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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Joxuu

Support Beep Boop! Diamond's in-depth Blitzcrank guide

Support Beep Boop! Diamond's in-depth Blitzcrank guide

Updated on October 19, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Build Guide By Joxuu 12 0 510,563 Views 30 Comments
12 0 510,563 Views 30 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Blitzcrank Build Guide By Joxuu Updated on October 19, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Important read about common support mistakes here!

How to land rocket grab

Hello viewer. My name is jjoxuu and I main bot lane in diamond level. I enjoy playing ADC the most, but I also play the role of support. Since season 3, I've played Blitzcrank and during this season, it's my third most played support. You can get away with Blitzcrank pick in solo queue and team ranked. Its probably more effective in soloQ where you need to carry teams by yourself. The thing which I especially like in Blitzcrank is that you can make gamechanging plays with it.

This guide will be for utility/bruiser Blitzcrank. The build, masteries and runes are the most efficient ones in my opinion and I will try to explain why these picks are the most viable ones in my opinion. I will also try to cover as much information as I simply can while making this guide so that it can benefit most of the readers.

What is the purpose of this?

I want to discuss a little of the support role's playing style, why would you want to play support and some generic thoughts on the role. One big point I would like to make first and clearly: YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THE BOTTOM LANE. Bot lane in the current meta is a 2v2 lane, meaning you have to deal/work with someone else in your team. The most common mistake I see is supports who forget that.

You want to have communication and you can't just go shooting off alone and then flame the ADC for not following since you didn't mention anything about going in. One of the worst things you can do is blame your teammates for your own mistakes or deaths. By behaving negatively, your ADC in the lane WILL play a lot worse and stop trusting your calls. Usually the ADC comes first due as support; you usually won't be as good of a damage source so you’ll want to take damage for your ADC whenever possible.

You don't have to think yourself of worthless and only think of the ADC however. You should avoid dying and just leave the ADC in some situations where you have no tools to help them at all. You are a much more valuable asset in the early game than the ADC. Always remember that. Most of the plays and escapes are started by the support.
Why do I play support?

I play support because I enjoy communicating with someone in the same lane. I like landing the game-changing CC or escape tool. It's also a very strategic and important role where one good play can win you the game. I also enjoy the overall combination of different compositions you can put bot lane, for example: you can combine 2 different kits into one strategic move to kill someone off.

Climbing as support?

Support can be an effective way to climb if you know how to play support relatively well. The skill levels of supports vary quite a bit, especially in earlier elos. You can win the bottom lane even if your ADC is total garbage, as long as you land the game changing hooks, grabs, stuns and roots. It doesn't matter if the enemy ADC is better than yours if you can close that gap. I'd say everyone should at least learn one support champion.


>High CC
>> Blitzcrank is a good pick support which fits soloQ really well. Having high CC and pick potential is essential if you want to carry your ADC and even your team. Blitzcrank is also pretty tanky naturally without extra stats due Mana Barrier for example. It doesn't really matter if your ADC isn't top notch if you can feed the kills with a golden spoon down the ADC's throat.

>> Blitzcrank is really hard support to play because you need to make plays happen or you are going to be useless. You need to learn the ways of the hooks. High cooldowns is the thing which punishes you the most if you miss a Rocket Grab. You don't really have anything to follow up if it misses. As Blitz you also lack sustain and poke abilities. You're vulnerable to get outsustained/-poked if you can't land your stuff.

Good against



Preferred Role:


Blitzcrank in nutshell:

Blitzcrank is a bruiser support with decent burst, high amounts of CC, and great chasing tool. He shines at every stage of the game, including team fights but often depends on doing something in the bot lane and finding the correct picks. Blitzcrank prefers an aggressive lane and synergizes well with strong early game ADCs such as Lucian or Graves. Blitzcrank is vulnerable to getting out-sustained and basically anything that has the ability to block incoming CC.


Bad against

greater mark of hybrid penetration
Hybrid pen marks
I take 9 of these marks to increase Blitzcrank’s damage. He benefits from AD pen due to his Power Fist and you often end up just auto attacking someone and magic pen increased rest of his abilities damages.
Magic resist glyphs
I take 9 of these glyphs to gain defense against magic damage. Some supports build AP heavy items and we could include enemy jungler there and there is always the mid laner too so really basic value glyphs to take.

Health seals
I take 9 health seals to be tankier early game. I also take 5x of Greater Seal of Armor because you're against AD carry after all. 4x-5x mix of these should yield the best results according to a calculation which I can't find now.
Armor quints
I take 3 of these quints to be able to take more damage. Having AP quints makes me feel too squishy and I don't like hp quints. Those are great situational choices, however; it’s down to personal preference in the end.



>> Block + Recovery are obvious picks from tier one as there are no better choices. Block is much better than you may think, given that it’s tier one.

>> Then we take Unyielding + Veteran Scars . Small amount of health for early game and a highly undervalued mastery in the earlier elos: Unyielding . It's surprisingly good if you do the math.

>> Next I finish with Juggernaut for some hp. (Read further if you prefer 16-14) Pick Hardiness + Resistance . They all give a mix of some kind of defense. Resistance is often not picked but the next tier picks are not all that good.

>> Round off with Reinforced Armor . That's the best mastery for the remaining point. 10% can mean a lot if the critical strike is around 700 damage, for example.


>> Start off with Meditation + Fleet of Foot. Some extra mana regeneration to get through early game and Fleet of Foot is to gain movement speed as it is an important stat to catch someone.

>> Next Summoner's Insight + Alchemist . I really like the reduced summoner spell cooldown because if you use summoner spells at the same time as top lane for example, you may just get yours up earlier thanks to the mastery. Alchemist gives nice amount of extra sustain.

>> Continue with Culinary Master + Greed . Cookie mastery follows the same path as Alchemist so you get small amount of extra sustain and gold generation mastery is no-brainer out of the picks left.

>> Round off the gold gains with Scavenger + Wealth . To get the extra potion or ward, Wealth is necessary and Scavenger gives you a great deal of gold throughout the game.

>> Bandit + Intelligence . Bandit is pretty much a filler but it can get you few hundred gold I guess. Intelligence in the other hand, is really good. You will often sit around with 2-3 active items and the CDR is really important.

Flash is the most important spell in the game and is also the most used. It's especially good on Blitzcrank due to the chance to make awesome plays with it. Flash + Rocket Grab is really hard to be predicted so it should bring great results.

Exhaust is really good pick and also a great advantage for late game team fights. It's not that useful early game. I can see why people would take Ignite over this, but Exhaust is so much more useful late game, especially in team fights, as it has a massive damage de-buff.

Ignite is still a decent pick if you have the possibility to dominate bottom lane. It adds a great deal of pressure and counters healing and sustain. It's not an ideal pick, considering late game team fights, because it's more of a tool for pressure than damage for supports.

sp W
SPE >> Relic Shield is a pretty standard start for any supports. Don't skip or save gold on the wards. Always get a pink ward when you have enough cash and you need normal wards before you can afford Sightstone which will then save money every time you place a ward. Relic Shield -> face of the mountain to protect your ADC from lot's of single target burst. Mobility Boots are pretty much a must buy due the roam + pick potential the movement speed gives.

sp I
SPE >> The very core items of Blitzcrank or basically any supports. Both can end up being huge in a team fight. The order depends on the enemy team composition. Usually Locket of the Iron Solari is better against double AP comps whereas Mikael's Blessing is good cleanse if the enemy team has one ap or high amounts of CC lockdown.

sp W
SPE >> Frozen Heart is good against AA reliant teams and it gives the extra mana for Mana Barrier along with nice CDR. Randuin's Omen is nice situational. Has better defensive stats overall but I prefer Frozen Heart due the utility. It also has better components in my opinion.

sp B
SPE talisman of ascension
SPE >> talisman of ascension is not that popular because Ancient Coin is really bad item. You'd be forced to start with Ruby Crystal, Sightstone and then get talisman components. Its active is sometimes better which is why it's taken. I'd recommend Ancient Coin start only for beginners. Ruby Sightstone is situational item when you just have enough gold lying around after full build to get the extra ward. It's good if you have a lot of vision wars.

Preferred skill sequence

> > >

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

The ability sequence maximizes damage and CC. You can max Overdrive second if you prefer to roam a lot but I prefer to maximize his CC. Rocket Grab is maxed first in order to lower its cooldown. You can land one grab in between Morgana's shield by doing this, for example. Power Fist is maxed second, just for the reduced cooldown. Overdrive is maxed as last because it doesn't give useful stats for laning phase.


Mana Barrier: Pretty good passive actually. This gives a great amount shield as long as you have some kind of mana pool left. It's really effective way to bait initiation or to make enemies over commit.

Rocket Grab: The ability which makes Blitzcrank a great champion to make a pick-up kill happen. I have wrote entire chapter just for this ability along with how to use it combined with other abilities. Do read it at the top of the guide.

Overdrive: Great chase tool and ability to roam. Really useful when combined with mobility boots. You can go around a corner to a blind spot and then rush for a grab with this ability.

Power Fist: Good ability to combine with Rocket Grab since you can knock the enemy you grabbed immediatly after. It's often suggested to use Static Field before using Power Fist so you're silencing escape tools.

Static Field: Really strong ability. I think the ultimate is a bit underestimated. It provides small silence to stop channels, passive poke (small poke but still) and nice amount of damage for a support ulti. You could call it a small burst ability with low cd.

Every ADC above that list has good synergy with Blitzcrank. You can basically make any lane work with him, depending on the enemy bottom lane. These picks are generally always good. Everything out of this list is still OK. I can't think of a truly bad ADC to play with Blitzcrank.

Usually you want to have some kind of early pressure from your ADC so you can make plays and play aggressively. All of the above should do fine in early game more or less thanks to their playing style and kit. The ADCs listed above should have lots of damage, burst, long range, poke or just lane dominant thanks to their kits. Blitzcrank is all or nothing champion so you can't really have passive ADC with it.

Everything out of the list can still work, but these are not always played as offensively. You can make Blitzcrank work in any lane as long as you land good Rocket Grabs but Vayne, Kog'Maw, Twitch etc.. all require relatively safe laning phase and a support which can guarantee or help that goal forward. Blitzcrank is certainly not the best pick for that job.

>> It is time to explain some gameplay. I put this section in three different sections: early, mid and finally late game.
>> I will also cover the usage of active items like Locket of the Iron Solari, Sightstone and Mikael's Blessing.
>> In addition, I will try to give small tips on warding when you're laning or fighting for an objective like dragon and how the fight should be executed.

>> Credits to -NA- Veng Lmfao for the layout.


>> Early game / Laning phase
Blitzcrank has great level one for early invades. I would highly recommend trying to make something happen lvl 1 but do note that the enemy team will also think very likely. You want to help ADC push for fast level two and get vision in the enemy bottom lane brush. You can try to land a Rocket Grab as soon as you enter the lane but that requires great accuracy and positioning from your minion wave. Landing a grab when you're just about to hit level two before them is much better. Your goal should be to land a hook before hitting lvl 3. Also, don't ever let your ADC feel like they are 1v2. Remember that you can still provide pressure even if you miss the Rocket Grab.

>> Level 6 / Towards the end of laning phase
After level 6 you can provide really good ganking potential (as you did before). It's really good if you're ahead in cs or you've gotten kill. That should be the goal at this point. At minimum: Make sure you know enemy ward locations and try to have their summoners on cooldown and try to have some kind of valuation when they're up. You should notify your jungler when to come gank and what summoners are up. You also should have Sightstone so you want to have vision what's happening around enemy blue, river + dragon and your tri-bush in case of mid lane gank. I'd say you can all in pretty much against everyone except for fed AP carry supports that can burst. (Assuming no summoner spells are used)

>> Mid game / Dragon
Around mid-game and after you leave your laning phase, you will have lots of dragon fights. You want to do preparations for the incoming fight. Get pink wards, have a sweeper, and ward so you know what will be coming from mid lane and from enemy blue. In case you get jumped on, you want to make sure your ADC is safe. Kiting and keeping your ADC is a priority and hooking the biggest threat of enemy team is welcome at this point. Exhausting the biggest damage dealer is really good if you have it up.

>> Team fights / Initiation
The fights will basically go like previously mentioned dragon fight. You usually have to make a thinking progress whether you can go all in after you land a CC on an opponent or do you need to stay with your fed carry because that will win you the team fight. Usually you should prefer the initiation call because Blitzcrank is not the best support to protect ADC. Rocket Grab enemy carry + Static Field + Power Fist should result in a kill and 5vs4 situation so your job would be done. You want to use all the active items and keep the vision up too. Try to use Mikael's Blessing on an ally who is CC’d.

>> Team fights / Protect ADC
Second option is to protect your fed squishy that can carry the fight. Let's say you get initiated on for example. You want to immediately used locket + mikaels on a squishy ally being targeted, also try to predict which enemy will do the most damage and use Exhaust on them. Then use Rocket Grab to pull a threat away from the ADC so you give your ADC time to get distance and time to kite. Flash + Power Fist with Static Field against channeled ulti like Crowstorm or just to give your ADC some time is also good.

Warding tips

Thank you for reading dear viewer. I hope you have learned the ropes or at least thing or two about Blitzcrank. If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to say so in the comment section. Unfortunately I probably won't be making a screenshots section but you can always post them in the comments and you can also contact me by sending me a PM here.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu
Joxuu Blitzcrank Guide
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