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Recommended Items
Runes: Extended Fights
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Abilities
Rage Gene (PASSIVE)
Gnar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
If shes good she will just kill you at lvl 3. Poke her at lvl 1 if possible.
Portable wall for your ult :D
Portable wall for your ult :D
Champion Build Guide
enemies as soon as you have 2 items. There really arent much bad matchups and you
can always play save and poke with you Q if you have to.
-At level 3 you usually have mega gnar available and then is your time to go in.
Either double jump (longer distance but less likely to hit w) or normal jump on the
enemy. Do your classic W aa Q aa aa aa Q aa... combo then. Dont underestimate the
attack speed and damage you get from your runes and mega gnar.
-At level 6 its basically the same combo but you R immidiatly after your jump. You
can either go for a wall with your ult (in a harder matchup) or just ult backwards
to pull them towards you. You usually dont even need the extra damage and stun so
just go for that play if there is no wall nearby.
you Have you galeforce just dodge one skillshot and e onto them. Ignite
aa galeforce should do the rest.
Mega Gnar: Like i said above just do the combo at lvl 3 and you should ALWAYS kill
the enemy or at least get his summoners
with scuttle crab and invades. Since your waveclear is pretty decent even before
titanic hydra you can keep your lane opponent pushed in. This prevents them from
roaming and also gives you an advantage at doing objectives.
-Speaking of objectives: You should be there at every single Teamfight possile since
your engage is just amazing (even more with the extra dash from galeforce). This
alows you to get to their backline easily so that you can pull of you combo. Btw you
dont have to worry about just immidiatly dying since your mega gnar give you alot of
tankiness and you`ll most likly building a tankie item as 3rd anyways.
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