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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Skarner is a high damage (early game) very tanky (late game) champion with extreme mobility. His skill set provides you with a a very versatile amount of CC and the capability of dishing out chunks of damage in teamfights.
- High damage output in the early game thanks to Shattered Earth
- AMAZING initiation for teamfights with Impale
- High mobility
- Can thrive on assists and kills from ganking
- AMAZING synergy with the new items ( ex. Liandry's Torment)!!!
- he's a cute scorpion, who can resist that?!
- not the best ganks due to lack of CC early
- If planning to use kills/assist for gold, can fall behind quickly if not constantly ganking
- Slows aren't as amazing late game compared to stuns, roots, and suppression from other junglers
- High damage output in the early game thanks to Shattered Earth
- AMAZING initiation for teamfights with Impale
- High mobility
- Can thrive on assists and kills from ganking
- AMAZING synergy with the new items ( ex. Liandry's Torment)!!!
- he's a cute scorpion, who can resist that?!
- not the best ganks due to lack of CC early
- If planning to use kills/assist for gold, can fall behind quickly if not constantly ganking
- Slows aren't as amazing late game compared to stuns, roots, and suppression from other junglers
The core of any jungler is... you guessed it...
With a free 10 gold on use, and the ability to kill/secure buffs much faster in the jungle, Smite is a given when jungling in general.
another good skill to take on Skarner is...
Ghost and Flash serve the same purpose, escaping/chasing. Now on Skarner I prefer ghost due to its ability to be used with impale to increase the distance someone can be dragged. The utility of being able to drag further in my opinion outweighs the wall blinking form flash
With a free 10 gold on use, and the ability to kill/secure buffs much faster in the jungle, Smite is a given when jungling in general.
another good skill to take on Skarner is...
Ghost and Flash serve the same purpose, escaping/chasing. Now on Skarner I prefer ghost due to its ability to be used with impale to increase the distance someone can be dragged. The utility of being able to drag further in my opinion outweighs the wall blinking form flash
Other viable summoner spells
- Flash - A common chase/escape, take this to replace ghost if you prefer it.
- Exhaust - Can make up for the lack of early CC when ganking
Spells not listed i would not recommend taking EVER.
Ok so it is NOT numbered in order (the numbers are for easy reference), here is the actual route order.
This route can leave Skarner at lower health but allows him to immediately back for boots to start ganking and/or continue farming.
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