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Blitzcrank Build Guide by derEntenpopel

Support Blitzcrank - Your everywhere Support (WIP)

Support Blitzcrank - Your everywhere Support (WIP)

Updated on January 22, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author derEntenpopel Build Guide By derEntenpopel 16,187 Views 1 Comments
16,187 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author derEntenpopel Blitzcrank Build Guide By derEntenpopel Updated on January 22, 2014
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Hi, I am derEntenpopel and this is my really first League of Legends Guide. My main role in LoL is support, so Blitzcrank is one of my favourite champions. For a long time i played Blitz as "Standart Support" and bought the recommended items. But often when i went away from my carry (to support another lane or just for warding) my carry got in trouble, so i built movement speed to stay with him. And i figured out that this is usefull in many ways and cases.

With my movement speed I can run across the map and help everywere where I am needed. And mostly I have to leave my carry only for a few seconds.

  • This is not a guide for your first time Blitzcrank.
  • Movement Speed Blitz is very weak and gets beaten very fast.
  • You should know the basics about Blitz, because I'll not explain any skills in this guide.
  • This guide requires great team work so you should at least be able to communicate (skype/TS3/...) with your carry.
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Pros / Cons


+ Fast, very fast
+ Be everywere
+ Tons of CC
+ Nice escape
+ Can perfectly protect your team mates
+ No one can escape from you
+ If needed you can clear minion waves very fast with your Static Field
+ Funny


- No damage
- Always low life
- Can't do anything alone
- No heal!
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Skill Sequence

I start investing my first two levels into Rocket Grab and Power Fist for early CC and to zone the enemy carry. Then I maximize my Overdrive . After that i maximize my Rocket Grab because I like to grab and due to this i can reduce the cooldown easily.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

If you prefer using the Power Fist, you can also maximize your E as second.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Core Items

Item Sequence

Timeworn Talisman of Ascension 2200
Quicksilver Sash 1300
Twin Shadows 2400
Mobility Boots 1000
Zephyr 3100
Enchantment: Captain 450
  • Sightstone: I think the usage of a Sightstone is clear: Vision!
  • Talisman of Ascension: This is a great escape item for you and your team, because you don't buff only your own movement speed, but the speed of all near allies too.
    On the other hand you can move your team to the "place to be" very fast.
  • Quicksilver Sash: With this item you can tank a lot CC and then you can just remove the debuffs. This is also nice to escape in some situations.
  • Twin Shadows: This item gives you a nice CC even if you are not near to the battle. And in addition it makes you faster.
  • Mobility Boots: SPEEEED :D
  • Zephyr: 35% Tenacity, movement speed. And the attack speed allows you to land your Power Fist a bit faster.
  • Enchantment: Captain: This enchantment allows your team to stay with you. This gives a nice speed buff to near allies in combo with your Talisman of Ascension.


I am usualy starting with the Stealth Ward. I keep this Trinket until i have my Sightstone, then i replace it with the Sweeping Lens.

If you are rushing Sightstone you could get the Scrying Orb instead of Clairvoyance so you have space for another summoner spell.
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Summoner Spells

I really like to play with a combination of Ghost and Clairvoyance, because I can get even faster to the events all over the map. And I can just get vision to land my Rocket Grab through walls or just to check Buffs, Baron, Dragon and so on.

Other Spells:
  • Clarity: You could use this spell to have a few more Rocket Grabs in early game but in late game it's very useless.
  • Heal: always a good choice for a support.
  • Revive: I think if you have played a few games with MS-Blitzcrank you won't need this very often. So another spell could be the better choice.
  • Cleanse: If you need one more item for your Build you can replace your Quicksilver Sash with this one.
  • Teleport: With this spell you need only 4 seconds to get back to your team. But i think you are fast enough to walk, it'll just take a few more seconds.
  • Smite: I think Smite is the last thing you need as a support.
  • Ignite: This is a nice spell to secure kills, but i think you won't need it often.
  • Flash: Is also a very usefull spell to escape and your Flash + Rocket Grab Combo can be used to secure even more kills.
  • Exhaust: Even more CC? Why not!
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From Bot to

Walk (no Spells or Items used)
Walk + Overdrive
Walk + Overdrive + Talisman of Ascension + Ghost

Mid (in sec.)


Top (in sec.)


From your Base

Walk + Overdrive
Walk + Overdrive + Talisman of Ascension + Ghost

to the enemy's Nexus (in sec.)



All times were take in a Custom Match in League of Legends V3.13. With a lvl 18 Blitzcrank with a Full Item Build. And without the Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
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Game Play / Team Work

Work in progress
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Work in progress
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12/18/13 10:30 PM: Release
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League of Legends Build Guide Author derEntenpopel
derEntenpopel Blitzcrank Guide
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Blitzcrank - Your everywhere Support (WIP)

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