Use your w effectively to juke around his q "crit" box, wait for him to passive on minions, possible boots of speed or executioners rush depending
on lead, I call this an ego matchup, if you have a good day, it's free, if you're having a bad day, it's hard.
You can abuse early since high energy cost, usually goes ignite so be aware of getting poked down and executed at lvl 6 use pillar after E, never has flash, dont fight in her shroud, can get hexdrinker early for safer laning.
Ranged top so be careful, can run him down if you are having good day and not getting poked too hard, stand close to him to prevent his e, or use pillar to cancel. FH/DD if enemy full AD, depending if you are team/tank or fighter. Another ego matchup, I have won a lot of Akshan matchups when I have been feeling good just by running them down, but also you can risk getting completely zoned, try to absorb XP, get plated caps and run him down.
I've surprisingly met this more often than I would like to admit, free lane, especially if he goes aftershock, but i doubt anyone does this actually.
Before she gets divine, lane is free, usually doesn't have flash so if you cancel hookshot with pillar almost always a free kill, she outscales later with divine cause of true damage conversion, however you can usually get a decent lead early on, but a good camille will just kite your ult out, laning is easy, late game sidelaning is rough.
You outscale with divine, be careful of execute but overall lane shouldn't be too difficult, free stats later if full tank
if full AP be careful of burst, has a lot of CC so be wary of enemy jungler too.
You outscale hard, be careful of
execute at lvl 6, divine and you win
99% of the time, unless you misplay, plated steelcaps rush can help ease the lane if you are not feeling confident can use pillar to mess up Darius Q, but takes some practice to do so.
Dr. Mundo
Another tank matchup, usually not too hard, annoying poke, has a lot of sustain, can use pillar once to proc passive, and engage on next pillar, free stats late game, just don't get poked out early, but don't just let him free farm either.
Please just ban, lane is insanely hard,true damage, sustain, poke, if against, just don't ult/int pillar her W and pray to god, stay close to wall so she can't proc all of her passives on ult, it's the matchup I personally have played the least, and the champion is disgusting.
Lane is hard, you will be poked, hope for him to misstep, you can win early if he missteps with 1 good pillar, and abuse if he doesn't have flash up, if you are in a pickle, kill barrels with attack speed from w.
Lane isn't super hard, you win unless you int it early and lose level advantagenhis lvl 6 especially with ignite is scary even if you are 6, can get steelcaps tonease up the lane a bit, but divine is a BIG scale moment vs garen, he might just proxy you most of the game.
Ranged top so is obnoxious a bit, the lane isn't super hard but definitely not the easiest either, steelcaps will ease up the lane a bit, but when you get divine and steelcaps, you can kill 1v1 or with jungler easily unless too poked also ulting his big form is beneficial.
Mercs rush will make it easier, hard to catch him especially if he has Phase Rush you do win the 1v1, but he has better trades, when mercs, pillar after he tries to run away, force ult and enjoy lane, hard to kill but you outscale later and can just kill towers.
She outscales if even a fraction ahead, don't stand in middle of her Q, play early well and lane isn't hard, be careful of nashors+ult damage usually no flash, good for u and jungle (I just have mental block vs her she isn't that hard to lane against).
I personally would dodge, lanes almost unplayable, only way you win is if heimer misplays a lot and/or gets an aneurism, and you get a 2 level lead and can just perma run him down, mercs rush is good here
If you're fluffy and dodging her e's, the lane phase is super free, you can
kite her really well, you outscale only way you lose is if you misplay early or fight in her ult + e + 50 tentacles, a bit of an ego matchup but slightly in your favor.
I personally don't think the lane is
very hard, if you just chose your fights when she doesn't have full stacks, and no minions to stack it on, you can pretty much just run her down and take hands off keyboard if dodge her stun, she does spike with botrk especially with ignite so be careful
I have mental block in this lane cause of counter strike, if you don't get stunned by his e, you can win, ult his ult, use W to kite around to dodge his stun, pillar after his Q, he does scale really well so be careful.
For some reason I never have a
problem with this lane, even though on paper I should, you can run him down, interrupt his melee Q with pillar, and unless he is fed, you win the extended fight. (note, I have 80% in games where enemy has a jayce top) however with an objective mindset, the lane is relatively hard, but can abuse early since he does no damage.
abuse early, lane is easy, you can freeze the wave close to tower, and abuse her early with pillar everytime she steps up she does scale well, but you should be ahead most of the game and therefore win sidelane in the late game
Champ is just obnoxious as fuck
Kind of hard to kill, since he will
quite often just re-mount, save
pillar for after his dismounted Q
plated steelcaps can make lane
a bit easier, lane isn't hard, just
obnoxious with his ult roams mid
Poke is just a bit annoying, be careful of his lvl 6, can be quite
bursty, and he will either roam mid
or call for jungler help, you can
ult his shield and steal more resistance
idk who plays this shit but lane is free
champ is garbage, but be careful if
they have carry jungler, he can lock
you down easily, and towerdive with
his W, ofc sapplings in bushes bad
Use your W to juke around his Q and E, ult when his ult is close to ending for maximum effeciency, champ is a bit obnoxious but it isn't the worst
Just abuse his early, he will scale a bit and be strong mid/early late game, but early game should be yours, just ult when his ult is about to run out if you can if not then just when he starts it, don't fight in his E, it reduces resitance.
Another tank that does a lot of damage just don't int it and let him use his burst combo on you for free don't be afraid of going all in when you use your ult, especially not if he doesn't have any cooldowns up.
Haven't played it a lot, isn't very hard
can use pillar to stop his stop if you
time it propperly, just be careful of his oneshot with ignite + q execute
Super easy lane, can abuse, her kit
does nothing to restrict you, just
abuse early, mid and late, only
be careful of enemy jungler
huge ego lane, Depends on how you are feeling, with plated steelcaps, and without taking too much poke, you can run her down, use pillar after she E's and she is forced to flash, she can outpoke though, so depends on player
Usually has ignite, early game bully but ult his ult and you're pretty good to go unless you misplay a lot early and taking bad trades, you should win this one.
Idk who plays this, not very difficult
just don't completely run it, and
you win most extended fights
Skill matchup, depends on how she
trades, if she has ignite, if you flash her ult properly, and cancel her Q3 with your pillar, skill matchup, i believe in u
Haven't played it a lot, just don't get
poked too hard, don't stand in ult,
don't fist fight him when he is overheat and you should win it.
Not often played, not hard, can run him down, he has phase rush though, scales well but you can just split and it's no problem, can cancel his ult with your pillar
ult her passive and it's free, if she ults
you try to pillar close to you so she
doesn't get her full combo off and
if you're lucky you cancel her q and
its a free kill, free stats late game
Lane is a bit obnoxious, don't get
stunned by his E+W true dmg combo
and you win it, usually has ignite, so
be careful of those all ins, kite his
passive so he doesn't get full W of
Lane isn't hard but he doesn't play
lane at all, he just gets 6, ults team,
he can "match" you in side lane and still have pressure everywhere,
super obnoxious, still winnable
though if he is walking back, check that he isn't ulting, if he is, cancel with pillar, dont waste chomp on his W, try to play around it, don't
get taunted under tower.
Lane isn't hard, but you won't really
catch him, get hull, split, he might
proxy and roam mid so ping team,
you kill him easy if he missteps
Depends if he is tank or AD, but
eitherway you can definitely
win but also lose the lane, use
pillar for his ult, not his Q,
the cooldown goes to 1 sec
if you use pillar on it, not worth, you can match in side lane almost always, just don't fall behind in xp
Same as heimerdinger, would dodge pray that he doesn't perma zone you and that ur jungler is good mood to sit top, you can run him down but blind being what it is makes life hard, mercs rush can make it not suicidal
go play ranked i believe in u
Lane isn't very hard but if he gets
a lead it's almost unplayable, get
divine hull fh if kinda even divine fh if very behind, divine hull botrk if giga ahead, frozen heart is strong here
Wardens mail will do so much work
for you, use your pillar wisely on his E and you can win the lane easily, however it can go very wrong very fast with his execution and range.
annoying as fuck, same as heimer
and teemo but not real cc to stop
you runnig her down, lategame
is a huge pain though, play safe,
don't get poked, pray for her
to make mistake, abuse or pray
for team difference
Not super hard, scales hard, and
his pool is annoying as fuck but a good pillar after his pool can turn the lane in your favor, hexdrinker early is a good buy
Not the worst lane, ult his ult,
keep track of his W timer debuff, don't get caught in his oneshot combo with 2nd w +e +r kinda thing
he has good setup, get good wards
Lane is easy, just annoying with his
flexibility in summoners, get execut
for decrese his healing, he will roam
mid a lot if good, even if you win
lane, he will be annoying with sustain, a good pillar can actually cancen his ult if you pilar on urself as soon as he reaches you
No one plays this, be careful of his
burst, can cancel E with pillar, he can
go ignite too so his lvl 6 is strong,
you outscale hard
just don't fight in minion wave,
abuse his early, stop being
scared of yasuo early, lategame can be annoying if ahead with 3 items cause of sustain (shieldbow, ie, DD)
Way harder than Yasuo, early isn't
very hard but he scales, and wins
in sidelane quite often, use W to dodge his ult with ur fluffy feet, and you win it
Skill matchup, kill ghouls and maiden, don't ult if he has wall up, he will kite, try to dodge his E's but insta kill ghouls, he can match in sidelane unless he misplays and you can run him down with ult no problem
Can just ignore and kill towers most of the time
Always fun to pair pillar with her e
Any champ mid with good wave clear so u can pressure side
Always fun to pair pillar with her e
Any champ mid with good wave clear so u can pressure side
+ Every game is winnable + Strongest 1v1 + Can split push effectively + Sustain in lane + Strongest lvl 1 in game + Most gigachad champion + Pillar is OP
- Can get zoned easily when behind - Hard to 1v1 when behind - No gap closer - Teemo exists - Not that strong without ult - Probably doesn't smell very good
If you don't want to check out the excel sheet, I will try to summerize it up here.
In terms of the runes, generally you go conditioning into tank matchups, or matchups where you just want to scale.
Second Wind
This is quite a strong rune for when you're going Dorans Shield agianst ranged matchups, the synergy between Dorans Shield, Second wind and Trundle's passive makes the laning phase in sufferable lanes slightly more managable.
Bone plating
Boneplating is usually taken into people with an autoattack reset or all in potential, such as Camille, Jax, Assasins (except Akali), Darius, Wukong.
I usually take Flash every game, it's just such a strong summoner spell, and can allow you to get some cheeky Flash auto attack (Q) reset kills in lane, and it is quite good for getting out of a pickle.
As well as Flash, I usually take Teleport for it as well, since I play a more splitpushing playstyle, and it allows me for some great backdoors, or some even greater surprise appearances in teamfights.
However, you can swap either of the summoners out with Ghost, if you feel like the enemy team comp won't make your Flash worthy, such as a full ranged enemy team comp, if you flash on them they will usually just Flash or dash away, and Ghost helps to keep up with them.
Hullbreaker (DONT RUSH HULL ANYMORE) Ravenous hydra is a BIS item on trundle, must buy always. Bork or Wits End second, depending on the matchup, other fighters/ranged you can do Bork and against tanks/magic you can do witsend for the mixed damage.
The first 3 items are almost always Ravenous Hydra, Blade of the Ruined King, then the other one, and then Hullbreaker, you should only ever really deviate from those if you decide to do witsend 2nd instead of Bork and then you can get bork 4th or another tank item.
Items after the first 2 items.
Death's Dance Death's Dance is a decent item to plot in 4th especially if you have wits end second, so you have some armor, mr, tenacity, lifesteal and a bit of everything
Guradian Angel Guardian Angel, this buy is a bit iffy, but I do sometimes run into the situation where there is 1 teamfight left to win it all, and you have the money from a Stopwatch you bought earlier, which you might consider for important fights, it doesn't really help you in the 1v1 situations but it's always a neat thing to have in the bag if you can't afford another full item or you are more teamfighting.
Sterak's Gage Sterak's Gage is purely if you're the main tank for your team and frontlining for the bros, it offers little to no 1v1 power in comparison to the other items, and I would only build this 5th or 6th if I am the main tank/teamfighting frontline for the team.
Maw of Malmortius Maw of Malmortius is a very strong pick if you're against an AP toplaner and buy Hexdrinker early on in the game, but usually a Hexdrinker + Wit's End is enough until 5th or 6th item.
Plated Steel Caps > ARMOR
These are my go to boots, due to the fact that the runes chosen give a lot of tenacity as well, so I don't go Mercury's Treads unless I need it ASAP for laning phase. Mercury's Treads > TENACITY
Super super strong in some lanes, like Teemo or Gragas lanes.
King's Tribute (Passive) When an enemy unit dies near Trundle, he heals for 2 - 7% (levels 1- 18) of its maximum Health. Chomp Trundle lunges at his opponent with his next basic attack, dealing physical damage and slowing his target by 75% for 0.1 second.
This attack increases Trundle's Attack Damage for 5 seconds, with his opponent losing half of this amount. Frozen Domain makes Trundle coats target location with ice for 8 seconds, gaining Movement Speed, Attack Speed and 25% increased healing and regeneration from all sources. Pillar of Ice makes Trundle creates an icy pillar at target location for 6 seconds, becoming impassable terrain and slowing all nearby enemy units. Subjugate makes Trundle drains an enemy champion's maximum Health as Magic Damage and 40% of their Armor and Magic Resist, half immediately and half over 4 seconds. The Armor and Magic Resist is returned 4 seconds after the drain ends.
Hullbreaker: Get your Hullbreaker and splitpush, 1v2 their jungler and top, become a huge mid game monster with your 2/3 items, and completely dominate the side lane and absorb pressure for your team to get back into the game if behind.
Blade of the ruined king: Get your Your Blade of the Ruined King and sidelaning against any other fighter is going to be a piece of cake.
Hullbreaker: Get your focus on objectives and lane dominance.
Hullbreaker: Split on the opposite side of objectives with your teleport, especially if enemy toplaner doesn't have TP, you can chose to group up or split to win, but to split you need to be stronger than enemy
You pretty much just havto do this:
Lane -> get ravenous hydra hullbreaker ->clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> clear waves -> hit tower -> group up ->clear waves -> hit tower -> group up -> win
I hope so, Trundle is a strong sidelaner, who wins lvl 1 and lvl 2 against most matchups, and then proceeds to dominate the sidelane throughout the game, so if you are a lone wolf, a splitpusher or just an overall gigachad, then Trundle is definitely for you, thank you for reading, please leave a thumbs up and/or a comment with what I could do better thank you!
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