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Blitzcrank Build Guide by ForeverChampion

Blitzcrank-The Mana Murderer Machine

Blitzcrank-The Mana Murderer Machine

Updated on November 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ForeverChampion Build Guide By ForeverChampion 2,063 Views 1 Comments
2,063 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ForeverChampion Blitzcrank Build Guide By ForeverChampion Updated on November 11, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hey guys this is my first guide, my name is VindexSemper and I'm gonna show you how I play Blitzcrank. I fully understand that Blitz is made to be a tank, but trust me, Blitzcrank can definitly be a killer. My guide will be updated often but I will need your help and advice so please comment! To be honest, my build looks stupid at first look but when I get in depth about it you'll understand it. I hope you guys enjoy the guide and comment telling me what you think! Thanks for reading,

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I'm not good at making runes but the ones I provided should be pretty nice. I go for a more ap side of runes so my pull and ult deal damage since we start with Manamune. These runes aren't the best so leave some suggestions and I'll take a look. The ap start will very much help because your pull really doesn't do much at start, unless you learn how to pull into turrets, which I'll try to teach later.
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When I play Blitzcrank I like to start with a Sapphire Crystal and two Health Potion so I can pull yet still have some remaining mana, and so I can regenerate my health after I get harassed. After recalling or dieing I try to pick up Tear of the Goddess so I can gain more mana every time I use an ability. Obviously I next get Boots. This may be odd but I love to pick up Manamune, this allows me to auto attack after pulling and actually deal damage, but the real reason I get this item is so me E ability, Power Fist gains tons of damage. I then get my Boots of Swiftness so when I use me speed boost or ghost I go extremely fast giving me an escape plan, and a chase power. I start to get OP when I get Sheen and then I get Archangel's Staff. I turn my Sheen into Lich Bane. I finish up my build and I usually own with it ;).
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Summoner Spells

I go with Ghost and Ignite so I can super speed with my w, and kill with ignite.

Other Viable Spells:
Smite If you wanna jungle but that's not a good idea.
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Well this is my guide for now, please comment and help me improve!

Have fun pulling,
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ForeverChampion
ForeverChampion Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitzcrank-The Mana Murderer Machine

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