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Morgana Build Guide by SpillTheTeaSis

Support Become A Crowd Control Goddess With This Build | Morgana [Mid/Support] ❄️❄️

Support Become A Crowd Control Goddess With This Build | Morgana [Mid/Support] ❄️❄️

Updated on July 28, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpillTheTeaSis Build Guide By SpillTheTeaSis 6,773 Views 0 Comments
6,773 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SpillTheTeaSis Morgana Build Guide By SpillTheTeaSis Updated on July 28, 2022
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Runes: Standard

1 2
Glacial Augment
Perfect Timing
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Cheap Shot
Ingenious Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Champion Build Guide

Become A Crowd Control Goddess With This Build | Morgana [Mid/Support] ❄️❄️

By SpillTheTeaSis
A Little About Me
Hi, y'all!
So I'm not a pro, just an average amateur LoL enjoyer.
Thought I'd make this build/guide since I couldn't find anything similar to it when I tried to search for it.
Hope you can put it to use in your Morgana games and equally enjoy this build like I do in my games.
  • The Glacial Augment keystone allows you to utilize Morgana's CC abilities perfectly.
    When the rune procs, it slows down your enemies and grants your team an opportunity to completely **** on the CC'd champion.
  • Biscuit Delivery:
    Biscuits help a lot. They grant you more sustain in the early game landing phase. These come in handy when you are low on mana or health, and are in a position where you cannot recall or engage the enemies.
  • Cosmic Insight:
    This gives you summoner spell haste and item haste which are both extremely good for this high utility, low cooldown, heavy CC focused build.

  • Cheap Shot:
    Your whole build and playstyle while using these runes are focused on heavy CC and giving your team a chance to damage the enemy while they are stunned, so why not do extra damage?

  • Manaflow Band:
    If you really struggle with mana control in-game, then take this. After you buy Everfrost, mana won't really be a bother to you anymore.
  • Transcendence:
    In addition to items you might purchase that give you ability haste, Transcendence will give you even more! You can also replace this with Scorch for extra burning damage.

Items - Core
  • Everfrost: This item has everything you need. Health, Mana, Ability Power, and most importantly - Ability Haste. The item cooldown will also lower as you collect stacks for your Ingenious Hunter.
  • Zhonya's Hourglass: With Perfect Timing, it will be easier for you to buy this item. It can also be the first item that you buy. It is extremely valuable in team fights and gives you Armor and Ability Haste.
Items - Boots

  • Ionian Boots of Lucidity :
    These boots are very cheap, they give you enough Move Speed and the Ability Haste
    very much needed for this build to be effective. I recommend taking these every game.
  • Sorcerer's Shoes :
    These boots are more expensive, but if you want some extra Magic Penetration for a more damage-oriented build and playstyle, go ahead!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SpillTheTeaSis
SpillTheTeaSis Morgana Guide
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Become A Crowd Control Goddess With This Build | Morgana [Mid/Support] ❄️❄️

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