Would consider Akali to be a skilled match up. If you know what Akali is and how she works, you definitely can beat her in lane and in game. Everything you do she will have to be better at so remember: when in doubt, ward paths she will probably take to roam top or bottom lane.
He is mostly annoying to deal with in lane and in game. His roams are very good since he can be camouflaged and have a reset on his E with one takedown. In lane, he is a lane bully so you have to learn how to trade against him when his abilities are down. Remember: He is a marksman so he will wither you with auto attacks as well. Not just spells. Always ping when he is off the map and type it out as well. It could help you in the long run.
Anivia is just a broken champion. She is a very versatile mid laner with a large amount of area denial abilities and single target burst. Her QW combo in lane is very annoying to go against and she will all kill you in any stage in the game. An Anivia is basically a threat at all stages of the game. Your best chance is to hope that your front line CC's her so you can Encore and burst her down if she doesn't have egg form. If she does, quickly kill her because she will kill you... Her R is an instant wave clear button so you will be pushed against the wall a lot of the time. Ask your jungler if he can give you Blue Buff so you can push back.
This is more of who can catch whom out of position match up. Since you have range, she won't be much of an issue. However, do respect Annie can and will kill you in one rotation so don't give her a chance to do so. You can also kill her in one rotation as well so don't let that opportunity go to waste!
Aurelion Sol
Seraphine's kit is not equipped dealing with roaming champions. He still has that kit where he pushes mid and auto roams to kill bot or top lane. Very frustrating to go against. Just ping and type that he is missing in lane so your team can at least be aware he is gone. Hopefully you can group up and win game but sometimes that is what he wants with his galaxy Q...
Ah Azir... you remind me of Anivia that makes me want to die inside. He will WQ you to force you out of lane since he can have that much of a reach. Even though you have range, he has all in potential so the Shuriman Shuffle can and will screw you over in lanes. Every thing you do has to be near pixel perfect so he can't get a lead since you are both scaling mid laners. Just try your best to match him but there is no guarantee.
A rare mid laner to go against. He is mostly annoying via poke with his WE and passive. You will out scale him since he is known as a suicidal all in champion. Even though you want to group up, against him I suggest you don't until you eliminate him first then group up and deal with the enemy team. He isn't bad to go against just annoying at times. You'll be fine.
I want to put her on a major threat level, but to be honest with you guys, she is a skill based match up. If you can just not get hit by her poison, her damage is useless. Issue is: your team can royally screw that up for you so as always it is based on who will scale more: The Serpent or The Songstress.
He has lane sustain via passive so it gets annoying to try to wither him down. You can but at some point you need to call someone to assist you so you can help take Cho'Gath down. But the good part is that he gets bigger... which means he is the perfect one to target for an Encore to extend to the back line.
I don't see Corki as a threat since he is just... meh?? He is annoying with his R yes but that is all he brings to the table. And his package. Other than that I don't see why people play him unless it is some weird meta build that makes him strong. Corki is due for a major VGU.
The Assassin/Tank Hybrid that is Diana. She can and will all in you at level 2 because she has ridiculous base stats early on and her ultimate is definitely worthy to be scared of after 6. The damage scales based on champions pulled so if she hits all 5, instant pentakill and I wish that was a joke. Just try to deny her CS whenever you can since you are not tanky enough to deal with her in the early stages of the game. Always look for picks whenever you can on her or her team so she doesn't snowball so hard.
Though annoying, he can be punished if he dives on you. Echo E into Q and auto notes will let you out trade him if he missed his shield stun. Always know in lane he is looking for a pick so try not to make it so obvious where you are going. If needed, ask for help.
Ew. Good luck dealing with him. Fizz is the assassin with the passive that allows him to not take damage early on and his all in potential is VERY dangerous. Once he hit 6 you will instantly die if you do not dodge the fish. You have to be very careful when going against him or just pick a different champion that can deal with him.
A utility tank vs. A utility mage. Normally if Galio is a tank he will be harder to deal with... Issue is he build full AP Glass Cannon so you can poke him down in lane and wither his shield down for all ins. Just remember: R roams for Galio is his thing and if there is lockdown for him, CC wombo combo will happen. Just do your best to stay out of the way and then look for a massive Encore to hit. This can go either way in all honesty so all you need to do is play the game accordingly and look for ways to make plays that opens up to what he is weak to.
KISS ME FAT MAN! Wait wrong champion.
He is an all in champion so if you are able to negate ANY skill of his combo. You are set! Just don't think his Q is there for no reason now... He can do the R into EW and pop Q for the burst so you have to be careful about that. All in all: skill-based.
Heimerdinger's issue is that your jungler cannot help you unless you take down his turrets first. A secret thing that people don't know is that Seraphine's E can instantly stun his turrets. Use that to your advantage so you can take down Heimerdinger's turrets and eventually him. All in all don't make stupid plays and ALWAYS use Q or E in bushes. Just to make sure he isn't in there.
A high dive rush down champion, Irelia is not a champion you want to go up against if the player has a brain cell. She is designed to punish ranged champions and will all kill you level 1 if possible. Best to play a different champion when going against Irelia mid.
Okay so I will explain why I put Ivern here... I went against him and I felt like it was too easy to win against. Your ONLY issue is that his W enhanced autos and his passive allowing him to get free blue and red. But you will out scale him in both damage and utility so you beat him at EVERY stage of the game. It is not even funny to how easy it is to win against him.
Another rare mid laner. Mage Karma is very good. Issue is she has no scaling on her main ability so she struggles to push waves without RQ. However, she can still out scale you in other ways. In my experience: Karma can and will endlessly spam RQ to delete teams since she plays more like a battle mage and wants to constantly fight. She will out duel you 1v1 so your saving grace is team fighting.
Both singers of the souls: One sings of death and one sings of life. Karthus is a skilled base match up since he acts like Seraphine but in a different way. His early laning phase is very strong due to Q spam and E mana gain from kills, however he is not good to deal with ranged burst mages (which Seraphine is.) Your all in will kill Karthus but you have to make sure you have enough AP and HP to negate his R after death. All in all if you can beat him early you definitely seal the late game.
An anti mage assassin is someone you need to punish early. He must not have any advantage whatsoever for you to shine in the late game. One kill for him is enough to snowball into an out of control monster so you and your team must work together to shut him down so he cannot kill you or your teammates.
As with Kassadin, Katarina is an Assassin who is very skilled based match up with near perfect pixel calculations to stop her. One kill is enough to make her have a reset which is why she is known as THE team fighting assassin in League of Legends. Your team HAS to stun lock her so she does not win over you. Even if one person misses their CC it is over for you guys. Everything against Katarina must be used with precision and purpose.
Skilled based match up. She is very early laning dominant so you need to attempt to punish her if she misses her E. Just try your best to push waves against her since she isn't the best farmer because it puts her in harms way. Until you outscale her, she will beat you pre 15 minutes so you have to learn the pattern of her skills so you can adapt and beat her.
Lissandra's kit is best when against mid to low range champions, not high range ones. Since you are always sitting back and farming, you can just shove in the wave and look for roams. Lissandra's saving grace is her E so she can get in range of you or your teammates to lock them down and burst for her passive to take into effect. Lissandra isn't a hard match up unless you make it hard.
Well if it isn't your twin Lux. You are basically the same champion but with different playstyle. Lux wants to burst her target(s) down with little counter play and has a lot of range zoning tools. Seraphine wants to lock down and burst the enemy team down and make sure they don't move for her performance. All in all since you are both the same champion it comes down to who can performs better or who can make the most plays.
Malzahar's passive is the main issue of Seraphine. As he can ignore CC and 99% damage when it is up so you need to use your passive enhanced auto attacks to break it then lock him down with your R E QQ burst combo. A thing to remember is that he can just auto push waves and gain mana back doing so. You need to punish him by killing voidlings and make sure he doesn't kill his E target so it doesn't bounce in laning phase or in the later parts of the game.
We all know that Morgana is a counter to any type of hard CC because of her E. Her main weakness is that she has to be in close range to lock down a team with her R which puts her at a vulnerable spot. Her Q is her snare so be careful when you don't know where she is. She can and will all in you if you misposition. She isn't a major threat but she can even the play field.
Neeko best decision is to trick you with thinking it is someone else for her to Pop Blossom the enemy team. Early game she is a very strong lane bully with her Q poke and W harass while E sets her up for it. Your saving grace is that if she W clone wrong... your R will extend off of it and gives you that much effective reach to captivate people fleeing the fight from miles away. Just remember that you both act the same but play differently.
Nunu & Willump
In the VERY rare chance you are against a Nunu mid, he will go for roams top and mid so just ward constantly. Why he isn't that much of an issue is that it gives you free EXP and gold mid so it pushes you much further if he messes up a gank and dies or gets his teammates killed. Yes he does have lane sustain but his issue is that he can't pressure you so that is why he roams.
Your sister of the same catergory: Orianna is a team fighting utility mage with a huge AoE ult and lots of CC and team utility as well via W movespeed and slow and E shield spam on different targets. Her early laning phase acts just like you so it is weak but gets very strong and oppressive as the game goes on. Orianna has a lot of zoning in the form of her Q where she can deny space, but that is her weakness as well as she can ONLY affect that area. You can toss skillshots anywhere and is not as position dependent unless you count for your R. This is a dead even match up but it depends on how your team plays.
The most versatile assassin in game: Qiyana is not fair to go against. She has WAY too much in her kit that makes her what she is. CC, stealth, mobility, reset cd for Q, huge AoE CC and damage on R. 100% favored in Qiyana unless she has no brains. Best to play someone else.
Another weird person to add to the mid lane list, Soraka mid is a thing sometimes (whenever she is strong) but you just do everything better as the game goes on. Early might be somewhat rough but you EASILY out scale her in damage, cc and healing output because you are a true mage with utility while she only provides utility. Very vulnerable to poke damage so you win this match up hard.
Syndra is an early dominant mage. Q spam to force you to miss minions and take damage as well. Issue is that is all she offers and she will be out traded by Seraphine since her damage and utility skyrockets as the game goes on. Syndra still has some decent CC but it makes her dependent on her Q placement. If she misses or if you dodge them then it is free for you to win.
Taliyah is a weird champion. She has great wave clear but her damage isn't high since she needs to repetitively needs to hit you with her Q to win advantages. Her enhanced Q does do a significant amount of damage so hide behind your minions to avoid it. W E combo is to notify you that the jungler is near so if you dodge that you are more than welcomed to punish her back with an onslaught of spells. Her utility isn't as high as yours is so you beat her in that, it is just that she is a battle mage and you are a burst mage. She wants extended fights.
Assassin who can roam and turn invisible? Yikes... Talon is not a forgiving champion to go against so playing defensive while having wards for the whole team to do is something that gets tiresome as the game goes on.
Fuck you for stealing my ult. You can't even sing!
Jokes aside he is annoying to go against early since he WILL all in you and it feels like you can't beat him unless you get help or he messes up. And relying on someone to mess up isn't good counterplay.
I forgor birb man is a thing.
His Early game sucks but his late game is where it gets tricky. Unless you all burst him down he will drain tank indefinitely and Seraphine doesn't do well in extended trades. Remember burst mages do front loaded while battle mages do consistent damage/ sustain.
Twisted Fate
His R is what is his most powerful tool to gank other lanes. If you see him TP away with it do not hesitate to use R to stop the channel. Also Gold Card + RFC isn't fair to go against so be warry of that. He can't do much against you unless you step up too close.
Veigar is annoying with his E, yes... but that is all he offers. You beat him with range and consistent burst in most of the game parts that it is VERY easy for you to win. He can't team fight unless you give him the opportunity to and most of the time that is not possible. Your range coverage will most likely pick him off and you instant burst him down and you can work on his teammates. He is a huge AP nuke yes but he isn't good unless you keep giving him free AP.
You can't use gloom against optimism. Vex is designed to stop mobility along with dealing with champions close to her... Unless Vex misses her R she will never reach Seraphine unless Seraphine forces Vex to come closer with her R. But when that happens she is already dead.
Technology advancement is Viktor's strength and weakness. If he cannot evolve his skills fast enough he can't compete with Seraphine. Issue is that he is a good lane bully and his Q and E harass can wither her down. Once he gets E evolved it is instant wave clear. Punish him or you won't have a good game.
Vladimir before the durability update was an issue. Extremely tanky and one shots every squishy mage. After it he isn't that great since now people can fight him back. Seraphine against Vlad must make sure she does not get Q spam and he heals all of your trades. All ins he can still kill you but make sure to hold on your hard CC after he pulls.
Annoying to go up against since he is always screens away. Xerath is a hard match up. Free mana on passive with very strong poke and wave clear. Later game he won't be touched so you have to land a good R to force him to come to you or else you won't see him until you have a grey screen.
Windwall and mobility is why Seraphine cannot deal with Yasuo. Even a bad Yasuo can make it hard to deal with if he presses W right. That much width of not landing spells on the enemy is going to be rough early and late game.
Though telegraphed, Yone wants to go all in then blink out like a true assassin. His E can be punished with your Echo E but still if he has R he has that much reach to kill you and blink out.
For a melee champion, Zed has a lot of ranged poke. Zed is a very high skill expressive assassin and going against one is why he is an extreme threat. There are gonna be times where he messes up but as I said: If you have to have a person to mess up on a champion to be good then that is not a counterplay. Be prepared to get all pre 6 and onwards.
Artillery mage Ziggs is of course annoying. Low CD spells and constant harass is guaranteed to be a hard lane. Remember you can beat him in team fights, but that doesn't mean he can't beat you in everything else.
Ah Zoe. Early game she is going to spam Paddle Star and force the wave to crash early so she can hit level 2 for the bubble and level 3 for the rngesus drops. She can kill you if she gets lucky but luck isn't a skill. You can eventually push her out in farm at early levels believe it or not. If you know how to dodge skillshots (I hope you do) then you beat her in the long run.
Zyra's plants are very easy to destroy at all stages of the game for Seraphine. What makes it an even lane is that it is Zyra who can relentlessly wither you down with her spells and plants and if she snares you, instant death. An EXTREMELY RARE MID but it does happen. It is what happens outside of lane is what makes it Seraphine or Zyra favored.
I forgot Vel'koz. See this list is so out of order.
Artillery mages are annoying and Vel has to be the worst of all. Magic and True Damage in a champion with great poke and siege? Annoying to go against at all stages of the game. Be prepared to be chunked and don't know where from and his all in combo is over kill.
An engage support tank is perfect for Seraphine. His ability to roam mid and help lock down an enemy for you is beautiful. Not to mention his passive does give great sustain as the game goes on since Seraphine has great wave clear.
Amumu's passive amplifies magic damage to turn into true damage. Given that Seraphine has a lot of AoE skills, perfect to combo with. Curse of the Sad Mummy into Encore will leave a show they'll never forget.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter in marksman form. Ashe is all the CC you need to permanently let the enemy know they will never move. An R mid and you have the opportunity to burst the enemy mid and take an advantage.
Bard. He is weird. He is great, but weird. He gives Seraphine mobility with his W and E and give her CC opportunities with Q and R. Given that he can make or break games he is a good choice but not ideal.
Beep boop. Blitzcrank instant pick potential is great but it could also go awry if he pulls the wrong target. His ult silence gives breathing room so you can cast spells but still sometimes it is a make or break with him.
Hextech Ultimatum is really good to help lock down an opponent for Seraphine to encore at another direction. Camille has ways to get in and lock targets down so you can stun with E and burst with Q. Enemies in lore but works pretty well in game.
Imagine getting feared by a giant centaur mauling you to death. Now also imagine a wave of love following behind him and extending off of him. That is a very fun combo to do and you both deal tons of damage.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan gives Seraphine way too much lock down with his EQ combo and R grouping the entire enemy team. It is really too easy for Seraphine to get off her effectiveness with a Jarvan on her team.
Two musical champions. One is a visionary while the other sings. Put them together and you can orchestrate something beautiful. But to Seraphine it is a perfect four four but so wrong!
Karma gives Seraphine a lot of utility from slows and roots to a shield so she can proc Seraphine's W heal without the echo cast. Very strong duo of mages when they are together.
A meaty tank that goes in and cc's the enemy for days is what Seraphine needs. It makes it unfair for the enemy but that is what happens when you pair a sun goddess with a song mage.
Lulu gives breathing room for Seraphine so she can stay alive and do damage. Lulu is at her strongest when paired with a hypercarry adc so try not to steal her away from Kog'Maw. I heard they are best friends forever.
You know why this sexy tree is here. CC for days and endless lock down is what Seraphine loves. Not to mention how much utility his E offers, giving vision around choke points so Seraphine can better prepare herself and make plays.
Nami gives way too much versatility for any champion regardless of class. She provides on demand things that Seraphine needs to excel at so having on on your team is very beneficial.
A hook champion that has better cc than Blitz is basically Nautilus. He will drag people down with him and let Seraphine pummel the enemy for free. However hook champions are hit and miss.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu can relentlessly slow people down with his E into a root or knock them up with a W. He gives a great amount of lock down and with Seraphine's R, he can sit in his Absolute Zero while the enemy is helplessly charmed towards it. Ideally you need to set up for it but it does work.
Given that he is a tank with one of the strongest ults in the game and a new type of cc to do bonus damage when a cc is applied, everything Ornn does will end up making Seraphine better. His ability to upgrade her mythic will give her more stats she needs to excel and when team fights happen, it will be a Call of the Songstress.
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc is better with Marksman champions than Seraphine. It is more like anti synergy then anything. Just let her buff the adc and you do your thing.
The reason why she is very ideal is because of your AoE clear speed on minions, giving Senna a lot of mist drops so she can scale up and be the support marksman and carry fights. You are a carry yourself but a little friendship goes a long way.
They both sing together in unison. Each champion complements each other in ways that one lacks. If Skarner needs to target someone far away Seraphine gives him that chance while Seraphine needs some self peel and Skarner gives her that.
Sona is also a scaling champion in a different way. She has to land her auto targeting spells to be effective while Seraphine needs to land spells to be strong. Sona is more of a buffer for ADC and tankier champions than for mages in general.
A tank with endless slows is what makes Sejuani a strong choice. Issue is Sejuani is better with melee champions than ranged ones. Still they have synergy.
A free get out of jail card is what Thresh is. The ability to get out of a situation that is bad for Seraphine is definitely an eye opening experience for both her and Thresh. His peeling is very strong and will catch anyone off guard which allows Seraphine to follow up.
After writing a fight song for Vi, she is very pumped up and excited to take fights into her stead. But don't forget that Seraphine is there to help too Vi.
Just having Zac fly in and having Seraphine Encore is very underrated. A rare pick that people play, Zac loves it when mages double down on what he does and if he goes in, so are you!
An engage support tank is perfect for Seraphine. His ability to roam mid and help lock down an enemy for you is beautiful. Not to mention his passive does give great sustain as the game goes on since Seraphine has great wave clear.
Amumu's passive amplifies magic damage to turn into true damage. Given that Seraphine has a lot of AoE skills, perfect to combo with. Curse of the Sad Mummy into Encore will leave a show they'll never forget.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter in marksman form. Ashe is all the CC you need to permanently let the enemy know they will never move. An R mid and you have the opportunity to burst the enemy mid and take an advantage.
Bard. He is weird. He is great, but weird. He gives Seraphine mobility with his W and E and give her CC opportunities with Q and R. Given that he can make or break games he is a good choice but not ideal.
Beep boop. Blitzcrank instant pick potential is great but it could also go awry if he pulls the wrong target. His ult silence gives breathing room so you can cast spells but still sometimes it is a make or break with him.
Hextech Ultimatum is really good to help lock down an opponent for Seraphine to encore at another direction. Camille has ways to get in and lock targets down so you can stun with E and burst with Q. Enemies in lore but works pretty well in game.
Imagine getting feared by a giant centaur mauling you to death. Now also imagine a wave of love following behind him and extending off of him. That is a very fun combo to do and you both deal tons of damage.
Jarvan IV
Jarvan gives Seraphine way too much lock down with his EQ combo and R grouping the entire enemy team. It is really too easy for Seraphine to get off her effectiveness with a Jarvan on her team.
Two musical champions. One is a visionary while the other sings. Put them together and you can orchestrate something beautiful. But to Seraphine it is a perfect four four but so wrong!
Karma gives Seraphine a lot of utility from slows and roots to a shield so she can proc Seraphine's W heal without the echo cast. Very strong duo of mages when they are together.
A meaty tank that goes in and cc's the enemy for days is what Seraphine needs. It makes it unfair for the enemy but that is what happens when you pair a sun goddess with a song mage.
Lulu gives breathing room for Seraphine so she can stay alive and do damage. Lulu is at her strongest when paired with a hypercarry adc so try not to steal her away from Kog'Maw. I heard they are best friends forever.
You know why this sexy tree is here. CC for days and endless lock down is what Seraphine loves. Not to mention how much utility his E offers, giving vision around choke points so Seraphine can better prepare herself and make plays.
Nami gives way too much versatility for any champion regardless of class. She provides on demand things that Seraphine needs to excel at so having on on your team is very beneficial.
A hook champion that has better cc than Blitz is basically Nautilus. He will drag people down with him and let Seraphine pummel the enemy for free. However hook champions are hit and miss.
Nunu & Willump
Nunu can relentlessly slow people down with his E into a root or knock them up with a W. He gives a great amount of lock down and with Seraphine's R, he can sit in his Absolute Zero while the enemy is helplessly charmed towards it. Ideally you need to set up for it but it does work.
Given that he is a tank with one of the strongest ults in the game and a new type of cc to do bonus damage when a cc is applied, everything Ornn does will end up making Seraphine better. His ability to upgrade her mythic will give her more stats she needs to excel and when team fights happen, it will be a Call of the Songstress.
Renata Glasc
Renata Glasc is better with Marksman champions than Seraphine. It is more like anti synergy then anything. Just let her buff the adc and you do your thing.
The reason why she is very ideal is because of your AoE clear speed on minions, giving Senna a lot of mist drops so she can scale up and be the support marksman and carry fights. You are a carry yourself but a little friendship goes a long way.
They both sing together in unison. Each champion complements each other in ways that one lacks. If Skarner needs to target someone far away Seraphine gives him that chance while Seraphine needs some self peel and Skarner gives her that.
Sona is also a scaling champion in a different way. She has to land her auto targeting spells to be effective while Seraphine needs to land spells to be strong. Sona is more of a buffer for ADC and tankier champions than for mages in general.
A tank with endless slows is what makes Sejuani a strong choice. Issue is Sejuani is better with melee champions than ranged ones. Still they have synergy.
A free get out of jail card is what Thresh is. The ability to get out of a situation that is bad for Seraphine is definitely an eye opening experience for both her and Thresh. His peeling is very strong and will catch anyone off guard which allows Seraphine to follow up.
After writing a fight song for Vi, she is very pumped up and excited to take fights into her stead. But don't forget that Seraphine is there to help too Vi.
Just having Zac fly in and having Seraphine Encore is very underrated. A rare pick that people play, Zac loves it when mages double down on what he does and if he goes in, so are you!
Hello. Thank you for reading this. If you have anything else I don't know please give me a notice and I will love to share more about our mage. Do take care of yourself!
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