Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Play around brushes and farm 3 first minions with your E. You can kill her if she wastes her Q on the wave and when you jump on her you flash to her location when she E's you and stun her as fast as you can then combo her, If she runs away follow her and wait for your Q.
Go lethal tempo or Grasp, if you go Grasp take TP and lethal tempo go ignite, Start dblade with LT and dshield with Grasp. If you have lethal tempo and ignite you can start Q and run her down. With Grasp just wait until LVL 2 and jump on her to proc grasp then stun her and the minions while you are running away. Dodge her Q's and R.
Go Grasp with sorcery secondary and start dhsield. Avoid as many of his Q's, if he e's your e early you can still jump on him but if he doesn't try to stun him and (A W) him then walk away to try to bait his e. Try to e his w and if he w's the wave try to not stand close to it because it's a AOE ability.
Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM or Grasp if you struggle, and start dshield. Try to dodge his Q's and make sure he doesn't get free autos. When jumping on try use your E so he doesn't get passive hit and stun then walk away, Try to poke him down with your W before you all in.
Go lethal tempo with dshield and teleport or ignite. Try to cheese her early and stun her while you get stunned so you can keep autoing her.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Make sure to block his passive auto with your E and slow push the waves so he cant freeze, after LVL 6 you win hard look to ignite his W so he gets reduced healing. You can walk in and out of his E's to bait it.
Go Grasp with Sorcery secondary and dshield. You can go Ignite or TP depending on how you want to play. Stack your Grasp on the wave and then proc on Jayce with Q A. when jumping on him when you have E look to stun him as soon as you can.
Go lethal tempo with dshield and ignite. play with the brushes and farm until LVL 2 then you can start jumping on her, just make sure she doesn't space you and you should win.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. try to walk in and out to bait his Q's, you can stun him at the end of his first Q and walk out because his second Q won't hit you. Manage your wave so it's not near his tower therefore he can farm safety with his Q and poke you.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. If she Q's into your melee AA range LVL 1 then you can E and hard trade with her. Try to dodge her W and punish her if she randomly uses Q. This matchup is mostly about spacing.
Go Grasp with Sorcery secondary and dshield start. Start Q LVL 1 and stack Grasp on the wave then Q A on Akali to proc grasp then repeat, don't Q Akali if you know you will take a lot of DMG from the second minion wave. Save your E for his second E and try to space her Q's.
Go Grasp, Sorcery secondary width armor shard instead of mr and dshield start. Stack Grasp on the wave and Proc it with Q A on Kennen and repeat. If the second wave is close to Kennen then don't Q you will take too much DMG. When you have your E, use it before your Q so you can stun him when is trying to run away. Keep in mind his passive on you if gets 3 hit's on you with abilities you get stunned, so if he wastes Q on minions and you don't have a Kennen passive stack on you then you can look to trade. Also when farming under your tower look to E his empowered W passive auto.
Go lethal tempo with inspiration with dblade and ignite. Don't use q to start a trade with him just walk up and start with your E if he E's you early you can still jump in else you can stun him (A W) and then Q out. Just be careful he might Q to farm so try to dodge that.
Go Grasp with inspiration secondary and dshield. Proc Grasp as much as possible and try to farm well. You q on him and (E A W E) stun him and the minions then walk away. You can also try to bait his e before trading.
If she uses W randomly and you have q then you can jump on her then trade but wait to use your E when her W animation is over. You can also stun her second E to cancel it. Most Camille players will walk back and forth to bait out your e so watch out for that.
Go lethal tempo with dshield, Start e, and soak XP for the 3 minions if he doesn't allow you to auto them. Rush Plated steelcaps. and perma jump on him and try to body block so he can't E away care for his shield cooldowns.
Dr. Mundo
Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve and ignite. Dodge as many Q's as possible. Go in for a trade when he uses q but care that he can't just all in you if you jump in.
Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve with ignite. If he wastes his w you can all win, but try to react to his Q. If he starts the trade with his E you should kite him to your wave and start your e and the the end of his e so he can't use his Q.
Start lethal tempo and ignite or tp. It's important to farm well and play aggressively, and care for his E CD.
Go lethal tempo with ignite. Bait out his w before you all in and you have ignite if he has r unless you can all in without ignite. If you go TP, build maw second item. Spacing is important in this matchup and dodge his Q's.
Start lethal tempo with resolve or inspiration and start dblade. Go stand in the last brush beside her tower and wait for the wave and her to walk up but wait for the wave to lock with your wave then, walk up to her and start autoing but don't use your use e at the start of the trade, make sure she doesn't get any XP. If she does punish her hard. When she q's a minion if your close she will try to auto you so trade her auto with your w or auto w. Important dodge her e, try to use your e at the last second.
Go lethal tempo or phase rush. stand in the brush and wait for the 3 minions to get low then kill them with your e, and play around the brushes LVL 1. After LVL 2 you can start trading with her.
Go lethal tempo with inspiration and start dblade with ignite. If she misses E you can jump on her and all in. Try to dodge her Q and E, and parry her W with your e. Kill her passive tentacles before you all in with ignite. If she misses e you can jump on her and kill her.
go lethal tempo with resolve or inspiration and start dblade. Just farm until LVL 2 and start perma jumping on her, but care about the jungler.
Go lethal tempo with cutdown and POM and inspiration secondary, start dblade, and go ignite. Dodge his q early but if you get hit you can get close to him and start your e then his q will pull itself to him and you will be able to stun him and auto him. E his empowered auto-attacks and keep track of his e CD.
Lee Sin
Go lethal tempo and ignite with dshield. Space out his e and be careful of the Chinese Lee sin combos, you outscale him very hard after LVL 9. Play aggressively but don't let him bait out your e.
start lethal tempo with dblade ignite, start q and play aggressive, and space out his q's and dodge his e.
Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM, and ignite. Walk up to the third bush near his tower and wait for the minions to lock then you can walk up to him but don't start the trade with your e but try to space his knockback. Farm as good as you can and after Divine you can do whatever you want.
Go lethal tempo with resolve and POM or inspiration. Cheater recall on the third or fourth wave then freeze it when it bounces back to your tower. He will most likely max E so try not to stand in it too long. but if he walks up when his wave is frozen on your side you can just run him and but don't start the trade with your q he will just wither you then and walk away.
Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve, and go ignite. You win LVL 1 but don't start the trade with your e, use it last second, similar to Irelia. Never start a trade with your q unless you are ahead and you are sure you can beat him. Dodge as many of his Q's as possible.
Go lethal tempo or grasp and start dshield. Space out his Q's and don't let him get free autos on you and start each trade with your E but don't start it with your q, he's gonna walk into you to E you into his tower but you can click back to prevent this by spacing him.
Go grasp or lethal tempo, with dshield start. Try to bait out his Q, and use your E to block his W auto. If you are going on a trade you can stun him while his trying to E away. You can also stun him before his R gets to him.
Go lethal tempo and dshield with tp or ignite. Cheese him LVL 1 and crash 3 or 4 wave then freeze the next ones near your tower and if he walks up just kill him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Cheese him LVL 1, but don't start the trade with your E wait to see what he starts, if he starts E, don't allow him to recast it on you react to it with your E then kill him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. start each trade with your E so he can't Q you and use your R after he uses his.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Do not leash in this matchup, you want the push LVL 1. Use your E at the start of the trade and try to recast it when he dashes away. LVL 2 You can follow his dash with your Q. Do not start a trade with your Q unless you know he doesn't have E or you can kill him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Space his Q's LVL 1. Don't use your Q if he can dash to minions. LVL 6 you hard win.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Try to space his Q's LVL 1. Try to trade with him when his last hitting minions and after LVL 2 you win all in, If he E's away just go back and wait for your E and do it again as his E is higher CD than your E.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade. Cheese him LVL 1 but don't allow him to get his passive. After LVL 6 try to have the wave on your side, if he randomly uses W you go all in him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Space his Q's and look to trade without when he doesn't have fury.
Go lethal tempo with POM and resolve secondary with bone plating, start dblade. Cheese him in the third brush near his tower. Try to pull the wave near the river, and don't use your E early.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Try to stun him when he procs his stun or his phase rush then kill him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Try to sidestep his W so it only deals physical damage. You can stun him and walk out, you won't get hit by his e.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield start. Dodge his E and start each trade with your E.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Try to E his Q.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. Look to E his Q's and try to get him low before trying to all in him. You can Q E A W him then try to stun him and the minions, but if you can't then just run away. and repeat until you can kill him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and blade. Don't Q on him unless he doesn't have cage, and if you start trades with your E you can't lose.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Dodge his Q's and you win.
Go phase rush with ignite and corruption start. Stand in brush and wait for lvl 2 then you can start trading with him. You can proc Phase rush with Q A W. Do this until he's low enough to all in with ignite.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Get wave prior and dodge his E. Try to get him low before trying to all in him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. look to trade LVL 1 if he plays aggressively, if he doesn't just wait for LVL 2 and jump on him but if he also has LVL 2 then don't. Wait for him to walk up to you and start your e if he flings you then you can still Q on him and stun him. Try to W him when he goes in to cs.
Tahm Kench
Go Grasp with dshield. start e and play with your minions so he can't Q you. You outscale him hard. If he wastes Q then you can jump on him and trade.
Go Grasp with Sorcery secondary, and ignite, start dshield. Stand in brush and wait for the first 3 minions and kill them with your E. Play passive until LVL 2 then start trading with him, make sure to stun him before you run away so he can't DMG you. Repeat this until you can kill him with ignite.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and start dblade. Start Q and perma jump on him.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and start dblade. Cheese him LVL 1, and try to dodge as many Q's as possible. Jax outscales Pantheon at LVL 6.
Go lethal tempo or Grasp, and ignite or TP, start dshield. E his Passive. and try to bait out his Q before going to trade. Most poppy players won't react to your Q so try to do it randomly. You outscale at 1st item.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dblade start. You win LVL 1 but be careful to not let Riven outspace your E then you lose. Most riven will W you when try to CS, Try to step back one time before going to CS a minion to bait out riven's W. When jumping on her and she has E use W Q, so your W DMG gets included in the Q DMG as she will expect you to Q A W.
Go Grasp and start dshield. Just farm and poke her with your W. Never use Q unless she doesn't have dash.
Go lethal tempo with ignite and dshield. Farm the first 3 minions if he allows you, if he doesn't just soak XP. wait for LVL 2, if he wastes Q or W, you can look to trade. Try to use your E at the last second or even better after his E. Kite his passive legs.
Go lethal tempo and teleport with dshield start. play safe and farm, if he wastes E then you can try to kill him or if he doesn't have mana.
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