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K'Sante Build Guide by PrestigeGalaxy

Top [13.20] PrestigeGalaxy's Simple Guide to K'SANTE! 🗿

Top [13.20] PrestigeGalaxy's Simple Guide to K'SANTE! 🗿

Updated on October 14, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy Build Guide By PrestigeGalaxy 106 23 566,610 Views 8 Comments
106 23 566,610 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy K'Sante Build Guide By PrestigeGalaxy Updated on October 14, 2023
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Runes: GRASP

Grasp of the Undying
Second Wind

Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
Flash + Ignite
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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[13.20] PrestigeGalaxy's Simple Guide to K'SANTE! 🗿

By PrestigeGalaxy
Hey guys! My name is PrestigeGalaxy also known as VIBARINA and I'm a Katarina OTP with 4+ Million Mastery points! I have hit Master Tier every season since season 11 and peaked at 243LP.

I've been playing League of Legends since season 2. I have made a quick and simple guide for K'Sante to help out those that need some help!


K’Sante’s damaging abilities mark enemies hit for a short duration. Attacking a marked enemy consumes the mark to deal damage plus max health physical damage.

**All Out: Attacking a marked enemy instead deals physical damage and additional max health true damage.**


K’Sante slams his weapon, dealing physical damage in a small area around him and briefly Slowing targets hit.

If an enemy is hit, K’Sante gains a stack for a short duration. At 2 stacks, K’Sante instead fires a shockwave that Pulls enemies

**All Out: This ability’s cooldown is reduced and no longer slows targets hit.**


Begin Charging: K’Sante raises his weapons defensively for a short duration, becoming Unstoppable, and reducing incoming damage.

Release: K’Sante rams forward, dealing a percentage of max health physical damage, Knocking Back, and Stunning enemies he passes through for a short duration based on charge time.

**All Out: This ability’s cooldown is refreshed, the damage reduction is increased, it deals an additional amount of physical damage based on charge time, and the charge and dash speed are doubled.**


K’Sante dashes, gaining a shield for a short duration. If dashing to an ally, the distance is significantly increased and they are also Shielded. Other spells can be cast during this ability.

**All Out: This ability’s dash speed is increased. Dashing to a targeted location has increased range and can go over walls.**


K’Sante shatters his ntofos, dealing physical damage and Knocking Back an enemy champion. Enemies that hit a wall will take a greater amount of physical damage, are Knocked Back over the wall, and are briefly Stunned. K’Sante then dashes after the enemy and goes All Out for an extended duration.

All Out K’sante loses a percentage of max health, bonus armor, and bonus magic resistance. K’Sante gains attack damage, omnivamp, and transforms his abilities.
Versatile > Once you unlock your R - All Out you can switch between being a tank or a bruiser.
Displacement > Displacing enemies with your R - All Out can be huge in a teamfight. You can also use your Q - Ntofo Strikes to pull enemies towards you.
Tanky > K'Sante when built correctly can be extremely tanky especially with the use of his W - Path Maker.
Hard to Pick Up > K'Sante has a unique playstyle that requires good positioning in order to make good use of his R - All Out.
Lacks Damage > K'Sante does not have that much damage in his kit although he makes up for it with his CC/displacement and gap closing.
Lacks Hard CC > K'Sante although having some form of CC he lacks hard CC such as stun/ fear/ taunt etc.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PrestigeGalaxy
PrestigeGalaxy K'Sante Guide
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[13.20] PrestigeGalaxy's Simple Guide to K'SANTE! 🗿

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