancer matchup to Yasuo. Q > W > AA + electrocute = down goes your HP to 35% at level 2. If she gets it before you, just stay safe until level 3 when you can avoid most of her dmg.
Her Q poke is pretty annoying but you can win the trades if you have your windwall up. Getting QSS after berserkers might not be a bad idea (or you can play with cleanse and go with PD 2nd item instead).
This is one of the 5-6 champs that if played correctly, you will never get close to. BUT if she misses her Q, you can go in for a trade and punish her for that.
You win early game but still be careful not to fight for too long when he has his E on you and 2-3 voidlinks around as well. If they have another AP champ in their team, getting hexdrinker before QSS might be a better idea.
Morgana is basically a more AIDS version of Lux. Only fight her if she misses Q. QSS is a must when she's played mid.
Orianna deals a suprisingly high amount of damage early from which most comes from her autos. In order to win trades, you always have to keep an eye on her ball positioning and play around your windwall when you engage her.
Most of Ryze's damage comes from his Q combined with his other spells. So if he uses Q to farm, go for a fight and make sure you have your windwall to block 90% of his damage.
As long as you can avoid being hit by her Q's and W's, you should be winning the trades easy. After level 6, be very careful not to get stunned especially since you're rushing berserkers and you wont be able to block and of her damage because of the lack of tenacity. Rush Shieldbow after boots!
She can poke you quite a lot, but after using her Q, she's pretty weak so that's your chance to inflict some dmg. Keep in mind that your windwall can block her ult (in case she is trying to cut off your entire team).
Getting hit by his W all the time should not upset you as long as it's only the first part of it. Be careful not to die lvl 2-3 and you should be winning that lane. If he starts pushing you hard, that means he'll plan to roam somewhere so warn your team immediately! Otherwise if he manages to get a few kills here and there, you wont survive more than 2 sec. vs him.
Twisted Fate
After he uses W to farm, you can fight him and win the trade almost every time. He can only win this lane if you allow him to roam and get kills from other lanes. Let your team know the moment he hits 6 so they can play more cautious!
Veigar is the Nasus of midlane. He wont try to fight you for the first 6-7 min. of the game. Maybe just get some extra AP by stunning you with his cage but that's about it. If he oversteps and misses the cage, go in to punish him. Also ask your jungler for a gank at some point because he's fairly easy to gank and kill.
Another champ that can play from a distance and farm safely. Your W blocks all of his abilities except his Ult. Keep that in mind when you go in for a trade if he oversteps to farm.
Viktor is really powerful early game and will definitely play aggro for the most part. If he doesnt, then he has no idea what he's doing.
Only fight him if he uses Q to farm. Later after 6, bait out his W before going all in or before ult-ing him bc he can cast W as you knock him up and have you stunned for a second allowing him to escape.
There is a good reason he's top tier champ right now. Tons of dmg, a lot of sustain and his pool covers basically half the lane which makes him very hard to gank. You can fight him early after he uses his Q on the minions, block his E dmg with your W and ALWAYS avoid being close to him when he has the red bar!
Yet another champ that can farm from a safe distance. Your only window for attack is if he oversteps to farm and you manage to block his E stun.
You can fight him pre-6 once he has used his Q. You should be winning most of the trades if you dont get hit by more than 2 abilities and/or autos. In that matchup, rushing Steraks after PD might be your best option for survival and having a chance to kill him (if you are even or behing).
Annoying Q poke, but very easy champ to kill. Once you bait him into using his W, he will either play safe for 20 sec. or step up again to farm and allow you to fight him and perhaps even kill him.
Your only chance of killing him is before level 6. If he misses his double Q, he can still slow you down A LOT but it has a long cooldown so you can go for fights after that. I would recommend you to play that matchup safe and just farm up and avoid as much dmg from him as possible.
If you dont bait out her E bubble, you wont be able to do ANYTHING in this matchup. But if you manage to do it, you should be doing more dmg than her at least in the early game. Also later on, if you catch her unprepared, she'll be most likely dead.
Neeko is quite an annoying champion to face. She will probably try to rush level 2 for her burst damage so keep that in mind. I'd suggest you wait for level 3 until you have Windwall before you tarde with her.
Do short, 2-3 sec. trades and wait for your Windwall to come off cooldown. If you manage to avoid her snare, then you can go in and trade.
I'd suggest to buy hexdrinker after PD because her ult damage is quite big, you can't escape it (unless you have flash) and you can't stop it.
You can actually use your ult on her while she becomes invisible for a split sec. and separates in 2.
Senna is not a champ you'll see mid too often, but if you do, just know that YOU WILL NOT OUTTRADE HER!
You need to have at least an item or 2 completed and to avoid her W at any cost, otherwise she will always out damage you bc of her range constantly increasing.
Late game, you can kill her in a single combo, but early, dont risk even trading because you just lose HARD!
Qiyana's lvl 1 is really weak, but lvl 2 and 3 she can burst you down before you can blink! In this matchup it's better to rush PD as quickly as possible. Her ult and Q are blockable by your windwall, but she can still play around it and kill you so be very careful on this lane!
Lucian is SUPER annoying early in the game. Do not trade with him pre lvl 3 and then after that, only do trades when you have your windwall up.
After level 6, you should be winning comfortably, but still do not underestimate his dmg!
Really easy lane. She's very squishy, her dmg is not bad, but it's all blockable by the windwall so as long as you trade right, she has literally no chance of killing you 1v1 EVER! Be aware of constant ganks though! Try to have both sides warded at all times!
Vex's biggest threat to you is her passive that allows her to deal bonus damage to you when you dash. You can block and avoid everything else, so try to only go for trades when her fear is down and your W is up.
She's usually not hard to deal with at all, but her range and ability to kite can help her harass and play safe at the same time. Make sure to freeze the wave around your turret and when she approaches to farm, go in for trades.
Your windwall DOES NOT block her W if she casts it over a wall, so keep that in mind.
Hello guys! Name's The Unf0rgiv3n. I've been a League player since mid-season 3 and I've mained Yasuo more or less since he got released. Out of all the champions, I find Yasuo to be really fun to play with a lot of outplay potential towards basically every other champion and I never get tired of playing him. Right now, I'm sitting at around 4 million mastery points and my highest peak has been Diamond 2. At the moment, I'm in platinum because I don't really put that much time into the game and I play mostly to have fun and not tryhard too much. I'm also streaming on Twitch every day except the weekend, so if you guys want to hang out there, ask me some questions not just about Yasuo but League in general, feel free to come! I'll be more than happy to welcome you and answer as many questions as I can :)
You can also join my Discord channel and ask me any questions there if I'm not live!
Pros and Cons
Pros and Cons
Here are the main advantages and disadvantages of Yasuo:
- High mobility - Very good and fast wave clear - High snowball potential - Really fun to learn
- No escape abilities (you have to rely on the enemy minions to outplay and escape) - Squishy early game - Very hard to carry games solo - Very high skill cap
The Runes that I'm currently running on Yasuo more often are the following:
Lethal Tempo IS THE WAY TO GO NOW. Whenever I pick something else, I feel handicapped... It's extremely good early game and allows you to start trading efficiently with others at level 1 and for late game, it allows you to potentially switch your boots for a defensive ones if needed and still keep your attack speed during teamfights!
Conqueror is not bad at all, but you do have to play the early game much slower until you get some proper attack speed to be able to trade well. It's mostly better versus tanker teamcomps.
Fleet is the way to go if you're facing a ranged opponent and/or you need sustain on the lane, because you know you're gonna get poked. It's really great for a lane sustain, but I reoommend it only for mid.
Simply a live saver and definitely the better choice out of the 3.
Not really my cup of tea... I dont like it for Yasuo.
If you want to have more Attack Speed early game, it's a great choice to go for Alacrity. But if you feel like you need more tenacity and you'll eventually build AS from items, go for Legend Tenacity!
I guess it could be really good combined with all the lifesteal items there are in the game, but I still need to test it out first before making a conclusion about it.
You can pick Last Stand as well, but if you get fed, you won't make the best use of it. I'd say if you're going Conqueror = Coup de Grace / Grasp = Last Stand.
This is usually great to take for toplane, whenever you're not facing a squishy champ. Anything else there will have more % HP than you, which makes this rune very effective in combat.
Not sure how good or bad Grasp is nowadays, but if you wanna fool around, you could give it a shot.
Out of the 3, Demolish is the best rune to choose. It also really helps you to push towerds down much faster espcially if you're going for a tankier build.
Gives you bonus Armor and MR. For a Yasuo that wants to go tanky, I dont think there's a question why this rune is good for him!
It works great with Yasuo's lifesteal build, because all the healings are 5% stronger on you and if you fall below 40% hp, it goes up to 10% stronger! It's a really great rune to have!
For MIDLANE you can use just to be more aggressive and have higher kill potential but going with resolve is also not bad at all!
Also, if you choose to pick Domination, you should get + and from the 3 bonus stats: 10% Attack Speed, Armor and MR!
This is a summoner spell that you MUST have. Helps you escape those nasty ganks early game and later on in the game, to engage with fancy combos (beyblade, keyblade) and pick enemies off guard.
At the moment, taking ignite top is actually a lot better than taking Teleport simply because you can have more of a kill pressure on lane, its cooldown is pretty low and champions like riven, renekton, jax, darius pick ignite nowadasys anyway so if you pick TP into those, you will never kill them 1v1.
I used to take Teleport toplane all the time before, but now I feel like you're putting yourself in a disadvantage most of the time if you take it, because almost 90% of the toplaners use ignite.
It would have to be a very extreme case where you need to pick Exhaust for toplane but even then, I don't recommend it.
For Mid, only pick it into matchups with a lof of burst damage (Zed, Talon, Syndra, etc) if you dont feel confident enough that you can deal with them.
In certain matchups or teamcomps, this is not a bad summoner spell to pick for MID. Into a Lissandra for example, it could work very well.
Just... no. Don't pick any of these unless you're under level 10.
Unique Skills
Unique Skills
Here I will post a video of mine where I will show you the three most important and more advanced Yasuo tricks that you can do in a game. Airblade: It is the most simple trick out of the three, but it is very effective in 1v1's to help you do that little bit extra damage that you need to kill your opponent. You can usually perform an Airblade after completing Phantom Dancer or Berserker's Greaves + a couple of Dagger.
Beyblade: This one is a little bit more complicated and you will have to use a summoner spell to perform it, but it can really catch your enemies off guard. Very usefull for surprise engages.
Keyblade: The hardest one to pull off in a game. To be able to do that, you will need your Q on the maximum cooldown (1.33 sec.). It is extremely good if you manage to get 2 or more people with your knockup, but careful with that one, because it could be the difference between winning the teamfight or fail flashing into the whole enemy team, getting killed and potentially losing the game!
Team Work
Team Work
When you play Yasuo toplane, you're expected to be a little bit tankier than usual. Sometimes you wont have another tank in your teams so you will have to be the one doing the engages.
But if you do have another tank and someone who can engage instead of you, remember that you don't always have to go in on the first knockup (Yes, you are tanky, but you're not Tryndamere). Sometimes you can have a nado ready and use it after your tank has engaged and maybe get 2 or more people in the air before using your ULT.
For midlane, there isnt much of a difference except that you dont have to buy more than 1 or 2 tanky items because after all, it is expected from you to be doing damage!
In conclusion, Yasuo on top is harder to pull off than it is on mid, but it's fun most of the time regardless. Many of the matchups are quite hard and will require a lot of practice to be able to deal with them. While playing Yasuo on top, in many games, the fact that you have crushed your laner will mean absolutely nothing if your botlane is losing hard, so try to somehow help them out with your Teleport if that is necessary.
I hope that guide was helpful somehow and if there are any other questions regarding different matchups for top than the ones I've posted or anything else I can help you with, let me know in the comments or feel free to stop by on my stream and ask me there!
I stream from Monday to Friday at 16:00 CET.
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