Will stomp you as long as she doesn't int. It is a one-shot or be one-shot world when fighting leblanc.
Hard to fight since she will just camo and one-shot you post 6 but also easy to kill if she hits e and you have ult.
Very Hard lane since you don't have reliable wave clear to compete his perma-push, BUT he is an easy kill early if he doesn't stun you.
After some time she is gonna blink every half second and one-shot you at the same time. Try to shut her down early and pressure lane if she roams.
Camo could cuck your trade over bad and she can one-shot you pretty easily late. Same strat as Kat, attack her early and pressure lane if she leaves it.
She is better than you as a ranged character. Don't leave tower safety and give up a large portion of early farm or you get out traded and forced to recall or die.
Vex is a very scary mage to face since she can interrupt your combo and run away. Her 6 is dangerous but bait-able so long as you don't get feared before your ult.
Hard fought lane but winnable in the long run. Don't force your way up to his tower if he roams since he could just turn back and kill you, but if he shows up on map in another lane or in river fight then take wave under his turret as fast as you can.
Can push you under turret easy as well as out trade you if she hits charm. Dodge and auto her for short trades. Level 6 don't use your ult at long range since she can just ult to dash away.
Easy to beat but hard to kill since you will burn abilities to pop egg. Don't worry about being pushed under just focus on scaling.
Same as Ahri. Don't fight when she has stun or can easily get stun in one combo.
Aurelion Sol
He outscales you but he is an easy target for your burst early since he will just sit still for his breath.
He out ranges you and can dive you but doesn't pose an extreme early threat. Don't fight for long and just focus farming.
She can kill you easy but she becomes a duck in water pretty quick once she presses W.
She will kill you if she hits poison and she has better late but she can be sniped farther than her ability range with ult + Q but won't die from this more than likely.
She will dive you but she makes for an easy target. Don't underestimate your damage and just full combo her.
He can kill you easy but you will stomp him early as long as you don't give him room to level.
Not hard to fight but his burst level three and mobility can easily shut down your damage. He also takes less damage so don't over-extend in a fight. if he uses E to engage you win trade, if he doesn't then he will just escape before you can pop your W stacks.
Hard to kill him but easy to put pressure on him. Don't underestimate his damage. If he ults away push into his tower as fast as possible or ult him to try and cancel his ult channel.
he can easily out range you if they are good enough on the character but if not then try to contest breaking his barrels and then burst him. He has global presence level 6 unlike you so try to focus on scaling and farming. Never wait till you are low to back.
Easy lane to scale but hard lane to force him out or to push into him. You will likely lose minions from him using QE on wave and pushing it hard. Don't fight him level 6, his ability range is better and his 6 can almost always kill you in one go if he doesn't miss.
easy early, impossible late. When she has W wait for her to use it before fully committing to a combo since she will tank all your damage. Poke her alot early and punish her for trying to clear wave. Don't fight if she has four passive stacks.
Easy early, very hard late. Similar to Irelia but he can't tank your damage as much. His passive will make your damage weaker than you would expect, Level 6 wait for him to ult on you before you use your ult.
Not a hard fight since you can out trade her easily if she uses her E to get close to you. Don't stand close to minion wave to avoid poke and don't use your ult while she has hers up unless you can guarantee hit. Run cleanse if they have a jungle with hard cc or you just die post 6
If you can avoid her W poke and farm you will outscale her quickly. Run D shield and second wind secondary if you don't have faith in your ability to dodge and early buy tear or D ring for mana.
Hard to burst since he will tank one ability or auto cutting the speed of your burst since you either won't have one of your abilities or you will need to auto him four times for max stacks. Post 6 avoid fighting him unless he doesn't have spell shield.
Not hard pre-6 and you can easily make the dog fall behind. Don't try to trade level 1 or she will win with just two q hits. Level 2 - 5 you should win.
Don't be behind minion wave or you get the empowered root and q pop from out of your range. Pay attention to minion wave for a fourth caster or melee minion. You can easily burst her if she tries to fight in your range and your stacks persist on her when she uses W.
She has range advantage all through the game and a great shield to mitigate damage. You can kill her if you are lucky and cause her to fall behind but she will never be useless.
He will nuke you better than you can to him and has a point and click cc. Don't fight him until you can get some ap and your ult. Watch for his E or you will waste a huge portion of your damage.
Not as popular mid as he is top but still hard to fight. Don't get in range of his flame thrower if possible and try not to get too far from minions or he will poke with his Q.
Scaling lane. Don't stand near minion wave or you will take poke. If he roams then push wave for pressure.
Scaling lane. If you focus on farming you will outscale her quick.
He is really hard to kill in fight if you aren't careful but he is easy to poke off wave. If he tries to get to you use your E to cut his W healing by placing it on top of you. Post 6 if he uses the first part of his E then ult him. he won't have movement without using it on another person or a minion and if you hit him then he will probably just die. If he roams then push.
She has gross range and a better burst but if she misses her push stun then you can all-in her and win trade. Don't let her poke you and focus on farm and wait for assistance or just scale.
Easy early. If you don't get hit by the second part of his W then you won't take much poke damage in trade. If he tries to roam put pressure and watch for him coming back. Post 6 just play safe and don't try to ult him if he is near a wall.
Twisted Fate
You win trades if he doesn't just stun you and walk away. If he leaves lane then push and just focus on scaling. You will always win as long as you aren't stunned.
End early or try to stomp him early. Don't get poked if possible and don't stay longer than needed. You won't outscale him but you can kill him easily if he doesn't build a defensive item.
Hard to kill but if you don't get poked out you can just farm and outscale. If you get close to him he will just try to knock you up and run if he ults then ult him back and try to burst him.
He hurts and has scary scaling but if you don't die and somehow cause him to fall behind on farm you will outscale. Watch for his stun and take extended trades if possible
He will outlast you in lane and will scale hard. You can nuke him but watch for his blood pool or you might miss part of your combo.
Don't get poke and farm. If you land ult he is an easy target, but he will almost never be that close.
His wind wall and mobility makes this lane hard but not impossible. You can hurt him super bad and pop his passive shield easy. Don't over extend and scale.
Worse than yasuo and hard to fight. His E makes it impossible to trade and his W makes it hard to kill.
He is hard to fight and his level 6 is scary but you can kill him if you manage to land your ult.
Same as Xerath but not as hard to fight. Don't leave him alone in lane or your tower is gone.
She will nuke you but she is easy to kill. If she ults then shoot yours at the initial portal. If you get slept it is over.
Annoying like heimer but not as hard to fight. Don't get near her pods or you will lose every trade.
Perfect mage. Great for easy ult line-ups with the charm.
Good tank. If they correctly buffer the knock-up then it is a free ult, if not they are gonna be a liability. Don't worry about overstaying after a rough fight if lose trades, his passive is great lane sustain.
Great tank. Great Ult combo. You launch yours and he keeps everyone in place while it creeps around rooting everyone one by one. He also gives your autos, W passive pops, and ult true damage by 10% of total.
Great mage. Good against people who normally outrange Varus with her long range stun. Great early damage and wonderful wave clear with her ult and Liandry's.
Good mage. Hard to lane with but can really carry if you get behind with mass stuns. Great for countering poke with her shield damaging whoever hits you.
Perfect poke. Wonderful support. Has perma-slow, great poke, and a vision ability to spot ganks. Her ult is a perfect pair with yours as it makes an easy target.
Great all-rounder. The support that helps even when he isn't in lane. He helps you with early healing, cc, poke, and mobility. If he ults then wait 2 seconds before throwing yours for free hit.
Perfect tank. Easy lane partner. He pulls you burst, rinse and repeat.
Great mage. Great for keeping enemies in check with his damage but can sabotage your wave by accidentally pushing it from his burn and W.
Perfect tank. Great pair when using Hail of Blades for easy stun and can block ranged attacks.
Good mage. Not good early but sets up easy ult hits with fear. Don't fight early and you can both scale.
Perfect tank. Taunt is broken and he can easily counter dive champs who try to get you.
Bad mage. He is a greedy support but he can atleast help push wave in a pinch. Don't bother trying to fight with his shield since it is useless on anyone other than him.
Perfect enchanter. Wonderful support with a great shield, handy bushes for fights, and a root that puts you at your attack range for free.
Great poke/enchanter. Her shield gives you AD helping early trades and her poke is insane. My only nitpick is that her ult can cuck yours if you aren't careful enough.
Great poke/enchanter. Great shield with free movespeed, Crazy poke, is basically a tank with her Ult + W. Free lane if you play well.
Good poke. Can cut enemy resistances making one-shots easier and give you invincibility post-6. Her heal is mid but can throw off the enemy and her E helps to kill anyone you fail to insta-kill. Free late game if you get her fed.
Great mage. Actually a really good support even when behind since she can easily lock down a single target or a group easily and has great poke. Her items can cause her to be behind if she isn't getting a decent chunk of assist gold.
Perfect support. Great shield, CC, poke, generally all around character.
Great poke mage. Super powerful poke but rather lacking in other support areas. Her root is perfect for your ult in bot-lane since she can root both keeping them still while your ult creeps from the first to the second.
Perfect tank. Broken even after nerf in my opinion but I am a quickplay warrior and barely get into gold before giving up playing ranked. He has great point and click CC, can easily tank almost anything, has a healing passive for fights, and can shut down access to bushes with one sapling.
perfect enchanter/disengage. Surprisingly good support despite being rather unpopular in my region. He can heal, cleanse, give auto buff, range increase, and shutdown engage with a single soccer ball.
Perfect poke mage. Insane CC, has self heal for poke trades, and has Black Shield for either of you. Easily sets up your ult with her own if timed right.
Perfect Enchanter with insane poke, auto buff, and speed boost. If she hits a bubble it is a free kill post 6.
Perfect assassin. Can easily get you fed as early as level two in most cases. If you don't kill whoever you start hitting you will leave them in his execute range almost everytime, and he can sustain in lane easily so let him tank if possible.
Great tank/enchanter. Good engage and has a charm for easy ult hits. Don't get too far from him or you risk him not being able to shield & heal you.
Great tank. Same as Rakan but more Tanky and CC heavy early. She won't die at early levels unless the enemy has true damage, max health damage, or baits her under tower. Her ult easily gets you free ult hits and can make the enemy stay around for the ult to creep onto them.
Renata Glasc
Perfect enchanter. I love Renata as long as she doesn't just AFK behind me. if she builds ap then her passive can help you nuke tanks better than you already did and her W give you attack speed, movement towards enemies, and can revive you if you kill. Her ult makes it easy to get ult hits since the enemies will walk towards their closest ally or if none are around straight to you or her.
Good poke. Scaling partner. Don't fight early and let her get souls. Her W makes for easy ult hits and she can actually heal quite alot later with alot of armor pen & AD.
Great enchanter. Sona and Sera both fall behind as Enchanters but Sera has a great poke kit and my personal favorite charm ult for easy ult combo. Let her throw her Q before you use abilities if their low since she will do alot more damage to low health targets. I have lost many kills due to my impatience.
Great tank. Great support and can help deal with tanks. He can deal with engage if they try to run past him and he can punish the enemy for targeting him over you. Use your ult after his E and if he doesn't ult someone away it will be an easy multi-root.
Great poke/assassin. Can either carry the lane or be useless and take all your kills. His boxes can set up for great ult hits and his power early can easily get you or him kills before 6. If you let someone go with low health he can finish them off by Q'ing after them and throwing knives. His E passive also gives perma slow as long as their backs are facing him.
Great tank. Taunt makes ult hits easy, his max health damage helps when dealing with tanks early, his W makes trades basically free, and his ult is busted if he builds heal and shield power. Only downside is he has a bit less resistances early than some of the Tank supports but he can outscale them with normal tank items if that is the build he chooses.
Bad enchanter. Not the best enchanter until late. Bad poke compared to others, and her ult stun isn't very long nor does it have alot of range. She scales eventually but takes awhile and some items.
Great enchanter. Crazy good healing and can silence and root others. She can also self heal a decent bit with Q.
Great tank/mage. Great CC, infinite scaling health, and gross ult. His Root makes for easy ult hits. If he builds malignance he will cause everyone who is in his ult radius to lose some MR.
Tahm Kench
Perfect tank. Currently godly in my opinion. If he builds tank he can tank basically two health bars, If he builds any AP he will nuke anyone without MR, and he can save you in tough fights.
Great tank. Gives you bonus armor, max health shield, and a slight heal. Ult is a little worse than Kayle's but gives more assistance to the team.
Great tank. Best tank for late game vs. alot of AD champs. Scaling armor & AP with a great hook. His W is amazing for saving you from bad positioning.
Good poke mage. More greedy than some of the others due to his range and burst damage. Better at dealing with tanks than others but has mana problems
Great poke mage. Better than Vel'koz at support role and has better mana sustain. Can recover kills that would otherwise get away.
Bad enchanter. Basically a poke mage in lane and can't really help you in lane. No CC besides a slow, poor healing & shielding, and forces you into the only target for the enemies.
Great tank. His ability to hold someone in place is nasty and he can set up easy ult tendril creep onto more than one target with his Q. He helps deal with tanks early and he can tank a death early. His Ult can sabatoge your own so be careful.
Good poke. Same as vel'koz but worse at dealing with tanks. Good at taking turrets early and securing low health escapees.
Perfect poke/enchanter. His stuns are insane, his move speed buff/debuff is at a similar level to nasus's, and his ult can save you or him from a bad play.
Great poke. Slow root but great pressure. She can push someone off wave with just two ranged plants.
Perfect mage. Great for easy ult line-ups with the charm.
Good tank. If they correctly buffer the knock-up then it is a free ult, if not they are gonna be a liability. Don't worry about overstaying after a rough fight if lose trades, his passive is great lane sustain.
Great tank. Great Ult combo. You launch yours and he keeps everyone in place while it creeps around rooting everyone one by one. He also gives your autos, W passive pops, and ult true damage by 10% of total.
Great mage. Good against people who normally outrange Varus with her long range stun. Great early damage and wonderful wave clear with her ult and Liandry's.
Good mage. Hard to lane with but can really carry if you get behind with mass stuns. Great for countering poke with her shield damaging whoever hits you.
Perfect poke. Wonderful support. Has perma-slow, great poke, and a vision ability to spot ganks. Her ult is a perfect pair with yours as it makes an easy target.
Great all-rounder. The support that helps even when he isn't in lane. He helps you with early healing, cc, poke, and mobility. If he ults then wait 2 seconds before throwing yours for free hit.
Perfect tank. Easy lane partner. He pulls you burst, rinse and repeat.
Great mage. Great for keeping enemies in check with his damage but can sabotage your wave by accidentally pushing it from his burn and W.
Perfect tank. Great pair when using Hail of Blades for easy stun and can block ranged attacks.
Good mage. Not good early but sets up easy ult hits with fear. Don't fight early and you can both scale.
Perfect tank. Taunt is broken and he can easily counter dive champs who try to get you.
Bad mage. He is a greedy support but he can atleast help push wave in a pinch. Don't bother trying to fight with his shield since it is useless on anyone other than him.
Perfect enchanter. Wonderful support with a great shield, handy bushes for fights, and a root that puts you at your attack range for free.
Great poke/enchanter. Her shield gives you AD helping early trades and her poke is insane. My only nitpick is that her ult can cuck yours if you aren't careful enough.
Great poke/enchanter. Great shield with free movespeed, Crazy poke, is basically a tank with her Ult + W. Free lane if you play well.
Good poke. Can cut enemy resistances making one-shots easier and give you invincibility post-6. Her heal is mid but can throw off the enemy and her E helps to kill anyone you fail to insta-kill. Free late game if you get her fed.
Great mage. Actually a really good support even when behind since she can easily lock down a single target or a group easily and has great poke. Her items can cause her to be behind if she isn't getting a decent chunk of assist gold.
Perfect support. Great shield, CC, poke, generally all around character.
Great poke mage. Super powerful poke but rather lacking in other support areas. Her root is perfect for your ult in bot-lane since she can root both keeping them still while your ult creeps from the first to the second.
Perfect tank. Broken even after nerf in my opinion but I am a quickplay warrior and barely get into gold before giving up playing ranked. He has great point and click CC, can easily tank almost anything, has a healing passive for fights, and can shut down access to bushes with one sapling.
perfect enchanter/disengage. Surprisingly good support despite being rather unpopular in my region. He can heal, cleanse, give auto buff, range increase, and shutdown engage with a single soccer ball.
Perfect poke mage. Insane CC, has self heal for poke trades, and has Black Shield for either of you. Easily sets up your ult with her own if timed right.
Perfect Enchanter with insane poke, auto buff, and speed boost. If she hits a bubble it is a free kill post 6.
Perfect assassin. Can easily get you fed as early as level two in most cases. If you don't kill whoever you start hitting you will leave them in his execute range almost everytime, and he can sustain in lane easily so let him tank if possible.
Great tank/enchanter. Good engage and has a charm for easy ult hits. Don't get too far from him or you risk him not being able to shield & heal you.
Great tank. Same as Rakan but more Tanky and CC heavy early. She won't die at early levels unless the enemy has true damage, max health damage, or baits her under tower. Her ult easily gets you free ult hits and can make the enemy stay around for the ult to creep onto them.
Renata Glasc
Perfect enchanter. I love Renata as long as she doesn't just AFK behind me. if she builds ap then her passive can help you nuke tanks better than you already did and her W give you attack speed, movement towards enemies, and can revive you if you kill. Her ult makes it easy to get ult hits since the enemies will walk towards their closest ally or if none are around straight to you or her.
Good poke. Scaling partner. Don't fight early and let her get souls. Her W makes for easy ult hits and she can actually heal quite alot later with alot of armor pen & AD.
Great enchanter. Sona and Sera both fall behind as Enchanters but Sera has a great poke kit and my personal favorite charm ult for easy ult combo. Let her throw her Q before you use abilities if their low since she will do alot more damage to low health targets. I have lost many kills due to my impatience.
Great tank. Great support and can help deal with tanks. He can deal with engage if they try to run past him and he can punish the enemy for targeting him over you. Use your ult after his E and if he doesn't ult someone away it will be an easy multi-root.
Great poke/assassin. Can either carry the lane or be useless and take all your kills. His boxes can set up for great ult hits and his power early can easily get you or him kills before 6. If you let someone go with low health he can finish them off by Q'ing after them and throwing knives. His E passive also gives perma slow as long as their backs are facing him.
Great tank. Taunt makes ult hits easy, his max health damage helps when dealing with tanks early, his W makes trades basically free, and his ult is busted if he builds heal and shield power. Only downside is he has a bit less resistances early than some of the Tank supports but he can outscale them with normal tank items if that is the build he chooses.
Bad enchanter. Not the best enchanter until late. Bad poke compared to others, and her ult stun isn't very long nor does it have alot of range. She scales eventually but takes awhile and some items.
Great enchanter. Crazy good healing and can silence and root others. She can also self heal a decent bit with Q.
Great tank/mage. Great CC, infinite scaling health, and gross ult. His Root makes for easy ult hits. If he builds malignance he will cause everyone who is in his ult radius to lose some MR.
Tahm Kench
Perfect tank. Currently godly in my opinion. If he builds tank he can tank basically two health bars, If he builds any AP he will nuke anyone without MR, and he can save you in tough fights.
Great tank. Gives you bonus armor, max health shield, and a slight heal. Ult is a little worse than Kayle's but gives more assistance to the team.
Great tank. Best tank for late game vs. alot of AD champs. Scaling armor & AP with a great hook. His W is amazing for saving you from bad positioning.
Good poke mage. More greedy than some of the others due to his range and burst damage. Better at dealing with tanks than others but has mana problems
Great poke mage. Better than Vel'koz at support role and has better mana sustain. Can recover kills that would otherwise get away.
Bad enchanter. Basically a poke mage in lane and can't really help you in lane. No CC besides a slow, poor healing & shielding, and forces you into the only target for the enemies.
Great tank. His ability to hold someone in place is nasty and he can set up easy ult tendril creep onto more than one target with his Q. He helps deal with tanks early and he can tank a death early. His Ult can sabatoge your own so be careful.
Good poke. Same as vel'koz but worse at dealing with tanks. Good at taking turrets early and securing low health escapees.
Perfect poke/enchanter. His stuns are insane, his move speed buff/debuff is at a similar level to nasus's, and his ult can save you or him from a bad play.
Great poke. Slow root but great pressure. She can push someone off wave with just two ranged plants.
AP Varus has only two note-worthy abilities. His E Blighted Quiverand his R Chain of Corrution. His W is the key to the enitire playstyle with it's passive. Every auto attack will deal bonus magic damage, scaling with ability level and 35% of total AP, and apply a stack of Blight for 6 seconds up to a max of three stacks. The blight stacks all detonate when hitting any other damaging ability, when popped the stacks deal magic damage equaling to a percentage of the enemy's max health, and lowering the cooldown of basic abilities by 12% per stack of blight popped.
Early game
You will mostly be farming in both mid and bot for the first few minutes and levels. You don't want to fight level 1 but you do want to poke if you brought manaflow. You can start fighting or trading from level two on since you have a surprising amount of damage with your W passive pops. Level 3 through 5 is the same as 2. Level 6 is where you want to take a fight against most every single champ in the game since your can likely kill with full combo.
How AP Varus combo works.
It is simple execution. You auto attack three times then hit an ability. Rinse and repeat. If you want to kill level 6 then the combo goes: AA X3, R, AA, E, AA until 3 stacks of W, Press W, Tap Q
Thank you for reading!
Thank you for taking the time to read my comprehensive guide on AP Varus. If you have any suggestions on how to make this guide more appealing pls tell me in the comments. Have a good day.
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