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I'm not a very skilled player, but i love TT and a few people publish guides focusing in 3vs3.
Just read it and don't hesitate about giving your opinion,Everything that can help is welcomed.
Nida is know for it's balance and large set of skills, allowing her to be ad/ap/hybrid and ocasionally get tanky ( i don't reccomend so).
The biggest problem should be aiming with the "Q", skilled players dodge easily long shots. I reommend shooting behind walls so they can't see it until it's almost hit 'em.
The "E" is very useful ( This is the reason why i buy 2 mana potions at the start).
And the animal skills are just devastating.
The biggest problem should be aiming with the "Q", skilled players dodge easily long shots. I reommend shooting behind walls so they can't see it until it's almost hit 'em.
The "E" is very useful ( This is the reason why i buy 2 mana potions at the start).
And the animal skills are just devastating.
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