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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Moonsilver Blade (PASSIVE)
Diana Passive Ability
I know... there's lot's and lot's of builds out there... But this one... why? This is my Diana build. It is based on the other's builds I've seen and also on my personal experience, and it is suited to my taste on how to use Diana.
This is a fast attacking Diana build that works on maximizing her passive, the Moonsilver Blade, as well as her usage of the spells.
I hope you all like it!
This is the set of runes I've choosen. It focus mainly on ability power and attack speed. I've also thrown in a little of armor, so that she survives better in the beggining of the game, where she lacks killing power. Normaly, she's a paper, but she kills before the others kill her. That doesn't happen in the beginning.
With that set of runes, she'll not only have a good surviving chance in the start of the game, but also be able to start doing her stuff.
That is a very difficult subject. There's a lot of different ways to build the masteries trees. And, it is not difficult to create a tree that is good. I've choosen a tree that focus in a few things:
- Summoner's Insight - I've augmented the summoner spells Flash. I find that very good during all the play, for hit and run strategies, hunting down enemies and escaping any wild enemy champion.
- Biscuiteer - Normaly, the effects of runes and masteries alone aren't that good. You have to have a lot of the same to have some strong effect. But Biscuiteer is a cool exeption. One mastery point, one extra item, just to improve the early game survivability.
Aside from that, all other masteries focus on maximizing her ability power, attack speed and overall abilities
- Summoner's Insight - I've augmented the summoner spells Flash. I find that very good during all the play, for hit and run strategies, hunting down enemies and escaping any wild enemy champion.
- Biscuiteer - Normaly, the effects of runes and masteries alone aren't that good. You have to have a lot of the same to have some strong effect. But Biscuiteer is a cool exeption. One mastery point, one extra item, just to improve the early game survivability.
Aside from that, all other masteries focus on maximizing her ability power, attack speed and overall abilities
Here comes the items build.
Early game items(0 - 10 minutes)
I think that the most important part in the play is the begging, where you can farm really fast, and built in a difference of levels that lasts until the end of the game. That's why I buy a pair of Boots and 2 Health Potions in the start of the game. So that I can survive better the enemies and farm better in the beggining. I also buy a Mana Potion, because Diana suffers from long play mana problems in the beggining of the game
Then, I buy a Fiendish Codex to boost her ability power, and a Tear of the Goddess, to reduce Diana's dependence of mana.
Mid Game Items(10 - 20 minutes)
Berserker's Greaves - To increase her attack speed.
Nashor's Tooth - That Item is the base of the build, in a sense. It gives a major attack speed and a major ability power bonus right on the 10-15 first minutes of the game! And, it gives a cool cooldown reduction! That's agressive, becouse it makes it easier to kill a enemy champion, then kill another. You'll be level 6-9 by then, making her a killing machine right at the early-mid game transaction.
Enchantment: Alacrity - Give a boost to movement speed. Always a good stuff.
Malady - Malady is the last attack speed item you'll buy in this build, witch makes it a perfect item in this scenario! You'll end with 2 attack speed, maximizing the moonlight sword passive! Also, it you'll add a bonus magic damage every attack, and reduce the enemies magic defense by 24 in just 2 seconds! That's sweet!
End Game items(20 - 30 minutes)
Archangel's Staff - No more mana problems. And a very good boost to ability power! Sadly you can't see the total ability power you'll get because it's passive don't get into acount in the stats.
Lich Bane - Every meele mage/mage/ability power user we'll use this! It is just not possible not to use this. I won't even say why!
Late Game itens(30 - 40 minutes)
Rabadon's Deathcap - A LOT of ability power! To maximaze her abilities and the Lich Bane unique ability
Finishing Strike(40+ minutes)
Seraph's Embrace - Put up with a Rabadon's Deathcap, this will be a monstruous add. Also, you receive a ability to shield yourself! Put that with the Pale Cascade, and you'll can start tankong!!! UAHSUHASUAs at least it'll give her survivability!
This laste item will, most probably, never be aquired. It takes a very balanced play to go that long. That's the reason the Late Game and Finishing Strike items don't add that much in therms of variability. Feel free to change them to suite your needs in the battlefield
The base itens for the build ar Nashor's Tooth, Malady and Lich Bane. The other itens are bought acording to the situations in the game.
Early game items(0 - 10 minutes)
I think that the most important part in the play is the begging, where you can farm really fast, and built in a difference of levels that lasts until the end of the game. That's why I buy a pair of Boots and 2 Health Potions in the start of the game. So that I can survive better the enemies and farm better in the beggining. I also buy a Mana Potion, because Diana suffers from long play mana problems in the beggining of the game
Then, I buy a Fiendish Codex to boost her ability power, and a Tear of the Goddess, to reduce Diana's dependence of mana.
Mid Game Items(10 - 20 minutes)
Berserker's Greaves - To increase her attack speed.
Nashor's Tooth - That Item is the base of the build, in a sense. It gives a major attack speed and a major ability power bonus right on the 10-15 first minutes of the game! And, it gives a cool cooldown reduction! That's agressive, becouse it makes it easier to kill a enemy champion, then kill another. You'll be level 6-9 by then, making her a killing machine right at the early-mid game transaction.
Enchantment: Alacrity - Give a boost to movement speed. Always a good stuff.
Malady - Malady is the last attack speed item you'll buy in this build, witch makes it a perfect item in this scenario! You'll end with 2 attack speed, maximizing the moonlight sword passive! Also, it you'll add a bonus magic damage every attack, and reduce the enemies magic defense by 24 in just 2 seconds! That's sweet!
End Game items(20 - 30 minutes)
Archangel's Staff - No more mana problems. And a very good boost to ability power! Sadly you can't see the total ability power you'll get because it's passive don't get into acount in the stats.
Lich Bane - Every meele mage/mage/ability power user we'll use this! It is just not possible not to use this. I won't even say why!
Late Game itens(30 - 40 minutes)
Rabadon's Deathcap - A LOT of ability power! To maximaze her abilities and the Lich Bane unique ability
Finishing Strike(40+ minutes)
Seraph's Embrace - Put up with a Rabadon's Deathcap, this will be a monstruous add. Also, you receive a ability to shield yourself! Put that with the Pale Cascade, and you'll can start tankong!!! UAHSUHASUAs at least it'll give her survivability!
This laste item will, most probably, never be aquired. It takes a very balanced play to go that long. That's the reason the Late Game and Finishing Strike items don't add that much in therms of variability. Feel free to change them to suite your needs in the battlefield
The base itens for the build ar Nashor's Tooth, Malady and Lich Bane. The other itens are bought acording to the situations in the game.
As said before, Diana lacks killing power in the beggining. That's bad. She's also papper, so her main skill to survive the Early game is Pale Cascade. Pale Cascade is way to good for it's own good! A defense that is also a attack! - First to master
The next is the Crescent Strike! It deals more damage than her finisher! And lights the enemies! Good to backfire and reverse enemies traps! - Second to master
Moonfall is good, but it's effects vary little with the levels. All you need for most of the game is 1 level. Master it last!
Lunar Rush - Use in accordance with Crescent Strike, or to save yourself, or to hunt enemies, or to steal kills(I don't like it, but Diana is so good in that, that sometimes it just happens...). Anyway, Lunar Rush does inferior damage if compared with other's specials, but her power lies in the teleport ability! Focus in learning how to use that AT ALL COSTS!
That topic is even more subjective!
So, I'll just say my becouses!
Flash - Maximizes her hunting powers! They start to run, you jump in them! Maximizes her escaping abilities! That pretty much sums it up!
Ignite - They run from you, but they run all broken and shattered. Let the Ignite finish them off!
So, I'll just say my becouses!
Flash - Maximizes her hunting powers! They start to run, you jump in them! Maximizes her escaping abilities! That pretty much sums it up!
Ignite - They run from you, but they run all broken and shattered. Let the Ignite finish them off!
Here are a few calculation's, based on the itens and a level 18 Diana.
- Attack Speed
Diana's attack speed, at level 18, is 1.998 attacks per second
- Ability Power
Diana's ability power is, approximately, 458.
- Damage per Second
Diana's Damage per second is only taking in account her basic attacks and her Moonsilver sword passive.
- Moonsilver Blade damage = 290 + 0.6 ability power = 564.8
- Basic attack damage = 102
It takes 3 seconds for Diana to use Moonsilver Blade in the last attack in the last second, so, she gives 6 attacks + 2 Moonsilver Blade in 3 seconds. That gives 1741.6 of damage in 3 seconds. Dividing that by 3:
Now, considering that in 3 seconds, Diana 1 of the 3 abilities she has that damages the enemy per second. And, because of that, she only makes half of her basic attacks in those tree seconds, you'll get:
- 3 Basic attacks in 3 seconds - 306;
- 1 Moonsilver Blade - 564.8;
- 1 Crescent Strike - 200 + 0.7 AP = 520.6;
- 3 sphere's from a Pale Cascade - 3*(76 + 0.2 AP) = 502.8;
- 1 Lunar Rush - 220 + 0.6 AP = 494.8;
You'll end up with a total of 2389 points of damage in 3 seconds.
- Attack Speed
Diana's attack speed, at level 18, is 1.998 attacks per second
- Ability Power
Diana's ability power is, approximately, 458.
- Damage per Second
Diana's Damage per second is only taking in account her basic attacks and her Moonsilver sword passive.
- Moonsilver Blade damage = 290 + 0.6 ability power = 564.8
- Basic attack damage = 102
It takes 3 seconds for Diana to use Moonsilver Blade in the last attack in the last second, so, she gives 6 attacks + 2 Moonsilver Blade in 3 seconds. That gives 1741.6 of damage in 3 seconds. Dividing that by 3:
Now, considering that in 3 seconds, Diana 1 of the 3 abilities she has that damages the enemy per second. And, because of that, she only makes half of her basic attacks in those tree seconds, you'll get:
- 3 Basic attacks in 3 seconds - 306;
- 1 Moonsilver Blade - 564.8;
- 1 Crescent Strike - 200 + 0.7 AP = 520.6;
- 3 sphere's from a Pale Cascade - 3*(76 + 0.2 AP) = 502.8;
- 1 Lunar Rush - 220 + 0.6 AP = 494.8;
You'll end up with a total of 2389 points of damage in 3 seconds.
1) Use Crescent Strike, then Lunar Rush, Moonfall and Pale Cascade, in that order. It the enemy still lives, Let the moonlight sword finish him!
If he runs, Crescent strike and Lunar Rush again.
If he runs faster (Like a Master Yi), use Lunar Rush again, and Exaust.
2) Same as 1, but with Exaust at the beggingin, just to kill a even faster enemy!
3) Lunar Rush in the Monsters to run from enemy champions.
4) Lunar Rush on minions to run from enemy champions.
5) Moonfall to make sure a Ally get's a kill.
6) Lunar Rush to run from turrents.
7) Pale Cascade to farm.
8) Crescent Strike to find enemies in bushes.
If he runs, Crescent strike and Lunar Rush again.
If he runs faster (Like a Master Yi), use Lunar Rush again, and Exaust.
2) Same as 1, but with Exaust at the beggingin, just to kill a even faster enemy!
3) Lunar Rush in the Monsters to run from enemy champions.
4) Lunar Rush on minions to run from enemy champions.
5) Moonfall to make sure a Ally get's a kill.
6) Lunar Rush to run from turrents.
7) Pale Cascade to farm.
8) Crescent Strike to find enemies in bushes.
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