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Recommended Items
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Gustwalker Smite
Threats & Synergies
one of the worst matchups because her spiders counter kha isolations' Try to bait elise E if you do this you have a very good chance to win the fight against her
Annie is the best option for crowd control and she is really well with kha because one well stun and kha have free kills
Annie is the best option for crowd control and she is really well with kha because one well stun and kha have free kills
NOTE: remember that the guide you see here is constantly updated, something new may appear here every now and then
Snowball Map Domination
one of the best options currently to dominate the entire map. Thanks to these evolutions you will be able to easily get a quick kill and get out of the fight without any problem, in other words you will be a real nightmare for the entire opposing team
High DPS and Mobility Map Pressure
very good option if you need shorter cooldown on Q in early game, with this combination your DPS will be much higher, which allows you to enter longer exchanges and get out of every fight without any problems because you still have the R evolution, thanks to which you have good pressure and survivability in every TF
Quick ONE SHOT + Survivability
thanks to this combination you are able to quickly oneshot your target and get out of it unscathed thanks to having a jump reset + R evolution in late game, killing you will be quite a challenge. Its practically the same as if you played Q > E > W with the difference that you don't have a slow with W, you just have additional survivability with R
In the current season these thre evolutions are the best choice for Kha'Zix
remember that there are no bad evolutions for Kha'Zix and its up to you to discover which evolutions are best for you and which evolutions you feel the most comfortable with
PATH & PLAY for YOURSELF. A simple yet effective way to play the game is to path towards what you think will net you kills with minimal risk of dying.
Recommended Full Clear to bot lane in most cases or full clear towards the top lane
(UPDATED 10/01/25)
Red Buff > Krugs > Raptors > Wolf > Gromp > Blue Buff
Blue Buff > Gromp > Wolf > Raptors > Krugs > Red Buff
next check if you can gank
if you can't then you make scatter and possibly invade the opposing jungle
Red Buff > Krugs > Raptors > Wolf > Gromp > Blue Buff
Blue Buff > Gromp > Wolf > Raptors > Krugs > Red Buff
next check if you can gank top or mid
if you can't then you make scatter and possibly invade the opposing jungle
Why don't you do a blue buff right away by doing a full clear? The answer is very simple by doing a clear in this way you speed up the spawn camp which spawns faster on the map than buffs
so your clear will be very effective
simple but works every time if you do full clear
Raptors > Krugs > Red Buff
very good clear if you want to make a very fast gank or counter gank by going into this clear
you can surprise your opponent in a very easy way.
if you see that in a given game you can do this 3 camp clear to gain some benefits in the game,
this clear is highly recommended. Regardless of whether the gank works or not,
your next option is to invade the enemy jungle, gank mid or just go back to your jungle to farm
as you can see you have many options after making a gank
Raptors > Blue Buff > Gromp
the basis of this clear is to make Raptors and immediately after making them go to the enemy blue buff, place a ward through the wall while making the buff and wait for the enemy, if he appears, you kill him immediately, if he is not there, you have a window to make a gromp to reach level 3 and then the enemy jungler will 100% appear, so you have the perfect opportunity to kill him
using this tactic you can open an easy path to early dominance in many games
Red Buff > Enemy Blue Buff > Enemy Gromp
this pathing is one of the better effective early invade options.The whole magic is that after making your Red Buff you go straight to the opponents Blue Buff, then give a ward behind the wall and if the opponent doesn't have time to come yet, we immediately make his Gromp and after that I have a 98% chance of a certain kill, possibly in the best case the opponent loses his flash and we are ahead with both gold and exp, we do not lose the pace in the game at all
IMPORTANT!! It can often happen that the enemy starts Blue Buff and we come across him on Gromp, so it is important to wait with taking W or E until we reach the opponent's jungle
As Kha'Zix you have to try to catch solo targets, you see that adc, support or mid is suddenly solo, immediately try to catch him to weaken the opponents chances of winning the teamfight
as much as possible.
Keeping your eyes on the map and on the enemies is vital at this point.
In order to win teamfights as Kha'Zix you need to ensure that teamfights are favoured in your way.
Just hiding in the bushes waiting for a potential victim will greatly contribute to your victory, because either you kill the opponent or the opponent will have to use Flash, and the fact that the opponent does not have Flash can greatly contribute to victory in teamfights
Your ULT Void Assault not only will it provide you with a great escape or easy kills, but it also allows you to reset your passive or an equally important thing that many people don't mention, namely canceling the opponents skills, mainly talking about Ultimates, if you tame everything properly you are able to cancel R cast of characters like:
Mordekaiser Realm of Death
Brand Pyroclasm
Darius Noxian Guillotine
Garen Demacian Justice
Lee Sin Dragon's Rage
Veigar Primordial Burst
Lissandra Frozen Tomb
Mordekaiser Realm of Death
Brand Pyroclasm
Darius Noxian Guillotine
Garen Demacian Justice
Lee Sin Dragon's Rage
Veigar Primordial Burst
Lissandra Frozen Tomb
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