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Choose Champion Build:
- Best build right now
- Zyra, The Rise of Thorns
- Electrocute Build (TEST)
- Zyra, The Curious Flower
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Garden of Thorns (PASSIVE)
Zyra Passive Ability
Champion Build Guide
About Me
Hello! I am Frosty, but you can also call me Kaliber! I am a graphic designer but I also have a love for games. Currently, my favourite is League of Legends! I came from a MOBA that was called Paragon but unfortunately, Epic Games shut down the servers. I was a platinum player in Paragon and mained mid lane. This is my first guide, so I am still learning and would love all feedback I can get! I love mid and top, and I love exploring champions. I recently explored Zyra and think that I have created a good mid and support build for season 8!
About Zyra
Speciality: Supportive Mage Why choose Zyra? Zyra is a supportive mage who can play mid lane but can also support. She is very strong and he Stranglethorns does a ton of damage combined with her Grasping Roots. |
Pros / Cons
+ Fairly easy to play + Good as a support or mid laner + Root that can hit multiple targets + Multiple seeds deal a lot of damage + Low skill cooldowns + Easy to kite enemies |
Zyra is a great pick in solo queue. She deals a lot of damage with her Grasping Roots into her ultimate Stranglethorns with some Rampant Growth seeds around the enemy. |
- Her passive is like her W - Susceptible to CC - Falls off late game - You can't choose where your Garden of Thorns go, making it sometimes useless - Seeds need to be in range of an ability to be useful - Seeds can be walked over by an enemy and they're gone |
As per all champions, Zyra has her strengths, and her weaknesses. Zyra's passive, Garden of Thorns and Rampant Growth are very similar and they are a large portion of her kit, yet they're easily countered. A couple hits and they're done or before they're even activated, walking over the seed. |
Summoner Spells
Ability Maxing
I always max Deadly Spines first but put a point into Grasping Roots at level 1 just in case you get ganked at level 1 or pushed out. This can be switched out but I prefer it. It is also an easy way to freeze minions for a little bit.
08/06 - Guide was published
08/07 - Noticed that there were many typos, went in and fixed as many as I could find
08/08 - Changed Second Wind to Chrysalis **SUPPORT**
08/08 - Changed Nimbus Cloak to Manaflow Band
08/09 - Changed Barrier to Ignite as I realized that the Ignite helps after ult
08/11 - Experimented with ability maxing, changed the ability maxing to "E"
08/15 - Updated the guide for 8.16, added the Electrocute test build
08/15 - Changed the Inspiration secondary tree to Domination **MID**
08/30 - Changed the Electrocute secondary tree back to Inspiration **MID**
08/30 - Changed Font of Life to Bone Plating as I didn't find much use **SUPPORT**
09/14 - After experimenting, I found a better build than Transcendence **MID**
08/07 - Noticed that there were many typos, went in and fixed as many as I could find
08/08 - Changed Second Wind to Chrysalis **SUPPORT**
08/08 - Changed Nimbus Cloak to Manaflow Band
08/09 - Changed Barrier to Ignite as I realized that the Ignite helps after ult
08/11 - Experimented with ability maxing, changed the ability maxing to "E"
08/15 - Updated the guide for 8.16, added the Electrocute test build
08/15 - Changed the Inspiration secondary tree to Domination **MID**
08/30 - Changed the Electrocute secondary tree back to Inspiration **MID**
08/30 - Changed Font of Life to Bone Plating as I didn't find much use **SUPPORT**
09/14 - After experimenting, I found a better build than Transcendence **MID**
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