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Maokai Build Guide by SkaterKidd

Jungle [14.23] Generic Maokai Jungle Guide

Jungle [14.23] Generic Maokai Jungle Guide

Updated on November 26, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SkaterKidd Build Guide By SkaterKidd 6 0 21,375 Views 0 Comments
6 0 21,375 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SkaterKidd Maokai Build Guide By SkaterKidd Updated on November 26, 2024
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Runes: Standard Runes

Font of Life

Legend: Haste

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+10-180 Bonus Health


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

[14.23] Generic Maokai Jungle Guide

By SkaterKidd
Maokai is a tanky, crowd-control-heavy jungler, capable of great ganks, vision/objective control, and peeling in team fights. This guide will walk you through how to play Maokai jungle effectively, from early pathing to team fight impact.
For both builds the Resolve tree consists of:
Aftershock Provides bonus resistances by 35 + 80% bonus resistances after rooting an enemy with W Twisted Advance or R Nature's Grasp.
Font of Life Allows a nearby ally to restore some health after you slow or root a nearby enemy.
Conditioning Provides bonus resistances after 12 minutes, scaling into the mid and late game.
Overgrowth Provides bonus health, scaling into the mid and late game.

I recommend the Precision with:
Triumph Restores health after takedowns.
Legend: Haste Reduces cooldowns to be able to use abilities multiple times during fights.

Revitalize synergizes well with Maokai's passive sustain Sap Magic
Fated Ashes will be the main way to clear Jungle camps when going Secondary Tank. Prioritize buidling this item first.

Liandry's Torment Allows Maokai's abilities to output more damage while also providing extra health to be able to frontline. Bramble Smash, Twisted Advance, Nature's Grasp All benefit from Liandry's AP and Sapling Toss benefits from both AP and Health; increasing its Duration, Damage, and Slow.

Bami's Cinder will be the main way to clear Jungle camps when going Primary Tank. Prioritize buidling this item first.

Sunfire Aegis Allows Maokai to be able to frontline and deal burn damage to nearby enemies. Maokai can easily stay near taget with his Roots Twisted Advance, Nature's Grasp and Slows Bramble Smash, Sapling Toss.
This item gets the most value when the enemy has 3 or more AD threats. The burn damage is slightly more than that of Hollow Radiance and if bought in the right circumastances the Armor will keep Maokai alive longer which will increase the amount of nearby burn damage he can output.

Hollow Radiance Allows Maokai to be able to frontline and deal burn damage to nearby enemies. Maokai can easily stay near taget with his Roots Twisted Advance, Nature's Grasp and Slows Bramble Smash, Sapling Toss.
This item gets the most value when the enemy has 3 or more AP threats. The burn damage is slightly less than that of Sunfire Aegis but if bought in the right circumastances the Magic Resistance will keep Maokai alive longer which will increase the amount of nearby burn damage he can output.

Abyssal Mask is a relatively cheap Magic Resistance item that benefits Mages and AP Bruisers on your team. It reduces nearby enemies Magic Resistance by 30%. This synergizes well with all of Maokai's abilities and items since they deal Magic Damage. It will boost the Damage of Bramble Smash, Twisted Advance, Sapling Toss, Nature's Grasp, Sunfire Aegis, Hollow Radiance, Liandry's Torment, and Unending Despair.

Unending Despair Allows Maokai to increase health sustain while also providing more Armor and Health. It deals Magic Damage based on Maokai's bonus health every 5 seconds while in combat and heals. The item also has some Ability Haste to use abilities more often.

Plated Steelcaps assists in reducing damage from Auto Attacking enemies.
Purchase these if the enemy has about 2 or more Attack Damage Threats like: Renekton, Gnar, Viego, Trundle, Jinx, or Caitlyn.

Mercury's Treads assists in reducing CC from enemy spells. Maokai's role is usuall as an engage frontline and will most likely be hit my many CC abilities.
Purchase these if the enemy has about 3 or more Stuns and Roots. These boots are not effective against Knockups like Diana Ultimate Moonfall, or Nautilus R Depth Charge.

Bramble Vest is useful to assist your team with healing reduction. I would not advise to upgrade the item into Thornmail unless its a 4th or 5th item, because it will not increase the amount of healing reduced and only offers DEF and HP which other items can provide.
It will only apply if the enemy Auto Attacks you.
It is a good item against Olaf, Viego, Trundle, Volibear etc.
It isn't very effective agasint Red Form Kayn, Aatrox since they mainly use abilities to lifesteal.

Jak'Sho, The Protean is a Hybrid Defensive item that increases DEF and Magic Resistance by 30% after 5 seconds in combat. It is an item that has can fit many situations that are not specific.

Randuin's Omen is great against team compositions with 2 or more Critical Strike users. It decreases the amount of Crit Damage done to you and has an active 70% slow.
It is a good item against Caitlyn, Jinx, Twitch, Jhin, Yasuo, Yone, Kindred etc.

Spirit Visage is a Magic Resistance item that increases healing/shielding by 25%. This item synergizes with Maokais Passive Sap Magic, and synergize well with the following items: Unending Despair, Locket of the Iron Solari, Knight's Vow

Knight's Vow is a Supportive item that can help keep an ally alive by redirecting some of their incoming damage onto Maokai while also healing a portion of the damage that ally deals. It is best utilized to keep an Immoblie ADC or Carry Jungler alive like Jinx, Kog'Maw, Twitch, Viego, Kindred etc. Only build this if you do not have a Tank Support.

Locket of the Iron Solari is a Supportive item that can help keep your team alive. It is best utilized in teamfights to protect against bursting abilities or to keep low health members alive. Only build this if you do not have a Tank Support.
Passive – Sap Magic: Maokai heals himself when he hits an enemy with basic attacks after casting spells or when enemies hit him with spells. This gives him a lot of sustain in the jungle and during fights.

Q – Bramble Smash: Maokai smashes the ground in front of him, dealing damage and knocking back enemies. This is your main damaging and crowd control ability. Use it to knock back jungle monsters and enemy champions.

W – Twisted Advance: Maokai becomes untargetable as he dashes to a target, rooting them upon arrival. This is key for ganks and engaging in fights.

E – Sapling Toss: Maokai throws a sapling that chases enemies and explodes, dealing damage and slowing them. Saplings deal bonus damage if thrown into bushes, so always try to use them in bush control.

R – Nature's Grasp: Maokai sends a wave of brambles forward, rooting enemies hit and dealing damage. This ability is a game-changer for engaging or disengaging in team fights.

Maokai really only has 1 Combo:
W – Twisted Advance then Q – Bramble Smash and E – Sapling Toss.
This combo can be extended by using R - Nature's Grasp right after.

Early Jungle Path/Clearing
Early Game: Focus on clearing efficiently and looking for early ganks. Your crowd control allows for strong lane pressure.

Focus on clearing towards Botlane, starting with your Blue Buff or Red Buff depending on which side you’re on.

Red Buff → Krugs → Raptors → Wolves → Blue Buff → Gromp → Scuttle Crab

Blue Buff → Gromp → Wolves → Raptors → Red Buff → Krugs → Scuttle Crab

While pathings towards botlane, check Midlane and Botlane for any overextended targets and stop the clear if a gank opportunity arises.

Maokai is a strong ganker thanks to W - Twisted Advance and Q - Bramble Smash for crowd control. Approach from bushes or flanking angles, using Oracle Lens when passing areas that are frequently warded.

- Engage with W - Twisted Advance to dash toward the enemy, rooting them in place.
(To close the distance this can be combined with Flash).
- After the root, use Q - Bramble Smash to knock the enemy back, ideally toward your ally.
- Toss E - Sapling Toss into their escape path to slow them and deal damage.

Mid Game/Objectives
Mid Game:
Start securing objectives like Dragons and Rift Herald. Use your vision control and tankiness to set up for fights.

Once you’ve completed your first jungle item Liandry's Torment, Sunfire Aegis, or Hollow Radiance and boots, you should start focusing on objectives like Dragons and Rift Herald. Maokai’s E - Sapling Toss can provide excellent vision control, making it harder for enemies to contest these objectives.

Setting up vision:
Use E - Sapling Toss in bushes around the Dragon or Herald to provide long-lasting vision and poke. Once 2-3 saplings are set-up and your team is ready, start taking the objective.

Dragon Saplings
Void Grubs/Herald/Baron Saplings
If the enemy opts to fight for the objective there are two ways to start an engage:
- Maokai can Engage from a distance with R - Nature's Grasp. However the enemy can walk away if the distance is far enough for them to respond.
- Maokai can Engage with W - Twisted Advance. Then use Q - Bramble Smash to push the target towards your team or for damage and then use R - Nature's Grasp on the same target; aiming it to hit other enemies.
Late Game/Objectives
Late Game:
You are the frontline for your team. Initiate fights, peel for your carries, and use your crowd control to disrupt the enemy team. Maokai is able to engage the enemy team from a distance with his R - Nature's Grasp.

Stay with your carries: Maokai’s utility makes him great at protecting his teammates. Always stay near your damage dealers in late-game fights to peel for them.
By following this guide, you’ll be able to control the game, lock down key targets, and provide the utility and tankiness your team needs to win! Maokai may not be as strong as he once was but he is still an option for those who prefer a slower playstyle.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SkaterKidd
SkaterKidd Maokai Guide
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[14.23] Generic Maokai Jungle Guide

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