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Aatrox Build Guide by Swaim

Top Aatrox, S10 guide that ''Offers you,Victory

Top Aatrox, S10 guide that ''Offers you,Victory

Updated on October 20, 2020
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Swaim Build Guide By Swaim 4,790 Views 0 Comments
4,790 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Swaim Aatrox Build Guide By Swaim Updated on October 20, 2020
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Runes: Reccomended for easy lane

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Top lane recommended
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Aatrox, S10 guide that ''Offers you,Victory

By Swaim
Hi and welcome to the guide of Aatrox,the darkin blade everything you need to know about aatrox as a new player to him is in this guide but i do recommend you watch some aatrox gameplay after this guide so you understand his playstyle better because although reading is good, i cant describe you in enough detail how you play.Have fun processing through my guide.
About me
Hi my name is Swaim i am an Aatrox main and the creator of this guide all of this information is provided by my own experience and aatrox general knowlednge through researching. Aatrox has improved my game sense and knowledge since every mistake you make will make you fall behind even more since you are very item relient.
About the guide
This guide is build for new players to Aatrox and will be updated when ever its possible for me to do so because s10 ends soon i will update him with all of the info i have gathered in my experience in s11.(I will update this guide even on s10 depending on item changes , Aatrox changes ,matchup changes and runes changes.Dont forget to read notes on runes because i have some useful tips(note:i know i havent added some top laners like chogath and that is because i havent encountered them yet to know how to play that matchup)
Why Aatrox?
Well Aatrox is a very fun to play champion and a great dps,bruiser,semi-tank,carry.He also is a very ability depended champion who needs a lot of skill and mastery to actually learn how to play and utilize his kit.Also like ryze or other champs with good wave clear it is satisfing(at least in my opinion) to 3rd q a whole wave and one shot it

+ Good waveclear
+ Great laning phase
+ Solid built-in sustain
+ Amazing during the early to mid-game
+ Great at dishing out damage
+ If ahead can potentially 1v5
+ Great at exerting lane pressure
+ Amazing teamfighting with World Ender

Aatrox does decently enough against his harder matchups to pull a lead over them even when he is behind if in the right hands, and can snowball into a unstoppable mosnter in the mid-game with a early lead.
- Falls of late-game
- Very telegraphed abilities
- Easily crippled by Grievous wounds
- Very susceptible to CC
- Heavily item dependant
- Long early-game cooldowns
- Teamfighting without World Ender is not efficent

While Aatrox shines in the early to mid-game he really suffers if the game continues to late-game, his damage gets negated by armor and his enemies can burst him down before he can start healing.
Now,Let me end this!
Thank you very much for reading till the end. Be sure to leave a like,share it with your friends, comment your opinion about my guide and how to improve it and until then...."Hear the silence of annihilation!"
AS i said previously i havent played against all matchups so many of my matchups are from an other guide i used quite a bit its name is
GoliathGames Masters guide to Aatrox he is a really good top laner his guides are amazing i suggest you check his guide IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS or if you dont have
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Swaim
Swaim Aatrox Guide
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Aatrox, S10 guide that ''Offers you,Victory

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