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Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
A good Janna will cancel your engages and make you feel kinda useless. However she don't have that much offensive potential by herself so maybe leaving your ADC and trying to roam mid can unlock a game. Remember you don't support your only ADC!
Table Of Contents
Let me promptly introduce myself: I play on EUW as Lazy Kingfisher since season 3, and I main support since the end of the 4th season. This is also my first guide, so I would be pleased to have any feedback or comments to answer! Anyway, let’s go back to our main topic, which is “Why should YOU play Sejuani support?” Sejuani is commonly seen as a very tanky jungler, with strong ganks and early game pressure. Thus, why not make her a great initiating/tank support? In a nutshell, she is a perfect pick to enhance ganks and teamfights, secure kills and peel for your carries. Her kit is very complete and allows you to have many opportunities to catch your opponents. This humble guide will give you intel about how to build her, use her and most importantly it will help you to switch from "not another troll supp" into "Wp Seju!". If it sounds like a deal for you, let's proceed! I won’t go into every detail about the support role (in particular warding, roaming and map awareness in general) so if you are interested in this essential parts of the game, I can recommend you the amazing “In depth guide for supporting” by Wicked Eye. It is not the most recent one but it is definitely a very complete one! Allright, no more boring talk, let’s dive into this! :) |
Ps: big up for UOL Hylissang who lately picked Seju sup against FNC, it kinda failed but that's a nice start ;)
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Very tanky
Lots of CC
Great engage potential
Anti-burst passive
Strong peel
Good mobility: untargeted dash with rather low cooldown
%HP damage: good scaling,
allows you to go full tank and still deal some damage |
Great catch and chase capabilities
Not punishing: easy to learn, satisfying to play!
Unexpected as a support (let's bait some junglers!)
You can ride a badass Poro to battle and that should be your best and only reason to pick her
Vulnerable against compositions and lanes with lots of poke
Low to average damage output mid to late game
Early mana costs (not a problem later in game)
Poor synergy if your jungler and/or top laner aren't melee (they can't proc Permafrost stacks)
If the game dont go well you might obtain the honorific title of "report Seju x9 troll". I am decently tilt proof so it doesn't affect me much, but you better know it. Mute OP ;)
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New runes are quite obvious, and self-explanatory. Let's give a look about it:
You are looking for tankiness, therefore Resolve is very important in first tree, for the Aftershock keystone. Easy to proc, makes you tankier and deals a nice bonus damage.
After some trials I prefer Demolish over Font of Life, but that's honestly up to you. If you want to adapt your runes before each game I would advice to take Demolish if you can push faster than the opposite bot lane, and Font of Life otherwise..
Conditioning is the most versatile option but you can choose Iron Skin if vs full ad, or Mirror Shell vs heavy AP comps (like let's say Varus/Brand bot).
Lastly, I like Overgrowth for the scaling, but Second Wind can be used if you face hard poke.
For the second tree, I prefer Inspiration with free cookies (for sustain if you trade, and even more importantly, mana regen) and Magical Footwear (you are quite unlikely to buy them that early anyway), both of the option are very gold efficient. You can try Approach Velocity instead of cookies for a more aggro playstyle (or if the lane is passive), or Cosmic Insight for items CDR.
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Standard summoners:
Flash is the best summoner you can get on almost every champion, it will give you mobility, escape and offensive engage potential. There are a few tricks to know with Sejuani. You can Arctic Assault and immediately Flash to surprise an enemy. You can Winter's Wrath and Flash the same way as Taric can do with his Dazzle. You can also Glacial Prison + Flash in order to change the trajectory of the projectile (the target will remain unchanged however). It is not the most useful trick but hey, there you know! :)
Exhaust can win fights by itself, so don't underestimate it. Using exhaust wisely is probably one of the most important things to know as support. Exhaust has two main uses: first one is to protect your allies by reducing damage output from an enemy. Second one is to slow and cut resistances from an enemy for easiest kill. Therefore, it is a very versatile summoner spell.
Ignite can legitimately be picked in some matchups. In bottom lane, against champions with a lot of heal (typically Soraka), but you should also pick it when an enemy with lot of healing potential is in the game and either mid or top haven't picked it ( Vladimir, Aatrox, Warwick, Swain, Illaoi, Dr. Mundo...). You can also pick it if you are willing to play aggressively and snowball with you ADC and your jungler. I consider that Exhaust usually "scales" better into late game though.
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Winter's Wrath is a skillshot with 2 animations, each one applying a Frost stack. The first one will deal damage in a cone, and gather the minions and monsters in a nice line, and the second will deal more damage in the line matching the middle of the cone and slow enemies for a short period. The animations hitbox will follow your movement, same as Taric's Dazzle. I'll let you read the details for the spell damages but remember it deals % of YOUR maximum health as magic damage.
Teamwork OP! Your abilities and auto attacks apply Frost stacks to enemy champions. When reached 4 stacks, your can launch a targeted projectile, stunning for 1 to 2 seconds. The nice feature is that melee allies are also able to apply Frost stacks! The cooldown of the spell is very low, so if you and your allies do well in teamfights you will be able to stun lots of them. Since it is a targeted stun, it can be very useful to lock and start to chain CC slippery champions like Master Yi, Katarina, Yasuo... The counterpart is that it can be sometimes slow to apply these 4 stacks.
Rapid conclusion: Sejuani's kit is very versatile in the support role. Her long range engage can be very surprising (total range of 1825: 650 fom the dash and 1175 from your ult, which is roughly more than 2 times under ultimate twitch's range!!). You are also very likely to survive an initial engage or an unexpected combo from an enemy trap for instance.
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The best ability to max is definitely your W, Winter's Wrath. There is some reasons to that: the mana cost is quite high initially but it won’t go higher, which means your mana will be used more and more efficiently over the game. Moreover, it deals damage according to your max hp, and that’s a very strong stat. Finally, it is your main and almost only push spell, so it helps you managing the lane with your ADC. The second ability to max is a bit trickier. I chose here to max the E, Permafrost in second position rather than Arctic Assault. It is mostly to give more hard CC time (from 1 to 2 seconds). Maxing Permafrost is really good if your jungler is melee and decided to help your lane a lot. Maxing Arctic Assault second can help you taking small trades but the cooldown reduction is rather low and won't change a lot if you look at the damage it deals. Oh, and I didn’t mentioned it earlier, but of course take Glacial Prison as soon as you can!
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Your support item needs to be the relic shield, as your primary goal is to tank. It also gives you some sustain in lane which is comfortable for the early levels, and can help your ADC to push faster. You can consider exchanging the 3 biscuits for a Refillable Potion if the enemy lane is very passive. The Stealth Ward is also mandatory to prevent early ganks, you will change it for a Sweeping Lens when you’ll have your [sightstone], and for an Oracle Lens at level 9.
Core Items
My personal favorite since Ninja Tabi small nerf, mainly because of Mercury's CC reduction. Move speed bonus helps you to put your last auto attack for Permafrost and to roam to midlane. Consider picking the Tabi if enemy ADC is fed or if opposite team have a lot of auto attack based champs.
Magic resistance Items
This new item is also a benediction for you! Nice base stats and it has a lot of synergies with Sejuani: you engage with your Frost Armor, and when it breaks use the active and you basically have no spell left for the 4 second duration so you don't care about the damage reduction. Moreover, it makes you crazy tanky during this short time period. Use it in combo with Locket of the Iron Solari to give your allies a massive shield. (cooldowns are the same, how amazing is that?)
This item shouldn't be bought for no reason, but it can be very effective to counter some compositions or champions, like Cassiopeia, Teemo, Ryze, Swain and every dot/poison champion. I prefer Abyssal Mask if no dot champion are present in the enemy team.
Armor Items
I find this item to be very effective since its rework, so you should definitely consider buying him if 2+ enemies are auto attack or attack speed based (ie. random ADC + Tryndamere ).
Classic anti critic item. Basic stats are great, you will also be able to use the active at every fight, so it is a safe item to buy.
Zeke is a very good item now, the stats synergies well with Sejuani and the active will make you fearsome in teamfights. It is also pretty cheap and you can try to cheese by crafting it early.
Alternative (but viable!) Items
This is your best offensive item down there. The AOE slow is huge when your Frost Armor is up, that's very useful during teamfights. Stats are also really decent if you face lots of physic damage.
That's a very situational item, the base stats aren't that bad for the price and the ZZ'Rot can be a good way to counter some split pushing champions, or to secure objectives.
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Hard matchups
Lucian can be a pain in the a$$. His dash Relentless Pursuit will make your day very hard, as a good player will keep it to dodge and cancel your engage. You can still try to bait his dash with your Q and catch him with your ult. If your ADC or juggler has some CC too it can be enough to hold him.
Cait is a very strong laner. Her great range and mobility will keep her safe from your engage, and she can still be able to harass you and zone you under tower with her Yordle Snap Trap. Don’t lose hope though, you will be a big problem for her later in fights. Hopefully your ADC will have a better scaling, so stick to farm in lane and ward defensively.
Lot of mobility, lots of poke, good burst: Corki isn’t an easy opponent. Since a couple of patches he deals more magic damage than physical damage, so don’t rush armor, especially if his support is also AP (I like to go Gargoyle Stoneplate then Locket of the Iron Solari ). You should wait for ganks, try not to lose vision advantage and focus on farming. Insist on miss pings as he can roam to other lanes very fast.
Even matchups
She can be quite slippery, with a big resetting Rocket Jump, but remember your dash can cancel hers. Important fact, she can’t freeze a lane because of her passive Explosive Charge.
Very slippery. He has no way to stop all of your CC so you should have him with a gank. He has a rather weak late game compared to other ADC’s though. Try to dodge his Mystic Shot in lane to save your passive, and remember he has no pushing power apart from Trueshot Barrage. You can try to freeze and zone him if you are ahead.
She will likely be pushing you undertower until her lvl 6. Her Spell Shield makes her safe from your ult, and the move speed given by On The Hunt makes her safe from your engage. Consider choosing another target, she is not an hyper carry ADC.
Lucian can be a pain in the a$$. His dash Relentless Pursuit will make your day very hard, as a good player will keep it to dodge and cancel your engage. You can still try to bait his dash with your Q and catch him with your ult. If your ADC or juggler has some CC too it can be enough to hold him.
Accessible matchups
Jinx long range rockets from Switcheroo! can bother you. It’s basically a Caitlyn with less mobility, less burst and better late game. She can be quite free with a gank.
No escape, no disengage. That's all you love. Freeze him to death, ult when he does. Care about the 4th auto attack from Whisper.
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Please keep in mind that I won’t specify the auto attack from your Arctic Assault as it is automatic and you can’t miss it. Another important point, you should always try to keep your Arctic Assault to disengage if you have the opportunity to engage without it! It will save you from a lot of trouble.
Basic combo:
Very easy one, you dash to the enemy with Arctic Assault, and start channeling Winter's Wrath just before your dash hits. It is a very short trade, and if you go back fast enough you will have your Frost Armor during the whole trade, which means you will basically take no damage. That’s why Sejuani is very good in short trades.
Long trade combo:
> > > >
This is you classic harass in-lane combo. You start the same way as your basic combo. At this point the passive from Permafrost will have 3 stacks (one from the dash AA, two from your W). You just have to land that 4th AA to be able to use your E, and a last AA to proc the damage from Fury of the North.
Long range engage:
> > >
You will need this quite often. The trick is to launch your Glacial Prison and immediately Arctic Assault, so your body will “hide” the projectile and will surprise the target. The minimum range to activate the storm is rather low so don’t worry too much about being far. The effect of surprise is most important than some fractions of second of stun. Another problem is that your ultimate will trigger Icebreaker cooldown so you will not be able to use Permafrost until a long time.
Optimal crowd control combo:
> > > > >
This combo will be perfect either to engage an enemy at close range or to peel for your team. The goal is to proc Icebreaker 2 times on the same target and in a single fight. You will start to engage with Arctic Assault like in the first combo and immediately launch your Winter's Wrath. A last AA will allow you to cast Permafrost. You will then need to move back and use Glacial Prison to maximize your ultimate stun duration (up to 2 seconds). Finally, go back to the target and proc Icebreaker with an AA or with Winter's Wrath if you have enough cooldown reduction.
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Hi again everyone!
My summoner name is Lazy Kingfisher, I am 23, from France (therefore my English is not perfect) and I play on the EUW server since fall season 3. I like supporting because I feel that this play style is a very rewarding and interesting one: your impact in games comes more from the decisions you make rather than your gold supply. I am currently around Gold IV, so as you can understand I am not pretending to be the most legitimate player to talk about strategy. Now you should ask yourself "Well, should I trust him?" and the best answer is definitely NO, try this pick by yourself and suggest improvements!
For the record, I would like to clarify that I don’t see this pick as a “troll” pick or a non-viable one. To be very honest, I decided to write this guide because I wasn’t completely satisfied with the few other Sejuani support guides and I feel kinda sad to lose such potential. So here I am attempting to fix this, so thanks a lot for reading this, I’ll be glad if this guide can be of any use to you!
I do have okay results though, with a winrate of 56% with Sejuani and 63% with Braum last season. My main picks are Braum, Sejuani, Lulu and Janna. I managed to climb gold 4 last season mainly with our friendly Pig rider (yey!).
Here are some screenshot of my profile, nothing fancy, just to show you it works very decently at my current elo (ps: was taken last season, still have to play her in ranked season 8).
What's next?
Well, If this guide is useful for enough players, I'll probably keep it up to date and maybe improve it, so it would be great to have some feedback!
If you tested her and have interesting results either good or bad, please leave a comment and explain me what you liked or disliked! ;)
please :)
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