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Lucian Build Guide by Flagow

AD Carry AD Carry Lucian, League of Lucian is coming!

AD Carry AD Carry Lucian, League of Lucian is coming!

Updated on August 23, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Flagow Build Guide By Flagow 1,728 Views 0 Comments
1,728 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Flagow Lucian Build Guide By Flagow Updated on August 23, 2013
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Hi guys, it's Flagow, this is my first guide, and when I've bought Lucian, i've seen one of the best adc, due to multiple reasons i'm gonna explain. My IG name is The RecKah, as information ;) Considering Lucian is totally new for me, I wait to have played him more for doing better with this guide, i'll probably update it soon, for putting alot more informations ;)
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Typical ADC Runes, you can put scaling magic resist glyphs instead of flat, or damage quints instead of lifesteal
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These masteries are typical again for Carries which need abilities very often, exactly like ezreal or miss fortune, you can take attack speed instead of reduction of cooldowns, and take health and armor, if you don't like this way of playing
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The reason why I choosed to buy trinity early is totally justified. It allows you ap ratio for early burst on your w (+23 damage with 30 AP, 80% ap ratio), but also for the passive, who gives you high burst after ability, and for the second passive, who makes u go faster after an auto attack, exactly like w effect, and furor enchantment. I've gone 480 movement speed with these 3 items, really fun to play for chases and escapes, and particularly useful on carries. You will also need early attack speed, with trinity, due to the fact you have to stack aloooot of damage first, as you have 4 ratios ad on your abilities, that's rare on ad carries.. The order for purchasing is not really important after trinity, depends alot of the situation in the fight.
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Skill Sequence

I actually prefer taking relentless pursuit as 2nd ability due to the possibility to high pokes with lucian's passive, who allows u to double attack when used an ability.
i up q first due to high burst, and scaling ratio on ad, but you can also play w first, just more difficult
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Flagow
Flagow Lucian Guide
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AD Carry Lucian, League of Lucian is coming!

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