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Fizz Build Guide by Jetsetninja

Assassin An amazing Fizz players guide to the sea!

Assassin An amazing Fizz players guide to the sea!

Updated on January 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jetsetninja Build Guide By Jetsetninja 1,943 Views 0 Comments
1,943 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jetsetninja Fizz Build Guide By Jetsetninja Updated on January 6, 2013
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Pros / Cons

    Amazing burst
    Amazing mobility
    Safe about 99% of the time
    If played correctly, unbeatable!

    Killed easily if PLAYFUL/TRICKSTER is used incorrectly
    Weak Before level 6
    Not strong against Bruisers
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Ranked Play

In a ranked game, Fizz can do very well, mainly if you can roam well after level 6. Fizz is an AMAZING ganker, especially against an AD Carry. He can be easily manipulated to jump over a wall and get himself into a BAD situation, especially being used by an un-experienced player.
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Using he build that I Recommended. The farming at level one, should be fairly easy, just poking and prodding at the minions with basics, after level 3, jump will do significantly enough damage and with mana potions being a constant buy, is an easy way to farm uncontested since it causes you to become untargetable. Eventually though, a good Fizz should be focusing more on kills than actual farm, considering he holds his assassin role well.
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Team Work

Fizz should remain, either behind his team, or behind the enemies. Playing him as a normal assassin should prove well, by jumping past an enemy team to quick R,W,Q,E combo an AD Carry should INSTANTLY kill the AD Carry, after that turning back to your team and jumping in that direction should be enough to shift a team fight in your favor. DO NOT be afraid to clean up a fight, it's basicly what Fizz is made for!
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That's About it!

Any question on this guide can be asked directly to my MOBAFIRE account or, add me on League of Legends (Jetsetninja) and asking me personally will also work. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT and remember, this build is VERY PASSIVE at levels prior to 6, meaning being too aggressive can result in death. Have fun playing!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jetsetninja
Jetsetninja Fizz Guide
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An amazing Fizz players guide to the sea!

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