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Gragas Build Guide by Joxuu

Tank A Diamond jungle Gragas guide

Tank A Diamond jungle Gragas guide

Updated on September 11, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Build Guide By Joxuu 22 1 1,950,651 Views 49 Comments
22 1 1,950,651 Views 49 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu Gragas Build Guide By Joxuu Updated on September 11, 2016
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Hello. My name is Joxuu and I am a diamond level jungler. I started playing actively in Season 2 and I've been playing actively ever since. I've played bot lane the most but not too long ago in S4, I decided to take up the role of jungler.

This guide will be for jungle Gragas whom I have played ever since S5 season started. I basically carried myself to diamond in S5 by spamming Gragas in soloQ because he was in a strong position at that time. I think with the recent W change, he will be strong pick again. I will try to help you understand the champion and his game mechanics in this guide.

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+Damage threat on the board.
+Great clear speed and sustain.
+Good base damages in abilities.
+High amount of crowd control.
+Has early-mid game pressure.
Gragas is in a good position at the moment. Fast clear speed thanks to the W change helped him out a lot. Gragas has great sustain in the jungle thanks to his passive and he is a big threat early-mid game because he has great deal of CC. Body Slam + Flash is really hard to be dodged when used correctly and when that is combined with ultimate, it's almost a guaranteed kill right there as Gragas has high amount of damage.

Gragas needs the first blue buff because hs is mana hungry which may prove to be a problem later on. The biggest con here is the fact that Gragas can get kited around. Good usage of Body Slam is really important because you lose your escape if you use it offensively. The hitbox can be a little bit awkward sometimes. Second issue is late game survivability as ad carries often have their armor penetration and % damage to deal with Gragas' tankiness. -Somewhat blue dependant.
-Falls off a little late game.
- Body Slam has weird hitbox.
-Can get kited around.
-Most of the abilities are skillshots.

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Good against


Preferred Role:


Gragas in nutshell:

Gragas is a tanky jungler with decent damage output while having great early game pressure and crowd control. He works the best by picking someone off or dividing teams during a team fight and using the momentum to pick a kill or two. He lacks mobility after using Body Slam and overall you need to be careful with his ability usage as they're all skillshots. It's easy to play Gragas but it's not that easy to master the champion. He has really good early-mid game but falls off a little bit in the late game.

Bad against

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>> This set of runes works the best in my opinion. It's main focus is maximizing jungle camp clear speed and survivability. Attack speed combined with some AD from masteries help the clearing of jungle camps and you will be auto attacking a lot during the game anyways. Armor + magic resist for some basic defense and AP quints to deal more damage.


>> This page was popular at one point. It's slightly slower in clear speed but adds extra defense. I don't think it's viable in S6 anymore though as the game is faster paced so the faster jungle clear speed page is more impotant than this one.

SPEEEEEEEEEE Situationals:

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sp M
>> I really liked these masteries. The build I'm using is slightly more aggressive than Cinderhulk version but Gragas has some serious damage, enough to almost 1 burst enemy carries so that's why I replace defensive item with defensive masteries as Strength of the Ages gives some of the lost health back.

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|| FLASH || Flash is the most important summoner spell in the game and is also the most used. It allows you to get a Flash Body Slam or Explosive Cask initiation or pick off. It's also really good tool for escaping a unfavored situation where a simple Body Slam won't be enough. ||

|| SMITE || Smite has been really good for the jungle since the S5 pre-season changes. Now you can choose additional effect for the Smite. Jungle camps also give small buffs after you have used Smite on them. Try to use smite in raptor camp to get the extra vision denial going.

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sp W
SPE >> Very basic starting items for ap junglers. Hunter's Talisman helps out in the jungle and builds into the jungle item. Upgrade it into Tracker's Knife for faster clear speed. Health Potions give sustain and help you to stay in the jungle and gank a lane after clearing your jungle.

sp I
SPE >> Tracker's Knife - Runic Echoes gives great deal of extra damage in addition to Gragas' kit. Runic echoes' passive is nice extra 100 damage of burst combined with movement speed you'd normally get from Dead Man's Plate. Ninja Tabi is good vs AD heavier teams which is usually the case. Mercs and Swiftness are also decent.

sp W
SPE >> Iceborn Gauntlet gives much needed CDR and armor for early game on top of great passive for more damage which Gragas already packs quite a bit. Spirit Visage continue on the CDR + defensive line adding a great passive to gain more hp from Gragas' passive.

sp W
SPE >> Both of these items help against late game AD threats. Randuin's Omen is great in late game because of it's all-around defensive stats with reduced crit damage passive. Thornmail is a slap to ADC's faces when they try to damage you which is always nice.

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The ability sequence maximizes damage. Like any other ultimate, Explosive Cask is maxed first. Pretty much just for the cooldown reduction. It's not a big factor for damage but the CC of it is really good. Barrel Roll is maxed first from basic abilities because it's the main damaging ability and it helps to clear camps/waves. Drunken Rage is maxed second for more % scaling. It's the best ability of Gragas but it isn't that needed in the early game so it's taken second. Body Slam is maxed last as the level up bonus isn't too great and it's just used for the CC or as an escape tool.

Happy Hour: Pretty good passive for jungling. Having sustain in the jungle is a great advantage and Happy Hour gives quite a bit hp back. It's great for team fights too as you will have a lot of hp when heading towards the late game so the health regained can be around 300.

Barrel Roll: Great ability to clear off the smaller minions in the jungle or just to clear waves in the late game. The ability has nice base damage too, even more when you let it fragment. You should always try to go for the fragment damage if possible.

Drunken Rage: Great ability to have as a front line tank. This ability helps you deal with the enemy front line or just burst the enemy ADC as this ability can easily chunk enemy carries for 1/4 of their hp. You can't cancel the ability once it's being casted so you need to look out for that.

Body Slam: Gives some mobility, CC and pretty low cooldown escape tool. You can jump over many walls to escape from a pinch situation. Body Slam + Flash at the middle of the animation is pretty cool trick you can use. It's much easier to hit than Flash and then use Body Slam.

Explosive Cask: Really strong ability for team fights and picking people off. You want to throw the casket a bit behind the enemy to knock them backwards. In team fights you can use it to split the enemy team completly so it wouldn't matter if you focus the tank for example, since the enemy team has no follow up.

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>> It is time to explain some gameplay. I put this section in three different sections: early, mid and finally late game.
>> I will also cover the jungling routes and efficient way of clearing the jungle camps. (This also includes ganking).
>> In addition, I will try to give small tips on warding when you're laning or fighting for an objective like dragon and how the fight should be executed.

>> Credits to -NA- Veng Lmfao for the layout.

tl;dr Jungling route


>> Jungling / Early game
Gragas has really good sustain in the jungle. Much better than some of the other junglers out there. Start with the Hunter's Talisman + potions and go cover your buffs for invades. Get someone to help you and start with the grump/golems. Throw your barrel at 1:51 so you get it back up faster. Use your Smite as soon as the first camp spawns and continue alone to do buff. Pick Drunken Rage and proceed to do your blue buff.

Continue to wolves/wraiths depending on if you're blue or red side. Use Barrel Roll and let it fragment, AA and use Drunken Rage whenever it is upat the camp. After the camp pick your Body Slam and start heading towards your second buff. Be sure to ward around it if you're afraid of a steal.

Go on to your second buff, use ability in between camps (most likely Body Slam) so you get the hp from passive. Smite the buff after you can kill the camp with it. After this you can do the rift scuttler or do 1 more camp so you get lvl 4. You will have really good ganks now so you can consider ganking top or mid if it's possible, otherwise just recall and start ganking afterwards.

>> Ganking
You should always walk as near as you can without using gap closing abilities like Body Slam because sometimes simply by walking towards the enemy is enough to pop a Flash out so now you can just use Body Slam to follow. Barrel Roll slow should be sufficient to catch up to someone. The safest combo once you have reached someone is Body Slam + Explosive Cask so the enemy gets thrown away from the escape route towards you.

You should be focusing on ganks throughout the early stages of the game. I'd recommend to start ganking as soon as you hit level 3 or 4 because that's when you have every ability unlocked and Gragas has enough CC and gank options with Body Slam. You can also solo out enemy laners at this stage of the game. That's not the case anymore in the mid game as the the enemies are often beefy enough to escape 1v1 situation so you rely on your laner to do some damage too.


>> Mid game / Dragon
You want to have your dragon prepped which means you should have few wards and possibly a pink ward or at least ave your support ward the area. Denying the vision from dragon area gives you absolute control over the decision if you want to rush for the buff or if you would rather just go in and fight instead.

In a fight, you can initiate or look for a pick off with Explosive Cask/ Body Slam. Choose the target wisely because you may get ignored and rest of your team just focused down while you're busy with someone else. The target should be high priority if possible but if it's safe to spend the time to initiate on a tank without drawbacks, sure why not.

Second possibility is to protect your fed carries from initiation. Like if you have 10/0 ADC and enemy has 0/10, it's probably wiser to keep your ADC relevant in the fight rather than killing the not so useful enemy ADC. Sometimes a simple body block and Body Slam is enough but you can always use Explosive Cask to knock the initiator away from your ADC.

P.S: Never start dragon fight without Smite. It's probably one of the worst things you can do if the enemies have stealing potential.

>> Late game
The fights will basically go like previously mentioned dragon fight. You usually have to make a thinking progress whether you can go all in after an opponent or do you need to stay with your fed carry because that will win you the team fight.

What you should look to do is constantly pressure the enemy team with your positioning because Explosive Cask initiation or pick off on the right target ends games this far to the game. Don't be afraid to use Turbo Chemtank even if you're not sure to catch someone because the active is often enough to force a team fight if you feel like you can't get into good position because it forces the enemy team to react and possibly make mistakes.

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Thank you for reading dear viewer. I hope you have learned the ropes or at least thing or two about Gragas. If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to say so in the comment section. Unfortunately I probably won't be making a screenshots section but you can always post them in the comments and you can also contact me by sending me a PM here.

Thanks to:
Jhoijhoi For coding & banners
Missmaw For coding
Maintained For ability icons
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Joxuu
Joxuu Gragas Guide
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