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Zoe Build Guide by ShokLoL

Middle [25.S1.3] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Zoe Guide

Middle [25.S1.3] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Zoe Guide

Updated on February 5, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL Build Guide By ShokLoL 123 9 289,482 Views 10 Comments
123 9 289,482 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL Zoe Build Guide By ShokLoL Updated on February 5, 2025
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1 2
Taste of Blood
Deep Ward
Relentless Hunter

Legend: Haste
Cut Down

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2 3
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[25.S1.3] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Zoe Guide

By ShokLoL
Hey guys I'm Shok, multi Rank 1 Challenger mid laner and content creator! I played league professionally from 2017-2021 and have been rank 1 in multiple seasons, as well as rank 13 on the NA ladder in season 9.

I upload regularly on YouTube, and stream everyday on Twitch so feel free to follow me on either of those platforms :)

Season 10Season 9
Season 9 NA
Combos + Tips
Combos on Zoe are fairly simple but there are a few combos and tricks that you may find useful so I made a quick 3 minute video below:

If you're interested in seeing them in actual games, I made a montage of some of my best Zoe plays from competitive games below:
Laning Phase
Zoe with Electrocute and Ignite has plenty of ways to pick up solokills in the lane phase. Simply hitting a Sleepy Trouble Bubble and going forward with Paddle Star and Ignite will often allow you to pick up a solokill. Your basic trade combo will come with using the Paddle Star, passive auto and then hitting them with the Paddle Star to proc electrocute. Even if you don't hit the Paddle Star just hitting them with your empowered autos normally allows you to get good trades. Pre 6 you can hit Sleepy Trouble Bubble by fishing for them as a creep is about to die, or if you pick up a good item with your Spell Thief sometimes you can just run them down.

After level 6 Zoe's lane gets even better when you can reliably one shot the backwave with your Paddle Star. This allows you to hit Sleepy Trouble Bubbles on them really easily since they will have no creeps to hide behind, and even if they do you can often Portal Jump forward and look for a Sleepy Trouble Bubble on them. One thing to be careful of is your mana usage, before you have Lost Chapter and blue you will need to use your abilities carefully so it's important not just to waste them on cooldown.

Laning with Unsealed Spellbook and Teleport is a bit different. With this you can afford to be much greedier with your health and man, you will want to trade your HP for theirs and TP back. If you can force them out of lane and TP back often you can make them miss a lot of CS. You can also use them setup to rush a specific item such as Lost Chapter.
Mid Game
Generally in the mid game you want to be able to pick up as much farm as possible. Normally, the mid laner does this by pushing the side waves in mid game but it's a bit harder to do on Zoe since she's quite weak at side laning.

On Zoe I would recommend just trying to pick up side waves when they hit your towers and try push them just to the river, don't worry about pushing them all the way. Zoe excels in the solo queue ARAM but the most important thing is that you are at the important objectives fights like dragon or rift herald so pay attention to these timers.

To become really good you need to balance this with farming which will take some practice. If you are near the objective first and get a good chunk with Sleepy Trouble Bubble or Paddle Star onto an important enemy target you can often secure it without even having to fight for it.
Teamfighting and Skirmishing
In teamfights and skirmishes you want to be looking to Sleepy Trouble Bubble the enemy team through walls and getting some Paddle Star poke onto them. To avoid getting engaged on finding a wall to poke from can be quite useful. If you can, try get poke and bubbles on the enemy teams carries as opposed to just poking their tanks, but if you can't then just poke their frontline down. Zoe's main weakness is getting hard engaged on so be careful where you Portal Jump forward from.
More Zoe Content
That's pretty much it. Thank you for reading my Zoe guide and I hope you guys learned something from it. If you have any questions you can ask here or message me directly.

I upload regularly on YouTube, and stream occasionally on Twitch so feel free to follow me on either of those platforms :)

If you're interested in individual coaching contact me on discord shokoce.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ShokLoL
ShokLoL Zoe Guide
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[25.S1.3] Shok's Rank 1 Challenger Zoe Guide

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