Get too close to him, and he dodges your q, get too far, and he stuns you, mostly try to poke him with e/q or even w as much as you can until you know you can all in.
She can just dodge each of your abilities. Just don't pick Sion against her if you aren't thebauffs
Same like akali, but he can only dodge your kit with his e so try to bait it out. He is a hard matchup because of his shield passive.
Just buy antiheal and try to 2v1 her. She can out-heal your dmg and she can build lethality.
She can dodge your q easily but bait the e out, and it's a fair fight(remember about her shield passive)
Try to all in before lvl6. If you win you can kill him after 6, if not try again, just don't feed him after lvl 6. It's easy to trade with him after a hard fight with your passive.
If you can dodge his q its an easy fight.
Dr. Mundo
Try not to get poked by his q and you will be good. He is harder than other tanks, and it's all thanks to his passive. Try to q-stun and then stomp his heart(that's dramatic), his passive has a massive recharge.
If you aren't thebauffs just stay under tower and afk farm. Her kit is just made for countering Sion.
Just try to dodge his barrels and you should be good.
If you don't let him heal from his passive and perma poke him, you can all in lvl3-4(best with your jg to secure the kill)
If he is in his little form it's just poke sim and waiting for you to get low, if he is in the big form get as close as you can if it's about to end.
She does massive true dmg from q. If you can dodge it, it still will be a tough fight. Try to bait out her w.
She can dodge your q, but it's not that hard to kill her, just be careful for her r.
Second-biggest counter to Sion, she can dodge your kit very easily, so don't pick Sion if you see her.
In this patch, he is weak and easy to kill, but you need to be careful, his late game random power spike.
Before lvl 6 you can kill her, but it will be your only chance. After lvl 6 she can just outrange you. Just try to fight early and you should be good.
He can cause you a little trouble. But will you lose? Nah, you would win.
Get him of his ferrari and don't let him dmg you after.
It can go 3 ways. If he goes full ap then you have a big problem early, but late it's not that bad. If he goes full tank, you will win(your passive and w passive carry). If he goes mixed then you should win if you play it carefully
Do not 1v1 him. I played much morde and I bet you won't kill him even with 1 item ahead. He can get you out of your q and out-tank your dmg. Try to 2v1 him or even bait him for diving your ass.
Let's be honest, no one plays her
He can't stun you, but don't let him stack, even after laning phase. I mained nasus for some time and even in late game he can feed of your stupidity to leave him alone
His kit is very annoying and hard to counter. Me personally, I wouldn't pick Sion vs that fuck.
Hard to land q with his kit being:
just don't get to cocky fighting him
Try to bait out his wqe combo and you should be good.
If you can close the distance between you 2 you can win but otherwise It's going to be a hard time for you.
He has a stun, a dodge and r that boost his stats. Overall, annoying champ to play against (he can counter each of your abilities)
If you dodge her q3, you will win. Just don't get baited for long fights. She likes to use q3-w-e and then run away.
I'm placing him in even because lets one honest he is op, but no one plays him.
Don't all in early, try to poke him and dodge his e. After some time you are ahead, but it's very limited, so try to use this. After 2–3 items, he will kill you no matter what.
His shield passive can be tricky, but it's easy to kill him otherwise.
I'm putting this just for his players. Don't get baited for his simple kit and low hp. If he takes your minions early(it happens more than often) then don't worry, you got his minions. Don't tell your team to kill him and let him be. If he stays that way, you both have farm and you don't need to worry about you missing a minion(easy stacking)
Tahm Kench
He does have 2 stuns and can tank your dmg, but if you have an aggressive jg then it shouldn't be a problem (if jg even ganks you, lul)
THIS SQUIRREL WILL HUNT YOU IN YOUR DREAMS. Tbh he is hard to play against but try to bait out his q and all in right after that. Try to not go for him after you die and just farm cs(he can blind you and times is ticking)
He needs to get close to you, so try to bait him for long fights and poke him.
Just be careful for dives and it should be easy
Don't get kicked out of lane lvl1 and you should be good.
If she doesn't feed of you early, then late, it's an easy game for you. IF you feed her, then it's gg until you don't get tankier that a turret.
Try to not get stunned, bait him for his kit and poke him to death. Remember his r if used near the turret disables them (ik stupid but that's how life works)
He isn't a hard champ to play against, don't get baited for his low health if your minions are nearby. You can't poke him but 2v1 he is useless
He is the weaker one, so try to e his shield and q his ass
One of the biggest counters to you, his entire kit can be missed, and he will auto you to death. Don't feed him early and tank him late.
Don't get trapped in his w and you should be good. Also, don't leave him solo lane, towers fear him.
This ping haired kpop looking ass girl can space and poke you until you give up on her or die.
Yone is both Sion biggest counter and his biggest synergy. Your q and r can set up nasty combos for him. If you do it correctly, enemies will experience Ryanair simulator.
If you hot your r/q near him, you can do a very easy but op combo,
You can set up her spear with your stuns.
My god, what you 2 can do. If you can stun them for at least 2 seconds and then slow, he just gets free kills
Yone is both Sion biggest counter and his biggest synergy. Your q and r can set up nasty combos for him. If you do it correctly, enemies will experience Ryanair simulator.
If you hot your r/q near him, you can do a very easy but op combo,
You can set up her spear with your stuns.
My god, what you 2 can do. If you can stun them for at least 2 seconds and then slow, he just gets free kills
Sion is a very easy but hard to learn champion, let me explain. His kit is very easy,q is stun, w is shiled, e is slow, r is beeing fast and stun right after and passive is literally a second life. But sion is more than that. His q is not easy to hit, it charges very long and it dont need to hit for full dmg. You need to know when the charge is ending and when you should use your q. Mostly in situations when enemy is slowed/stunned. Your w, no matter anyone says, the biggest aspect of sion. If you can farm enough stacks, you can be very tanky and hard to kill, i m not saying that your w is just that, your shield can be a good aspect too. It can save your life in many situations. Your e isnt the best ability but it sure is valuable for you. It can slow enmies for you and get an easy q hit. It doesnt do much more but it is good if you use it on minions in a direction of your enemy for allmost guaranted hit. Your r is very op in this season, try to not use is close range(i will explain it in a second). Do not use it to get to your tower until your enemy is there. Most people dont hear the r music(yes it has one idk why) and dont run away. Use it as far as you can(mostly near the 2 tower) after using it go right into your enemy, it should kill every minion under tower and stun them foe enough time for you to use max charged q. This combo lets you place your opponents right under your turret with no minions nearby. If you want to use your r nearby its in very risky situasions. If yasuo is near you can use it for easy combo(you r, yas r and you qfull) or even if your jg(somehow) ganks you. Its all have fun playing sion
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