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Rakan Build Guide by SuicidalEmoji

Support [7.16]Rakan! Doing his job. (IN DEPTH)

Support [7.16]Rakan! Doing his job. (IN DEPTH)

Updated on August 22, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalEmoji Build Guide By SuicidalEmoji 11,074 Views 2 Comments
11,074 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalEmoji Rakan Build Guide By SuicidalEmoji Updated on August 22, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Rakan Support.

Hi there! I am Suicidal Emoji, and this is my Support Rakan guide. I worked hard to make this guide the best I could, and I would appreciate any and all feedback that you guys may provide.I believe Rakan is a fantastic champion, and he is by far the most fun - because your role is to disrupt and irritate the enemy team as much as possible, especially with your ultimate, The Quickness.

Without further ado, I present to you, my first ever guide, my Rakan guide. I put a fair amount of effort into this guide, so I do implore you to reconsider any downvotes pending the actual trial and testing of my guide that I imagine you are planning to do.I am still learning how to make guides, so I do apologise for any mishaps.
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]


+ Ranged Lifesteal with Gleaming Quill
+ Good Knock up with Grand Entrance
+ High Mobility with both Grand Entrance and Battle Dance
+ Fantastic crowd control with The Quickness
+ Passive Fey Feathers increases survivability
+ Barely winning trades is your forte


- Squishy without your abilities
- Poor laning phase
- Once you're in, it's hard to get out.
- Easy to counter
- Only viable as a support
- Long ability cooldowns in early game

himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]

With Rakan there are several ways to dance around, but for this guide I am saying we want 0/18/12 , Windspeaker's Blessing , Insight , Explorer and Meditation .
If you were elsewhere on the map, Thunderlord's Decree is the obvious choice. But you are not, and you are supporting. Thus I have not chosen Thunderlord's Decree .
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]



Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
Summoner Spells

Flash: Is a great Get Out of Jail Free card, or to jump and Grand Entrance into the enemy.

Exhaust: Slows BOTH movement speed and attack speed. I use it to slow the attack speed of something like a Tristana to help cheese the hell out of the enemy. Better to use it to win the trade than to slow down the enemy so you can escape after your ally died.

Ignite: The only other option. Useful, but very easy to steal a kill with. Personally I'm not a fan because it feels like it belongs in the midlane. But it wins fights, I would use it versus something like a Soraka ONLY when you are going to all-in her. The less power her damn heals have, the better.
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]

Abilities, Explained.
  • Fey Feathers: This passive keeps Rakan from taking too much damage. It pops a shield every 30 seconds. Referred to sometimes as "The better version of Malphite passive".
  • Gleaming Quill (Q): This skill shot hits the first thing it touches and deals damage. If it hits a champion or a big jungle monster (Dragon or Rift Herald, for example) The damage it does returns to Rakan. It then heals If Rakan touches of an allied champ, healing both Rakan and the ally for the amount.
  • grand Grand Entrance (W): Rakan dives underneath the selected area and knocks up all enemies above him. Useful for initiating teamfights or just trades.
  • Battle Dance (E): Rakan jumps to an ally, shielding them. It can be recast at no cast within a short time-frame. Range is increased when with Xayah.
  • The Quickness (R): Rakan jumps in the air (BEAUTIFULLY) and proceeds to charm any enemies he touches off of. The ultimate lasts a while, but the charms do not, and once they are hit once they will not be hit again with the charm. Make it count.
Ability Order
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
> > >
We want to max out Grand Entrance because it is our main damage dealer. Then Battle Dance as it allows you to keep your adc alive. We level up Gleaming Quill last because it is a skill shot that is not worth the points until later on. You'll notice that Battle Dance is the first thing I put a point into, because the leash you give your jungler is more effective when he is shielded for the first two hits.
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
Remember, Rakan has a weak laning phase, so synergy matters a lot with him. Certain ADC's are a bad idea to team up with as Rakan because they do not synergise well at all. Let's get into it.
God Tier
These ADC's are the best match for Rakan.

Twitch. Not only is he incredibly strong right now, but his ability to hide means you can engage very easily on the enemy by using Battle Dance on him followed by Grand Entrance.

Kalista. Kalista is widely regarded as a weak ADC, but I truly believe that she is fantastic. Her ult synergises with your entire kit so amazingly well. Play with her a few times, and you'll come to learn that played right, her ult is devastating.

Xayah. Obviously fantastic, as simply being with her buffs your Battle Dance. Very enjoyable combo, and if she is a good Xayah you can crush the enemy team with ease. Care not to use your ults together, rather than one after the other, as the aim is to keep her alive so she can do as much damage as possible.

Miss Fortune.Her early game damage from Double Up is impressive. Your Grand Entrance synergises beautifully with her Make it Rain, and your ult can grab her a nifty triple kill with ease. She has no escapes, however, so protect her.
Tier 1.
These champions match well with Rakan,but not amazingly.

Jhin. While it is a good synergy, Jhin would prefer you could peel more for him or slow his enemies down while he reloads. You do well however when he lands his Deadly Flourish, and your charm makes it easier for him to land his ult.

Caitlyn. Her traps are useful, but anyone who is caught in one will get headshot by her so you can guarantee that they will back off. Her ult does not synergise with yours at all, and even though she is incredibly strong right now, you are almost useless to her in the laning phase because she does not need your knock ups to get in range. She is Tier 1 only because of how strong she is in the cureent meta.

Draven. Draven is very strong right now, so it would seem that he fares well with Rakan on his side. Realistically, Draven does not need Rakan in the early game because every Draven will focus on their stacks. This works well with Rakan, because your early game is weak and you need to wait a few levels to be relevant. His Stand Aside knocks enemies aside and if you time it right, it can be end-game for them.

Tristana. Tristana is an unusual champ in that you can either do very, very well, or disgraceful. Fortunately, her Rocket Jump is fantastic to get her where you need her to be once you attacked with Grand Entrance. Her ult is the opposite of beneficial, as most Tristana players use it to get a big hefty Tryndamere ofF them, whereas you need it to be directed towards you so you can Grand Entrance them. Can be brilliant, usually just okay.

Varus. His ult is why he is Level 1 Tier. His range on his Piercing Arrow is massive, he simply does not need you to initiate. He would rather you were a poke champion like Sona or Nami to catch out immobile champions so he can stay far back. However, your ults synergise brilliantly as it locks down a chain of enemies, precisely what you need to charm them.
Tier 2
Not great. Other champions are recommended, or at least be prepared to ask for serious help from your jungler.

Ezreal. Currently, he is weak. He has the lowest win-rate in the lane at the moment, and even those he got a small buff to his early game cooldowns in 7.15, he simply cannot keep up with champions with long range like Caitlyn and Draven, who totally **** on Ezreal. He will not win and neither will you.

Lucian. Lucian has quite a strong laning phase, whereas you do not. He wants a champion who can take a lot of damage for him while he does damage in return. Someone like Braum for example, will do very well with a Lucian. Rakan does not, simply because he flies about the place and does not protect Lucian effectively enough.

Vayne. She has no range, so while you can knock her up and get her into range, She will eventually Condemn them making you almost entirely useless. Your ults have no synergy as she simply manouevers around the enemies anyways. I do not like playing with Vayne players for this reason.

Ashe. She has no mobility. She has a slow, yes, but no real attack speed. One of her skills does what you do anyway with a sightstone. Her ult makes for an easy all-in, but overall she has a weak laning phase and it is hard to keep her alive long enough to do damage.

Sivir. Sivir will always outpush the lane. She will keep them up at the turret the entire time, a risk that could get you both killed as she has very little mobility. Diving with her is easy, and she is good at poking down champions, but overall I do not feel there is great synergy as all her ult does for you is make it easier to use Grand Entrance on top of them.

Neither Corki or Kog'Maw are played regularly enough for me to comment on them properly, but I would imagine Corki to be quite ineffective with a Rakan, and Kog to be more relevant, due to his ability to slow. Kog dies very easily, but do not think you cant win the trade once he does, as his passive can get a double kill if played right.

himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
In teamfights Rakan should wait for the enemy to initiate, and if possible, sidestep the frontline tanks like Malphite and Garen and CC the hell out of the damage the team actually has, primarily the enemy ADC.

Your ultimate The Quickness will win teamfights if played right. Try and draw the team together with the charm, remember that it is not just a stun but A CHARM (think like Ahri, how annoying it can be...but it hits all of their team.)If the enemy is kiting you, use Grand Entrance to force them into the charm. Otherwise, do not burn Grand Entrance because the cooldown is not very nice. Their team will focus whoever is the highest at outputting damage on your team, hopefully it is the ADC, use Battle Dance
on whoever it is to both GET OUT of the enemy team cluster, and to shield your adc,
as soon as your CC wears off. At that point, your activatable items are your priority.
Once cooldowns are down, the process repeats.
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
Ward Placement

A good support knows how to ward. A bad one, does not. If a gank kills you or your ADC because the bush was not warded, that is the support's fault, no question. Good ward placement matters.

From the bottom lane these are the potential ward placements.
Versus Morgana or Zyra, it'll be clear which bushes need warding more. The "back entrance" for either team should be warded with a control ward. If your ADC is half decent and has done this, ward the drake with a control ward, or maybe the tiny river bush near the midlaner.
himy name jsdlhadjfk afga;fng dfjglstjg alrgjaeilgj agjarpQJR AERLGKJILG RGLJL;G slgjflkhm dfkjg;ajg SFDJGKAHA SDJG;JDSFLG GJLDJOARGAO jaropja asja jsoifja a;gijag gjasifjgjjlg;ajglkjdlg [/colour]
Rakan is a tormenting champion to play against. He is disruptive, cocky, and his animations are as aesthetically pleasing as they could be. If you have any comments, questions or queries about my guide, please don't hesitate to ask any questions.

Upvote if you liked the guide, and only downvote if you feel it is absolutely necessary. If you do downvote, please inform me of why, and perhaps I can rectify any mistakes I have made.

Have fun dancing with Rakan!

- SuicidalEmoji
Thank You!!

Thanks to jhoijhoi's Making a Guide guide!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalEmoji
SuicidalEmoji Rakan Guide
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