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Recommended Items
Runes: General
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Noxious Slipstream (PASSIVE)
Singed Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents |
Quick Guide |
Preface |
Information |
Wrapping Up | ||
----,Singed info |
d-Pros & Cons
d-Abilities |
Hello. I'm a high diamond all rounder but mostly top lane focused player/coach. I started playing actively in Season 2 and played through to season 6. I played very little in season 7 and 8 to focus on coaching but have recently got back to playing.
This guide will be for Singed whom I have played for the past couple seasons. Singed isn't at the best of positions right now thanks to some of the item and rune changes but you can overcome that with knowledge of the champion.
In this guide I'll be teaching you how to play Singed along with some important knowledge over top lanes micro and macro which basically mean what to do in your lane and outside of it.
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>Lane bully >Mobility >Wave clear >Disruptive |
Explanation >> Singed has relatively strong early game, strong enough to call him a lane bully. The first 2 levels are rough but you make up for it with mobility and wave clear to avoid combat. After first recall you're strong enough to force fights. Singed is also very disruptive with the way he works because he pulls aggro and attention in team fights. Mega Adhesive is also very disruptive and it's usage often differentiates good and not so good Singed players. |
Explanation >> Your biggest downfall in lane is if you run out of mana early. Singed spends lots of mana and is dependent on it to deal damage. Singed is also a bad pick against mobile ranged champions because there's no answer to that in his kit. Being a very straightforward champion doesn't help against ranged lanes either. You also fall off late game where your damage is not relevant so you end up being a sub-optimal bruiser for your team. |
>Mana problems >Bad vs poke >Falls off late >Straightforward |
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Good against |
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Preferred Roles:Top laneSinged in nutshell:Singed is something between a AP carry/bruiser with the ability to put out constant damage. Has an unique playing style and is strong after first recall up until his peak in mid game. Falls off later game where the damage output from Poison Trail isn't that relevant anymore. To pull off Singed you're required to know what you are capable of doing and some knowledge over minion wave management. Your best best to pick Singed is against immobile melee champions or tanks whereas going against mobile ranged laners or high sustain lanes might prove to be difficult. Your role in team fights is to find picks, split push for a man advantage or kite for your carries. |
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Bad against |
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Masteries vs general opponents/tanks
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>> Pretty straightforward masteries. Summon Aery keystone as Poison Trail will proc it even after a fight if the poison ticks long enough. Next you just want the utility perks from next two choices. No Celerity because it's description is deceptive as it doesn't add up to total movement speed. Scorch as a last minor keystone as it synergizes well with Poison Trail. >> For secondary tree, you want utility and sustain. Both minor keystones are important for Singed's laning phase as Time Warp Tonic boosts Corrupting Potion sustain and dueling potential and Minion Dematerializer helps you manage waves. Best used for cannon minions if you want to recall or push a lane in, especially against no wave clear matchups like tanks. |
Masteries against ranged opponents and poke
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>> Same masteries in sorcery tree. Differences in secondary tree is it's focused more for survivability. Bone Plating is the obvious choice from this tree as it has massive value against ranged auto attacks and abilities but Demolish might be less obvious. You won't have much lane pressure against poke so there's incentive for enemy laner to roam after pushing you in. Demolish gives you turret pressure in early laning phase. The enemy laner has to be more careful with recalls and roams as you can get turret plating early game thanks to Demolish. It also works in a side lane where you want to get asap to get rid of bad matchup. |
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|| | FLASH | || | Flash is situational and down to your own preference. It's better early on if you're just starting to play Singed. I recommend however Ghost as it's on a much shorter cooldown and you don't really need Flash with the massive amount of movement speed you get. | || |
|| | IGNITE | || | Ignite is really good for early pressure, especially for a early game abuser like Singed. I recommend Ignite over Teleport because TP is often used sub-optimally whereas Ignite is much easier to use and it's on a much shorter cooldown. |
|| | GHOST | || | Ghost is pretty underrated summoner I'd say. Riot's been buffing it to a point where it's on really low cooldown and really effective for champions who prefer to stick close to enemy champions. Ghost also helps you to roam and gank faster as it's not that big of a deal if it's on cooldown. |
|| | TELEPORT | || | Teleport is good for high diamond plays to defend turret plating and abuse misused recall timings or bad trades taken by enemy laner. In lower elo I'd steer away from the summoner unless you pick it against a bad ranged matchup to get back to turret. Then it's a valid argument to take it. |
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asd | Refillable Potion saves you gold in the long run as you would spend lots of gold on normal health potions anyways. The main reason of starting this item is you're looking to early recall anyways and upgrade it to Corrupting Potion which gives you insane amount of sustain. Synergizes well with the other starting item. |
asd | Corrupting Potion is another amazing value for it's price, especially since it's only 350 gold upgrade. In a poke lane, prioritize buying this in a poke lane if you don't have the money for both potion and dark seal. Always remember to use one early in a fight and towards the end of it as it gives you damage and instant HP thanks to Time Warp Tonic. |
asd | Rylai's Crystal Scepter is a necessary item to give you more time to work with Poison Trail. Singed works the best when you can have extended fights where you get full usage of your sustain while you are out of range of damage and enemy champion is suffering from poison damage. Rush first item against immobile laners. |
asd | Shurelya's Reverie is a good item that complements Singed's already big movement speed while also giving your allies a tool to stick with you. It's active is great at forcing fights against enemies that otherwise would be able to escape due to their range or mobility. Rush against ranged mobile champions. Situationally go Turbo Chemtank if you are against lots of AD. |
asd | Dead Man's Plate is a situational tanky item. Good against AD teams that don't have champions that build crit items, it's superior to it's counterpart Randuin's Omen in these cases. If the enemy crit ADC is far ahead and/or enemy team has champions with crit strikes, build Randuin's instead of Dead Man's Plate. Build magic resist item before this if you die to magic damage often. |
asd | Adaptive Helm is the go-to magic resist item that's generally good against any AP champion as they are almost bound to have some kind of repetitive ability. Especially good against champions that deal dot damage from same effect or just general low cooldown ability. Situationally build Abyssal Mask for a bit more damage |
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#1. Insanity Potion 6 / 11 / 16 #2. Poison Trail 1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9 #3. Fling 2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13 #4. Mega Adhesive 4 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18 |
Insanity Potion is maxed first like ultimates usually are. Increased bonus stats per level up is pretty good and the sustain adds up in the long run when you are in a long winded fight. Poison Trail is maxed first from basic abilities. You also want to rank it to level two when you reach 3 as it's your main damaging ability and wave clear and you shouldn't look to all in early. Fling is maxed second from basic abilities as leveling up Mega Adhesive does it's job to ground enemy at rank 1 so you take fling second for the % damage and root duration when flung to his W. Mega Adhesive is maxed last because you don't really gain much by leveling it. It's an ability you should only really need to use once to get yourself in range so the extra cooldown doesn't matter. | |
Noxious Slipstream: A bit iffy passive ability but it does help you in late game if you use your boost from allies combined with other movement speed bonuses. Surprisingly good in lane where you often would be slightly out of Fling range but then the passive pops in and you get in range. Poison Trail: Your main damaging ability and wave clear. You do want to tap the ability on/off early as the small trail is often enough to do the job. Cool trick you can do is shove minions to turret and leave a small poison trail near minions so enemy champion gets poisoned when goin for last hit. Mega Adhesive: Your bread and butter ability to force fights in laning phase. Do keep in mind it grounds the enemy so they are unable to use escape abilities like Distortion or Leap Strike. Try to position it towards the way you are trying to force the fights at. Fling: Your only major CC ability. Don't use it aimlessly as it's easy to misposition it. Try to use Mega Adhesive towards enemy escape route and as you run the enemy down, you can use Fling to flip the enemy away from their escape route and land on the adhesive so they get rooted. insanity potion: Your all in tool. You always want to pop Insanity Potion if you are going for all in as it also pops your Nimbus Cloak so you get massive movement speed. It lasts for long so you can run away from damage while waiting on things like Hemorrhage to run out and then re-initiate. |
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>> General macro The most important aspect of the game are minions, especially for top lane since the lane is often more about managing your resources than actually killing the enemy laner. I often talk about minions in the following segments so it's important to give context first. The early game strategy with Singed relies on minion damage. Attacking a champion within the attack range of minions aggroes those minions. You will spend the early levels pushing the first two waves so you should have more minions as the enemy minions die to poison. Therefore even if you don't necessarily damage the enemy champion, your minions will switch aggro if the enemy champion damages you. You need to abuse this mechanic as Singed. Don't be afraid to fight if you have a minion wave backing you up but also be wary of the enemy minions. This works against ranged champions too if you push the first waves. Once the enemy champion attacks you, your minions will switch aggro and do about the same amount of damage as you received from poke. I also want to remind of the value of the minions. Minions are always more valuable to take rather than going for a small poke. I also speak of freezing and creating a slowpush. Freezing is another really underlooked mechanic and 100% the reason you lose games against smurfs even if you win the lane early. Freezing means you stonewall the minion wave outside of your turret range against a slightly pushing minion wave towards you by only last hitting minions that are about to die. You can create a freeze and a slightly pushing wave towards you by shoving the enemy minions to turret so the incoming enemy wave groups at turret and therefore start killing your ungrouped incoming minion wave faster. Freezing is a mechanic that can be used when ahead. If you are winning the lane, you can basically decide if the enemy champion gets minions or not. You want to stand in a position near the wave where you can last hit but also see if weaker enemy is going for last hits. If the enemy laner doesn't go for last hits, you can continue freezing and last hitting. If the enemy laner goes for the minions, you go and try to kill him. You may create a slowpush when you damage enemy champion when he goes for last hit which basically means you have more minions on your side than enemy side. You can use the slowpush to last hit until you have 2-3 waves going to enemy turret and then tower dive or you can push the wave in to create a freeze again. Proxying is pretty well known tactic among Singed players. Basically means going behind tower to farm the incoming wave. I don't recommend proxying like you used to season or two ago. You're really strong once you get your first recall items so there's no point to waste that by trading minions. Proxying is worth it if you have knowledge of enemy jungle/mid positioning and you're either waiting for minions to crash so you can dive or you're looking to recall so proxying the next wave gives you more free time. Proxying against a bad matchup is also fine but you need to know what's happening on the map so you won't die. Dying while proxying is always 100% your fault as it's a luxury tactic, not necessary. |
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>> Early levels Singed has very unique early game to take full advantage of the item build and his kit. What you want to do is run up to the lane before spawned minions arrive. You want to pull the wave's aggro and lead them to the lane with your Poison Trail on. When the minions finally crash, they should be very low hp from the poison so you should just walk up to first the ranged minions and then the melee ones to kill them. The enemy laner shouldn't be able to trade as your poison + minion aggro from your minions should be too much damage. Eventually the minions will crash to turret and you can leave a Poison Trail screen near the minions and run out of turret range. This way your poison will deal damage to enemy laner when going for last hits. When the next wave arrives, you want to be leading them to lane while poisoning them to get level 2 (6+1 minions required )first and maybe look for a cheeky Fling play to abuse the level advantage. After the second wave has been crashed, the time should be between 2-3 minutes so you want to go drop a ward at the river and maybe help your jungler take scuttle crab, this helps your jungler get ahead and you gain vision from the usual 3:00 minute gank top side if they started bot side. Rinse and repeat pushing the minions until you have reached 700 gold for the first recall items. |
>> After recall After recalling you have your strong point of the game where you really want to force fights contrary to your early levels that are meant to avoid combat if possible. Now you want to stop pushing and let the minions crash at the center and last hit until enemy champion comes to contest minions. When enemy laner is near enough to you, pop a Corrupting Potion stack and use Fling + Poison Trail on enemy champion while pushing enemy minions to turret. The reason you push the wave again is because the poison screws up the freeze anyways so you want to reset and let enemy next wave come crash. Under enemy tower you can once again leave Poison Trail remains near minions or look for a Fling on enemy champion if you can afford taking turret damage. You have lots of sustain thanks to Time Warp Tonic, Dark Seal and Corrupting Potion so you shouldn't be afraid of taking trades or even taking 1 turret shot for a Fling play. Do remember to ward if you are pushing. You can also look to just push minions to turret if you want to recall for an item or just reset HP + Mana. |
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>> Early vs bad matchup Against a bad matchup such as Vladimir or ranged poke, you can still do the steps in early levels. You're going to be taking some more poke than usual though and you want to pop Refillable Potion stacks to avoid falling below half hp. The reason for this is you push the first 2 waves and then let enemy laner push as your jungler is clearing his top side jungle. Chances are that he will gank for you if you are being pushed. You need to help your jungler to help you basically. If you can't seem to get a gank, you can just straight up push the third wave and recall for Corrupting Potion if you have 350 gold. You can stay and look to get the 700 gold recall if you're not being punished too much. If you are too low hp to push a wave to recall now or at a later point in the lane, clear the waves and soak up exp from minions to your best capabilities and then recall once the incoming wave has died. Even if you are late to the next wave, it's better to reset sooner than later where the minion loss keeps adding up or even worse, you die under your tower. |
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>> Turret/Mid-game As Singed you end up pushing the lane a lot so your minions will obviously start withering the turret down slowly. At the ends of early game and beginning of mid game, you should pay attention to turret platings which give solid amount of gold. You want to be near turrets if you notice your minions are about to take a plating off. Also if you forced enemy to recall, it's worth going for turret plating if you can get it smoothly without harming your own recall timing. Other than the turret plating, you can take advantage of pushing the wave or forcing a recall (usually more towards when plating is falling). You can either go for deep vision in enemy jungle or counter-jungle with your jungler, control the scuttle crab or go for a mid lane gank if the lane is in position. Alternatively you can just proxy a wave and recall safely. Once the turrets start falling and rotations begin, you want to preferably be splitting in bottom but any solo lane will do. |
>> Late game/Team fights Mid/late game you want to be in a solo lane generating pressure by pushing minions and forcing someone to come respond to you or else they lose lots of minions. This works if you are able to beat the guy who responds to be push in 1v1. It helps that the lanes are most likely open so you have a lot of space to work with. The catch is you need to really aware of the enemy team's movements so they can't just send 3 people to kill you without losing anything so you either want vision or allies pushing a different objective. If you are behind you want away from 1v1 situation after someone responds and just look for a pick with team. You can continue to split if you can straight up 1v1 or deal damage to turret but if you find that hard, you want to abuse your mid game and beginning of late game strong phase by pushing waves and then grouping with team to generate a 5v4 for your team while someone takes care of the wave you were pushing in solo lane. You want to be active on the map and get your team ahead while you are relatively strong as Singed falls off fast once people reach their 5-6 item builds. In team fights you want to look for picks if you are strong and don't have anyone else to start a fight. Preferably let someone like Zac start a fight if you have one in your team though. If you are not strong enough to look for picks with Shurelya's Battlesong + Insanity Potion movement speed buffs, you should look to help kite for your main damage sources if they can win you the fights. |
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