Aatrox is tanky enough to require multiple spell rotations to kill, plus he has decent mobility, waveclear, crowd control, and healing. You probably won't have to face him in a lane, but when the mid game comes around, he's going to be pretty annoying if he manages to interrupt your dashes.
Better Ahri wins. You both have a ton of mobility, so it's just going to rely on who hits their charm. If the enemy Ahri is looking for a charm, they're going to position really aggressively and tunnel someone on hitting it, so you have an opening to charm them first (be aware that this also applies to when you're the one looking for a charm)
If the Akali player is any good, they'll be able to abuse their mobility a lot. Unless you manage to w and auto them before they disappear into their shroud, it'll be very hard to hit anything. Your best chance to charm them is when they're walking up to auto a minion, or when they're in the middle of their E2 towards you. Her all-in is super scary, and you'll probably die if you don't have charm. Be careful of her snowballing potential, as she'll usually go straight for a dark seal and can tower dive you very easily.
However, if you charm her during E2... that's a kill. A good Akali makes life really hard for you, but a bad one... that's gonna be fun. Most Akali players you encounter will be smart enough to use R and E to dodge your charm, so be prepared for the level 6 all-in.
As an ADC, Akshan will be able to poke you a lot in lane with his autoattacks. Don't feel bad if you're behind in cs—as long as you're not 0/4 at five minutes, you're doing okay. You'll have to rely on reaction time to hit your charm on him when he comes out of stealth, as well as learning how to aim your charm so that it hits him during his E. Akshan is very good at roaming, so it's important you get some good vision and ping him as missing as soon as possible. However, it's Akshan, so he's pretty bad and you can generally survive lane.
Alistar isn't a champion at level 1, so you can abuse him as a support. However, if he gets on top of you, you stand a pretty good chance of dying. As a midlaner against a team with Alistar support, be ready to react to a flash combo from him.
Amumu's cc is endless. He's also super tanky, and his q hitbox is a bit interesting. If he comes to gank you, you can use your w for a bit of extra movement speed to sidestep his q.
Anivia's Q-E combo does a surprising amount of damage, but besides that, her kit isn't the most effective against you. If you really need to, you can just ult over her wall or out of her ultimate, and your w mobility will let you get away from her ult and q faster. be careful of her stuns, and remember that you won't be able to kill her without help in the early levels if her passive is up.
The main objective in this matchup is running away from Tibbers using your ultimate (or charming him if he's moving too fast).
His lifesteal + the fact that he usually builds shieldbow makes oneshotting him pretty annoying hard to do.
Although Ashe's poke and cc are pretty scary, if you avoid the ult, there's not much she can do to dodge your charm. You can also abuse your mobility to try to lessen the effect of her slows.
Aurelion Sol
The fact is, no one knows how to play Aurelion Sol in low elo. The only thing you have to watch out for is his entire team sprinting it down mid with him creating a lane-sized stun at level one. When he comes from base, there's a good chance he'll show up and stun you no matter where you are in lane. Still, unless he gets very ahead, he probably won't be able to kill you. Be careful in teamfights, since it's hard to keep track of where his stars are.
Again, no one knows how to play Azir in this elo. You can ult out of his ult, and he's really easy to oneshot. If he gets ahead, his poke will suck, but you can still definitely kill him.
Chances are that Bard won't be in lane much, so he's a problem for the rest of your team. Either try to make plays around the map to match him, or all-in his vulnerable ADC while he's gone.
If Blitzcrank hooks you before level 6, you're probably dead. Even after that, you might still get deleted before you get the chance to ult. Stand behind minions and make sure to get vision in bushes and around objectives.
There is a game to be played with brand, and it's called "Who Oneshots Who?" Even from behind, you can easily oneshot Brand, since he's so squishy. Be careful of his burning though, since it can make or break a teamfight.
Braum's early is super strong, whereas yours is super weak. He can negate a lot of your damage with his shield, forcing you to ult just to reposition for damage. If he gets on top of you, you can die really easily. His ult is super telegraphed, though, so do your best to use your own ult to dodge it.
You have more mobility than her, and although her poke is pretty substantial, her all-in won't be too powerful unless she gets really fed.
Camille can chase you down easily, resist your damage with her passive, and do half your health with a single Q. add her ultimate to the mix, and you're probably going to be dead if you face her. Luckily, you won't see much of her from the mid or support roles.
You have more mobility than her, and as long as you can dodge her ult, you'll be fine. Keep tabs on her Miasma cooldown, since that will keep you from ulting to kill her. Be aware that her range is deceptively long, and her poison does a lot more damage than you'd think at later levels.
He'll just keep getting tankier and tankier, and you won't be able to kill him without help unless he's really, really bad.
Corki's early game is easily abusable even with your own weak early game. Be careful of his power spike, dodge his poke, and you'll easily be able to all-in him. Once he gets three-ish items, he starts doing a lot more damage, so try to punish him early and get him behind from the start.
Darius is not fun. His healing will negate your poke, and he'll be able to kill you super quickly by pulling you in. Also, he's super tanky, but at least he probably won't be mid...?
Diana's Q does more damage than yours throughout the game, and once she gets on top of you, she can kill you easily. Be careful in teamfights, as her ult does more damage the more people get caught in it. Always be ready for her to all-in you during the laning phase, and once you hit six, keep your finger over your R.
Dr. Mundo
Although he's usually in the top lane, Mundo will be a huge issue when the mid game comes around. He's super tanky, heals back all of your poke, is immune to your first charm, and his ultimate will always outheal your combo. He can also easily slow you and then get on top of you. You do not win the 1v1 under pretty much any circumstances. Good thing he's not your problem.
Draven's early game is a lot better than yours, and he can kill you very easily with his autoattacks if he gets too far ahead. Now that his ult can execute, it's even worse, so be prepared to invest in armor early.
Be mindful of his W stun and remember that he can get on top of you faster than you'd expect. For the most part, you shouldn't be afraid of him killing you, and worry instead about how to kill him when his ult is up and if your team is going to feed him.
Elise's damage is kind of insane, plus she can dodge your charm and go untargetable. Her escape and engage options are both super good, so proceed with caution if you don't have good vision. Do not underestimate her damage output, and remember that her spiders can and will take hits for her.
At the early levels when she's not invisible, avoiding her ganks should be fairly easy. Later on, you can both oneshot each other, so just try to get some control wards down and don't overextend if you choose to split push. When her charm fully charges, a spike points towards her location, so just wait a heartbeat and then charm, and you'll probably hit her.
Ezreal can dodge your charm with his E, and his Q can do a surprising amount of damage. His poke is also fairly disgusting.
You can run away from him for the most part, and most of your abilities outrange his, so you should be able to win a 1v1. Be careful of his ultimate and try to get good vision.
Fiora can delete you in the blink of an eye with her gap-closing and her ability to not only negate your charm, but stun you by doing so. Try to keep track of her W cooldown before trying the 1v1.
He goes untargetable a lot, and can easily jump on you and oneshot you. If he gets a few kills off your bot lane, it's game over. Super easy to harass in lane, just wait for his jump.
Galio's natural magic resist as well as his surprising amount of damage can be super annoying. Remember to charm him out of his ult whenever possible and you should be fine.
You won't see much of him, but he can cleanse your E, which makes it really hard to kill him. Plus his ult is global, so he can get free assists around the map.
If Garen gets on top of you, he'll silence you and you won't be able to do a thing as he spins and spins and ults. Plus he gets super tanky and is just really hard to kill.
Aim to kill him when he's mini Gnar, and be aware of his mobility in both forms. Try to keep track of his hop so he can't just nope out of a gank, and be careful about watching his Gnar bar and grouping by walls.
Gragas is pretty tanky and if he gets on top of you, you're dead.
Yes you can oneshot him because he's graves but he can also oneshot you because he's graves.
Her W protects her from your charm unless you walk into it (which means getting within snipping range) and her healing is absurd. Even if you get inside her W, the extra magic resist she'll get from it will make her really hard to kill.
He does a lot of damage, plus his ult has a huge hitbox and provides both crowd control and an easy escape. Luckily he usually doesn't get too tanky. Usually.
His poke is gonna suck, but if you can sidestep his stun and get the right angle, you can oneshot him really easily. Be careful of his turrets blocking your charm, though.
You may be noticing a common trend in the extreme threats category: top laners. Illaoi can just smack the life out of you without a single scratch on her body.
If the Irelia is bad, you should be fine, but if she has more than two braincells, she'll be able to get on top of you and oneshot you. She's also super tanky while still doing a disgusting amount of damage, so be careful. If she knows how to play Irelia, she's practically unbeatable. Either way, invest in antiheal. This is non-negotiable.
He doesn't do much damage on his own, obviously, but his cc can set up the enemy laner. Still, he's really squishy, and you can easily chase him down and kill him.
Unless you're LegitKorea and you get Janna Q'd right into Ziggs Ult, just kill her. you can do it. kill her. She's practically free.
Jarvan IV
He can get on top of you really easily and is pretty tanky, but if you just ult out of his ult, you should be fine.
Again, he's a top laner. This means playing against him automatically sucks. He can oneshot you disturbingly easily.
His empowered shock blast can and will do half of your health. The man does a lot of damage. Be careful.
Unless he's fed beyond belief or has a really good support peeling for him, you should be able to assassinate him really easily.
Note that the extreme threat only applies to Jinx when she starts scaling (she can easily auto you to death, and there's nothing you can do about it)
In the early stages she is a little more abusable, so do your best to stay even or ahead of her.
She can ult to dodge your charm, but otherwise, you should be able to kill her first. Except for in the late game. She can oneshot you in late game.
I literally have nothing to say about her. Nothing.
Shields are super annoying, plus her empowered Q can just... casually do half of your health.
You're a lot more mobile than him and can oneshot him easily, so just be careful about watching his passive and ult. it might be worth investing in a stopwatch.
Kassadin's damage + scaling + mobility + silence make for a very unfun matchup. If he hits 16, it's an ff angle most of the time.
Kat can be super annoying, but remember: KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Imagine you are Kat. Does she want to dash to that dagger? If she can accomplish something by doing so (ex: csing, doing damage to anything, just being confusing) she will probably go for it. Try to get a sense of when she's going for her blink, since it's super telegraphed if she's not super good. If she doesn't have the Katarina Monkey Brain, just be careful and charm her out of her ult whenever possible. Seriously, low elo Katarinas are incredibly predictable. Make sure she doesn't kill you level 2 though, because she can and will.
She won't be a problem until she scales, but her ult is super annoying when you're trying to oneshot someone. If you can't 100 to 0 her with one combo, she'll probably be able to ult and leave. Abuse her early game, since it's even weaker than yours.
Since you can see when and where he's going to come out of a wall, you can aim your charm accordingly. It's worth getting a stopwatch or antiheal depending on what form he takes, though.
Kennen does a ton of damage, and he can 1v9 with his ult. Establish vision whenever possible and be very, very careful in teamfights, especially when his flash is up/you don't see him. Only fight him when you have your ult up.
He can oneshot you super easily, and you won't even be able to see him coming. His invisibility makes it super hard for you to land your charm.
She can dodge your charm and also ult your oneshot combo if she's fast enough. If she's behind, she tends to be super weak, so take advantage of it.
Top laner. tanky. big damage. big mobility. if your internet is bad (like mine is) his ult WILL lag your computer and he WILL be on top of you after teleporting across the lane.
Does a gross amount of damage, especially late game. Be careful with his passive.
She has a ton of mobility and the ability to delete you or anyone else on your team. But so do you. She's you, but better in the whole killing and leaving thing.
Lee Sin
You can charm him if he goes in on his Q, so you should be fine.
If she gets on you in a team fight, you might be dead, but realistically, that won't happen often. You can also charm her out of her E dash.
She gets super tanky and super fast, prouncing around and healing up all the damage you do to her.
She has good poke and can point-and-click stun you or put herself into stasis, so take that into consideration before you try to take the 1v1. also be aware of her ability to escape with her shadow claw.
Lucian's early game is super punishing, and he has the mobility to dodge your charm if he reacts quickly enough. If he's against you in mid, remember that it's ok to be behind in cs. He's an ADC mid after all, and that's always going to be a bit rough.
She can buff her team a lot and polymorph you when you try to ult in, so be careful.
Another game of "who lands their CC first." At level 6, she can probably kill you if she hits her root. Wait until you think you'll have a good opening for a charm and ult to dodge her root if necessary. You can outheal her for sure, but if she has barrier, you might not be able to kill her before she kills you. Be careful! (And never forget that no matter how behind she is, there will be a point where she oneshots you anyway)
Reaction time is everything. If he keeps waddling around very indecisively, he's probably looking for an opportunity to ult. He can be hard to kill, but he can't chase you down if you can use your ultimate to evade his.
Malzahar can silence you, which you never want, and his ultimate does a lot of damage while also keeping you pinned down for a long time. His spellshield is also super annoying when you're trying to poke him or hit a charm. Try to auto-w-auto him to get his spellshield down as soon as it's up so you can all-in if need be. Be careful about pushing up in lane because he can ult you and if you get ganked, you're probably just dead. The only good thing is that he's a rare pick. If you're struggling against him, don't forget to PAY YOUR TAXES. Get a QSS as soon as possible, and even prioritize that over getting a stopwatch.
He's tanky and his poke is pretty annoying, but you can dodge a lot of his cc.
Master Yi
Master Yi is a very stupid champion. He can kill you with 1 or 2 Qs. Wait for him to come out of Q, then charm him while he's still trying to process the game again. Your tower will be your best friend here, along with Everfrost.
Miss Fortune
Low mobility, and although her damage is high, you can cancel/avoid her ult with your charm/ult. Don't let her live in teamfights.
Gets tanky while still doing a lot of damage, plus his shield is super annoying. If he ults you, use your ult to dodge his attacks and get to the edge of the ult so that you can escape ASAP when it ends. Consider QSS/stopwatch too.
Morgana can shield your charm, and her root lasts forever. One thing to note is that her shield may stop the actual charm effect, but it won't stop the increased damage that you do because of it. Keep track of her shield and you should be fine. Also, her Q is really slow, so you can use your ult to avoid it (unless you have the processing power of a gen 1 mini ipad like I do)
She can buff her adc a lot, plus her stun is super annoying. You can ult out of her ult super easily, and she's very susceptible to getting oneshot.
While he is a top laner, his main gap closing ability is just slowing you so he can catch up to you. If he is chasing you down, you can charm him (which will slow him), everfrost him (which will root/slow him), w (which will give you movement speed for a brief time), or ult if necessary. He is going to stack. And he is going to start doing a ton of damage. No, it is not fun. But at least it's not Irelia.
Lots of cc, plus really big and tanky, which means he can body block all of your damage for his adc.
Her cc and damage is pretty ridiculous, but you can kill her pretty easily if you land your spells first. Plus, if she tries ulting you, just stopwatch (if she rooted you) or escape with your ult before going back in to kill her.
Her spears do a lot of damage, but you can oneshot her as easily as she oneshots you.
His ultimate is really good. If you're in a group, make sure to communicate who's getting ulted by Nocturne. His spellshield can block your charm, and he gets really tanky. Note that Nocturne himself is not the threat, it's Nocturne and how he and his team play around each other.
Nunu & Willump
You can ult out of his cc (if you need to dodge a w, don't ult straight, try to get a wall between you and him) and escape his ultimate too. you can also charm him out of them. however he will either be tanky and hard to kill, or full ap and oneshot you.
Olaf just runs at you and heals everything back to full. He has a lot of gap closing, so charm everfrost him and run if you have to.
Orianna outranges you with her Q, and can shield herself from your damage. Her ultimate can be devastating in teamfights, so be mindful of it when you're starting one.
It's Ornn. The mage deathknight paladin hunter rogue warrior enchanter tank bruiser wizard warlock priest assassin gunslinger druid shaman necromancer ninja bard monk robot conjurer black majestic warding god illusionist templar wizard.
Can jump on you and oneshot you, and also deflect a ton of your damage through his shield. If he engages on you, throw out W and Q while backing up towards your team/tower. He will probably E as he backs up, so wait for it to stop before going in to charm him. Remember that you can charm/everfrost him out of his ultimate.
Her kit kind of counters yours except for one thing: if she's running at you just Leave.
Does a lot of damage and can get into and out of fights like you can, but with invisibility, regen, and a shorter cooldown. Really annoying whether he's the enemy mid or support.
It's Qiyana. She can oneshot you. Her poke is nuts, and she can just casually go invisible.
You can oneshot her pretty easily, but she can do the same to you and also outroams you.
If he tries to CC you, you can either kill him, leave, or kill him and leave.
You can't kill him and his cc is annoying. You cannot escape from the man unless you go over a wall.
She can see you on your flank, but that's about it. I haven't exactly played against many Rek'Sais.
She has good engage. That's it.
He is a top laner. He has a big stun and a lot of health. He WILL chase you down and kill you. Even though he falls off late game, it's still gonna suck when he stuns you for three hours.
Rengar is invisible right until he oneshots you out of nowhere.
Riven has a lot of mobility, tankiness, and damage. Top laner things.
Does a lot of damage, especially with ult, but you can dodge that easily with your own ult.
He does a lot of damage but so do you.
She can windwall your entire kit and shred you with her ult. Charm her out of her ult and you should be good to go, though.
Tanky, with a lot of cc. Luckily a rare pick, though.
Yes, she can root you and heal a lot of your poke and also shield an enemy from your all-in, but you can oneshot her before she has time to scale. Unlike a lot of champions with shrouds, you will know where in the shroud she is, since she's the center.
cc for days, which gets even worse if she gets Rylai's.
Tanky + cc + a million true damage on his W
You can oneshot him unless you oneshot the clone. If there's an enemy adc or support "alone" by their turret, assume they are not alone. Do not get jebaited. There is a 50% chance that Shaco is there, invisible, with 3 boxes.
Tanky, with gap closers, and his ultimate makes oneshotting an adc that much harder.
Does a ton of damage. That is all.
You're both going to be running around at max speed. Don't chase him and it shouldn't be too bad. You have the range advantage.
Lots of cc + oneshot potential, plus the ability to just Leave. Also his passive sucks. Top laner things, I guess.
Although she can spellshield your kit, you can still do a ton of damage to her before she can do much to you.
pay your taxes or die
Her ult sucks but otherwise just kill her. it's free
kill her.
heal annoying
but whatever kill her now
just leave if he ults
he is so cringe first of all if he hits his.... i think it's his E.... at level 1 twice, you just die. Very balanced. thanks rito.
Also if he steals your ultimate it's gonna be better on him than it is on you because his cc lasts FOREVER.
not as long as morgana (thank you to bronze "3" ksing support main for the correction)
no one plays syndra but even if they do she has no mobility so. >:)
wassup syndra can i interest you in Death.
Tahm Kench
he is top laner with too much tankiness and slows for days. you cannot kill him alone. and he will chase you down and you will hate yourself.
do not stand in red circle otherwise you die. however you can just Leave with a capital L. you have too much movement for her wall to be anything. also no one can play taliyah in bronze.
Absolutely destroys you level 2 and can get fed with a combination of parkour + double killing your overextended bot lane. he will just Leave sometimes and there is nothing you can do about it. Be careful with his early. VERY. CAREFUL.
have you ever played against a taric? yeah, neither have I. Obviously his ultimate is a huge issue if the timing is right. (but it definitely doesn't take 2.5 seconds to oneshot an adc so you can still do your job)
I sit in bush half of the game ruining your spiritual and mental health. I want to curbstomp this rat please take him out of the game rito.
however his blind doesn't mean too much against you unless it makes your w mistarget, and you can oneshot him. can chunk u to half from across the map tho
big cc, also lantern is annoying. be careful of lane ganks where he and his adc walk up, and you see thresh has his lantern out, and BOOOM the enemy jungler is there too and you die.
she is an adc with lifesteal and no one likes those. however tristana likes to execute a rare tactic called "adc malphite" where she jumps into the entire team, so you can easily take advantage of this by oneshotting/ccing her to her doom.
she does an unfair amount of damage late game. because she is an adc.
well yes you cant kill him but he cant kill you if you just Leave
luckily NA players struggle with finding a keyboard with an R key. however he is still very annoying as he can chase you down and do big damage. If he ults, charm to save time and run for your tower. if he tries to dive you, remember that his ult will not last forever. everfrost him under tower, stopwatch, and thumbs up emote him as he gets absolutely 1v1ed by your tower.
Twisted Fate
this guy.... in low elo... is totally duoing with someone.... prepare to get camped. you can charm him out of his ult and otherwise he will not do damage so it'll be alllllll good.
if he is in his stealth that is big annoying but consider this: if he is in range to auto you, he is in range of your charm. if you can see him in his stealth, HE IS IN THE RANGE OF YOUR. CHARM
consider stopwatch for close calls w poison tho
run stun job done
top laner. annoying. smack smack. shoots you to death.
charged Q can do big damage
but you don't need to charge a Q for four whole seconds just to be useful so you're better. also he's going to miss 60% of his ults. and you can't miss your ult. so like
oh no
she invisible 3 shots you
on the bright side you can oneshot her however if she rolls away from your charm accept your fate.
scales forever which is very annoying and your entire team can and WILL walk into his cage during teamfights. as you know there is no counterplay to his ult unless you have fast fingers and a stopwatch. the lower the elo, the easier it is to play tango in his cage. it is a big cage. there is nothing better than watching him use his whole kit (minus ult ig) to try to hit you in the cage while you just dance and take no damage. hit thumbs up for extra mental advantage.
If he ults you just leave with your ult
Vex's poke is insane and her shield sucks.
Have you ever played against a Vi???? that's what I thought. if she goes lethality she can oneshot you but let's be real she's going to oneshot the adc because that's always funnier.
his e does a disgusting amount of damage eventually. but otherwise who cares.
Heals your poke while also poking you, goes untargetable and is generally just really hard to kill. antiheal and ignite are not optional here.
super tanky, once he gets on top of you you're dead. him turning your towers off doesn't help either.
he can chase you down, but you can abuse your range during the chase. slow him with charm and everfrost while hitting w and q whenever possible, and you'll soon be able to kill him if he doesn't give up.
you might waste your charm on his clone, and he can get on top of you really easily.
can definitely out-kite you and even avoid your whole combo with her ult. be careful around her feathers.
scales harder than you and will start oneshotting you, but luckily, he's immobile and squishy, so you can still kill him.
Xin Zhao
can gap close, then cc you and kill you before healing back to full.
shield + shieldBOW + lifesteal + windwall + mobility + stupid ult makes this matchup really annoying.
I usually just ban him. the 0/10 power spike is real. you have been warned.
just like his brother, basically, but without the windwall. you can abuse his E by waiting at his return point for your charm. he does a cringe amount of damage though.
healing, split push, oneshotting.... yorick is not fun to play against.
can heal someone enough to survive your combo and then root you. obviously on her own she's free tho
lots of cc, plus his passive makes him hard for you to kill.
get lost chapter, then rush a stopwatch at the very least. unless you can charm him as he exits his ult, you're just going to have to get hourglass as soon as possible. his poke is pretty huge in lane, and his mobility makes it hard to hit your charm.
rip to your tower but otherwise you can oneshot him before he gets you.
if he ults his adc before you can kill them, you're going to have wasted your combo and you won't have a kill to show for it.
cancer champion but you can charm her as she comes back from her ult. dodge her bubble and you'll be fine.
does a lot of damage, especially with her ult. be careful with her plants.
Her mobility allows her to avoid your charm pretty easily, and her Trinity Force build makes her really hard to kill.
good cc and meat shield.
one for all goes brrr
your kits don't really compliment each other's much, especially since you're both squishy ap assassins. if you can everfrost someone, she'll be able to land her E a lot easier, but that's about it.
He's akshan. He can revive you. That's it.
his cc into your cc = kill
tanky, with good cc.
decent cc
decent cc
decent cc + source of AD
she has the early game power you're missing, and can start an engage from far away with you (she ults, you ult forward to follow up)
Aurelion Sol
decent cc but nothing else
I don't think you gain anything from having an Azir on your team in terms of synergy.
Bard roams a lot, and so do you. He can show up in mid out of nowhere and stun the enemy laner for a free kill.
Chasedown + hook, plus shield-shredding.
another full ap mage that is going to steal your kills.
Again, lots of early game power and cc.
You don't really gain anything unique as Ahri with her on your team, but she can clean up a kill for you.
good source of ad, plus lockdown so you can layer your cc for a kill. you're both very mobile too.
her ult is nice, but she's still another ap carry, which means there's more incentive for the enemy team to itemize against you.
cho'gath is just a good champion. he can peel for you, execute people, and just gets tankier and tankier as the game goes on.
You're not getting anything special out of him.
His E can technically help you out, but otherwise, he can't influence you much.
double ap assassins again, but her ult is busted. you can also everfrost q into her ult to help her out.
Dr. Mundo
can slow to help you chase someone down, and that's about it.
you charm an enemy, and you just oneshot them together.
again, double ap assassins. you don't get much from him specifically.
double ap, but her stun into your charm lasts a lifetime and gives you plenty of time to kill the target. You can also juggle tower aggro.
Her charm into your charm, but it's still double ap assassins. good for establishing dominance if you have kda skins though.
It's just.... Ezreal.
squishy ap like you, fear/charm is a weird interaction.
This doesn't mean that having a Fiora on your team is bad, it just means that you're not going to be helping each other much.
His ult will buy you time to get in and hit your cc.
Good ult and tankiness.
global ult. that's it.
It's just Garen.
AD, plus his cc will layer well with yours. also a good meat shield when in Mega form.
double ap. can be useful, but not amazing.
they can't dodge a charm they don't see coming, plus he's a good source of AD. lots of mobility and oneshot potential.
She's fine, but nothing special.
his ult is good and he can pull enemies straight to you.
nice stun, but that's it.
No incredible synergy here either, but the fact that she's Illaoi does make her a little more powerful.
Irelia is very balanced. You help each other land cc and abuse your mobility, and it helps that she's both a good tank and source of AD.
CC but not much else.
CC, not much else
Jarvan IV
Good shield + ult so that your enemy will never, ever escape from your everfrost.
AD, very balanced, has stun.
Your cc will help him engage, and you should definitely be able to kill the enemy carries together.
super easy to set up cc for each other, and he's a good source of AD. if you are mid, though, he's going to steal your cannon and you're going to hate him forever.
tons of damage, plus her traps + your E
She can ult off your cc but that's about it
good cc
speeds you up, shields you, ccs... what can't she do?
double ap, no solid cc.
nothing special for you
charm everfrost into her ultimate.
If kayle ults you, you can go for much riskier plays. it takes a while for her to scale, which can be really annoying.
good cc and ad
kennen is just naturally helpful to his team, but the double ap isn't the best.
yay for ad junglers.
DASH DASH DASH WE CAN'T DIE but you are both very squishy.
you're already fast without his ult, but with it, you're unstoppable.
shreds everyone eventually, especially if you can hit your charm on them.
nice cc, but the double ap assassins are going to be really easy to itemize against.
Lee Sin
ad, plus tons of damage and his kick.
Leona peels for you really well, roams well, and best of all, has cc to last for years.
double ap but her sleep is nice i suppose
good cc :)
does a disgusting amount of damage, and has dashes for days.
polymorph and ult are nice, but she's not exactly incredible for you.
Even though it's double ap, you can create opportunities for each other. Your cc stacks really well, and you'll be able to oneshot the carry super easily, from either the back line (lux) or from the enemy's back line (you)
Nice and tanky, plus good cc to layer with your everfrost/q
His ultimate is practically a guaranteed kill.
Tanky, with good cc.
Master Yi
It's Master Yi.
Miss Fortune
Your charm + everfrost into her ultimate = death. Great source of AD.
can pull enemies back and ult someone who's trying to get on top of you, but not that useful overall.
Lots of cc, plus her black shield will help you get out after diving into the back line.
Good CC
Nothing special from Nasus for this particular matchup.
Engage, CC for years, and tankiness... what more could you ask for?
Again, double ap, but it's gonna be hard for the enemy team to figure out which Ahri is the real one diving the back line, and which one is Neeko diving the entire team. Great ultimate utility and cc.
Double squishy ap, and nidalee likes to get ahead through her solo lanes in the early game. You don't have the early game power to help her very easily, so you won't benefit much from this.
Tanky AD, plus his ultimate makes it super hard for the enemy team to see you coming after their carry. Can follow your dive up with his own.
Nunu & Willump
AP, but Nunu usually goes tank, and his cc (especially his W) lets him set up an easy kill for you. You can also help to trap people in his ult.
It helps that he's an AD jungler, but you don't get much out of this matchup.
relies on her ult for cc, plus also ap. not much use outside of teamfights.
The mage deathknight paladin hunter rogue warrior enchanter tank bruiser wizard warlock priest assassin gunslinger druid shaman necromancer ninja bard monk robot conjurer black majestic warding god illusionist templar wizard. He can upgrade your mythic, provide lots of cc, and tank a ton of damage.
Good CC, can protect you with his E, and easily show up in your lane with his ultimate.
Good CC, nice and tanky
I'd put it as ok, but I once had a game where I tried to charm a Vayne, and was ready to give up on the play when she rolled out..... right until the Pyke hooked her back into it. His ultimate steals a lot of kills, yes, but you still get paid.
Qiyana is just a good champion. It helps that she's AD.
Nice for roaming to your lane, but otherwise not that helpful. Also annoyingly squishy.
Nice CC and shields
Meh... not awesome.
Nice CC and peel
Good early game power for your jungler to exploit while you're still trying to reach your midgame power spike, and good setup for your charm.
It's just Rengar... You'll be able to run around to delete the back line, which is always a plus.
You can set up CC for each other, plus good mobility and AD
AP, no real CC
Also AP, which sucks, but his ultimate is useful (plus he'll probably go everfrost, which will stack nicely with your cc)
She benefits from your cc and can windwall things for you.
Good cc, tanky too
Note: DO NOT play this as a combo bot lane, your early is terrible. However, come mid game, you can hide in her shroud and then ult out for a surprise attack on the enemy adc.
She shields you, plus she can benefit off your slow a lot. Make sure you yell at her to go Rylai's if she doesn't.
Good AD and cc, plus is just a balanced champion. Can peel nicely too.
Not awesome for you, although his cc is nice.
Good CC and shield.
Full ap, so not awesome. Likes ulting off your charm though.
Ok, I guess, because of his ground and fling.
Good CC and tankiness, once you dive into the back line he can ult to follow you up.
Nothing special here. She's a very confusing champ—one minute, she does no damage, and the next, she's deleting people in disturbing Duskblade flashes.
Pulls someone to you for easy charm without you having to do any thinking to find a good position.
Good cc layering, heals, speed-ups, etc.
CC is unreliable, but I appreciate her ultimate.
Again, unreliable CC.
Lots of CC.
Good CC, but can't follow you into plays much.
Tahm Kench
Super tanky, good peel, and good cc.
Double ap, plus unreliable cc. Nice to get someone to walk into her E though.
Neither of you need each other's help to delete the adc.
You dive in + he ults, and suddenly you're invincible.
Nothing special for you, but that doesn't mean that Teemo isn't good to have on your team.
Lantern, peel, and cc... what else could you ask for?
Just remember to, you know, actually click the lantern.
Follows up well on your cc, pretty mobile (assuming you get a kill) and good AD.
I like his pillar.
Tryndamere is pretty independent overall.
Twisted Fate
Good playmaking/pick potential.
Good ambush, I guess.
run stun job done.
Fine on his own, cc isn't awesome.
Unreliable cc and damage.
Your early isn't gonna be awesome, but you'll both be hard to hit, and your charm is basically all Vayne needs to auto someone three times and kill them.
Double AP, but his cage is nice.
Double ap, ok cc. and his ult is nice with your cc.
Vex is op because she's the newest champion. Still double AP.
AD jungler, which is super nice. Also just a cool champion. Good at following up (or starting) engages.
Lots of CC and diving. Also he's just that balanced.
Double ap, but his stun can be nice.
Nothing awesome here.
Good meat shield, and turning off towers is always a plus. Good cc too!
Cc is good, and he's fairly tanky.
Nice cc and engage.
good cc and ad
double ap mages, but at least his cc is nice.
Xin Zhao
AD jungler with good cc.
Cc hell, plus AD. except for the fact that there's a good chance he feeds.
Not awesome, either he feeds or gets fed.
It's Yorick, leave him alone so he can get his hullbreaker and solo win the game through top.
Can attach to you and ult for a better dive, plus heals and speed-ups.
Nice CC and tankiness.
You're gonna be assassinating people, but not necessarily benefitting from working together.
Double ap, but at least you'll get quick towers.
good cc (sometimes...) plus his ult gets you out of trouble when you dive the carries.
Super annoying, can delete everyone, her sleep is huge, and she's got a lot of random abilities to use... but it's double ap.
double ap, but her ult is fairly helpful.
good cc and meat shield.
one for all goes brrr
your kits don't really compliment each other's much, especially since you're both squishy ap assassins. if you can everfrost someone, she'll be able to land her E a lot easier, but that's about it.
He's akshan. He can revive you. That's it.
his cc into your cc = kill
tanky, with good cc.
decent cc
decent cc
decent cc + source of AD
she has the early game power you're missing, and can start an engage from far away with you (she ults, you ult forward to follow up)
Aurelion Sol
decent cc but nothing else
I don't think you gain anything from having an Azir on your team in terms of synergy.
Bard roams a lot, and so do you. He can show up in mid out of nowhere and stun the enemy laner for a free kill.
Chasedown + hook, plus shield-shredding.
another full ap mage that is going to steal your kills.
Again, lots of early game power and cc.
You don't really gain anything unique as Ahri with her on your team, but she can clean up a kill for you.
good source of ad, plus lockdown so you can layer your cc for a kill. you're both very mobile too.
her ult is nice, but she's still another ap carry, which means there's more incentive for the enemy team to itemize against you.
cho'gath is just a good champion. he can peel for you, execute people, and just gets tankier and tankier as the game goes on.
You're not getting anything special out of him.
His E can technically help you out, but otherwise, he can't influence you much.
double ap assassins again, but her ult is busted. you can also everfrost q into her ult to help her out.
Dr. Mundo
can slow to help you chase someone down, and that's about it.
you charm an enemy, and you just oneshot them together.
again, double ap assassins. you don't get much from him specifically.
double ap, but her stun into your charm lasts a lifetime and gives you plenty of time to kill the target. You can also juggle tower aggro.
Her charm into your charm, but it's still double ap assassins. good for establishing dominance if you have kda skins though.
It's just.... Ezreal.
squishy ap like you, fear/charm is a weird interaction.
This doesn't mean that having a Fiora on your team is bad, it just means that you're not going to be helping each other much.
His ult will buy you time to get in and hit your cc.
Good ult and tankiness.
global ult. that's it.
It's just Garen.
AD, plus his cc will layer well with yours. also a good meat shield when in Mega form.
double ap. can be useful, but not amazing.
they can't dodge a charm they don't see coming, plus he's a good source of AD. lots of mobility and oneshot potential.
She's fine, but nothing special.
his ult is good and he can pull enemies straight to you.
nice stun, but that's it.
No incredible synergy here either, but the fact that she's Illaoi does make her a little more powerful.
Irelia is very balanced. You help each other land cc and abuse your mobility, and it helps that she's both a good tank and source of AD.
CC but not much else.
CC, not much else
Jarvan IV
Good shield + ult so that your enemy will never, ever escape from your everfrost.
AD, very balanced, has stun.
Your cc will help him engage, and you should definitely be able to kill the enemy carries together.
super easy to set up cc for each other, and he's a good source of AD. if you are mid, though, he's going to steal your cannon and you're going to hate him forever.
tons of damage, plus her traps + your E
She can ult off your cc but that's about it
good cc
speeds you up, shields you, ccs... what can't she do?
double ap, no solid cc.
nothing special for you
charm everfrost into her ultimate.
If kayle ults you, you can go for much riskier plays. it takes a while for her to scale, which can be really annoying.
good cc and ad
kennen is just naturally helpful to his team, but the double ap isn't the best.
yay for ad junglers.
DASH DASH DASH WE CAN'T DIE but you are both very squishy.
you're already fast without his ult, but with it, you're unstoppable.
shreds everyone eventually, especially if you can hit your charm on them.
nice cc, but the double ap assassins are going to be really easy to itemize against.
Lee Sin
ad, plus tons of damage and his kick.
Leona peels for you really well, roams well, and best of all, has cc to last for years.
double ap but her sleep is nice i suppose
good cc :)
does a disgusting amount of damage, and has dashes for days.
polymorph and ult are nice, but she's not exactly incredible for you.
Even though it's double ap, you can create opportunities for each other. Your cc stacks really well, and you'll be able to oneshot the carry super easily, from either the back line (lux) or from the enemy's back line (you)
Nice and tanky, plus good cc to layer with your everfrost/q
His ultimate is practically a guaranteed kill.
Tanky, with good cc.
Master Yi
It's Master Yi.
Miss Fortune
Your charm + everfrost into her ultimate = death. Great source of AD.
can pull enemies back and ult someone who's trying to get on top of you, but not that useful overall.
Lots of cc, plus her black shield will help you get out after diving into the back line.
Good CC
Nothing special from Nasus for this particular matchup.
Engage, CC for years, and tankiness... what more could you ask for?
Again, double ap, but it's gonna be hard for the enemy team to figure out which Ahri is the real one diving the back line, and which one is Neeko diving the entire team. Great ultimate utility and cc.
Double squishy ap, and nidalee likes to get ahead through her solo lanes in the early game. You don't have the early game power to help her very easily, so you won't benefit much from this.
Tanky AD, plus his ultimate makes it super hard for the enemy team to see you coming after their carry. Can follow your dive up with his own.
Nunu & Willump
AP, but Nunu usually goes tank, and his cc (especially his W) lets him set up an easy kill for you. You can also help to trap people in his ult.
It helps that he's an AD jungler, but you don't get much out of this matchup.
relies on her ult for cc, plus also ap. not much use outside of teamfights.
The mage deathknight paladin hunter rogue warrior enchanter tank bruiser wizard warlock priest assassin gunslinger druid shaman necromancer ninja bard monk robot conjurer black majestic warding god illusionist templar wizard. He can upgrade your mythic, provide lots of cc, and tank a ton of damage.
Good CC, can protect you with his E, and easily show up in your lane with his ultimate.
Good CC, nice and tanky
I'd put it as ok, but I once had a game where I tried to charm a Vayne, and was ready to give up on the play when she rolled out..... right until the Pyke hooked her back into it. His ultimate steals a lot of kills, yes, but you still get paid.
Qiyana is just a good champion. It helps that she's AD.
Nice for roaming to your lane, but otherwise not that helpful. Also annoyingly squishy.
Nice CC and shields
Meh... not awesome.
Nice CC and peel
Good early game power for your jungler to exploit while you're still trying to reach your midgame power spike, and good setup for your charm.
It's just Rengar... You'll be able to run around to delete the back line, which is always a plus.
You can set up CC for each other, plus good mobility and AD
AP, no real CC
Also AP, which sucks, but his ultimate is useful (plus he'll probably go everfrost, which will stack nicely with your cc)
She benefits from your cc and can windwall things for you.
Good cc, tanky too
Note: DO NOT play this as a combo bot lane, your early is terrible. However, come mid game, you can hide in her shroud and then ult out for a surprise attack on the enemy adc.
She shields you, plus she can benefit off your slow a lot. Make sure you yell at her to go Rylai's if she doesn't.
Good AD and cc, plus is just a balanced champion. Can peel nicely too.
Not awesome for you, although his cc is nice.
Good CC and shield.
Full ap, so not awesome. Likes ulting off your charm though.
Ok, I guess, because of his ground and fling.
Good CC and tankiness, once you dive into the back line he can ult to follow you up.
Nothing special here. She's a very confusing champ—one minute, she does no damage, and the next, she's deleting people in disturbing Duskblade flashes.
Pulls someone to you for easy charm without you having to do any thinking to find a good position.
Good cc layering, heals, speed-ups, etc.
CC is unreliable, but I appreciate her ultimate.
Again, unreliable CC.
Lots of CC.
Good CC, but can't follow you into plays much.
Tahm Kench
Super tanky, good peel, and good cc.
Double ap, plus unreliable cc. Nice to get someone to walk into her E though.
Neither of you need each other's help to delete the adc.
You dive in + he ults, and suddenly you're invincible.
Nothing special for you, but that doesn't mean that Teemo isn't good to have on your team.
Lantern, peel, and cc... what else could you ask for?
Just remember to, you know, actually click the lantern.
Follows up well on your cc, pretty mobile (assuming you get a kill) and good AD.
I like his pillar.
Tryndamere is pretty independent overall.
Twisted Fate
Good playmaking/pick potential.
Good ambush, I guess.
run stun job done.
Fine on his own, cc isn't awesome.
Unreliable cc and damage.
Your early isn't gonna be awesome, but you'll both be hard to hit, and your charm is basically all Vayne needs to auto someone three times and kill them.
Double AP, but his cage is nice.
Double ap, ok cc. and his ult is nice with your cc.
Vex is op because she's the newest champion. Still double AP.
AD jungler, which is super nice. Also just a cool champion. Good at following up (or starting) engages.
Lots of CC and diving. Also he's just that balanced.
Double ap, but his stun can be nice.
Nothing awesome here.
Good meat shield, and turning off towers is always a plus. Good cc too!
Cc is good, and he's fairly tanky.
Nice cc and engage.
good cc and ad
double ap mages, but at least his cc is nice.
Xin Zhao
AD jungler with good cc.
Cc hell, plus AD. except for the fact that there's a good chance he feeds.
Not awesome, either he feeds or gets fed.
It's Yorick, leave him alone so he can get his hullbreaker and solo win the game through top.
Can attach to you and ult for a better dive, plus heals and speed-ups.
Nice CC and tankiness.
You're gonna be assassinating people, but not necessarily benefitting from working together.
Double ap, but at least you'll get quick towers.
good cc (sometimes...) plus his ult gets you out of trouble when you dive the carries.
Super annoying, can delete everyone, her sleep is huge, and she's got a lot of random abilities to use... but it's double ap.
Hi! I'm livikattt, IGN Iivikat (it's an I because someone already took livikat, so I just went for the 3 t strategy) and I'm currently Silver 1. I'm essentially an Ahri one trick, but I play a couple other mages with good cc and oneshot potential (Seraphine, Lux, Vex). I wrote this because I figured it would be fun, and because I want to see more people playing Ahri. She's super good when she gets picks, and deleting carries is hilarious. Oh, you thought you were unkillable? With no MR? Wrong. You're dead.
Personally, I chose Ahri because she looked the most like me, but I soon began to really like her kit. Her ultimate lets you engage and escape well, and she's great at oneshotting carries. Her charm and poke is really easy to hit.
Sure, people call her an e-girl champion, but does it matter? It's not like she's anything new for female champions in terms of aesthetic and visual appeal. (Which is... a whole other rant I could get into, but not here)
Overall, Ahri is very easy to pick up, and she can have great effects on the game, so I recommend giving her a try!
Ahri's passive is Essence Theft, which allows her to heal upon killing every ninth enemy. This means that CS greatly benefits your laning phase, since the more you kill minions, the more you heal. (Of course, CS was already important. This just makes it even more beneficial to you.)
Ahri's Q Ability is Orb of Deception, which is a medium-range skillshot that can hit a target multiple times, dealing magic damage on the way out and true damage upon its return to any enemy it hits. This is your best waveclear tool, as it oneshots the back line of caster minions around level 9, depending on items. It makes for good poke, and is a lot of your damage in an all-in.
Ahri's W Ability is Fox-Fire, an automatically targeted spell that can hit up to 3 separate enemies. It summons 3 bursts of fire that circle around you until they find something to target, prioritizing targets that have been hit by your charm or that you have autoattacked recently. This ability also gives you a burst of movement speed, which adds to your mobility and ability to get in/out of fights.
With the update to Ahri's abilities, the damage and mana cost of her W has been buffed, so I strongly recommend frequently abusing auto-w-auto combos for harass in lane, which will proc electrocute.
Ahri's E Ability is Charm, which is pretty much what it says on the tin. It has around the same range as your Q, and it charms the first enemy it hits. It does not pierce, so make sure there's not a minion in front of your target. It also increases the damage you do to the charmed target for a few seconds.
This is your main ability and the foundation of your all-in. While charmed, a target is completely vulnerable as it slowly walks towards you, moving it out of position while making them unable to attack you back. Additionally, you can use the charm simply for an escape, as it slows an enemy chasing you. You rely on your charm to do the most damage.
Ahri's Ultimate is Spirit Rush, which does damage similarly to your W. While this damage is nice, it's not the main focus of your ultimate, as it also allows you to dash up to three times with a short wait between dashes, with an extra dash upon each takedown. You can get over walls with this ability and cover a lot of ground, making it your best tool for playmaking and catching enemies out of position.
You can use your ultimate to reposition for a charm, escape a bad situation, or just get a little bit more damage onto a target. Be warned that the damage from your ultimate can hit minions instead of the main target.
Thanks to Riot's most recent changes to Ahri, she's now back and better than ever. With her ultimate resetting on takedowns, it allows you to continue to dash around the fight instead of being forced to retreat after using your ultimate. This also means that you can go in deeper to burst down a target, since you'll have an extra charge to escape with. Not to mention the healing you'll get from killing them.
A very common mythic item for Ahri is Everfrost, since it gives her extra lockdown potential. There are a few ways to use your Everfrost:
Cast it first to help land your Charm
Cast it a bit after Charm to keep your target locked down for longer
Cast it during your combo for extra damage
Cast it to clear a minion wave
Your early game is far from incredible, but that doesn't mean it's completely terrible. You can take a few bad trades thanks to the sustain with your passive + q, but your mana probably won't last you too long, especially in a poke lane. I prefer Corrupting Potion start, and then just getting boots and a book at the very least for my first back. Mana can be an issue if you have to spam spells, but you shouldn't have too many issues once Lost Chapter is complete.
Try to get as many minions as you can without spamming abilities, and try to have enough mana for a charm at all times. It's a good emergency disengage (especially if there's an early tower dive.)
If you're against a melee champion, poke them with auto-w-auto when they step too far up, and when they get within melee distance, charm them and start walking backwards as you continue trading.
There are a few champions whose early games are much better than yours, namely Lucian and Talon. Lucian is a notorious lane bully at early levels, so just stay back and get as much cs as possible while still remaining safe. Talon's level 2 can kill you if you're too far from your tower, so play the early levels safely and make sure to watch for his roams, since he can cross the map very easily.
This is where your time to shine starts. Once you get your everfrost (or other mythic, you should have enough AP to oneshot squishy champions. (Ignite may be necessary to finish the job)Everfrost's active might need to be used just for the extra damage, but that's a small price to pay for a kill. It also helps you to escape from sticky situations even better than before.
During this time, you should use your ult as much as possible if you think it'll help. When your jungler ganks you, ult to get a good charm angle. Ult to escape from ganks, and ult to engage onto the enemy bot lane before they know what hit them. You can also use it to get over walls and steal objectives. With your ult up, your mobility is your strongest weapon, but be careful when it's on cooldown.
Don't burn all your ult charges at once unless you have to, and instead save it in case there's an opportunity to reengage or escape.
Your mid game is your most powerful, so you're going to be more susceptible to ADCs oneshotting you as badly as you oneshot them. At this point, your role may start leaning towards just hitting your cc to start an engage for your team. If you have Mejai's, though, you're still going to be super strong... assuming it's actually stacked.
Note that you can steal Baron from behind the back wall of the pit. It's awesome.
It doesn't matter who's engaging first, whether it's you with your ult or the enemy running at you. Charm first to get your damage boost, then w and q while backing up. Everfrost if you have it and keep backing up to build distance and get your cooldowns back up. You may need to ult to avoid the enemy spells while your charm is still off cooldown. Once it's back up (assuming the enemy didn't die to your first combo) go in with ult if necessary, charm, q, w, and ignite if you really have to.
Remember you can interrupt channels very easily with your charm (and root) and that you might not always win the fight. If it's looking like a bad fight for you, don't be afraid to use the rest of your ult charges to get away. Losing your ultimate is better than losing your life.
Lux: If she doesn't take barrier, it's a free kill, if she does, it's still pretty free. Make sure your ignite is up, wait for her to miss a Q (very common occurence) then ult in and obliterate her. There's a good chance she won't use her W to block your damage because a lot of Lux mids are monkeys. (She can oneshot you though so watch out)
Syndra: She's stupidly immobile, especially if she doesn't take Phase Rush (and considering that the u.gg build is Aery, most people will use that) so you can just ult past her stun and obliterate her. Zhonya's will help you survive her ult, and don't forget that you'll heal a bit from killing her.
Azir: My guy has one way to dodge and unless he's a good Azir, he's not gonna use it. Even if he does, your cooldown is shorter, and his escape is his full combo. If he ults you into his tower, just emote him, kill him and use your ultimate to escape.
Yasuo: Listen, I perma ban Yasuo, so I wouldn't know much, but I will say that his windwall can't block Everfrost, so use that to lock him down before you ult in. (Or ult in, everfrost, and recast to get behind the windwall to charm) Remember he probably has Shieldbow, so he's not as burstable as he seems at first. And buy antiheal.
Yone: The good thing about Yone is that he's predictable. For some reason, lots of yone players like using their e to poke you under turret, which is a stupid idea that usually gives you time to W them at least. He will look to bait your charm with his E, but again, you win the cooldown war. Alternatively, just wait for him at the origin point of his E, and be ready to ult/flash his ultimate. And buy antiheal.
Fizz: Wait out his jump, then use your ult to dodge his R and kill him. easy. During the laning phase, you can poke him super well with auto-w-auto, which will proc not only electrocute damage, but also mental damage. Keep in mind that a good fizz will try to jump towards you in order to bait out your charm.
Talon: He stand a good chance of oneshotting you, but do your best to charm him out of his ult, since there's a good chance his path is just straight towards you. Alternatively, Zhonya's. He WILL look to all-in you at level 2 if possible, and unless he ints under tower, you have no shot at winning that battle. Wait for an opening, like when he uses his abilities on minions.
Zed: bro good luck, hope he ults the adc then make your move. Seriously though, I really recommend Zhonya's against him. Remember that you can see if his ult is going to kill you by how the particle above your head looks. Make sure to keep an eye on his roams, since he moves fast and kills your bot lane even faster.
Zoe: Just like Yone's E, her R return point is a great place to target. Remember that her bubbles go farther if she shoots them over walls, and if she hits you with one, use your ult to get to (relative) safety.
Seraphine: Ult to dodge her ult then oneshot her because she's a squishy little support (watch her items though, you don't want to get caught off guard when she has Rylai's.) Her harass can be pretty bad at early levels, but she won't be able to keep it up for long considering the mana costs.
Malzahar: The obvious issue with Malzahar is his point-and-click CC ultimate that basically guarantees a kill during a gank or a tower dive. Keep that in mind as you play, since unlike in most situations, you might not be able to escape even with your R and Flash up. However, there is one good thing about playing against Malzahar: his little void critters count towards your passive, meaning that you get free sustain in lane. They take very little to kill, even when you're focused on CSing the actual minions, so the health they give you in combination with your passive can help you stay in lane for longer.
Katarina: It depends on the Katarina's skill level. That sounds obvious, but you'll come to notice that low-skill Katarinas (aka, generally all the non-one tricks) have very predictable movement. Watch them as they approach their daggers, since monkey brain Kats will tunnel vision onto hitting you. Bait them in by standing near their daggers, and if it works, they'll dash in to try to trade with you. Time your charm to hit them right out of their E, and then combo them for free. Additionally, your ultimate is the perfect escape tool from hers, and after she uses her ultimate, you still have a charge or two of yours to go back in and kill her. If it's a good Katarina (which you will know if she doesn't go in on every living creature) then you are going to have a slightly harder time, but she's still very beatable. Katarina is a champion that thrives on chaos, but so are you. During teamfights, she'll look to dash in and ult as many champions as possible, and that's your best chance to strike. At this moment, she's completely vulnerable, since she can't move while casting her ultimate. That's when you throw your charm. If she's really good, well... Everfrost might be a good choice to help you lock her down.
Note: don't take this section too seriously.
Ahri's BMs aren't incredible, but make sure to dance a lot if you have a K/DA skin. Whenever you ult out of an engage the enemy team were really interested in, consider typing "/all ?" if you feel cocky.
I think Spirit Blossom is the best skin for BMs if you cycle through her animations. (Also I really love the fluidity of her movements, so I would definitely recommend it)
From my experience, Ahri players are either pretty nice or pretty toxic, with no in-between. Toxicity is cringe. Don't do it.
Here are your options for resisting toxicity, though.
If it's an enemy:
- mute them.
- pretend you do not see it. for all they know you have all chat off.
- be nice to the rest of their team and ignore the flaming enemy's existence
- get your entire team to collapse on them when they try to split push
- report them after the game :)
If it's a teammate:
- mute them.
- pretend you do not see it.
- ultimate combo: pretend to mute them. say things like "do u think theyre still malding" at random. do not acknowledge the flamer's comments. pretend you cannot see them. this will lead to an easy mental advantage and then you can win the game. mid diff.
- praise any teammate they're also flaming
- don't grief them. it's tempting, but it's also reportable.
- report them after the game :)
Just act oblivious. They will tilt so hard that you will be the better player. Then you can get the whole team to report them. EZ.
Thanks for reading! I hope you learned something here :)
Note that I am not all-knowing, and I'm not always right. (Oh, right, and I'm also Silver) Let me know if you agree/disagree with something in the comments, or if you have any questions! I'd love to talk about it.
This guide will often be updated with more information!
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