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Fiora Build Guide by PandaSenpai101

[9.15] Submit! You have already lost! - 250k Mastery Points

[9.15] Submit! You have already lost! - 250k Mastery Points

Updated on August 7, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PandaSenpai101 Build Guide By PandaSenpai101 15 0 34,871 Views 0 Comments
15 0 34,871 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PandaSenpai101 Fiora Build Guide By PandaSenpai101 Updated on August 7, 2019
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Runes: Great Grasp Build

1 2 3 4
Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating

Nimbus Cloak
Gathering Storm

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[9.15] Submit! You have already lost! - 250k Mastery Points

By PandaSenpai101


Hello! I've been playing Fiora since Season 7, and she is my one true main. I have 250k Mastery Points on her, and she's a really a fun champion to play. I don't play on my main account, but I like to play on my other account. Anyways, enough about me, but about Fiora.
Pros and Cons

+ High DPS Mid/Late Game - Duelist's Dance makes Fiora deal true damage based on the enemy's max health and your AD.

+ High amount of sustain - Duelist's Dance, and Lifesteal items such as Ravenous Hydra makes her sustain massive.

+ High mobility - Lunge level 9 has a cooldown of 2 or 3 seconds as long as you hit something with it.

+ High chance of outplay - Riposte makes you invulnerable for 0.75 seconds(except for turret shots), and stuns in a line, if the ability that was parried had CC.

+ High survivability - Due to Duelist's Dance, Grand Challenge, and Lunge, Fiora can reposition herself quickly and heal to make her sustain in fights.

+ High AD percentages on abilities - Duelist's Dance has a 4.5% per 100 AD to true damage conversion. Lunge has a 115% bonus AD ratio. Bladework has a crit to double your damage. This means that Fiora is extremely powerful late game.

- Crucial not to make mistakes - Misuse of your Riposte or Lunge can lead to death.

- High skill ceiling and skill floor - You need to know how to use your Riposte properly, and that will take knowledge of every champion, and take a lot of games to master.

- Bad waveclear - Fiora doesn't have good waveclear before Tiamat so pushing or last hitting can be difficult.

- High mana costs Mid/Late Game - Spamming Lunge and Bladework drains your mana quickly, and without items like Trinity Force, teamfighting will leave her without mana.

- High early game cooldowns - Rank 1, Riposte has a 24 second cooldown, Bladework has a 13 second cooldown, and Lunge has a 16 second cooldown or 6.4 second cooldown if you hit something with it. This means that misusing an ability can make you useless for several seconds.
Let's quickly go over Fiora's abilities.

Duelist's Dance (Passive): INNATE: Fiora identifies the Vitals of nearby enemy champions, marked as an arc around themselves. Vitals take 0.5 seconds to identify and linger for 15 seconds. After a Vital is triggered or times out, Fiora identifies a new one on her target.

Basic attacks and damaging abilities against a Vital trigger it to deal 2.5% (+ 4.5% per 100 bonus AD) of target's maximum health bonus true damage, heal Fiora for 40 − 115 (based on level) and grant her 20 / 30 / 40 / 50% (based on Grand Challenge's Rank) bonus movement speed that decays over 1.5 seconds.

Lunge (Q): ACTIVE: Fiora dashes a short distance in the target direction, then stabs a nearby enemy if one is present, moving into attack range of them. Stabbing an enemy reduces Lunge's cooldown by 60%.

The stab deals physical damage and applies on-hit effects.

Riposte (W) : ACTIVE: Fiora poises to strike in the target direction, becoming invulnerable to non-turret damage as well as gaining crowd control and debuff immunity for the next 0.75 seconds. Fiora is immobile while poised.

After the duration, Fiora stabs her sword forward, dealing magic damage to enemies in a line.

The first enemy champion struck is also slowed and crippled by 50% for 1.5 seconds. If Fiora parries at least one immobilizing effect, Riposte stuns the target for the same duration instead.

Bladework (E): ACTIVE: Fiora's next two basic attacks within 4 seconds gain 25 bonus range and 50% bonus attack speed.

The first basic attack can never critically strike, but slows its target by 30% for 1 second, while the second basic attack is guaranteed to critically strike for 100% bonus physical damage, reduced by an amount based on rank.

Bladework resets Fiora's autoattack timer.

Grand Challenge (R): PASSIVE: Duelist's Dance's bonus movement speed is increased.

ACTIVE: Fiora challenges the target enemy champion for 8 seconds, highlighting their four Vitals and creates an area around them. While in effect, Duelist's Dance does not identify new Vitals on Fiora's target.

While near the target, Fiora gains Duelist's Dance's bonus movement speed.

If she triggers at least one Vital before her target dies, or triggers all four, she creates a Victory Zone that heals all allied champions within it for 2 − 5 (based on Vitals hit) seconds.

If you want in-depth detail about Fiora's abilities, I highly recommend going to . This website has in-depth details about the AD/AP scaling and more.

This is the main sequence of maxing abilities. TL:DR, Max Q first, then E, then W, and put points on R whenever possible.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
There are a lot of things to consider when buying a certain item.

Starting Items

For starting items, build a Doran's Shield against Ignite, or any hard matchups, especially poking champions like Gangplank. If you are confident in winning lanes, or a 50-50 lane, like Riven or Camille, take Doran's Blade.

Situational Items

Black Cleaver isn't an always buy item. This item should only be bought when your team has full AD team composition {because the enemy will be stacking a lot of armor} or the enemy team has many tanks, such as Malphite, Galio, Sejuani, and Leona.

Only build Spear of Shojin when you are ahead, and are certain you can kill the enemy top laner. Building Spear of Shojin when behind is not a good idea. The enemy laner is ahead of you, so it's better to build sustain items such as Death's Dance or tanky items such as Sterak's Gage.

If the enemy team has a fed Crit based ADC such as Caitlyn or Jinx, consider buying Randuin's Omen. This item slows the enemy, reducing the amount of damage you take by Crit by 20%, and slowing the enemy's Attack Speed by 15% for 1 second.

Runes on Fiora

There are several rune paths that you can take on Fiora: Conqueror, Grasp of the Undying, Press the Attack, and Kleptomancy.

In Patch 9.4, Conqueror got a mini rework. It hurt Fiora, as the old Conqueror was easy to use. Now, I suggest to only take Conqueror in matchups that you are confident you will win lane. Otherwise, I suggest going Grasp of the Undying or Press the Attack. Kleptomancy can also be a good, fun scaling option.

First Rune Option

  • Demolish: Demolish gives you more damage to turrets. This is the best rune option out of the three. Due to the new turret plating, you can get a lot of gold, just from this rune alone.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune is the best scaling rune. It gives you extra AD per 10 minutes, so the longer the game goes, the more AD you will have. This means that all your abilities will do way more damage than normal.

Second Rune Option

  • Triumph: Triumph gives you extra gold and extra health after you kill someone. This can be useful if someone ignites you, or a DoT(Damage over Time) and then you kill them.
  • Legend: Bloodline: You used to take Legend: Alacrity but due to the recent buffs to Legend: Bloodline's late game power, this is the rune I recommend taking. It provides you with a lot of sustain that you might need later on. Plus, you build attack speed once you build Trinity Force so attack speed shouldn't be much of a problem.
  • Coup de Grace: Lastly, Coup de Grace. You can switch this out for Last Stand. These two rune options are in par with each other. Figure out the situation where you would need either rune. If you are playing against a lot of damage, you should take Last Stand. If you are against a mobility team comp, you should take Coup de Grace to deal more damage so that they can't escape.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune is the best scaling rune. It gives you extra AD per 10 minutes, so the longer the game goes, the more AD you will have. This means that all your abilities will do way more damage than normal.

Third Rune Option

  • Conqueror: Fiora can use Conqueror efficiently. It provides her with extra true damage, and healing off of attacks. Combine this with the sustain and true damage she already deals, she can deal a large amount of damage in trades. However, the drawback is that it takes quite a while to stack compared to Press the Attack. The late game damage on Conqueror isn't comparable to any other rune.
  • Triumph: Triumph gives you extra gold and extra health after you kill someone. This can be useful if someone ignites you, or a DoT(Damage over Time) and then you kill them.
  • Legend: Bloodline: You used to take Legend: Alacrity but due to the recent buffs to Legend: Bloodline's late game power, this is the rune I recommend taking. It provides you with a lot of sustain that you might need later on. Plus, you build attack speed once you build Trinity Force so attack speed shouldn't be much of a problem.
  • Coup de Grace: Lastly, Coup de Grace. You can switch this out for Last Stand. These two rune options are in par with each other. Figure out the situation where you would need either rune. If you are playing against a lot of damage, you should take Last Stand. If you are against a mobility team comp, you should take Coup de Grace to deal more damage so that they can't escape.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune is the best scaling rune. It gives you extra AD per 10 minutes, so the longer the game goes, the more AD you will have. This means that all your abilities will do way more damage than normal.

Fourth Rune Option

  • Cosmic Insight: Lastly, Cosmic Insight. It doesn't give you too much of a win, but it does give you extra cooldown reduction on summoner spells.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune is the best scaling rune. It gives you extra AD per 10 minutes, so the longer the game goes, the more AD you will have. This means that all your abilities will do way more damage than normal.
Laning Phase
Laning Phase is considered one of Fiora's main weaknesses. However, in winning lanes you can look to poke with Lunge for vitals. At level 2, always go Riposte. You can parry one of the enemy champion's ability, and this will help you to win trades or all-ins. Look to get a minion advantage at all stages, and then surprise all-in the enemy at level 6. As long as you farm out the lane, or get some kills, you should be able to smoothly transition into the Mid Game.
Mid/Late Game

Mid Game

Fiora's strength comes with split pushing. Drawing people to her lane that she is pushing, and letting her team win team fights without 1 or 2 people in the enemy side. Make sure to properly ward, to see whether or not the enemy is collapsing on you. When you don't have vision of the enemy, back off and stay out of vision. This will keep you safe. Always check the minimap for any team fights in which you should use your Teleport. Your power spike of Trinity Force and Ravenous Hydra plus Grand Challenge will help you duel anyone that comes to contest your split push. Fiora's mid game damage is not bad. If you are fed, you should be able to one shot any squishy, and you should be unstoppable split pushing. Always use your Teleport if there is a team fight happening. If Baron is up, always split push bot lane. There is no reason to split top, as a teamfight can lead to a Baron call for the enemy team very quickly. If you split bot lane however, you force 1 or 2 to come bot lane to contest your split push. This makes for an easy 4v3 for your team, to lead to Baron right after.

Late Game

In the late game, Fiora does a lot of damage, squishy or not. Once you have your Death's Dance, Spirit Visage, and or Guardian Angel, it's very hard for anyone to kill you. Split push, and you should be able to kill the enemy contesting your split push. If your team is going for a major objective, such as Baron or Dragon, you should split push. If they answer for Baron, you take their base. If they answer for you, your team takes Baron.
Here is a very useful guide on combos.

BTW. This is not me. All credit goes to TexiPL. His videos are pretty neat. You should go check it out!
Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks!

1. (Frontside vitals are vitals that are facing towards you. Backside vitals are vitals that are facing away from you.) Vitals spawn in a specific pattern. There are 4 vitals that can spawn. Two frontside vitals, and two backside vitals. If you the vital you hit is a backside vital, the next will be a frontside vital, and vice versa. Similarly, if you drop a backside vital (going out of vision), the next vital will be a frontside vital, and vice versa.

2. Slide Parrying. This is when you Q and then immediately W. This can let you through Veigar's Event Horizon, Jinx's Flame Chompers!, Poppy's Steadfast Presence, and Caitlyn's Yordle Snap Trap. This will take quite a bit of practice to master. However, once you master it, you will look like you've been playing Fiora for years, and enemies won't expect it.

3. Here is a neat picture to show which walls Fiora can Lunge over. This is from the FioraMains Reddit page.

Thanks for reading my Fiora guide! I am currently working on it every day, so if you enjoyed it please give it a vote! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PandaSenpai101
PandaSenpai101 Fiora Guide
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[9.15] Submit! You have already lost! - 250k Mastery Points

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