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Brand Build Guide by TwistedJay



Updated on September 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TwistedJay Build Guide By TwistedJay 13,393 Views 9 Comments
13,393 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TwistedJay Brand Build Guide By TwistedJay Updated on September 28, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Brand


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Hello. Before you say OMGWTFNOOB CANT GO AD BRAND NOOB DOESNT KNOW HOW TO PLAY TROLOLOLOLOLOLOL Let me start off by saying the AD Brand Build is on the bottom half of the page. So trollers, Go skip one ^.^. For the people who want the Ap section, you're in the right place.
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AP Build

Self-Explanitory, the build under you is the AP Build.
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In a faraway place known as Lokfar there was a seafaring marauder called Kegan Rodhe. As was his people’s way, Kegan sailed far and wide with his fellows, stealing treasures from those unlucky enough to catch their attention. To some, he was a monster; to others, just a man. One night, as they sailed through the arctic waters, strange lights danced over the frozen wastes. There was something hypnotic about them; it was something that drew them to it like moths to a flame. Trekking across the frozen waste, they came to a cave covered in ancient runes. Though the meaning of the runes was long lost to them, Kegan led the way inside. Inside a perfect cage of ice floated a dancing column of flame. There was no way such a thing should be burning, especially not in this place. However, its movement was as hypnotic as a siren's song, captivating and seductive. While the others stayed back, Kegan could not help but approach it while holding out his hand...

That is the last thing Kegan Rodhe remembers, for now his body belongs to Brand. It is a creature of olden times--perhaps even a casualty of the Rune Wars. It is known in ancient texts as the Burning Vengeance. It is a creature of pure fiery hate that exists for no other reason than to lay low the world of men and yordles. No one is quite sure how Brand found his way to Valoran, but he began his predations at once. Overcome by Demacian forces, he was given a choice: fight within the confines of the League or die. Naturally, he chose to use his destructive powers in the League, for now...

"This place will burn, not by cinder flying on breath of wind, but by the vengeance of my hand." –- Brand
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Skill Sequence

Since my skills are a bit ******ed for some people, Let me explain. I used to put Pillar of Flame. It deeply saddens me, because I saw a brand that said, naw, Sear was only for stun. So, I 1v1ed him and because Sear, the skill in question, costing 50 mana and doing the most damage other than Pyroclasm, PLUS blaze at level one, and all you have to do is be good at skillshotting! In the end, he rage quit because he didn't level sear even at level 7! So this is the knowledge of some level 30's. What I do is engage a person at mid with E and Q, stunned, then I auto attack then ignite, keep doing damage with that Ignite. I have gotten First Blood many times by harrassing with my Sear, and Conflag. A LeBlanc CALLED ME OP, and I said, You guys are the most stupidest people, one silence I'm dead. But since my uber gay movement speed is op, she couldn't land a single sigil of silence. It was hilarious. If you are lv18 and fed, Make sure you start off a fight with : Pyroclasm Sear, then finish off with Pillar of Flame and Conflagration. If you take too much damage, CHARGE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Well that explains my Skills.
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I Take cooldown reduction glyphs, because for AP Brand you need to spam your sear like crazy, Using the runes called "Primary Glyphs" Cooldown runes, Magic Pen Runes, two ability power quintessences, and a move quint, useful for escapes. I don't know HOW many times I've escaped with my stun combo and move quints. Also, there is a big chance you will be focused, so Seals of Resilence are cheap and give you VERY nice armor. So that explains my choices.
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I start off with a Meki Pendant, and I build it into a Tear of the Goddess, then an Arcangel's Staff, Then get My Magic Pen boots, My items are in the Descriptions. You can build it in any way, since because They either build Tanky or Ability power.
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9-0-21 I go on every mage except Ryze, but that's another story. The Magic Pen is very good, and it's very good. What im talking about is Archaic Knowledge . Very good early and late game, As this is the reason you want to max sear. If you dont get this, there is something wrong with you and dont call yourself a brand player(UNLESS YOU GO ATTACK DAMAGE). Perseverance is terrible. 4% isn't too good, I just put it to get an extra point for my Experience masteries. Somebody once told me perserverance was amazing, and I went 6 Rod of Ages, and I only got 50 regen from all. So thats Why I hate perseverance.
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Ah Farming Farming Farming. OFC! (Of Course) You would want to farm with your Sear if you are having trouble with last hits. Take the middle lane always. Call it during champion select, and you have the chance of carrying the team. Deny the other laner. Once you have enough gold for a Tear of the Goddess And Boots of Speed, Go recall. Early game you will dominate even without ap, because thats just how sear works. There is almost NO chance, unles you are bad at skillshotting, that you will go negative.
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Summoner Spells

I'll Show you a list of Summoner spells, and what I personally think of them.
Wave your mouse over the spell if you are not sure.
: No
: No
: No
: One of the best for Brand, a noob/pro's heaven.
: Definetly, You need the extra damage early game.
: No
: If you don't want flash, Take away that point in Perserverance in masteries and Use it on ghost.
: For Dominion, it's Best a support should take Promote Garrison.
: See Promote
: If your attack damage dont take exhaust, call them greedy for the kill and hopefully they will change and you wont have this!
: If you Use this guide and you find you need to back out alot, take Teleport.
: No
: If you dont trust flash, Take cleanse, even though this isn't the BEST spell.
: If you are having mana troubles, Take this.
: Gay for 1v1 battles. You may take it.
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Here are some of the results of the AP guide:

21-5-33 AP Brand Loss, Team was all noob
7-0-1 20 min surrender Caitlyn mid fail
16-4-4 Mid Game Leaver Rage quit 1v4 Quadra (Victory)
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Thank you Summoner for reading my Brand guide, I appreciate it. Please Vote, I am Open to constructive Critism!

How I DID pictures: name of item,skill,rune etc With out the star like this
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AD Build

The AD Build Is HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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So. This is the AD Build, I have made it to troll at noobs, and carried the team very very suprisingly. So enjoy the AD Build like the AP Build. Remember, Don't rage and troll at me, because this is a SOLO BARON AD Build.
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Skill Sequence

Why, you may ask, the skills are different? Well, AD Brand needs Farm and Kills, So get the click shot, and dont take Pillar of Flame as it will rape your mana. Conflagration Has the best hit chance, as I said before, It's a click shot. Once the stun goes off, keep hitting, then if the stun is off, exhaust, conflag, wait for a second, then stun, then KEEP ATTACKING (Warning, If the character is a caitlyn, keep harrassing with your conflagration and sear).So basiclly the combo is: Pyroclasm, then the stun, Sear, OFC, Conflagration, and the final one, Pillar of FLame. Thats the Main combo for about 2 people, as you can just rape them with your auto attacks, because this is a build that works Two ways, Gets fed and needs to get fed.
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I have soloed Baron many times, Because I take phantom dancers, Mostly because it gives Attack Speed, Critical Strike, and Movement speed. I don't Incoperate an Infinity edge, You can swap the frozen mallet, Because I personally dont like giving up 20 attack damage and 700 health. You can try this in a normal game, since normals are basiclly like co-op vs ai now. Just make sure you have boots, because 500 movement speed is insane with boots. They will say, OMG WTF BRAND WHY THAT ITEM, I say: dw, i carry. At the end of this guide I will show you my results with these items and the time it took me to solo baron.
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I build any AD Character like I build Tryndamere, Mostly because I build crazy AD, with 21-0-9 masteries, getting the most offensive spells. This is self explainitory, because the Masteries are a great deal in every game. Getting the most xp at mid lane, I dominate, by getting boots 3 hp pots, giving me survivability, and movement speed. If there is an Ezreal laning against you, Chances are he will miss all his skillshots. The point is, My items are very ****py for some people, some people like to play aggressive.
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OK, The main reason AD Brand is viable. Greater Quintessence of DesolationArmor Pen quints, about 20 Armor pen. And, I take Magic Resist glyphs, and Armor seals. More tanky FTW! And I take Magic Resist glyphs, Mostly because they are Primaries. Primaries are So much better than secondary runes, because 3 secondary runes are about 1 Primary. Like seals of Attack damage, They ARE TERRIBLE. You might get focused down, so the Armor and Magic Resist will help you.
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Very Much like the AP Build, Farm as much as you can. Snatch the middle lane whenever you can. If you are duo laning, Please steal the minion kills because you NEED the gold, as the team will probably be defensive. If you are laning against a carry, switch lanes. Take solo top at best. Get the bloodthirsters first, Madred's Bloodrazors Madreds second, then finish off with either 2 pds or 1 PD and IE. (Phantom Dancer) (Infinity Edge).
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Summoner Spells

I'll Show you a list of Summoner spells, and what I personally think of them.
Wave your mouse over the spell if you are not sure.
: No
: No
: No
: One of the best for Brand, a noob/pro's heaven.
: Exhaust is alot better for AD builds. : No
: If you don't want flash, Take away that point in Perserverance in masteries and Use it on ghost.
: For Dominion, it's Best a support should take Promote Garrison.
: See Promote
: Please take this. This is the most best summoner spell for AD people. : If you Use this guide and you find you need to back out alot, take Teleport.
: No
: If you dont trust flash, Take cleanse, even though this isn't the BEST spell.
: If you are having mana troubles, Take this.
: Gay for 1v1 battles. You may take it.
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Summary (Plus Results)

So, This is the final end of the AD Brand build, please test it before voting **** stuff.


15-0-4 Solo Baron nashor in 40 seconds. (Victory)

11-2-1 Team Baron at 15 Minutes (Victory)

I have only tested this build 3 Times, as a custom, a Normal, and a Ranked win. (11-2-1)
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Summary No.2

Give me feedback on both builds, I don't care about the rankings or anything. I just want to see what people think about my build.
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