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Recommended Items
Runes: Your standard Bursty Talon Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Her Q allows her to prepare for her other abilities and poke you freely out of your range. her W slows you down and sets up for an easy E which will stun and/or slow you, try not to get ulted, get Hexdrinker and Mercury's treads ASAP
Her Q and R will help you both engage and disengage, her ganks are fast and hard hitting, get her to gank you often.
Her Q and R will help you both engage and disengage, her ganks are fast and hard hitting, get her to gank you often.
Champion Build Guide
HELLO! The name's ZF.PandaYang and I'm Writing a guide for Talon , My main champion and I am a platinum V in the PH server, happy to serve yall! This wont be as In depth as it should be as it'll be my first guide on MOBAfire and I plan on keeping this short,simple and mostly an entry guide on how to play Talon.
And to make it clear and i'll say it now, my guides will be only for those who want to start playing a certain champion and I intend on making my guides a little bit informal, also Your feedbacks are highly appreciated too so please spare me 1 minute and offer me criticism if you can!
Talon is a Burst type assassin whose damage is purely Physical. IMO, he is who I'd recommend to be the ideal "gateway" Assassin Champion— the easiest Assassin Champion to pick up and master due to how straightforward and simple he is for a Champion— at least, when it comes to Assassins.
Although Talon may be easy to get into and learn, don't assume he is just as simple to fight against merely because he is as he is. Underestimate a good Talon player, and they will 100-0 you without any hesitation; they won't give you even the tiniest moment to breathe.
Talon is a very mobile champion who is good at Assassination (duh), roaming, and flanking.
Your priority #1 as Talon is to eliminate the squishy yet important targets: whether it be the ADC, Support, or their Burst Champion (Often times the Mid laner). Thanks to his kit, you as Talon will find it fairly simple to get in, wreck your intended target and get out scot-free, a big reason why is because of how Assassin's Path works.
As Talon, this should be your bucket list:
(1) Win/dominate your lane then start roaming.
(2) Follow up and work with your Jungler for sweet ganks and nabbing key objectives.
(3) Put pressure, or better, the fear of God, into their backline.
(4) But don't just pressure their backline. If you're ahead, make it a habit to put pressure on all enemy lanes using your ridiculous amounts of roam!
+ High burst/ High DPS with low cooldowns + Mobile roamer w/ Assassin's Path + Has high presence in all lanes if played correctly + Varieties of combos + Excellent wave clear with Rake and Tiamat + Scales well in early to mid game Talon's advantages is that he is a simple BUT versatile champion, he is your generic mobile assassin character and he does a really good job at being one, one thing that differentiates him from other assassins is his presence in lanes and the many ways you can change up his combos and on how to proc his Blade's End using his Rake, Shadow Assault,Q(name is blacklisted), Tiamat and his auto attacks, his ganks and surprises are more often than not, unexpected. So use him to your advantage. |
- VERY susceptible to CC - Vulnerable Shadow Assault/ Assassin's Path is unavailable. - No built in sustain except for Q(name is blacklisted) heal - relies on Flash and Ignite - out traded by someone with better poke,range and DPS - Item build is crucial Talon may be powerful, but without items and potions, he is vulnerable with no sustain at all,he is very weak against champions with higher DPS,poke and range, Pantheon and Syndra are some of the few examples that out-trade and out-range Talon. Another key point is that building him according to match up may cripple his early to mid game. I suggest you focus on lethality, get Hexdrinker but don't finish it yet, focus on damage. |
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