Worst matchup in the game. I would strongly recommend permabanning this champion if you are in high elo, as he isn't played as much in lower elos. Your job in this lane is to survive until midgame and ensure that Kennen doesn't come out of lane with a huge lead.
Start DShield and take Grasp setup above, start q and take little q trades on him if he walks in your wave. Rush Trinity and do your best to farm safely and not get killed. For trades, you can jump on him any time he uses his q on a minion and has no stacks on you. e -> q on him -> stun -> auto + w -> walk away.
Teemo is a really hard matchup in all stages of the game, and you will never beat him unless you are able to get early jungle ganks to kill him.
Similar to the other AP matchups, you want to start DShield, rush Trinity. Mercs rush can also work if you want. I would strongly recommend taking Grasp rune setup for this lane and playing to sustain and farm as much as possible, only looking to kill with jungle ganks. Q start isn't great into Teemo as he will win the trades.
Very challenging matchup. Pantheon outranges you, has great poke, can stun when you jump on him and kite you out, and has much stronger all-in in the early game. Basically, you are screwed in this matchup and I think it's a good ban if you are lower elo.
Start DShield, run Grasp page and rush Trinity Force. Do your best to survive lane and look for kills with your jungler. You will have TP advantage in this lane, so look to use your TP when you are in a bad lanestate. Focus on dodging his qs as it will (slowly) drain his mana pool. You win after a few items.
Very challenging matchup. Your job is to farm the best you can, not die and wait for jungler if you want to kill her. If the Akali player is good, you will most likely lose every trade/all-in due to your inability to attack her as well as her being able to take ignite.
Start DShield and run Grasp with Second Wind. Rush Trinity and only look for small trades. You almost never want to be jumping on Akali as she will go into her shroud and win the trade. Do keep in mind that your E can dodge her empowered auto attack. You can play for prio in this lane so feel free to use your e early to get push on the wave, and try to out space her qs.
If you notice by now, there's a bit of a trend when it comes to hard Jax matchups - they're mostly all AP ranged champions who are really hard to trade on without dying.
Same as the other ranged AP matchups, Start DShield and run Grasp in this lane with Second Wind. You can q start vs. Cassio and jump on her level 1 to get some nice auto attack trades. Rush Trinity and look to kill her with your jungler, as she has rather low ability to escape. If you ever dodge her qs and she is low on mana, you have a timer to look for a trade/all-in.
Vladimir is a really tough matchup for Jax as you will never be able to stun him if he uses his pool correctly, and he outdamages/outsustains you in almost all stages of the lane.
Take DShield and Grasp rune setup and rush Trinity, similar to the other AP matchups in this extreme section. Any time he uses his q on a minion, you have a window to q, auto + w on him and walk away. Make sure to space away when he has his empowered Q (the red sht).
Quinn is a pretty challenging matchup, as her e directly counters your kit making it hard for you to ever engage on her. However, she is one of the easier ranged matchups as she is auto attack based so you can dodge a lot of her damage.
In this matchup, you should be taking DShield + Grasp page, rushing Trinity or potentially Tank Jax. After you have level 7 or 8, the lane should get much much easier. Q start can work here but if she starts her e then it will be tough for you, so I would recommend just starting your e. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here.
Aatrox is largely a skill matchup. I play both Aatrox and Jax quite a lot (my two most played champs last split) and I tend to prefer being on the Aatrox side of this matchup. However, it is winnable from both sides of the matchup.
Lots of runes can work in this matchup - I take Grasp. In higher elo, it can be nice to take Fleet in this matchup because it enables you to run out of his w after you jump on him. THE BIGGEST THING IN THIS LANE IS Aatrox can never use his e towards you. If he ever uses his first q and e's toward you with it, jump on him immediately as once his e is down he can't kite you out anymore. Also, when both flashes are up, Jax is very favored in this matchup. Rush Trinity Force.
Akshan top isn't played as much anymore, but it's a pretty easy matchup for Jax.
I recommend taking Grasp and Doran's Shield and playing rather safe level 1 and 2, but after you're level 3 you can start to take good trades with him. Feel free to take ignite if you want to be extra aggressive, rushing Trinity is best. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here.
Easy matchup, just use your e and beat tf outta her. Build pretty much anything you want
Camille is a pretty easy matchup for Jax, as your kit directly counters hers. Keep good wavestates and your lane will be A-okay.
I personally take Grasp in this lane because in higher elo Camille isn't the easiest matchup, but in lower elos she is pretty simple to beat. Be careful when she is near a wall, as if you hop on her she will e and interrupt you. What I like to do is wait until Camille uses her W to try to poke you, and then jump on her while her W is going. Build Trinity first and lane is easy.
This matchup is pretty easy for Jax to play, but you have to be very aggressive early on in the game. If you let Cho free scale, then he will beat you after an item.
Take Grasp. You are stronger lvl 1, so use that to get prio. Trade heavily early, after you Q walk to make sure you don't get hit by his Q. Rush Trinity.
This matchup is pretty even and can be challenging at times for some beginner Jax players, but it is Jax favored.
Take Grasp. Possibly take Ignite and Lethal Tempo. Don't let him q you for free, lvl 1 make sure to dodge it and past that, q ONTO DARIUS any time that he uses his q. This makes it so that you dodge the blade and if you can e his w, you win the trade really really hard. Keep good wave mechanics in mind, because if you're ever near his tower with a bad wavestate, he can really easily bait out your e and run you down with ghost. Build Trinity.
Dr. Mundo
Dr. Mundo is a pretty easy matchup for Jax, but is similar to other tanks in that you need to get a lead early or else you will lose as the game goes on.
Take Grasp in this lane. You're much stronger than mundo early game, so wait until he uses a q and then jump on his head and beat him up. Build Trinity.
Fiora is a very hard matchup for Jax if the Fiora is good. Due to the nature of the kits of each champion, Fiora is able to space Jax pretty effectively and kite you out.
Take Grasp. Ignite is optional in this matchup, but can be good due to Fiora's healing. However, if you take Ignite and she ever gets a freeze on you or you get in a bad lanestate, your lane is over. Play aggressive in the first few levels and use your e to get prio on the first wave. Rush Trinity.
Gangplank is one of the toughest Jax matchups, but only if the Gangplank is good. I've laned against Solarbacca, for example, and it is absolutely impossible to play Jax in that matchup as he will just keep good wavestates and you can never jump on him as you lose the all-in. However, I've ranked this as a 4 because most Gangplank players are bad and you can kill them early game.
Be careful of his barrels, most GP players will sit in bush lvl 1 and try to hit you with their barrel. If you can get prio lvl 1 it's really good for your lane, try to cheese him with your lvl 2 spike before he has orange as you can really chunk Gangplank. Rush Trinity in this matchup.
Can get prio in the matchup, bring grasp and doran's shield.
Garen can be a pretty tough matchup if you let him scale up. You win early game if you play super aggressively with good wave mechanics, but if you let Garen scale to an item and don't have a lead, you will lose for the rest of the match.
I like grasp + d shield as all other matchups atm. Can try to take prio in the lane, especially if he goes phase rush, but if he goes conq + bone plating it can be hard. I like bone plating into Garen but having Cosmic Insight is also nice so up to you really. Hard matchup, just play for better grubs fights and scaling as you will be more useful. Tank Jax could possibly be good here as well.
Gnar is a pretty interesting matchup. You don't see it often, so it can catch you by surprise if you disrespect him. He can kite you out pretty easily and if you ever waste your e it can put you in a rough position.
Take DShield and Grasp in this matchup and look for short trades. I would recommend, as in most ranged matchups, that you just q auto w and run away. Once you use your e, if you don't land the stun then you will be in a very bad spot. Rush Trinity. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here. You can start q and get prio early on by just qing on him after getting your grasp ready by autoing minions.
A lot of people think that Gragas is a really tough matchup for Jax, but lately I've been doing really well vs the fat man. You are stronger than him early game and can get prio on the wave level 1.
Take DShield and Grasp in this matchup and rush Trinity. Play aggressive level 1 and get prio on the wave. You can buffer your w auto through his bodyslam which is really nice to keep in mind. It lets you take even or winning trades even when he hits you with his e. For the most part, though, you want to play mind games and play around minions so that Gragas can't hit a body slam on you. If he ever misses his body slam, you can kill him really easily.
This matchup is pretty even for the most part. If you ever take an all-in at a bad time versus Gwen, then she will kill you really easily. Make sure you pay attention to wavestates and don't take all-ins near her tower.
Take Grasp, and play very aggressive early. You win really hard in the first few levels. Rush Trinity. If you can ever bait out her e, it's really easy for you to jump on her and beat her up. If you jump while her e is up, she can kite you out and all-in really easily, so sometimes it can be good to just q auto w and walk away instead of using your e.
Illaoi is an interesting matchup. You have to play very aggressively early in order to kill her and get a lead. If you don't get a lead early in this matchup, it becomes very hard to kill her post 6, especially as she gets more levels in her e.
Take Grasp and play really aggro early on. Try to cheese her with your level 2 after getting prio on the wave, as most players will not respect it. It's also really easy to freeze on Illaoi and kill her after your cheater recall. I would recommend rushing Trinity. Need to dodge her e or else you lose trades. If you do dodge her e, feel free to all-in. Even if you trade ults and are both low, you are stronger at low HP than she is if both ults are down.
A good Irelia can be very scary to play against, but in general your champ should beat hers as you can dodge her main damage.
Take Grasp, and play aggressively early. You can kill Irelia really easily levels 1-3. However, when she has a big minion wave or can q a lot of your minions, you have to be careful to not waste your e as once your e is down, if she has max stacks on her passive she will win the 1v1. Rush Trinity, watch out for her BOTRK spike.
After reading this guide, you must be better.
Jayce can be a really challenging matchup for anyone who hasn't played it a lot. He can poke you down pretty easily, and if you jump in his hammer form deals more damage and he can push you away with is e.
I recommend taking DShield and Grasp in this matchup and rushing steelcaps -> Trinity. You can often look to q auto w and then run away with grasp procs, but only if your wave is pushing into him. Q start works very well in this matchup. Be careful of using your e when you jump in, as if he ever knocks you away and you don't land your e, you can get chunked really hard. 3 points in Q -> max w is really good here. If he takes conq, be wary of fighting extended trades, but if he has phase or first strike then you can.
K'Sante is an interesting matchup and pretty challenging if you misplay waves or do not respect his all-in. However, you are stronger early and can for sure get solo kills in the early game. After one to two items, it can be pretty tough to fight K'Sante if you aren't ahead.
Take Grasp and rush Trinity Force. Play aggressive on the first wave and get prio in the lane. This matchup is pretty even and for the most part revolves around having good wave mechanics. You are just looking to trade with your w empowered auto when grasp is up. After 6, do not just jump into him and e as he can w it and then ult and kill you.
Kayle is quite possibly the easiest Jax matchup to play. You have to abuse her early.
The gameplan here is to play super aggressively early game. Make sure your wave mechanics are good as you don't want the wave near her tower. Freezes are really good vs Kayle, just play to trade and kill for the most part. Rush Trinity.
This matchup used to be Kled favored, but lately it's pretty even. The thing is, a good Kled will have an advantage because it's a very niche champion and he most likely will have more experience in the matchup than you will.
Take Grasp in this matchup and play aggressive on the wave level 1, as you should be able to get prio. It's really important that you dodge his q as it deals quite a bit of damage and the slow helps him kite you out easily. Always be wary of his remount and the damage he can do with his w - save your e for his w. Don't get baited when you dismount him, as unless you have your e up, you won't be able to kill him before he remounts. Rush trinity and after 1 item this matchup is very easy.
Malphite can be tough if you don't know what you're doing and you let him scale. However, if you play aggressively early and get the lane into good wavestates, such as a freeze, it's really easy to beat malphite.
A good malphite will take comet in this matchup, so having DShield + second wind is really useful. I recommend taking Grasp and rushing Trinity. You need to play aggressive early and get prio on the wave, and look to chunk him as you do your initial crash. Getting first recall is important, and you should win trades up until level 7 or so. After that it can be hard, so really be aggressive and try to build a lead before then. Play for early grubs skirmishes and shit.
Mordekaiser can be hard like a lot of other matchups if you don't play aggressively and build a lead early game. Before level 6, you are way stronger than him and should play accordingly.
Take Grasp. Play aggressive early and do a standard crash, looking to chunk him. Recall with item advantage, come back, and try to kill him as he's crashing the wave or get a freeze. After level 6, he will win the matchup if you ever get ulted at a bad time. Save your r until after he uses his, and try your best to dodge his e. Rush Trinity in this matchup.
Similar to lots of other matchups, Nasus is pretty challenging if you don't play aggressively and punish him in the early game. If he starts e it can be tough to get prio on the wave, but you have to realize he has very low kill pressure with e start so just focus on your wave mechanics and getting a good recall off, then come back and kill him on the bounce.
Take Grasp in this matchup and play hard early. Same as other matchups, just get a good crash off and trades. You should win all trades up until level 6, and after 6 just use your e sparingly. You can jump on him and trade without using e, as if you waste your e he can all-in you easily with his ult and ghost. Rush trinity. Play for grubs fights and skirmishes.
I would recommend going Grasp in this matchup and rushing Trinity. Getting prio is hard, but possible. However, it can be scary to do this if the Olaf kites out your e, so don't use your counterstrike until you've dodged one of his qs. If you ever waste your e, he can run you down with ghost. In most of my olaf matchups, olaf ends up getting prio early on which is acceptable. From levels 3-5, you win really hard. Taking short trades is good, holding q to disengage after using e and w to chunk him. Try to get the wave in a good spot and take aggressive trades. Hold your e until he uses his w shield, as it will block a lot of the autos and lifesteal that he gets. After level 6, the key to winning this matchup is to hold your e until after he ults. This blocks a lot of his damage when he is in his ult, and allows you to secure the kill. So if a trade looks like an all-in, then just pop your r and auto him down with ignite and hold your e until after he ults to block a lot of his damage. You also can do tricks such as baiting his ult and then ward hopping away. After 1 item, if you are even you should be winning this 1v1. Just make sure that you kite him properly in his ult and don't stand still auto attacking him late game, as he can win later on if you try to do that.
Ornn is similar to the other tanks in that he has relatively low kill threat on you early, so you can get prio in the lane. His main goal is to go even and then teamfight later on, so if you can get a lead and be able to punish him on the side lane it is really good.
Take Grasp page and play aggressive early. Do a standard crash, buy long sword come back and try to stop his push, though this can be challenging to do against Ornn. Keep in mind that your e blocks his brittle auto, which is really good for trades. If Ornn doesn't respect you properly, you can kill him really easily. Rush Trinity. Just play for good trades and grubs fights, u have way more agency early.
Poppy can be very challenging to play against as Jax, but not impossible. Her laning phase isn't as strong as some of the extreme matchups, but it is still hard to play into and you will lose if you don't respect her.
Run DShield + Grasp page in this lane and play to go even with Poppy, as killing her is really challenging on your own. Rush Trinity. In lane, you should be able to get prio early and should only really be looking to trade with your grasp w empowered autos. Never q on Poppy, as if she hits her w on you, you're screwed. Avoid standing near walls and don't get chunked as she pushes in to you, as she is really good at diving with her jungler.
This matchup isn't that bad if you know how Rek'Sai top works. You want to avoid taking short trades with him as he will win out in the end with his sustain in lane.
I recommend going Grasp in this lane and rushing Trinity. Trading with Rek'Sai can be a little weird - try to wait until he uses his burrow before jumping on him with your q and e, as it gives you a trading window where he won't be able to damage you. Stay in minion waves to avoid his q poke damage and always e his empowered q autos. You can be fancy with spacing to bait Rek'Sai players to burrow and miss their knockup.
This matchup is very Renekton favored, at least for the early to mid stages of the game. However, you outscale Renekton and are much more useful later on in the match, so the main objective in this lane is to go even and not fall too far behind/give Renekton too big of an advantage.
Take DShield + Grasp and rush Trinity Force. Renekton will be able to get prio on the wave level 1 if he is good, as his Q just has too low of a cooldown for you to compete with him. I recommend Second Wind over Bone Plating in this matchup, as he can pop your Bone Plating very easily with his Q. Trading on Renekton has to be very short, and usually is NOT worth it. Unless you parry his W, you will lose the trade, and if you commit too hard after level 6 he will beat you anyway just by stat checking you. After 2-3 items you can start to win the 1v1, or if you really play it well, but before that you need jungler help.
Rengar can be a bit tricky to deal with in the early game, as he has lots of potential to catch you off guard and he deals more damage than you. You outscale him heavily, though, so just don't die and you should be good to go after your first reset.
I'd recommend Grasp in this matchup. Ignite is pretty good vs Rengar since he has a lot of healing from his W, but if you get in a bad spot with no TP you are screwed. Rush Trinity Force and after you get your sheen + long swords you win the matchup pretty hard. Can be worth going executioners if the Rengar is just abusing the w healing.
Riven is a really tricky matchup in higher elo. You can most definitely beat this champion, but you have to be very careful in the early game and also have to use your e carefully. The main reason Riven is really tough is they will bring Ignite and when she fully stacks conquerer with ignite up she can one shot you really easily, especially when her ult is up.
For this lane, I usually take DShield + Grasp and play very safely, only looking to trade with my w + Grasp proc. Rush Trinity Force, be very careful in early levels as her burst is quite large, and you almost never want to just jump on Riven with your e unless you have a big stacked wave. In my experience, late game Riven also wins the 1v1 since you don't have that much damage and her cds are so low that she is constantly getting shielded, stunning you, etc. and is very slippery as well. Overall, just try to go even or get slightly ahead and teamfight as split pushing against Riven when you're both even can be tricky. Keep in mind for lane that you can buffer your w + Grasp through her stun/knockup. This can win you trades because they won't shield as they don't expect the damage.
This matchup is very challenging if the Rumble is a good player.
Take Grasp for this matchup and only ever look for small trades, if any. Rush Trinity. Your main goal in this matchup is to survive until you have your Trinity spike, as once you have that, you can take more aggressive trades. Play to get prio in this lane, just ignore his Q damage and walk at him with your E.
This lane really isn't so bad and you rarely see Ryze. Start DShield, bring Grasp and start your q, and I imagine you can actually get prio on the wave lvl 1 because Ryze auto attacks don't deal much damage. I honestly haven't played this matchup in over a year so I'm not too sure about it, but it sounds really simple. Rush Trinity.
Pretty simple matchup, but it's definitely possible for you to mess it up. Just make sure you don't play too aggressive early on, as Sett has really high base damage and he can stack conquerer really quickly to deal lots of damage early on in the lane.
Take DShield and Grasp, and rush Trinity Force. Depending on what spell he goes, it can be hard to get prio in this lane. Sett is very good at killing minions fast with his e and w, so even if you hit level 2 first he likely will be able to hit level 2 a little later on and then stop your push. Because of this, I usually like to let Sett players have prio early on as I know that I win after first recall.
Shen is a really easy matchup for you. Just use your e to dodge his empowered q auto attacks and you should be good to go.
Take Grasp, DBlade and play for prio level 1. Rush Trinity and once you have that it really is easy to punish Shen in lane. Realistically, both of you should have very low kill pressure in lane which favors you as you scale harder and can split push way better later on in the game. Try to always be near Shen so that if he wants to ult his team, he has to run back into his tower.
Singed is an interesting matchup because even though laning phase is really easy for you, a good singed will always make sure that they get the wave and you eventually will lose the 1v1 in side lane after 1 or 2 items.
Take DBlade, run Grasp and rush Trinity Force. You can play very aggressively in this lane early on and taking ignite is definitely a possibility, but do be careful as Singed has very good gank setup and outscales you really hard. Trinity is good if you want to have more power in the 1v1. Overall, just try to get a lead in lane and then win teamfights because you will not be able to get anything done in the sidelane against Singed.
Really easy matchup. Start DBlade, bring Grasp and I would rush Trinity. You can really abuse Sion early on in the game, just trade aggressively but watch out because he can have some surprising damage. I think Baus makes lots of ppl think this champ SUCKS and has no damage, but it's not true. If you hold your E then he can't Q which is nice. Overall, just play for prio and grubs skirmishes, you're stronger.
Skarner isn't as bad as he used to be. I've both won this matchup really hard and also lost really hard. I've found that going DBlade + Grasp and rushing Trinity is best against Skarner. Level 1, unless you can get behind him and cheese him, I highly recommend not interacting with him and letting him get prio on the wave as his Q just lets him push too easily, and also has really high base damage. After you have level 3, you can trade much more effectively against Skarner. Just try to avoid getting poked out on the first few waves and you should be good to go.
Tahm Kench
Tahm Kench is a really easy matchup and is almost never played. Just take Grasp + DShield and rush Trinity. Obviously be careful about him eating and spitting you into tower, but other than that you should be all set.
Trundle is one of the easiest Jax matchups as your kit directly counters his, and you do everything he wants to do but better. Start DBlade + Grasp and rush Trinity. You should be winning this matchup at all stages of the game, unless he somehow manages to kite out your e with a pillar and all-in you with his ult while it's on cooldown. Use short trades with E + W and then you can just Q to disengage. Pretty chill.
People commonly mistake Tryndamere as as really easy matchup, but a good Tryndamere will make the early stages of laning really hard until you get your first item. Tryn has more damage early, better sustain, and his ult makes him really powerful in 1v1s. I would take Grasp and Teleport in this matchup, though you can run Ghost if you would like to be able to kite him out better. Starting DBlade is good and building Trinity first is best, followed by plated steelcaps. After your first item, you should win the matchup pretty hard, but you are vulnerable during the laning phase for sure. Give him prio.
Udyr is a very challenging matchup, though he isn't played as much anymore. What's good about Jax versus Udyr is that you can block his empowered autos which means that his empowered ability charges much slower. However, Udyr is much stronger than you early on in the game and can kite you all throughout the game, making him really hard to kill. Start DShield and run Grasp in this matchup, and I usually rush Trinity. Play very respectful early and avoid getting run down. Wave management is key in this matchup, and you can often bait Udyr players into constantly shoving the wave into you which lets you scale for free.
Urgot can be pretty challenging if you don't respect his burst potential with his e -> ult, but if you hold your e until he e's then you should be okay. The only way you ever lose this matchup is if he buffers his e into your stun, in which case you will get ulted and killed very easily. I personally think that running DShield + Grasp is good in this matchup, and that you can play pretty aggressive from level 3 onwards. Rushing Trinity into Urgot is best, as the extra health makes you harder for him to 1shot. Make sure you don't get chunked out early. If he has ignite then it's really hard to win early, so just play safe and farm.
Vayne is similar to TF but a bit harder as she can knock you away and if you ever waste your e in a bad spot, she will run you down and kill you. Start DShield + Grasp and start your q, as you can get some free damage off on her level 1 by q auto -> running away. Rush Trinity. As you get further into lane, the best way to trade versus vayne is to q on her, auto w and run away, potentially using your e if you have to. If she ever e's you away and you don't use your e, then you have a long window once your q is back up to jump on her and beat her. I have played this matchup against the best Vayne players on the server and as long as you respect their all-in potential, you should be okay.
Volibear is a really easy matchup for you as your e blocks both his q and his w. If you can ever bait him into using his e without jumping on him, then you have a really easy trade window that you literally cannot lose. I like bringing DShield + Grasp and in this matchup, rush Trinity. Take short trades and don't let him W you twice and you should be fine!
Warwick is the king of cheese, but as long as you keep this in mind you should be okay. Your E blocks his Q and you should be able to take short trades that are winning. I recommend taking Grasp versus Warwick, and starting DBlade. However, just keep in mind that playing against this champion is always challenging as he can really bait you in and then heal up a bunch and kill you when you don't expect it. Trinity is the best rush into Warwick as it gives you the best dueling power versus his kit, as well as enough HP to sustain his burst with his ult. You outscale him really hard so don't worry too much about building an early lead.
Though a good Wukong can win the lane for sure and I've won it from Wukong's POV before, it is a pretty Jax favored lane. Just be careful to not go on him too deep and waste your e before he using his clone, as his all-in potential is really strong with his ultimate + ignite once your counterstrike is down. I like DBlade + Grasp in this matchup and rushing Trinity to give you enough HP to survive his burst. Play for prio level 1 as you should be able to get it relatively easy.
Yasuo is a pretty easy matchup. Bring DBlade + Grasp and you should win at all stages of the game unless you really misplay. Rushing Trinity is best against Yasuo. You can get prio if you hit wave early but if he has his passive shield + bone plating it's really hard to trade on Yasuo, so it may be worth giving prio. Fighting Yasuo in his wave is good because he can't E to minions, so qing on him when he's trying to crash a wave is very strong.
Yone is pretty much the same as his brother. Just bring DBlade + Grasp. Just be careful about trading super aggressively early, as he is stronger than you unless you dodge qs consistently, then you win. Don't jump on Yone at bad times or get kited out with your e down or you will die. Rushing Trinity is best.
Yorick is really easy for Jax to deal with due to your ability to dodge a lot of his damage with your E, as well as being able to jump out of his cage. You win at all stages of the game, just fight him and you'll be good to go. Take Grasp, rush Trinity.
Zac is an interesting matchup because if the Zac player is good and respectful early then you will struggle. However, you get prio early on and can definitely look for solo kills during the laning phase. Grasp + DShield is great, and you can take ignite as well to prevent him from healing if you like. Rush Trinity. I don't go ignite personally bc I think teleport is super important but if you like it feel free.
Take Doran's Shield and Grasp in this matchup with Second Wind, and try to survive the early laning phase. You can really easily bait a bad Aurora into using her abilities by faking going for a cs. Once they're down you can look for a trade with Grasp and then back out. Similar to other ranged matchups, just look to not get chunked on their first crash, and then you can trade on the bounce back into them. Rush Trinity.
I thought this mu sucked at the beginning when she was released, but it's not that bad anymore. You get prio really easily, just stand by minions so she doesn't get the bonus Q damage. If you can bait her abilities out and dodge them, you can trade aggressively as she has really long CDs early. After 1 item it can be a bit harder to win this. Start DShield and bring Grasp, maybe go tank jax if ur feelin it.
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