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Amumu Build Guide by Ic3yt0uch

Amumu - The Lonely Jungler

Amumu - The Lonely Jungler

Updated on July 24, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ic3yt0uch Build Guide By Ic3yt0uch 1,359 Views 0 Comments
1,359 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ic3yt0uch Amumu Build Guide By Ic3yt0uch Updated on July 24, 2014
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Hello and welcome to my guide on Amumu- The Lonely Jungler. My name is Ic3yt0uch and I will be your author for this guide.
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The rune page is fairly straightforward so I'll keep this section short.

We take Magic Penetration marks to do extra damage, Armour seals for defence, Scaling AP for added late game damage and AP quints for further damage.
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I'll only be explaining one part of the masteries as I believe it's the only real difference from standard builds. I prefer to put 2 points into Enchanted Armor and 1 in Tough Skin. I believe this scales better into the late game and allows you to live longer in team fights which will be your job as the tank.
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Pros / Cons

    Good CC with Q and Ult
    Good AoE with his W
    Able to pick off single targets with his Q
    Can lock down an entire enemy team with his Ultimate

    Squishy early game
    Can be mana hungry
    Vulnerable to counter jungling
    Missing Q can mean the difference between an ACE and a throw
    Useless if prevented from using his Ult in a team fight by being hard CC'd
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Tips and Tricks

If your blue is invaded early game, try to steal their blue. If this is not an option, jungle until you're low health, back and by mana pots as well as health pots and continue until the next blue spawn.

Positioning behind walls, such as bottom Wraith pit while you have vision of lane and waiting for the enemy team to pass should allow for an effective surprise Q, Ultimate, W, E combo. Make sure your team is in position for this or you may regret it.

It is possible to Q to the top wolf pit from the top of the walkway directly right of it. This has been an effective escape route for me many times.

Your Q will do a fair amount of damage when it lands, don't underestimate the power of your combo. A simple, Q, Ult, W and E will leave them at half health if they're not tanky.

Synergising well with your team is what Amumu does. He sets up the plays, he prevents escapes and he can nuke squishy casters. But a good team composition can make all the difference. I have found having a Nautilus and Braum on your team make for effective plays. The abundance of CC is overwhelming.

Amumu is not a fast Dragon clearer at any stage of the game. Try to have your team help you. Going bot lane and picking up a kill or 2 for the team and transitioning to Dragon is always an effective idea.

Amumu is an effective Baron stealer with a Q, Smite combo.

With your Q and Ult you can buy your team 3 seconds of uncontested time on any objective if there's only one target, or 2 seconds if there's multiple.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ic3yt0uch
Ic3yt0uch Amumu Guide
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Amumu - The Lonely Jungler

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