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Yasuo Build Guide by Matandkat

Support Best Yassuo Build New Korea Tech birthed by Fakers Dad

Support Best Yassuo Build New Korea Tech birthed by Fakers Dad

Updated on November 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Matandkat Build Guide By Matandkat 1,952 Views 1 Comments
1,952 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Matandkat Yasuo Build Guide By Matandkat Updated on November 6, 2024
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Runes: Dark Harvest go F*ck fakers mum like Fakers dad did (OP)

1 2 3
Dark Harvest
Taste of Blood
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Legend: Alacrity

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
OP (Smite and Ignite those F*ckers)
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Best Yassuo Build New Korea Tech birthed by Fakers Dad

By Matandkat
Why YAssuo Sup
I have cracked the case of LOL, the two main problems of LOL is that each roll as too many responabilities and you cant run over to every fight, or your the sup and are usless dog ****. But with this new Yassuo sup tech I have solved the two main problems of LOL. This makes you an unstopible force of damage with no ties to resposability.
The Early game (OP!!!!!!!!!)
First you want to start the game by following your jungle to the first buff pretend to leash it then smite it. Your jungler will understand you need the money as you scale.

You then head mid not to gank but to get a little farm, your mid won't even notice the missing farm (make sure that you take the cannon if there or anytime you pass through).

Head top and on your way smite your junglers buff then gank top lane (try and take the kill if possible). Remember to take some farm.

After this take both scuttles and a bit off the top of mid wave into a gank bot. (Flame the adc for dieing and take the wave). Take crugs into your first back.
Mid game
This point in the game where you go around scraping the top off of the lanes as well as the jungle. All the scuttle crabs are yours as well. Go to where ever there is a fight claim the kills then take them. Flame anybody who questions the build, poke more holes in their play then they do yours so they shut up.
Late game
Just scale and kill then win the game. Your team will take carem of objectives and if they don't let them know that it is their fault. Just end the game.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Matandkat
Matandkat Yasuo Guide
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Best Yassuo Build New Korea Tech birthed by Fakers Dad

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