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Kog'Maw Build Guide by Zero macro

Middle AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw Mid Lane Guide (Z.M.)

Middle AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw Mid Lane Guide (Z.M.)

Updated on November 9, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro Build Guide By Zero macro 9,249 Views 0 Comments
9,249 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro Kog'Maw Build Guide By Zero macro Updated on November 9, 2023
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Runes: Arcane Comet

1 2 3
Arcane Comet
Manaflow Band
Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

Presence of Mind
Cut Down

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)


1 2 3 4
Flash + Ghost
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw Mid Lane Guide (Z.M.)

By Zero macro
Kog'Maw Abilities
AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw against ADC Kog'Maw
+ Stronger into Assassin- and Poke Skirmishes
+ Flex Pick for Draft
+ Kog'Maw Caustic Spittle Bio-Arcane Barrage Void Ooze are Stronger.
AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw Mid can be picked as *Fake ADC Laner* flex pick. On top of this Kog'Maw is a controle Mage due to having its only damage source on abilities, thereby being more useful into long ranged fights and having faster damage into Assassins .
- Lack of consistent Damage
- Abilities only Depended
- Starving Mana
- Skillshots
AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw buys items and effects to increae ability damage only, thereby Kog'Maw will have no damage outside of Bio-Arcane Barrage windows. Kog'Maw is reliant on his Living Artillery as consistent damage,therefore he can starve mana on excessive usage. Kog'Maw can miss out on damage due to being reliant on skillshot abilities only, other than Bio-Arcane Barrage .
Introduction, Google Document, updates.
Hello Everyone,
I'm Zero Macro a theory crafter and coach on League of Legends.
I peaked Challenger soloq in EUW server and I play LoL since the end of Season 3.
AP / Hyrbrid Kog'Maw is one of my favourite picks after my main champ pool.

*This Guide is Very Detailed*

Google Document link:

I hope that the guide improved your Kog'Maw !!!

Google doc in progress.
Important Facts
Fact 1:

Kog'Maw Living Artillery will gain him stacks that increase the cost of his next Living Artillery by 40 for each stack. Thereby it is recommended to keep track of your mana pool and wait for the stacks to run out.

Fact 2:
Kog'Maw Living Artillery deals more damage due to enemy missing HP, increasing 100% below 40% HP enemies.

Fact 3:
Kog'Maw Caustic Spittle will remove armor and magic resist %, doing this ability first in the combo will increase the damage of the combo and allies.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Zero macro
Zero macro Kog'Maw Guide
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AP / Hybrid Kog'Maw Mid Lane Guide (Z.M.)

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