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Zyra Build Guide by DabloonDemon

Jungle [14.24] Putting the Jungle in Jungle | Zyra

Jungle [14.24] Putting the Jungle in Jungle | Zyra

Updated on December 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DabloonDemon Build Guide By DabloonDemon 20 2 98,526 Views 0 Comments
20 2 98,526 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DabloonDemon Zyra Build Guide By DabloonDemon Updated on December 17, 2024
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Runes: Comet

1 2 3 4 5
Arcane Comet
Nimbus Cloak

Legend: Haste
Cut Down

+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Ideal Synergies
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Champion Build Guide

[14.24] Putting the Jungle in Jungle | Zyra

By DabloonDemon
Why Zyra?
This is by no means a high elo guide. I think Zyra can be really fun outside of lane and she can get some very good clear times with good pathing.
But beyond that, why pick Zyra in the Jungle?

  • Zyra has one of the longest consistent range poke in the game. This gives her a lot of choke control and rotation power.
  • Zyra has the current fastest clear in the game. Allowing her to be ahead in tempo for early invades/ganks/objective control.
  • Zyra's ability to damage from far away grants good 1v1 potential.
  • Zyra has strong teamfight and synergises well with a lot of 2v2 matchups.
  • She has powerful disengage and kiteback.
  • She has strong objective control and can solo Drake and Grubs in very little time
  • Her item economy is health, she doesn't require very expensive items to powerspike and won't suffer buying an item like Imperial Mandate

When not to pick Zyra:
  • Into a high mobility or sticky enemy comp or jungle. Lee Sin, Viego, Nocturne etc. will all outmatch Zyra in the 1v1 as they can just stick to her and give her no room to space.
  • Zyra can struggle against very tanky Junglers like Sej, Skarner, Ammumu as she can't 1v1 them effectively early, but she can manage by just getting tempo in her fast clear.
  • When your comp lacks frontline. Zyra needs to be behind Champions or terrain to effectively win prolonged fights.
Basics of Zyra Jungle
This is by no means a high elo guide. I think Zyra can be really fun outside of lane and she can get some very good clear times with good pathing.

This will cover how to play Zyra in the jungle and her basic combos.
In depth rune choices and itemization are below.

  • Auto Attack: Autoing on Zyra can be important, as the last target Auto-d marks them for all your plants to attack. Your plants will prioritise minions in a wave, so make sure you are damaging champions when you want to be.
  • Passive: Garden of Thorns. Zyra's passive periodicaly spawns a seed lasting 30s. Seeds will not spawn if Zyra is hidden in a brush. Casting Deadly Spines (Q) or Grasping Roots (E) near a seed will cause a plant of that type to sprout. Importantly: Plants of the same type deal 50% less damage against the same target. When clearing camps always have 1 of each type of plant out to maximize damage.

  • Q: Deadly Spines. A small rectangle that deals magic damage on hit and causes a Thorn Spitter to sprout, which is Zyra's ranged plant. These can be used to poke to proc runes like Arcane Comet Phase Rush, [Electrocute ,and Dark Harvest as well as applying burn consistently. These plants are also good at being wards, you should try to clear bushes by using a long ranged Rampant Growth (W) > Deadly Spines (Q) to spawn a plant inside. The same applies for getting vision over a wall.

  • W: Rampant Growth. This is an active version of her passive. It has 2 charges that can be placed to spawn a seed, which can then be activated by either Deadly Spines or Grasping Roots. These seeds last 60 seconds, which is longer than passive seeds and grants truesight for enemies that step on them. Importantly: Champion takedowns, large jungle monster kills and large minion kills reduce the recharge time of this ability by 100%. However killing creeps reduces the recharge time by 35%. This is especially useful for clearing camps, focusing down smaller enemies first reduces this abilities cooldown allowing you to place more seeds down with the resets it gives. Krugs and Raptors are good for this and makes them a great 2nd camp.

  • E: Grasping Roots. This is your primary CC ability. This ability travels in a straight line for a considerable distance rooting everything in its path. When passing over a seed it spawns a Vine Lasher, which have limited range but apply a 30% slow for 2 seconds, which stacks up to 2 times from multiple Vine Lashers at the cost of the reduced damage of 2 of the same type. This is especially useful for ganking. Root duration scales with the abilities' level.

  • R: Stranglethorns. Zyra's ultimate ability can be a strong engage, burst and teamfighting too. It spawns a large AOE that deals damage instantly and then, after 2 seconds, knocks enemies within the AOE up for 1 second. All of Zyra's plants within the ability also become empowered, resetting their duration, granting them 50% health and 150% bonus damage.

Ability Priority:
The general priority for most Zyra players is Q>W>E:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

For playing around poke:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
3 points in Q for clear speed. 3 points in E for 1.5 second root. The rest into W to play around plants and poke.

For more skirmishing power and head-on fighting: (Q>E>W)
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Passive Plants:
Always keep an eye on your passive timer when you're walking through jungle as you wont spawn a seed in a brush and can use that to set it up nicer for a camp or to stall seed spawn for an ambush kill. Beware that it still spawns randomly and takes a moment to pop out after you leave the bush.

First Clear:
Your first clear is the most important because you'll most likely beat out the enemy jungler. Zyra can reach around a 3:00 clear time with good pathing, which is 15 seconds ahead of the scuttle crab spawn and one of the fastest in the game.
  • You'll want Q start( Deadly Spines) for the low cooldown to proc your passive plants lvl 1.
  • At the start of the game hold your passive in a bush until 1:00 since your passive seeds only last 30 seconds. The 3rd seed should spawn as the camp spawns.
  • For Red buff start you can kill Red with 2-3 plants, move towards the brush near Krugs to hold a seed spawning. Place 2 Rampant Growth seeds on Krugs as Red dies and smite the big Krug over the wall while placing Deadly Spines
  • For Blue buff start you'll want to smite/leash with 2-3 plants up. This means you will get a passive seed in addition to the 2 Rampant Growth seeds you can place on gromp if you move as Blue is about to die.
  • Always position yourself towards the camp you'll go towards next to increase the chance of a passive plant
    ( Garden of Thorns) spawning where you want them.
  • Make sure you always attack the lowest health creep to reset your W ( Rampant Growth) cooldown.
  • Get a feel for when your plants can kill the creeps by themselves so you can walk away while they slowly suffer and die and with some practice you should be able to consistently get a clear around 3 minutes (sometimes faster if you minmax your spawns well enough to kill 2 camps at a time)
  • This early clear lets you roam into lane for gank pressure before taking the first scuttle or to set up plants for the scuttle to take it on spawn.
  • You can also put out good pressure to the enemy jungle as you shouldn't take much damage on first clear.
    • Red, Blue and Gromp all attack your plant slow enough for it to time out by the time its ready to die. Wolves and raptors can kill it quickly but taking some hits while your plants are in the backline loses you very little health.

With good plant timings and placement you can solo most drakes and rift herald. Hextech drake will AOE your plants so only plant one at a time. Cloud drake attacks too fast for your plants to live so try and get help with it but the other 3 will usually kill a plant by the time your passive is back up or your Rampant Growth(W) is available.

Faster clear:
By the time you have Liandry's Torment(even moreso with 2nd item Blackfire Torch) your clear should be fast enough to just walk past camps with 3 plants down.

  • Always stay back / behind terrain with vision past it to throw your E > W > Q > W to catch enemies off guard. You can refresh vision by planting a Q plant over the wall.
  • When ganking try to predict with your E, it has a reasonably long range. If your E doesn't connect don't waste a W charge as they'll likely get away unless 1 tick of slowing can let allies shut them down. You can also pop Q > W for some slowing poke with Rylai's Crystal Scepter or Scorchclaw Pup.
  • In most cases only use a W charge for your E if it's going to land, make sure you're placing the plant after casting Q or E so they don't predict where you're going to cast your abilities too early.

Midgame - Lategame:
Once you're hitting 3rd item you should be able to just sit behind your team or engage from a distance with E if the enemy has no hard engage or mobility like Akali to delete you.
Your CC will set your team up nicely and your full combo of E > W > R > Q > W in quick succession which gives a root and knockup and some substantial damage.

General Tips:
  • When walking from the Nexus to Blue buff side, you can take wolves over the wall with a good Grasping Roots placement into a Deadly Spines plant.
  • You can counter-jungle Red buff side easily by taking both Raptors and Krugs (with smite) over the wall and then using the blastcone to escape to Drake/Baron pit.
  • Void Grubs' void mites grant Rampant Growth resets, so you can spam down plants when taking them which can be exploited if you're figthing over them.

What runes:
Zyra can be versatile in what runes she picks. Much of it is personal preference and playstyle dependent.
I go into much more depth for the runes below, but this is an overview of the state of her runes.
  • Arcane Comet is the best pick right now. It fits Zyra's playstyle of oppressive poke well. Her plants proc its cooldown reliably and its Lesser/Secondary runes tie into her kit well with stacking Haste.
  • Electrocute is good reliable burst damage. With the recent changes it can grant Zyra strong early game pressure, but fits best for a playstyle that wants to apply lane pressure and gank to accellerate yourself through kills or your lanes through kills.
  • Dark Harvest is effectively an Arcane Comet that only procs on low health. While each proc does empower the future Dark Harvests and it's damage is likely to be more important than an Arcane Comet on a full health target, it's cooldown is long and makes it less effective. This also fits the playstyle of hard lane pressure and ganks, being able to reliable collect procs with a Q plant.
  • Phase Rush can be viable, but this is largely personal preference. It won't to more damage than the other runes and doesn't facilitate poke well. It does apply well for keeping her clear tempo up while also being able to harrass.
  • Conqueror is a good situational runepage into healing/shielding enchanters or high health comps.
  • First Strike had a lot of potential with giving item spikes earlier, but since the nerfs has become somewhat irrelevant compared to the other options Zyra has and as such I don't cover it in my guide.
Rune Choice 1 (Rune page 1 & 3)

Choice 1: Sorcery + Precision

Sorcery is the most popular rune for Zyra and the current choice in pro-play with Arcane Comet being seemingly the best choice for Zyra, matching her playstyle well.

Keystones: Arcane Comet vs Phase Rush

  • Arcane Comet is the primary choice for Zyra in lane roles. It synergizes well with her abilities as they easily proc comet from a distance, empowering her strength as a champion in excessive poke. Every plant hit will reduce the comet cooldown also, meaning it will be procced often. The extra damage is a good bonus and it's a strong early game rune. It mostly applies for lane pressure, but it can pair well with ganks and camp contests in the jungle.
  • Phase Rush Hitting an enemy champion with 3 attacks grants a burst of movement speed. This is very easy for Zyra to do as her plants count. Phase Rush can be useful for Zyra as a low mobility champ, especially paired with Gustwalker Hatchling this rune is good into comps that will have high map presence to match and can be useful for positioning as Zyra can easily be caught out in fights.

Lesser runes:

Nimbus Cloak
  • After casting a Summoner Spell, gain movement speed. This synergizes well with the 2 charges of smite and its low cooldown. It's good for securing objectives and disengaging, clearing faster and rotating quicker. It's the best choice of the first line of lesser runes as mana isn't an issue in the jungle, but if you lean towards fighting in lane a lot then Manaflow Band can be a useful pick.

Transcendence & Celerity
  • Transcendence Pairs best with Arcane Comet, it grants 5 ability haste at levels 5 and 8 and then a 20% 'on champion takedown' remaining cooldown reduction on basic abilities at level 11. Haste is very important for Zyra in teamfights and clear and this provides a big cooldown spike at level 11 on top of the W resets she gets on kills. This provides better teamfighting and CC ability which is vital for Zyra to win extended fights.
  • Celerity Pairs best with Phase Rush As all movement speed bonuses are 7% more effective on you and you gain 1% Movement Speed. This is effective at matching a jungler with high map pressure, to have a better objective presence as Zyra can solo most objectives with good plant placement, and to have a greater lane presence as Zyra can struggle to execute ganks with no movement abilities.
Scorch, Waterwalking or Gathering Storm?
For the 3rd Lesser Rune it can be dealers choice. Scorch and Gathering Storm are favourites depending on how long your game lasts. Gathering Storm is only good if you're reaching 30 minutes.
  • Scorch can provide a good amount of early pressure especially paired with Fated Ashes and later
    Blackfire Torch It deals 20-40 bonus magic damage based on level from any of her abilites including plants. Making it good for contesting early objectives, poking and early game damage. However there is a 10 second cooldown.
  • Waterwalking grants 10 bonus move speed and bonus ability power while in river. This buff also applies to Ocean Drake puddles from the terrain changes. This can be good as it provides good early game power for contesting Voidgrubs and early Drakes and is more powerful than Scorch in teamfights due to Scorch's cooldown. But it falls off relatively quickly compared to Gathering Storm
  • Gathering Storm grants adaptive force every 10 minutes. This means you gain nothing until 10 minutes making it very weak in the early game. At 10 minutes you gain +8 AP which is also negligible. At 20 minutes you gain +24 AP. At 30 minutes you gain +48 AP. This rune is good at providing Zyra more late game scaling at the cost of early game power. It is overall the best rune to use on Zyra Jungle, but the other 2 have their merits and usecases.

Secondary Runes: Precision

  • Legend: Haste grants 1.5 ability haste per Legend stack, up to 15 stacks. Each Legend stack is 100 points earned.
    100 points per champion takedown. 100 points per epic monster takedown. 25 points per large monster kill. 4 points per minion.
    With Zyra's fast clear, ability to clear enemy camps fast, and ability to solo objectives she can stack haste very quickly if done right. And more haste allows her better plant uptime which equals more damage.
  • Coup de Grace deals 8% more damage to champions below 40% health. This works on each plant attack, allowing Zyra to execute her enemies easier and making it easier to secure kills on ganks.
    • Cut Down is useful against tanks and pairs well if you have to build Liandry's Torment, switch to Cut Down if the enemy team is tank heavy.


Rune Choice 2 (Rune page 2 & 4)

Choice 2: Domination + Sorcery

Domination is the my favourite Rune page to play Zyra jungle, it's powerful and effective at burst.

Keystones: Electrocute vs Dark Harvest

  • Electrocute is the primary keystone choice for Domination for Zyra and picked as a secondary page for lane roles. It gives Zyra insane early game pressure with the recent changes. It grants bonus damage to a Champion you hit with 3 unique attacks or abilities. It synergizes well with her abilities as each plant attack counts towards proccing it, making it a garunteed hit most of the time. The extra burst damage is great for securing ganks and pressuring the enemy jungler out early, and synergizes well with items such as Stormsurge. This is my main choice for Zyra in the jungle role.
  • Dark Harvest is a favourite for many mage Junglers like Karthus, and Zyra is no different. Damaging a champion below 50% of their max health deals bonus damage (+5 per soul) and reaps 1 (depenging on level) soul with a cooldown of 45 seconds that resets by 1.5 seconds on a champion takedown. This makes securing takedowns on a gank easier, provides Zyra some lategame scaling, which can scale alongside Gathering Storm well and is easy to proc with 1 Deadly Spines plant.

Lesser runes:

Cheap Shot:
  • Cheap Shot grants bonus damage when damaging a champion with impaired movement. This procs on both E and R. It allows for more burst when dropping a combo in ganks and catching multiple in a teamfight with E.
Eyeball Collection:
  • Eyeball Collection grants 1 Eyeball per Champion takedown up to 10, each Eyeball awards bonus adaptive damage and completing the collection grands an additional bonus. Zyra has an okay time completing this as she can tag multiple enemies and lock down kills well with her kit. It becomes strong in the jungle role just from the map presence Zyra can have by having a fast enough clear to afford plenty of downtime to camp lanes and focus on ganks.
Relentless Hunter:
  • [Relentless Hunter grants bonus out of combat movement speed per unique takedown. With Zyra's ability to tag an entire enemy team with ult, or lock down individuals with her E stacking this rune isn't hard and gives her much needed move speed for greater map presence and ability to position easier.

Secondary Runes: Sorcery

  • Transcendence grants 5 ability haste at levels 5 and 8 and then a 20% 'on champion takedown' remaining cooldown reduction on basic abilities at level 11. Haste is very important for Zyra in teamfights and clear and this provides a big cooldown spike at level 11 on top of the W resets she gets on kills. This provides better teamfighting and CC ability which is vital for Zyra to win extended fights.
  • Gathering Storm grants adaptive force every 10 minutes. This means you gain nothing until 10 minutes making it weak in the early game. At 10 minutes you gain +8 AP which is also negligible. At 20 minutes you gain +24 AP. At 30 minutes you gain +48 AP and so on. It provides Zyra with more lategame scaling which is especially strong if your Keystone is Dark Harvest[/url]


Rune Choice 3 (Rune page 5)

Choice 2: Precision + Inspiration


can be very good into certain champions/comps. If the enemy team has healing/shielding enchanters or many tanks such as Skarner or Sejuani this rune will have constant uptime with good AP values. Your plants will apply Conqueror for each unique plant hit, giving you 2 stacks per new target with your spells also granting 2 stacks. If you're expecting long teamfights this rune page can thrive very well, with Conqueror keeping up with Gathering Storm in AP values but performing better in early game.

Lesser runes:

  • Triumph gives Zyra very good sustain. Takedowns against enemy champions healing for 2.5% max health, which is good for Zyra's low health pool.

Legend: Haste
  • Legend: Haste grants 1.5 ability haste per Legend stack, up to 15 stacks. Each Legend stack is 100 points earned.
    100 points per champion takedown. 100 points per epic monster takedown. 25 points per large monster kill. 4 points per minion.
    With Zyra's fast clear, ability to clear enemy camps fast, and ability to solo objectives she can stack haste very quickly if done right. And more haste allows her better plant uptime which equals more damage.

Lesser runes:

Cut Down
  • Cut Down is good since you'll generally only use this page against high-health enemies or enemies with healing and shielding as Cut down does more damage to enemies with higher max hp than you.

Secondary Runes: Inspiration

  • Cash Back makes Zyra's gold efficient item pool even more gold efficient.
  • Triple Tonic is generally just a better choice than the others. You get a free minion clearing tonic + 40g. A free 20ap pot and then a free level up.
Magical Footwear isn't picked here as early tier 2 boots on Zyra is very strong for invading, reacting to plays, setting up plants better, spacing, ganking for Grasping Roots etc.



Starting Items:

There are 2 Jungle pets that work on Zyra.
  • Stealth Ward is the popular choice. It allows you to keep track of the enemy jungler and your objectives. If you're not invading, this ward is best.
  • Oracle Lens can be good for invading to deny enemy vision and clear their early wards. It also has a good usecase against junglers that prefer to take your camps and can duel early like Kha'zix. Your Q plants can act as Wards for checking bushes if you take Oracle lens.
  • Health Potion is good to top up before a gank, however as Zyra you shouldn't take much damage as your plants can tank most of the camps. For some camps however you will want to tank damage for them to live longer. BUT, you do not need this, you can save 50g if you like. I generally don't buy pot.

Core Items:

Your 1st back can be between 900g - 1300g depending on whether you get early takedowns or not.
Regardless your first buy should be in this order:
  • Fated Ashes, which provides insane jungle clear power with its passive and very early burn.
  • Boots, which you will need to clear faster and have mobility to gank and position. Boots are very strong on Zyra as you rely on them to hit Grasping Roots. Getting tier 2 boots makes this even stronger.
  • Dark Seal is very strong for AP junglers early.
  • Control Ward, which should be bought intermittently to gain control over key areas of the jungle and objectives. Though be careful not to overbuy and delay your items, as you spike in power with each one significantly.
There can be some caveats to this depending on your play-style.
  • If you're massively ahead and want to snowball. Dark Seal can fit into your first back as its a massive power spike once it's stacked.
  • If you want to apply heavy lane pressure and skip camps to gank, you can rush Sorcerer's Shoes for the mobility.
  • If you just want to maintain tempo and speed up your clear, Boots + Fated Ashes is the way to go.

After 1st back, you should complete:
  • Liandry's Torment is the best 1st item to rush. Blackfire Torch can be tempting, but Liandry's Torment is a better item for Zyra's kit. It does more damage than Torch, it gives HP which makes her skirmishing better and has better build components for Zyra jungle. It provides %max HP burn and %bonus damage the longer a fight lasts.
  • Boots, of which you have 3 choices depending on enemy team comp.

Item Pool (2nd):

  • Blackfire Torch: The best 2nd item in most cases, doubles up the burn from Liandry's Torment, makes your clear faster, excels in teamfighting and provides good poke.
  • Luden's Companion: Has a usecase in snowballing pressure into sieging and poking midgame. Luden's is oppressive when ahead, especially against squishy enemies and makes Zyra's seed resets proc more often on waveclearing. This falls off against Blackfire Torch 2nd, which pulls ahead in teamfighting.
  • Riftmaker: Contributes a lot of damage in extended teamfights and skirmishes, the bonus HP this item gives also keeps Zyra's uptime high in skirmishes. This item can be bought later if you end up in many extended teamfights.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Is included in this 2nd item list as it can be good early, but you need to be able to capitalise off it with your team as you lose out on damage. See below for how I usually build this item, but its still a solid item to have in your pool.

Item Pool (3rd):

  • Cryptbloom: Provides a good amount of haste, magic penetration and a passive that heals allies on takedowns, granting Zyra good teamfight utility. Favoured over Voidstaff for bigger teamfight comps.
  • Void Staff: Provides a great amount of magic penetration. Good for catching high MR enemies and not losing too much damge to them.
  • Stormsurge: Provides magic pen and move speed on top of the AP, making it perfect for Zyra. Synergises well with Electrocute for greater burst, and lets Zyra excel in getting picks and bursting enemies with her full combo.
  • Malignance: Provides a good deal of ability haste and ultimate haste. This allows Zyra's teamfighting presence to be constant, in addition to being able to reduce resistance and stack another burn with her ultimate. This is good if your team has a lot of magic damage, but is still a strong choice regardless of that as Zyra wants haste early.
    passive wont be as strong and it provides no other stats and Zyra wants haste early.
  • Cosmic Drive: Is an unconventional pick for Zyra, but works well in the jungle for her. It provides a good amount of health, movement speed and haste which other items don't have all 3 and makes Zyra able to kite and reposition much easier as you will constantly be hitting enemies with abilities to proc the movement speed buff, especially with burn.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass: Zhonya's is a good 3rd item for surving enemies with hard engage like Kayn, dive or burst. As your plants are your main damage source, dropping your full combo and then activating Zhonya's will do well against an enemy comp that favors bursting you down before you can kill them.

Item Pool (4th):

  • Rabadon's Deathcap: Rabadons provides a massive AP increase and as a result massively increases Zyra's damage. This is a good item to get if you're ahead to snowball the lead, but should be generally avoided until the 4th item for Zyra as her AP scalings aren't as powerful as other scalins such as PEN.
  • Verdant Barrier: Can be good if you need a spell shield and MR.
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Can be good into melee champs, you lose out on damage but the slow is powerful and oppressive and keeps them in your plants longer. See below for how I usually build this item, but its still a solid item to have in your pool, and can be bought earlier.
  • Shadowflame: An expensive but strong item that works well for bursting down enemies and securing the kill with critical strikes on low health enemies. Paired with Dark Harvest, Coup de Grace, and/or Stormsurge it works well at deleting enemies. It's extra magic penetration allows it to be built against MR also. This item has many conditions however tied to the passive, and while it gives a lot of AP, Zyra's AP scalings aren't as effective as other champs that use this item.

Item Pool (5th):

  • Banshee's Veil: Provides a spell shield that blocks the first enemy spell, which can be useful against champions such as Blitzcrank or champions with targeted burst.
  • Morellonomicon: A must built into a team comp that favours healing. Your constant damage on enemies provides a constant uptime for grievous wounds. Oblivion Orb can also be bought early (between 1st and 3rd item) and completed into Morellonomicon later on.
  • Any other item in the previous pools that will synergise well depending on the gamestate.

I prefer to only build these two together, in builds like Liandry's Torment > Rylai's Crystal Scepter > Imperial Mandate. This is more effective when you max Rampant Growth (W) for your plants to slow and Cosmic Insight
  • Rylai's Crystal Scepter: Perfect for proccing [Cheap Shot and [imperial mandate. Works well with her kit to land Grasping Roots and to land sustained damage with her plants as enemies will stay in them for longer, and allows Zyra to kite much easier.
  • Imperial Mandate: Mandate makes Zyra's CC better by marking enemies hit by her for allies to do more damage and granting them and you more movespeed. This works well when paired with both Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Scorchclaw Pup as both will proc the passive.
Final Notes
I decided to update this guide to be more in depth after seeing Zyra jungle appear in a number of LCK games. This hopefully reflects the builds in pro play who run Arcane Comet for the most part as well as the keystones and playstyles I like to play which differ. Hopefully you gain something from reading this guide, and if there's anything I missed or you find an error feel free to drop a comment.

Feel free to use this item set in game, it's what I currently use.

Item Set Import

27/06: Added detailed sections & explanations for the guide.
29/06: Added new runepage, changed item priorities, added basic matchups for when and why to play Zyra, edited wording.
07/09: Edited to reflect 14.14 nerfs. (Lower plant damage, higher AP ratio)
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