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Kindred Build Guide by WiLDxSerialKILA

Jungle All will know us... in time. [WIP]

Jungle All will know us... in time. [WIP]

Updated on August 7, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WiLDxSerialKILA Build Guide By WiLDxSerialKILA 2,252 Views 0 Comments
2,252 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WiLDxSerialKILA Kindred Build Guide By WiLDxSerialKILA Updated on August 7, 2017
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kindred
    Crit Kindrd
  • LoL Champion: Kindred
    ADC | Energized One Shot Kindr


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


I'm a Kindred main in bronze 4. Yeah I'm low elo (mainly because I almost never play ranked) but I have put a lot of time into Kindred playing norms. I am a level 7 die hard Kindred lover. You can ignore my guide if you want, it won't bother me. However if you do decide to use this guide I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
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Pros & Cons

Pros of playing Kindred

>Decent mobility with her Q
>Extra range from passive allows you to attack the enemy back line from your back line
>Insane auto attack damage
>Great tank shredder
>Amazing teamfight and outplay potential with her ult

Cons of playing Kindred

>Super squishy and easily bursted early without her ult
>Even though she is a jungler she is still a marksman and has the same weaknesses any ADC does (assassins)
>Easily counter jungled because her marks telegraph her jungle targets (but marks aren't everything and sometimes its better to just let the enemy take them and steal their camps while they're distracted)
>Falls behind easily if you don't farm and gank at the proper times

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How to Deal With Being Counter Jungled

As a Kindred your marks are bad at telegraphing where you might be in the jungle. A good enemy team will try to deny you your marks, but do not let this discourage you. Its important to remember that marks aren't everything and are definitely not worth throwing the game. You have two options for responding to being counter jungled as a Kindred.

The first option is to ask your team for help. Yes it is that simple. Your marks tell where you are going to be, but they also work the same way for the enemy jungler. For instance lets say your mark is on scuttle crab. You can place a ward in river and wait for the enemy to try to take it. When you see the enemy jungler going for it you and your mid laner can collapse on them and kill them 2v1.
The second is to just let them take it. Place a ward to give vision of your mark. When you see the enemy is clearing that side of the jungle you can steal camps from the opposite side.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WiLDxSerialKILA
WiLDxSerialKILA Kindred Guide
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All will know us... in time. [WIP]

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