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Choose Champion Build:
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Udyr Passive Ability
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Greater Mark of Attack Speed: They scale good with your Phoenix
Greater Seal of Scaling Health: I like to go scale health because of our Strength of the Ages in the masteries. At lvl 18 you get 516 hp for free
Greater Glyph of Cooldown Reduction+ Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction: you get 10% flat CDR what is really good at lvl 1. Also you only need 30% CDR from Items now
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed: Movespeed on Udyr is really good. You are faster then the enemys, so you cans tun them and kill them
For Masteries i like to go 0/12/18
12 in the Cunning Tree for the movespeed and for longer Buffs
18 in the Resolve Tree for the Tankyness. He whe choose Strength of the Ages also for the Tankyness and the good scale with your runes
12 in the Cunning Tree for the movespeed and for longer Buffs
18 in the Resolve Tree for the Tankyness. He whe choose Strength of the Ages also for the Tankyness and the good scale with your runes
Stalker's Blade - Runic Echoes: This Item is really strong on Udyr. Is gives you +10% Movement Speed and 60 AP which scales good with your phoenix and turtle stance. Also you get your first power spike when you get this Item
Boots of Swiftness:Swiftness has been great and very cost efficient for a long time now and it's especially a good item on udyr because it gives MS and Slow Resistance that really synergises well with his E
Iceborn Gauntlet: With Udyr your core Items were Trinity Force and Frozen Heart. But with the Iceborn Gauntlet u combine these 2 Items and get the sheen effect, 500 Mana and 20% Cooldown Reduction
Spirit Visage: Good MR item which gives you the 10% CDR u need for the 40% CDR
Dead Man's Plate: You get many armor health and MS which scales very good with Udyr
Abyssal Mask: You get 70 AP, 50 MR and help ur team to make more dmg with the passive
Zz'Rot Portal: If you will going to split push all time then buy this Item. It helps you alot to destroy the Tower fast and win the game
Boots of Swiftness:Swiftness has been great and very cost efficient for a long time now and it's especially a good item on udyr because it gives MS and Slow Resistance that really synergises well with his E
Iceborn Gauntlet: With Udyr your core Items were Trinity Force and Frozen Heart. But with the Iceborn Gauntlet u combine these 2 Items and get the sheen effect, 500 Mana and 20% Cooldown Reduction
Spirit Visage: Good MR item which gives you the 10% CDR u need for the 40% CDR
Dead Man's Plate: You get many armor health and MS which scales very good with Udyr
Abyssal Mask: You get 70 AP, 50 MR and help ur team to make more dmg with the passive
Zz'Rot Portal: If you will going to split push all time then buy this Item. It helps you alot to destroy the Tower fast and win the game
To start with early game udyr gets a really easy clear and early game mana management because of the new Runics Echoes. This is the key item to make this build work because it's the very core of the build. Without it, it wouldnt work at all. at lvl 9 udyr's r is maxed and deals 200 damage + the 80 from runichs echoes (cant really count the bonus scaling right now)+ 55 damage per second from R active. Later on we add gauntlet and abyssal which gives you tankiness and helluva lot of damage. So basically udyr is pretty much a juggernaut with this build except he's a better version of darius and garen being able to actually slow the target consistently and and have way higher mobility.
The playstyle doesnt really change much except for the fact that now you dont really focus on sustaining damage and being a stun bot but instead can actually focus on killing the target (which is fairly easy to do now).
The playstyle doesnt really change much except for the fact that now you dont really focus on sustaining damage and being a stun bot but instead can actually focus on killing the target (which is fairly easy to do now).
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