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Recommended Items
Runes: LT Standard Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Ability Order Standard Skill Order
Eternal Hunger (PASSIVE)
Warwick Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Lillia's mobility and ability to kite with Q - Blooming Blows and W - Watch Out! Eep! can keep her out of Warwick's reach. Her R - Lilting Lullaby can also neutralize Warwick's engages, putting him to sleep before he can do much damage.
Champion Build Guide
Lethal Tempo synergizes well with Warwick's passive attack speed on low health targets. It can help edge out in duels vs other melee auto attackers.
Triumph Restores health after takedowns, synergizing with Warwick's sustain.
Legend: Alacrity Provides attack speed, helping with clear times and triggering Warwick's passive more frequently.
Last Stand Increases Damage when low on health, which Warwick often is due to his playstyle.
Due to nerfs to Relentless Hunter, I recommend the Resolve with:
Conditioning Provides bonus resistances after 12 minutes, scaling into the mid and late game.
Revitalize Enhances Healing which synergizes with Eternal Hunger, Jaws of the Beast, Infinite Duress.
Optional: Press the Attack is easily proc'd with Auto + Q + Auto, amplifying your damage by 8%.
Celerity Provides bonus movement speed, helping Warwick move around the map.
Waterwalking Further enhances movement speed and increases damage slightly while in the river.
Tiamat will be the main way to clear Jungle camps. Prioritize buidling this item first. In some cases, you may not be able to afford this on your first back at around 4:00, having 2 Long Sword is fine. |
Stridebreaker can assist in staying on enemies by slowing them by 35%. The 450 HP and 30% attack speed helps keep Warwick alive in fights and the +50 DMG increases Warwicks Q and R DMG. |
Titanic Hydra can assist with tanking damage. The 550 HP helps keep Warwick alive in fights and the +55 DMG increases Warwicks Q and R DMG. |
Plated Steelcaps assists in reducing damage from Auto Attacking enemies. Purchase these if the enemy has about 2 or more Attack Damage Threats like: Renekton, Gnar, Viego, Trundle, Jinx, or Caitlyn. |
Mercury's Treads assists in reducing CC from enemy spells. It is dangerous for Warwick to be CC'd by Stuns since he can easily be bursted if his E Primal Howl is not active. Purchase these if the enemy has about 3 or more Stuns and Roots. These boots are not effective against Knockups like Diana Ultimate Moonfall, or Nautilus R Depth Charge. |
Blade of the Ruined King can assist in dropping enemies under 50% Health quickly and activating Blood Hunt. It can easily be proc'd 3 times with a basic combo:
Auto >
Q >
Auto and can be proc'd 3 times with
Warwicks Ultimate. The lifesteal and attack speed helps keep Warwick alive in fights and the AD DMG increases Warwicks Q and R DMG. |
Sundered Sky gives an extra 450 health to work with and can offer some sustain similar to Blade of the Ruined King. It also has ability haste to lower the cooldown of Q Jaws of the Beast allowing for more damage/sustain and E Primal Howl damage reduction during fights. |
Bramble Vest is useful to assist your team with healing reduction. I would not advise to upgrade the item into Thornmail unless its a 4th or 5th item, because it will not increase the amount of healing reduced and only offers DEF and HP which other items can provide. It will only apply if the enemy Auto Attacks you. It is a good item against Olaf, Viego, Trundle, Volibear etc. It isn't very effective agasint Red Form Kayn, Aatrox since they mainly use abilities to lifesteal. |
Randuin's Omen is great against team compositions with 2 or more Critical Strike users. It decreases the amount of Crit Damage done to you and has an active 70% slow. It is a good item against Caitlyn, Jinx, Twitch, Jhin, Yasuo, Yone, Kindred etc. |
Force of Nature is a Magic Resistance item that increases Magic Resistance and grants bonus movements speed when stacked. This goes well against teams with Liandry's Torment users as the damage over time effect helps stack the item. |
Spirit Visage is a Magic Resistance item that increases healing/shielding by 25%. I am personally not a big fan of the item since usually the enemies will have a form of anti-heal against Warwick: Ignite, Executioner's Calling, Bramble Vest, Oblivion Orb In cases where the enemy is lacking these items or any of the items it builds into, Spirit Visage can be fully utilized. |
Jak'Sho, The Protean is a Hybrid Defensive item that increases DEF and Magic Resistance by 30% after 5 seconds in combat. It is extremely useful in keeping Warwick alive after using E to initiate combat. In most cases where the enemy team compisition is mixed this will be the 3rd item. It is an item that has can fit many situations that are not specific. |
Sterak's Gage is an Anti-Burst item that provides a shield when you take damage that would reduce you below 30% of your maximum health. Because the shield is made of 80% of Warwick's Bonus Health, it is best built 4th after completing Stridebreaker or Titanic Hydra and one defensive item: Jak'Sho, The Protean, Randuin's Omen, Spirit Visage |
Q - Jaws of the Beast: Warwick lunges forward and bites his target, dealing damage based on their max health and healing himself for a percentage of the damage dealt. Holding down the Q key will make Warwick follow his target, which is useful for sticking to slippery enemies.
W - Blood Hunt: Passive: Warwick gains attack speed against low-health targets and senses low-health enemies globally, marking them and gaining movement speed towards them. Active: Temporarily grants the bonus movement speed and attack speed against the nearest champion, regardless of their health.
E - Primal Howl: Warwick reduces all incoming damage for a short duration. When the duration ends or the ability is reactivated, Warwick howls, causing nearby enemies to flee. This is a key tool for engaging and peeling in fights.
R - Infinite Duress: Warwick leaps a great distance, suppressing the first champion he collides with and dealing damage over time. Warwick also heals for the damage dealt during the suppression. This is a powerful initiation tool and can be game-changing in team fights.
For All Combos, Press W if available for Extra Movement Speed vs Enemy Target
Basic Trade: Auto > Q > Auto
Basic Combo: E1 > Auto > Q > Auto > E2
Full Combo: E1 > Auto > Q > Auto > E2 > R
CC Combo VS Enemy Carry: E1 > Flash > Q > E2 > R
Focus on a full jungle clear, starting with your Blue Buff or Red Buff depending on which side you’re on and pathing towards Botlane.
Order will either be:
Red Buff -> Krugs -> Raptors -> Wolves -> Gromp -> Blue Buff
Blue Buff -> Gromp -> Wolves -> Raptors -> Red -> Krugs
Look for early gank opportunities when enemies are overextended. Use W - Blood Hunt to track low-health targets and secure kills, alternatively if your team is pushing in lanes look for opportunities to counter-gank or secure Scuttle Crabs.
DO NOT force a gank. If enemies are at full hp/mana they may be able to survive and lower your chances at having an impactful gank. Enemy jungler can retaliate with a counter gank and get an early lead.
Use R - Infinite Duress to initiate fights or catch out-of-position enemies.
Continue to clear your jungle in the order it was initially cleared and look for gank opportunities when enemies are overextended while clearing camps.
If enemy Jungler appears on the opposite side of the map in a gank and you are on the opposite side with an objective on the map. Take the ojective.
Example: If enemy is ganking top, attempt to secure Drake. If enemy is ganking bot, attempt to secure Grubs/Herald.
Sometimes after a successful gank, there is no Drake/Grubs/Herald to secure. In these cases, assist teammates by pushing in waves or by helping them deal damage to enemy towers.
DO NOT force a gank. If enemies are at full hp/mana they may be able to survive and lower your chances at having an impactful gank. Enemy jungler can retaliate with a counter gank or by taking your camps or an objective on the other side of the map.
In team fights, prioritize diving onto the enemy carries or catch out-of-position enemies with R - Infinite Duress or Flash with E Primal Howl and Infinite Duress . You should be tanky enough with E - Primal Howl to survive while your team follows up. Your presence in team fights should be disruptive, focusing on key targets.
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