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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard Runes
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order SKILL ORDER
Stage Presence (PASSIVE)
Seraphine Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
It is pretty hard once she reaches Lvl 6 or gets a good engage thanks to her teammates. Try to Kill and Poke her early game but watch out for the Enemy Support and her Q, else you won't walk away ;-;
Champion Build Guide
Introduction <3
Hi,thanks for stopping by~
Seraphine is one of my favorite Champions since her Release. And super eazy to play. Like other People on other Champions I've played her with many different Items and playstyles to find the best one for me.
If the Team has a bad matchup or the play is going for quick Teamfights Heavy AP Seraphine Support is your choice. It surely depends on your playstyle but even if you like to sit back a bit, AP Sera has your back - or you wanna dominate the Lane your for the AP Poke Build. You decide.
Enjoy the Guide ^^ and stay cool and Calm on the Rift! <3
Seraphine is one of my favorite Champions since her Release. And super eazy to play. Like other People on other Champions I've played her with many different Items and playstyles to find the best one for me.
If the Team has a bad matchup or the play is going for quick Teamfights Heavy AP Seraphine Support is your choice. It surely depends on your playstyle but even if you like to sit back a bit, AP Sera has your back - or you wanna dominate the Lane your for the AP Poke Build. You decide.
Enjoy the Guide ^^ and stay cool and Calm on the Rift! <3
About me
Here we are-
Hi, I'm Tsuki GD, i used to be a Top lane main but switched my Lanes because I wanted to widen my Champion Pool. When Seraphine was released on October 28th in 2020 I fell in love with her, her kit, her playstyle. I rushed through her Mastery and finally archieved Mastery 7. I might not be a Seraphine one trick but if my Games are going Bad or its just not the mood, I always come back to her.
Why am I doing this guide?
There is no special reason but like onetricks I know (or i want to say I know) my perfect way to play this champion, and to share this to other Summoners im creating this Guide. To share the good times I had playing my favorite Champion in League of Legends.
Hi, I'm Tsuki GD, i used to be a Top lane main but switched my Lanes because I wanted to widen my Champion Pool. When Seraphine was released on October 28th in 2020 I fell in love with her, her kit, her playstyle. I rushed through her Mastery and finally archieved Mastery 7. I might not be a Seraphine one trick but if my Games are going Bad or its just not the mood, I always come back to her.
Why am I doing this guide?
There is no special reason but like onetricks I know (or i want to say I know) my perfect way to play this champion, and to share this to other Summoners im creating this Guide. To share the good times I had playing my favorite Champion in League of Legends.
Stage Presence
Seraphines Passive creates a stack of Echo, every third Ability Seraphines Ability cast an Echo, which doubles the Ability.
Seraphine creates a note to her and all nearby Champions on her Team. The stack for 6 seconds up to 4 notes for each champion at the time. Those Notes are created when seraphine uses Abilities next to her Teammates. Seraphine's basic attacks while any amount of Notes are active for either her or allies become unstoppable and gain 25 bonus attack range per Note and fire all of them at the target, each one dealing 4 / 8 / 14 / 24 (+6 / 7 / 8 / 9% (levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16) AP) magic damage upon arrival (depending on level).
High Note
Seraphines Q is a high ranged soundwave which expands it's radius when it hits the ground dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and triggering Arcane Coment. Stacking with the Passiv, the Q double cast if Stage presence is stacked.
Surround Sound
Her W is a shiled for herself and her Teammates which grants her bonus movement speed depending on her Ability power. Surround Sound can also heal her and her Teammates if her passiv is stacked or Seraphine or/ and her Teammates already have a shield.
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Beat Drop
Seraphine is able to fire a soundwave just like her Q, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them. Beat Drop can be stacked with her passiv so the rootes her enemies. If the enemy is already slowed, immobilizied or grounded a single e stuns them for the same time.
Seraphines R is a huge charm dealing magic damage and slowing the enemy. Encore's projectile resets its remaining travel distance whenever it strikes an allied or enemy champion
Stage Presence

Seraphines Passive creates a stack of Echo, every third Ability Seraphines Ability cast an Echo, which doubles the Ability.
Seraphine creates a note to her and all nearby Champions on her Team. The stack for 6 seconds up to 4 notes for each champion at the time. Those Notes are created when seraphine uses Abilities next to her Teammates. Seraphine's basic attacks while any amount of Notes are active for either her or allies become unstoppable and gain 25 bonus attack range per Note and fire all of them at the target, each one dealing 4 / 8 / 14 / 24 (+6 / 7 / 8 / 9% (levels 1 / 6 / 11 / 16) AP) magic damage upon arrival (depending on level).
High Note

Seraphines Q is a high ranged soundwave which expands it's radius when it hits the ground dealing magic damage to enemies in the area and triggering Arcane Coment. Stacking with the Passiv, the Q double cast if Stage presence is stacked.
Surround Sound

Her W is a shiled for herself and her Teammates which grants her bonus movement speed depending on her Ability power. Surround Sound can also heal her and her Teammates if her passiv is stacked or Seraphine or/ and her Teammates already have a shield.
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Beat Drop

Seraphine is able to fire a soundwave just like her Q, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them. Beat Drop can be stacked with her passiv so the rootes her enemies. If the enemy is already slowed, immobilizied or grounded a single e stuns them for the same time.

Seraphines R is a huge charm dealing magic damage and slowing the enemy. Encore's projectile resets its remaining travel distance whenever it strikes an allied or enemy champion
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