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You cannot parry for stun against akali. It's also very difficult to hit your w on her for the slow as she is very quick and mobile. Parrying one of her empowered AA's will help you a lot.
Play for mid game as you just can't win lane against him even if you parry his w, his lifesteal from q and conqueror will just destroy you in lane. Play the wave correctly and farm. Call for jg too.
Easily outplayable. He can parry your w but that's it. just keep going for vitals and take extended trades as you win them all the time. Parry his tornado.
His slow animations are easily parryable. Parry his 3rd Q, you can q w his w, and just use q to dodge his skillshots and go in on him when you have parry up. If you dodge his skillshots using your mobility you will insta win the fight.
Play safe against her and try to take tp. You don't need to win lane against her as she falls off yet midgame she will have a lot of roam potential that should be matched with your TP. Quinn's kick puts her out of w range so try to q w into her if you can predict it or react to it.
Camilles passive shield helps her win trades early game. Play the wave correct and try to play for mid game where you will win the fight. Dont R her if she has e up as she will run away. Parry her e if possible but don't throw it out early as she could be baiting you .
Your w vs jax is a pure coinflip as he can hold it for 2 seconds while your w cast time is .75 seconds long. A late parry is better than an early parry as you can still parry one of his autos and reduce his attack speed rather than missing your w and being forced to recall. Try to dodge his e with q if you can q onto a minion so you can go back in. You will beat him in fights in mid-late game.
His w is very annoying and his e autos will mess you up. Cho gaths know that it's easy for you to parry the q so he will silence you before it knocks you up. try to dodge the q with your q and use w to slow him and fight him. You will feel useless if you let him snowball.
You will lose the trade if you let him get to 5 stacks of his passive so take a mid length trade. Parry his w as it's a big party of his damage. If you parry his e, he can still w you then q you after which will result in you losing the trade. You will beat him mid game so try to farm.
He can Q R you and you won't be able to parry it so Parry the Q and run if you think he can kill you. Poke with Q and parry his empowered Q in lane. Disengage when he W's.
COmplete skill matchup. Parry her 3rd q when she goes into you and make sure u aim w to her to stun her. If you luckily parry her w you win the fight. You hit the parry you win, otherwise you probably lose.
parry her e or you will get destroyed. You will beat her but the one time she hits e on you you lose a third of your health. When she misses e, play very aggressive.
Dr. Mundo
Dodge q poke with q, GET EXECUTIONERS and get items to kill him ASAP.
Play under tower, take a lot of potions (corrupting pot) as he will poke you under tower. Parry his stun when you know you can such as if he e's on you or ults on you.
Ranged matchup is very annoying but his slow animations in mega gnar are easily parryable and will win you extended trades.
His Q poke is very annoying, take corrupting pot and poke vitals with q. Destroy barrels, and parry the grasp q. Beware of lots of poke.
Parry her e, take extended trades as you win them. Easy lane. Beware of ganks as she will try to freeze.
Annoying to lane against, parry his e if you can, play safe and play for late
Annoying ranged champ. Kill her early and get your jg to destroy her.
Parry the pull of his q. Poke him down with q then purst him off skaarl. Kill him quick so he can't get Skaarl back.
dont fight in his passive early. Take short trades and parry his r. You will beat morde as you counter him.
Parry his e, burst him with quick trades as he wins over a long time with poison.
Hard to kill and he scales hard. Try to make sure you can cut him down.
Parry his q and take ignite. Play extremely aggresive at level 1 because he cannot blind you.
He will outscale you and be able to dive you late game. Try to snowball hard.
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