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Choose Champion Build:
- Jungle
- Top
Recommended Items
Runes: AP standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Threats & Synergies
Stunning her during e stops her damage, but doesnt remove the reduction Use awakened instantly so shes forced to e early Approach velocity + expecting her invade important, dont let her snowball with grubs Pheonix recommended Consider ban
a challenger Udyr top/jungle player and youtber
Im known as Bella Ciao and this guide will cover everything there is to know
about my favorite little rat UDYR ive been onetricking Udyr since s10
And played thousands of games in the highest of elos, limit testing in every-
single possible way, to figure out not only how to master Udyr, but how to have
Fun doing so!
Udyr, The Spirit Walker The most varied champion Riot has ever released, able to go tank, ap or ad and still be absolutely broken, and tons of fun! His kit lets him easily become one of the strongest late game champions in the game, and with the upcoming changes in se***on 15, hes looking to become an S+ tier raid boss again |
As of right now:
as it gives you an insane amount of damage/sustain, as Udyr
fights for along time
into some free healing. pressence of mind is simply not
needed in the jung
leading to more attack speed than alacrity + value
value in a vacuum, as you will often be low/focused in fights.
But if you are smurfing/carrying Coup de Grace is always
my preferred rune
buy resistances before after liandry.
Overgrowth Free hp is incredibly strong on Udyr, as it lets
him live long enough to get his passive back up.
Approach Velocity= lets you chase high mobility targets very easily
especially useful into champions like Kindred Nidalee and Lillia.
Magical Footwearbest option in this tree, free 300g value + 10ms, lets
you rush liandrys even easier
9 adaptive force
9 adaptive force
10-180 HP
off within your stun, giving the enemies no counterplay
as well as enabling us to take the domination tree which is perfect for AD UDYR
Sudden Impact= Free lethality every time you use your e, will
consistently outdamaga alternatives
Eyeball Collection =AD Udyr is guaranteed to get kills/assist,so
this is the best way rune to snowball with
Relentless Hunter Extremely broken on ad Udyr, as it will let
you be everywhere at once, with an extra 40ms, INCLUDING 8ms at level 1
as our build is stacked with high mobility items like Youmuu's Ghostblade
Opportunity and Relentless Hunter
Waterwalking Provides even more mobility, alongside some extra skirmishing power.
9 adaptive force
9 adaptive force
10-180 HP
as it lets you win small trades, heal an insane amount
and also gain permanent stats
Shield Bash=this rune singlehandely makes Udyr top broken right now,
and with fimbul i often get 4-5k damaage value in a 30min game.
Second Wind= fights last A LONG time, so second wind not
only helps you win lane, it also scales
Revitalize: an average of 7% extra shield and healing both
from yourself AND allies. simply a must, and makes this build way stronger
any enemy all game, so its an absolute must.
Biscuit Delivery getting an extra 12% missing health back,
is incredibly strong, and lets you win almost any 1v1.
9 adaptive force
9 adaptive force
10-180 HP
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