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Zyra Build Guide by DiddleFiddler

Support A simple guide to Zyra Support (6.14)

Support A simple guide to Zyra Support (6.14)

Updated on July 16, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DiddleFiddler Build Guide By DiddleFiddler 5,807 Views 0 Comments
5,807 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DiddleFiddler Zyra Build Guide By DiddleFiddler Updated on July 16, 2016
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Hi, I'm DiddleFiddler from EUW

I've been using Zyra a lot over the last 2-3 months, and I've really figured out her kit, and I feel like I could play her in any matchup really.

Your goal as a Zyra support is to purely harass. Your scaling isn't great, so building all out damage isn't worth it. Harassment in the early game helps you sustain for so long, and a good stun can help your ADCs pick up kills too.

Rushing your Rylai's is a great plan since that's there you will get your biggest power spike. Synchronize the build with a Lost Chapter so you can get the sustain off too, this way you aren't forced to go back every few minutes because you've ran out of mana. In this time, sticking with Boots of Lucidity is a great idea, since you get some CDR early, helping you keep constant help and harassment on the enemy laners while you build yourself up.

Once you have Rylai's and Morellonomicon, change your boots for either swifties or magic pen, depending on the team comp. At this point, you have everything you need, and you're only going to get stronger. I recommend Liandry's and Banner to finish, but look at the game first. See what has to be built, and what the team needs before you make the decision.

I hope the guide helps, let me know if you have any feedback
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DiddleFiddler
DiddleFiddler Zyra Guide
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